Getting a Professional Figure skating Coach

A month ago, Kim Hyejin celebrated her fifth birthday and had her first-ever competition at the local rink she practiced in.

And now, she was preparing for an international competition that would be held in Thailand.

She was getting better and better in skating that she could now do some moves.

At least, her ballet classes and AFL activities were not in vain.

Park Hayoon also started teaching her daughter how to use the hula hoop.

The event Kim Hye Jin would be participating in is the ISI character spotlight which would be held in Bangkok, Thailand 🇹🇭.

In that competition, she would meet children younger and older than her.

"I think she started figure skating a bit late." Park Hayoon said to her mother in the living room.

"Why do you say?." Park Mun Hee asked.

"I've seen other young figure skaters of age 4, who has been skating for half their lives, and they are good in the sport." Park Hayoon said.

"It doesn't matter. Age is not important here. What matters is that Hyejin picked interest in this sport, and has a great potential for it. And she is doing very well now." Park Mun Hee said.

"I would have loved her to start competing as early as possible." Park Hayoon said and sighed thereafter.

Park Mun Hee glanced at her and posed a question, "All these doesn't matter. Those children skaters that started skating at 2 years, how long do you think they lasted on the rink?."

Park Hayoon was left speechless because she didn't think to that level.

"I'm telling you that it doesn't matter the age she started training, what matters is her potential. Those children that started skating at two years, would never skate properly. Maybe in their first six months, they wouldn't want their parents to leave them, so they would keep crying. Then at three years, they would become used to standing on the skates and walk with them, before learning how to glide. So, don't compare my grandchild with anybody, and do not force to do anything dangerous." Park Mun Hee advised.

"Alright mum, it's not like I will force my daughter to do anything dangerous. I know what is right. It's just that I was thinking it would have been beneficial if she started early. But there is no problem now. Since she chose this sport on her own and has a great potential for it, I'm sure she will do well in it." Park Hayoon said.

Just then, Park Ji Hu came in with Park Hyejin hand in hand.

Park Hyejin greeted her mother and grandmother before going into the room.

"Brother, have you gotten in contact with any professional figure skating Coach yet? Hyejin needs to practice a lot for the upcoming International competitions she has." Park Hayoon said, asking Park Ji Hu.

"I don't have any trouble with getting a figure skating coach. The problem is the money for payment, it would cost a lot." Park Ji Hu said as he took a sit.

"I don't have any problem with the money. The money will be ready once I have spoken with the coach and agreed on some terms." Park Ji Hu revealed.

"Where will you get that amount of money from?." Park Mun Hee asked worriedly.

"Mum, don't worry about the source. Just worry about giving Hyejin a good meal." Park Hayoon said to her.

"Have I not been giving her a healthy meal?." Park Mun Hee asked.

Park Hayoon sighed as she explained, "Mum you know that's not what I mean."

"No, I don't know what you mean." Park Mun Hee denied with an annoyed look on her face.

"I meant that you are Hyejin's dietician, and your job is to handle any food or drink she would take." Park Hayoon explained as she hugged her arm.

Park Mun Hee rolled her eyes and turned her face away, feigning anger.

"Aigoo, who annoyed my mother?. Mum, you know that we are family, and we are actively participating in Hyejin's wellbeing. All of us have individual roles to play in Hyejin's career." Park Hayoon said as she leaned her head on her mother's shoulder.

"Aiyah! I have heard you. Don't lean on my shoulder with your heavy head, do you think you are still a child?." Park Mun Hee berated her.

"Omma! Have you forgotten that I am your last child so that automatically makes me your baby?" Park Hayoon said as she whined like a child.

"Aiyah! Let go off my arm so I can serve Lunch." Park Mun Hee said as she gently pushed her shoulder away.

Park Ji Hu who has been watching the drama for a while suddenly spoke up after the drama has ended. "Mum, Yoon-ah you don't have to worry about the money for the coach, Dad said he would settle it."

"Did your Father say that?." Park Mun Hee asked in surprise.

"No, I won't let him pay for this one since I have the money. He can pay for the next section." Park Hayoon said, cutting them off.

Park Mun Hee slapped her shoulder immediately as she asked, "Your father wants to help you out, and you are rejecting him?."

"Ah! Omma! Who said I'm rejecting his help? I would need his help a lot, but not now that I have the money. I would still take the money from him, but not now. I know when to ask for it." Park Hayoon said as she rubbed her shoulder.

" What if your father changes his mind?." Park Mun Hee asked in concern.

"Mum don't worry, the father will not change his plans. He has already accepted this fact, so he will not go back to his words. He was the one that asked me to quickly find a coach for Hyejin, saying he would pay for it." Park Ji Hu revealed as he assured his mother.

Park Hayoon nodded in agreement.

"I see the reason you are so bold." Park Mun Hee said as she stood to her feet.

"Go and check on my granddaughter, she has been in the room for a while now." She added as she walked into the kitchen.

"Oppa, when do you plan on going to work for father?." Park Hayoon asked with an inquisitive gaze.

"I think it would better to check Hyejin." Park Ji Hu said in a kind remember.

"Oh!." Park Hayoon said as she stood up and walked away.