Park Ji Hu's experience on the rink that made him quit

After the coffee conversation came to an end, Park Ha Jun repeated the question he asked him earlier. And since Park Ji Hu knew he couldn't escape from it, he decided to give his father a piece of his mind.

"Dad, I have already found a job, and I am satisfied with it. I have no plans of coming here to work."

"What kind of job did you find?." Park Ha Jun asked while gazing at him with a deep look.

"I will be one of the coaches at the rink Hyejin is practicing on." Park Ji Hu replied as he picked up the cup of coffee from the table, and gulped the whole thing down his throat.

Park Ha Jun still had his eye fixed on him. His countenance couldn't tell what he was thinking.

With a hand to relax his jaw, he passed his cup of coffee to him as he asked, "Do you plan on working there forever?."

Park Ji Hu whispered a word of thanks in a carefree manner, as he took the cup of coffee his father passed to him.

Then he took a sip from it, before replying to his question.

"No, I will only work there until Hyejin advances in age, and gets a professional coach."

This was Park Ji Hu's plan. He planned on taking the job offer from the management in the ice rink where he engaged in skating sections with his niece, then he would only work there till Kim Hyejin can take on serious and important competitions.

Let's just say, he would only work there for three years.

"After that, what next?." Park Ha Jun asked for he was curious about his son's plans.

"Then I will come and work for you." Park Ji Hu replied as a smile played on his lips.

He took up to, four sips from the cup of coffee, before licking his lips like a child.

"You have to take this company seriously. At the end of it all, you will be the one to inherit it. If you are not interested in taking over from me, tell me before I die, so I can sell it, or give it one of my grandchildren." Park Ha Jun said with a serious expression on his face.

"Relax father, I will take over from you, it's just a matter of time. You have already built this foundation for me to step into the business world, so I will surely take it. This job is better than being a small-time figure skating coach." Park Ji Hun replied, then he gulped down the remaining coffee, before keeping the cup on the table, then he continued.

"You just served me a good mine in a platter of gold, why would I reject it?. I will join the company in three years. I need to make sure Hyejin is comfortable and in good hands. This is the least I can do for Hayoon."

Park Ha Jun sighed as he shut his eyes.

Each time he recalled the career path this granddaughter of his took, he would feel his mind already stressed.

"You have some connection in figure skating, at least you can help out by getting a good coach that will take good care of her." Park Ha Jun suddenly spoke, as he glanced at his son.

"Dad, there is no need for you to worry, I will handle that area. I will contact my coach for recommendations when the time is close".

Park Ji Hu said, referring to his figure skating coach back in the days.

"I should be worried. This is my granddaughter we are talking about! Have you forgotten what happened to you?." Park Ha Jun asked in a raised tone. He looked quite pained.

Park Ji Hu looked exhausted as that topic was brought up. He didn't look like he was ready to talk about it, so he replied "Dad, that was an accident, and it happened in the past. We should move on to the future and hope Hyejin doesn't get to experience anything like that."

"Why should I not talk about it? We thought we almost lost you back then. If only you knew how much I regretted allowing you to follow your figure skating dreams, you will not be sitting here, and asking me to move on." Park Ha Jun said in a bitter tone.

His son almost lost his life, a few years back during the Olympics figure skating competition. His fall was a result of manipulation by one of his opponents.

His opponent loosed a screw from his figure skates, and since he was not aware of it, and didn't check them out, he wore them and entered the rink.

As he started making some bold moves on the rink, he realized that something was wrong with his skates, but then, he couldn't stop to see what was wrong, he was in the middle of an international competition!

Since he couldn't check them out, he continued skating and making some jumps, until he tried his signature move, which led him to a bad fall.

It was as if the world came to a halt because everybody was too shocked to react. They didn't see that coming, that was so unexpected!

As Park Ji Hu fell to the iced floor, he felt so much pain that he couldn't move a muscle.

It was his coach that reacted immediately as he ran into the rink and a set of the medical team behind him.

It was only then that screams and worried voices were heard from the shocked audience.

As Park Ji Hu wasn't moving, they thought he was dead, so they became scared and started to panic.

The judges had to pause the competition for some minutes.

When his coach got to his side, he managed to have eye contact with him.

He was in so much pain, that he couldn't say anything or move a muscle. The pain he felt was worse than death.

At that point, he would have preferred he died or passed out, then suffered those excruciating pain.

Park Ji Hu's coach had fear written all over him as he knelt beside him and gazed at his bloody face.

He immediately got the Medical team to check him out.

The medical team didn't need to be reminded of their work before they got to it.