Kim Hyejin's Birthday

After much effort, Park Mun-Hee managed to put her granddaughter to sleep.

She covered her with the duvet before coming out from the room and shutting the door gently behind her.

"Has she slept?." Park Hayoon asked as she drank a glass of water.

"So you know how to care for your daughter?." Park Mun-Hee jested.

"Of course, she is my daughter, and so naturally, I should care for her. Her birth wasn't an easy fit though." Park Hayoon said as a painful smile appeared on her face.

"No birth is easy." Her mother commented.

Just then, they heard the doorbell ring. But surprisingly, the person who was feeling sad a few moments ago had a look filled with shock.

She hurriedly swallowed the water in her mouth, kept the glass of water on the dining table before rushing out frantically.

"Where are you running to? I thought you had a lot of guts?." Park Mun-Hee called out to her as a smile appeared on her face.

But it was fine if she didn't receive a reply, not that she needed to hear one, anyway.

Park Mun-Hee opened the door for a middle-aged man who looked tired. He is her husband, Mr. Park Ha-Jun.

She welcomed him and took his work briefcase and coat from him after she must have locked the door.

"Should I serve your food?." Mrs. Park asked gently.

Mr. Park sat down on the couch as he massaged his temples.

"I had my dinner with the investors." He replied tiredly.

"How was the meeting? Did it go well?." Mrs. Park asked carefully.

"It can be considered successful." He replied positively.

"That's good! Come to the room so you can have your bath and rest." Mrs. Park said to him gently.

Mr. Park listened to her as he stood up and followed her to their bedroom.

"How come I can't hear any noise?." He asked her. Not that he cared a lot about it, but just that he wanted to know.

"They have gone to sleep." Mrs. Park replied for she knew who he was asking about.

She sighed tiredly as she put his clothing in the laundry basket before going into the bathroom to run the bath for him.

It's more than three years now since the relationship between her husband and the last child drew apart.

Since Park Hayoon was discovered to be pregnant, the relationship between her and her father has been hanging by a thread.

The main reason that caused their relationship to strain is too deep. Her father was, insulted for her sake when he tried to fight for her rights, and that was the man that had pride in his reputation and image.

Mrs. Park sighed again. There was nothing she could do to mend the relationship between the father and daughter.

She could only believe that time would heal their relationship.

The next few days that came, Park Hayoon went to college and did her part-time job. She was determined to earn money to train her daughter.

While she walked hard to earn money, her little one watched cartoons, eat, sleep, and play with her toys all day.

She didn't care much about her mother since she had her grandmother to care for her.

At times, she would miss her mother so much that she would throw a tantrum just to speak to her, so her grandmother would have no choice but to phone her.

The only thing that made the little Hyejin obedient, was her mother's promise to celebrate her birthday and take her out on that day.

"Jenny, you have to be obedient. Mama is working hard to earn money to give you a big birthday celebration."

That was the promise that made her obedient.

So imagine what would happen if that promise wasn't fulfilled? There would be a big war.

Two Months Later...

Today is Kim Hyejin's birthday, She is three years old today.

The little one woke up very early today because she knew today was her birthday. Due to excitement, she woke her mother up and pulled her out of bed in her half-asleep state.

"Hyejin!." Park Hayoon called out in annoyance.

"Mama, it's my birthday today! You have to wake up!." Little Hyejin said in her cute childish voice as she pulled her mother's arm with a lot of effort.

But no matter how those short chubby arms pulled on with all their might, it still was mediocre when compared to her mother's weight and strength.

"Is that how you should wake your mother up in the morning of your birthday?." Park Hayoon asked as she stared speechlessly at the child that was sweating and breathing heavily.

"Mama, are you sure you are my mother?." Kim Hyejin asked as he sat her little ass, on the floor.

"Why do you ask?." Park Hayoon asked as she sat up on the bed.

"You didn't even wish me!." Kim Hyejin complained with a frown on her face.

"Oh, that's it? Since you already called me Mama, don't you the answer to that question?." Park Hayoon asked as she laid back on the bed.

"Mama....!" Kim Hyejin cried out. But when she didn't get any response from her mother, she started crying.

Well, it was more like a fake cry just to get her mother's attention, and it did work because Park Hayoon sat up immediately she heard her cries.

Seeing that her prank worked, Kim Hyejin stopped crying as she exchanged glances with her mother.

"Alright, I give up!." Park Hayoon concluded when she saw her daughter blinking her tear-stained eyelashes.

That move of hers, made her look cute, and her request, irresistible to pay attention to.

"Go and greet Grandma and Grandpa, then you will come over and have your bath."

"Gran.....gran...grandpa?." Little Hyejin asked, looking quite scared.

"Yes, hurry up and go." Park Hayoon shooed her daughter away.

When the little one left, she sighed in relief and got up to dress the bed.