Called in for a discussion

Later that evening, Kim Hyejin was watching a figure skating show on the Tv. She didn't just watch it to entertain herself, she watched it to get a few pointers.

Then Later when she saw her mother, she said to her, "Mama, I really want to do this."

Park Hayoon was taken aback by her confession, as she didn't know what she was talking about. But then, it dawned on her that she was talking about figure skating.

"Are You sure about this?." Park Hayoon asked as she sat on the couch in the living room.

"Yes." Kim Hyejin replied.

"But you are scared of falling, how will you manage that?." Park Hayoon asked as she gazed at her daughter with interest.

Kim Hyejin seemed lost by the sudden question. She glanced at the Tv and saw a female Figure Skater land a jump, so she pointed at the Tv.

A smile appeared on Park Hayoon's face as she slid to the floor to sit beside her little one.

"Jenny, there is one thing you need to know about skating. Have this in mind, that you will always fall, and that's not a bad thing, because everybody does, even Patrick Chan! Falls are just a part of skating. But as you grow up, you will have a coach that will teach you how to manage your falls"

"Mama did you fall when you were learning to skate?." Kim Hyejin asked curiously.

'I'm teaching her something important, and all she wants to know is if I have before' Park Hayoon thought.

"Yes. I fell so many times, but I didn't give up, because I wanted to learn skating. If I didn't push on and had given up, I wouldn't have been able to skate today, and try teaching you." Park Hayoon said in reply.

"Ohhh I see." Kim Hyejin said replied while nodding her head.

"Mama, who is Patrichan?." Kim Hyejin asked when she remembered that her mother made mention of that name.

"Patrick Chan? He is a former figure skater gold medalist." Park Hayoon explained in the simplest way possible.

The next weekend, Park Hayoon took her daughter to the park with a hula hoop.

At first, when Kim Hyejin saw the hula hoop, she tried rolling it like a tire, but her mother took it from her, saying it was for exercise.

Then she asked her mother to show her how to play it, and her mother promised to bring her to the park the next weekend, to show her how to exercise with it.

Now, they were in the park.

Kim Hyejin watched her mother put the hula hoop on her waist, before twirling her waist in rhythm with it.

"Wow! You are so good at this. Pretty lady, how come you are so good at everything?." Kim Hyejin asked with a smile on her face, as she gazed at her mother with pride.

"Am I good at everything?." Park Hayoon asked in surprise as she dropped the hula hoop, before uncapping a bottle of water and drinking half of its content.

"Yes." Kim Hyejin replied as she gazed at her mother.

Park Hayoon was sure that the little girl's neck was starting to hurt because of the difference in their height, so she squats before her so that she won't struggle to look up again.

"What are the things I'm good at?." She asked with a smile on her face.

"Yoga, games, ballet, and skating, almost everything." Kim Hyejin counted with her fingers as she listed them.

Park Hayoon chuckled softly as she pinched her cheeks. "Mama is not good at everything. The parts you listed are what I'm good at. I do not know how to do everything. Okay see, have you eaten my food before?."

"Nooo." Kim Hyejin replied. She has never seen her mother cook.

"You see? That's because Mama doesn't know how to cook." Park Hayoon said to her in a soft tone.

"Ohhhh!." The little girl exclaimed, as she suddenly knew why her mother has never cooked for her.

She was a child and didn't know a lot of things. But this thought has once crossed her mind. Because she always saw her grandmother in the kitchen, and her mother in the dining whenever food was served, she wondered what was going on.

But with her mother's confession now, she finally knew the reason her mother has never cooked for her, she didn't know how to cook.

"Pretty lady, can I give the hula hoop a try?." Kim Hyejin requested.

"No, at least not for now. This length is for adults." Park Hayoon said to her as she pointed at the hula hoop at the side.

"Okay. Do I get to try it out when you get the one for me?." Kim Hyejin asked as she gave her mother a pretty gaze.

"Yes." Park Hayoon said to her with a smile on her face.

'She knows how to get people to do her bidding with that killer smile' Park Hayoon thought.

In the morning of the next day, Park Hayoon went into her father's study to see him. For the past hour, she has been in there along with her mother.

The main topic of discussion was Kim Hyejin's career.

"I learned from your mother that Hyejin is taking up figure skating, is that true?." Park Ha-Jun inquired.

"Yes, father." Park Hayoon replied in a low tone.

"Is there no other thing she can do other than figure skating?." Park Ha-Jun asked in a strict tone.

"Father, this is what Hyejin wants to do, I didn't choose that part for her." Park Hayoon said in defense.

"I have been busy for the past few weeks, and that is the reason I didn't pay attention to this matter when your mother informed me of it. Do you have the money to train Hyejin for that?." Park Ha-Jun asked.

Park Hayoon was quiet. The situation was so obvious that it didn't need a reply.

Seeing that she was quiet, Park Ha-Jun shook his head in disappointment.