Yes, I Am Spoiled. So What? 28

It was quiet, so silent that the air seemed so suffocating and death-luring. Avina's hands cupped the mug in front of her, shaking. The dark, rich chocolate liquid inside shivered and rippled, creating intricate circular designs within its surface. No matter how hard she tried, the trembles couldn't stop.

Sitting in front of her was Lily. Her eyes were glued to her figure, and she could feel her stare moving slowly across her body, scanning and analyzing to her heart's content. It rolled around her body and slithered ever so slightly like a snake would. Feeling the tingling sensation, Avina shuddered.

"Anything you need?" Avina's voice shook as her words echoed.

"Why do you think I need something?" Lily returned the question to her.

Avina: … Well, I wouldn't know-

'Maybe because your eyes are staring a hole into my soul,' Avina whispered scowlingly in her mind.