Yes, I Am Spoiled. So What? 29

For the next few days, Avina was filled with anxiety and nervousness. She didn't want to meet the siblings, hoping they would eventually forget her existence. If she met them, how would she act? And that was the predicament she desperately desired to avoid.

'Are they gone?'

5025 sighed and peeked out from the corner. It looked left. It looked right. Once it repeated for another time, it returned. Visible annoyance and a tad bit of boredom took over its eyes.

'They're gone,' 5025 grunted out. It watched its Host cautiously walk out and make a run for the kitchen. And then, she stopped once more at a corner and looked at it with sparkling eyes.

5025 frowned but still walked over. Avina pointed to the hallways and asked with her eyes for it to scout again. 5025 wrinkled its brows and though he loved his Host dearly, didn't want to be reduced to a state of a cautionary dog.