Kim Hyejin

"Jenny, come over here." A beautiful young girl of age twenty-one said to a toddler, as she gestured to her with a smile on her face.

When the toddler heard her name being called she immediately turned to the direction of the voice.

On seeing the young woman, a bright smile turned up on the little child's face as she ran to the woman with open arms.

"Mama.....mama.....mama!." The child called out to her.

"Did you miss mama?." The young woman asked as she embraced the little girl.

"Jenny missed mama." The little girl replied in her cute baby voice while nodding her head.

"Good girl. Mama missed Jenny as well." The woman said in a low voice as she cuddled her little one.

The young woman lifted the child in her arms effortlessly as she walked into the living room.

One can tell from the way the young woman lifted the child in her arms, that she was used to that.

"Mama what do you have in you bag?." The little girl asked in her cute voice as she made a huge effort to take the bag off her mother's shoulder.

"I just have my books in there." The young woman replied without looking at the child.

"Mama, did you forget the chocolates I asked for?." The young girl asked with a sad face as she stopped dragging her mother's bag.

The young woman pretended to have forgotten her little one's request. She opened her mouth in shock before saying to the little one, "Hyejin, mum is sorry. Don't worry, I will buy chocolates for you this weekend."

"I always hear that every time. Mama put me down!." The little girl said in annoyed tone with her puffed up cheeks.

She looked so cute as she did that.

She must have been so tired of hearing her mother come up with the same excuses every time.

"Hyejin, Mama is sorry. Really, I promise to buy you big chocolates this weekend." The young woman assured her.

"Okay. Mama put me down." The little girl insisted, so the young woman had no choice than to put her down.

Immediately the young girl felt her feet on the rugged floor, she turned her back to her moither and walked away.

"Hyejin! Hyejin-ah!." The young woman called out to her, but she received no response from the little one.

"Aiyah! She must be really mad at me this time around." The young woman said to herself in a low voice as she stared at the direction her daughter disappeared to.

"What did you do to Hyejin to make her ignore me?." A woman in her late forties asked as she walked to the dining table with plates of appetizing dishes in her hands.

She placed the dishes on the table before turning to the young woman with a questioning look on her face.

"Nothing much." The young woman replied lazily as she walked to the dining table.

She glanced at the dishes with a smile on her face before going on to close her eyes and perceived the aroma of the food.

"Mum, you really knew your daughter would come home hungry, and that's the reason you prepared this mouth-watering dishes." The young woman said as she stretched out her finger to deep it into a bowl of fish sauce, but her hand got slapped away.

"Ma!." The young woman cried out with a big frown on her face.

"You angered my granddaughter, and instead of pacifying her, you allowed her to be by herself, and you think I would allow you eat? Dream on!." The older woman said as she rolled her eyes at the younger woman.

"Ma! I didn't annoy her, I only played a little prank on her." The young woman confessed.

"You played a prank on her? What kind of prank did you play on that little child?." The older woman asked with widened eyes as she hit her daughter.

The young woman escaped from her. She stood at a distance as she replied her.

"It was a harmless prank. Who knew she would be this angry. I promised to buy her chocolates, and when I came back, she asked me for it, but I pretended to have forgotten it, so she got angry and left. I even called her back to tell her I was joking, but she didn't even want to look at me? So what was I supposed to do?."

"You are asking me what you were supposed to do? You are a mother, and you are asking me how to pacify your child? I think you will surely figure out the answers to these questions by the time you must have starved for more than two days?." The older woman threatened.

"What?! Ma, how can you treat me this way, I'm your daughter!." The young woman reminded her in annoyed manner.

"Hyejin is my granddaughter. If you really want to eat, you know what to do." The older woman said to her before going into the kitchen.

"And don't touch any of the food on that table if you don't want to walk to school tomorrow." The older woman threatened from the kitchen.

The younger woman could only stare at the dishes and swallow her saliva.

As if she was reminded of something, the young woman clapped her hands in excitement before picking up her school bag from the sofa.

She opened the bag and took out a packet of chocolates, before walking away from the living room as she called out to her daughter.

"Jenny! Jenny! Mama bought some chocolates for you!."

The older woman in the kitchen shook her head as she continued to dish out the food.

She wondered when her daughter would grow up!.

The Little girl whom the young woman was calling was named Kim Hyejin, she is our female lead. She will be three years in two months time.

Hyejin has an English name only her mother called her by, 'Jenny', which is short for Jennifer.