Going to the rink

"But how did you manage to strike this deal?." Park Mun-Hee asked curiously, for she believed that the manager will not agree to rent the rink out for free for six months just like that, something must have prompted the decision.

"Nothing much, I met an old man when I went there, so I gave him a helping hand even though I was in a hurry. After helping him out, he asked me what I came for, and I told him. He asked about Hyejin's age, so I told him, and even showed him a picture of her.

"He seemed to like her, so he said she can come and practice there without paying for six months. But I believe he said that because he thought my daughter just wanted to have fun." Park Hayoon revealed.

"It doesn't matter. As long as we get to save the money and put it into other things, it's alright." Park Mun-Hee said with a smile.

"Right! Let me go and break the good news to Hyejin, I am very sure she would be excited, because she has been longing to try on the skating shoes Ji Hu bought for her, and because of that reason, she has been practicing hard." Park Hayoon revealed with excitement on her face, as she couldn't wait to break the good news to her daughter.

Both mother and daughter could already picture the joy that will be on the little girl's face when she learns of the news.

Just like they imagined, Kim Hyejin was so excited when she heard the good news, that she jumped around the house in joy.

From that day, till the next month when she will be able to go to the rink, Kim Hyejin was very obedient.

She didn't make a fuss during that period, for fear that her mother would not allow her to practice on the rink.

She was so obedient, that when next she requested for Ice-cream and got rejected, she didn't cry. Instead, she sat obediently by her mother's side.

Since Park Hayoon didn't want her to take Ice-cream regularly, she added a note to the diet plan, that she would have the Ice-cream once in two weeks if she excelled in her AFL activities.

But till the time for her to eat Ice-cream comes, she would have to enjoy the freshly squeezed juice, and healthy smoothie prepared for her.

Park Hayoon made sure that Kim Hyejin had Yoga sections in the mornings before she left for college. Then while she was away, Her mother would help her practice some AFL activities.

Then on some evenings, she would take her to practice ballet in her part-time job.

Although she wanted to push her daughter to achieve a lot, Hyejin was only but a toddler, so she couldn't push her too far.

But there were some activities she couldn't miss out on even for a day, such as Yoga and the AFL activities.


Today was a bright new day, and the day Kim Hyejin would be trying on her skating shoes. But surprisingly, the little one was still sleepy, because she stayed up late due to the excitement for the next day, which is today.

Park Hayoon had a hard time getting her to wake up.

When she called out to her and shook her body gently, Kim Hyejin said to her in her sleepy state, "Mama leave me alone, I want to sleep."

Park hayoon was speechless but tried waking her a few more times, but the little girl insisted on not bulging, so Park Hayoon nodded her head and said as she got off from the bed.

"That's right, continue sleeping. Let me see if you can still go to the rink today."

Those words were like magic because Kim Hyejin's eyes immediately opened when she heard those words.

Those words were what fueled her enthusiasm, so she opened her eyes and immediately sat up on the bed as she glanced at her mother with a frown on her face, as if she was pointing accusing fingers at her.

Seeing that she was awake, Park Hayoon spread out their Yoga mats on the floor in the room and gestured for her to come over so they could do their morning routine.

Kim Hyejin went to her side obediently and sat down on her pink Yoga mat. Then she followed her mother's steps and did a breathing exercise (Inhaling and Exhaling), before they stayed in a meditative pose (they put their left legs on their right legs and the right on their left), and started their meditation.

After that, they ended their Yoga practice after striking some Yoga poses.

This morning before they left for the rink, Park Mun-Hee prepared a healthy milkshake for her granddaughter. And when she handed the bottle of milkshake to Kim Hyejin, she accepted it with gladness of heart.

"Be careful when you get there." Park Mun-Hee reminded them just before they left their house.

"I know mum, and thanks for the reminder." Park Hayoon said as she held her daughter's hand and left the house.

On their way to the rink, Kim Hyejin kept smiling from ear to ear. Right now, it would not be an easy task for her if you told her to smile, for this has been the long-awaited day of her life.

When they got to the rink, there were some people there already.

But because Km Hyejin was a special case and didn't need to be admitted with money like the others, Park Hayoon took her to meet the old man from the other, who was a huge figure and more important than the manager of the rink.

The old man was happy to meet Kim Hyejin. He was all smiles as he shook the little girl's hand. After exchanging pleasantries, The Old man gave Kim Hyejin the paperwork, as that would permit them to come to the rink to practice at any time they wanted without paying for the next six months.

Park Hayoon thank the man gratefully before she took Kim Hyejin with her to sit on the bench.