Her desire to talk while skating

The more Kim Hyejin continued to practice Ice skating with her uncle, the better she was at it.

"Good girl, keep it up. Do it again." Park Ji-Hu instructed as he followed her closely on the Ice.

This time around, Kim Hyejin fell, and Park Ji-Hu quickly helped her up.

"Let me see, are you hurt?." Park Ji Hu asked in concern as he stared at the little girl.

Kim Hyejin shook her head in reply. She was now getting stronger in mind because she didn't cry.

"That's good. Do you want to rest?." Park Ji Hu asked her. He took pity on his little niece, because she was still a child, and had a dream aspiring to be something she has to put all her heart to, something that she won't ever have even a little chance to slack off.

"I'm fine, I want to continue." Kim Hyejin said to him.

She didn't want to rest at all. Since she learned that to be an Olympic figure skater, one has to train continuously, she was determined to train until she couldn't lift a single.

'Sacrifice must be painful in other for the outcome to be gainful.' This is the exact quote she is adhering to.

"Okay, come on let's go." Park Ji Hu said as he held her little hand and skated along with the rink with her.

While skating, he kept giving her pointers on what not to do, and what to do to keep her balance.

As time went on, Park Ji Hu left her to skate on her own, and within a few minutes, she fell to the ground.

Instead of getting up after falling, Kim Hyejin sat there with a frown on her face.

"Hyejin you have to stand up and keep moving. Nobody will help you up, you've got to that yourself." Park Ji Hu said to her as he skated to her side.

Kim Hyejin glanced at her uncle after she managed to stand up by herself after struggling for a while.

"Uncle, you sound like my mother." She reported.

"Oh really? Then I guess we have one goal, giving you pointers for your future use." Park Ji Hu said in reply.

Kim Hyejin stared speechlessly at him, she was now starting to dislike this uncle of hers.

Park Ji Hu came to her side and said while squatting. "Hyejin, you have to train now, so you can join a group in a few months, and compete."

"Wow! So I get to compete so fast?." Kim Hyejin asked in surprise.

"Yes. Very soon, you will join a class of people of your age, then you will get to receive lessons from a coach. This will help you to compete at the end of the year." Park Ji Hu revealed with a smile.

"Are the classes fun?." Kim Hyejin asked curiously with the curiosity of a child.

She was referring to the class her uncle mentioned.

"Yes, it will be fun. You will get to meet children of your age. You will learn along with them and also compete with them. But don't forget that you are not joining the class just to make friends, but to learn, it's very important."

"Do you understand what Uncle said to you?." Park Ji Hu asked, afraid that she didn't understand what he said.

"Yes uncle, Hyejin understands." Kim Hyejin replied in her cute baby voice.

"Good girl, let's go on." Park Ji Hu said, like rose and skated alongside her.

He was slow because he had to wait for the little girl who just learned to skate on her own.

"Don't speed up, take it easy." Park Ji Hu cautioned when he noticed she had increased her speed a little.

"Uncle, when do I get to skate li..." Kim Hyejin was trying to ask a question when she suddenly slipped, but her uncle was in time to catch her before she fell to the iced floor.

"Hyejin don't talk while you're skating at this stage because it's easy for you to lose focus and fall." Park Ji Hu cautioned her as he steadied her on her feet.

"But you talk to me while skating, why can't I do it too?." Kim Hyejin asked with a frown as she sat on the iced floor

Park Ji Hu sighed. It was not easy to coach or train a child, his brain was already getting exhausted.

"Hyejin, you are still a child, and therefore you can easily lose focus and fall. But as for me, I am an adult, and this is my field. I am good at this sport, that is the reason I can talk and skate at the same time. Do you understand now?."

"Yes. Uncle, I want to grow up quickly." Kim Hyejin said.

"And why is that so?." Park Ji Hu asked as he stared at her in curiosity. But in his mind, he had another thought ongoing.

'If you knew the responsibilities that come with being an adult, you will hope to remain a happy child.'

"I want to be able to skate so well like you. I want to grow up so fast, so I can skate and talk at the same time." Kim Hyejin said as her mind wandered to the future.

Park Ji Hu presses his temples as he stared at her wordlessly.

The little girl was still lost in her thoughts with a foolish smile on her face. And since he couldn't watch her any longer, he had to bring her back to reality.

"Hyejin, you should be thinking of learning how to dance while skating, and not talking as you skate. Did you even hear what I've been teaching you these days? You are going to be a figure skater in some years to come and not a 'talking skater'. Hyejin you have to be serious here and remove all those crazy thoughts from your head."

Park Ji Hu paused as he stared at the child to see if she was paying attention to his words.

Kim Hyejin blinked her round eyeballs as she gazes at her Uncle.