Kim Hyejin's New Sponsor

But that feeling only lasted for two days, because two days later, he phoned her, and that call brought her great joy, satisfaction, and peace of mind.

She had to lock her room in other to receive the call because she didn't want anyone barging into her room.

"I want to offer a little help for Hyejin's figure skating career, and I have two options for you to choose which one is best for you. Alright?."

"Wow! 😮 That's so generous of you, thank you so much!. Please go ahead." Park Hayoon said excitedly as her face was filled with smiles.

"You're welcome. So, would you like me to give your father's business a boost so he can directly support Hyejin from the massive profits, or do you want me to fund her account?." Wang Ju Won asked.

After few seconds of deep thought, She replied, "No, fund Jenny's account directly, that way, it will be easier and more convenient to access the money if need be."

"Alright, I will do that before the end of today, I have a meeting at the next minute, and I still have lots of them for today. So, you just need to send me her bank account details." Wang Ju Won said to her.

Park Hayoon felt so happy that she was already blushing. "Okay. Ju Won, thank you so much. I'm also thanking you on behalf of Jenny, she's not at home now because she went to practice with my brother at the rink. But she will be so happy when she learns of this, thank you so much!."

"No troubles. Hyejin is like a daughter to me as well, just as she is to you. I will call you later in the evening. But If there's anything important, you can send me a text, I will reply as soon as I see it." Wang Ju Won said to her.

"Okay, bye..."

After the call, Park Hayoon jumped on her bed before moving to the floor to dance to herself like a little child.

She was so glad that Wang Ju Won is sending money to help her daughter's career. This was great news.

Park Hayoon was so happy that she almost forgot to send Kim Hyejin's bank account details to him.

After sending the details to him, she laid on her bed as she looked up to the ceiling with a fulfilled smile on her face.

"Dad, I'm sorry, but Jenny is more important to me than your business." She muttered to herself.

Park Hayoon was afraid her father would be to haul the money if his company turns out to do very well because he was not in full support of her daughter venturing into figure skating.

Park Ha Jun was initially not in support of his granddaughter taking up figure skating as a career because of what happened to his son, Park Ji Hu.

If Kim Hyejin took figure skating as a sport she just wanted to play around with, then he would have had no qualms with it.

Even if he agreed to allow her to do it, and then send in something to support her from time to time, Park Hayoon still couldn't trust her father.

And this is because she was afraid that her father was Kim Hyejin's highest sponsor, pride might get over him, and a time may come when he would receive to support her, and he may even ask her to quit.

It's not like her father was a bad man, but if he learns that Kim Hyejin sustained an injury, he would immediately tell her to quit, forgetting that sustaining minor injuries were normal while practicing.

She just didn't want her daughter's fate to be in the hands of her father, even when she knew that getting a boost in his business would yield more profit.

Later that evening, Park Hayoon received a credit alert from her bank. She received $100,000 from Wang Jun Won.

This made Park Hayoon very happy. She jas never seen that huge sum of money sitting in jer account throughout her entire life.

Actually, it was her daughter's account, but she felt incredibly happy.

She didn't have much time to smile at herself, because Wang Ju Won phoned her the next minute.

When she answered the call, she didn't even wait for him to talk, before she said, "Ju Won, thank you so much for your generosity, I'm grateful!."

Wang Ju Won chuckled softly as he swirled in his office seat and fiddled with a pen in his hand.

"You don't need to thank me, the money is for a start. I hope it will be enough to fund her next competition?." He asked.

Hearing the money was for a start, Park Hayoon was surprised 😲, she didn't expect that he still had plans to continue showing a little support to her daughter.

"Yes, the money will be enough to fund and prepare her for her next competition." Park Hayoon replied excitedly.

"Okay, that's good. I will try to get a few sponsors for Hyejin. All she needs to do is to show good potential, so the sponsors will not just sponsor her because of me, but because of her talent, because they would be doing it with all their hearts. But for now, I will get a few of my friends to show some interest after Hyejin's next competition. At least, the video of her competing would be a good enough proof."

Park Hayoon was more than shocked. Fainting was her next option. She never expected this kind of response from Wang Ju Won. I mean, they haven't even been dating for a long time, and he was already taking care of the daughter he thinks doesn't biologically belong to her.

She was more than grateful, so she kept thanking him. But Wang Ju Won not being a proud person, told her not to bother about it.

"I like you so much that I am willing to do anything for you, including relieving all of your burdens." Wang Ju Won said to her.

Park Hayoon was surprised again because this was the first time Wang Ju Won was openly confessing his feelings to her.