Guilt stricken

"Brother, are you trying to piss me off on purpose?." Park Hayoon asked angrily.

"It's not like I'm trying to piss you off, but you're becoming so difficult. Why would the first reaction you exhibit when your daughter comes home after a tiring day, is to shout at her?."

"Brother, I don't want to argue with you, so allow me to discipline my daughter. You know very well that I don't let her eat a high-calorie diet without my permission, but yet you gave her an Ice Cream. I'm just wondering how long this has been going on behind my back." Park Hayoon said in a raised tone.

"What's going on here?!." Park Mun Hee asked in a worried tone as she arrived at the scene.

"Mum, I think Hayoon is becoming harsher for the sake of this figure skating. How can a mother be so heartless to her child? Even if you want the best for her, there other ways to do it instead of choosing the worst option that would bring a hating impression." Park Ji Hu said as he was failed up with his sister's actions.

"Can someone tell me what is going on here?." Park Mun Hee demanded.

"Mum, you know I instructed Hyejin not to take ice cream and other snacks that contained high calories, and everybody in this house knows about it. But today, brother bought ice cream for her." Park Hayoon complained.

Park Mun Hee sighed tiredly before asking in a calm tone. "Did you ask for the reason?."

Park Hayoon didn't expect that question, so she retorted without care. "What reason is so considerable to go against my orders just for her benefit?."

"Can you listen to yourself?." Park Ji Hu said angrily.

"Ji Hu calm down and tell her whatever reason you have to have gone against her orders." Park Mun Hee instructed. She was trying to settle the matter the best way she could.

Park Ji Hu was so pissed that he didn't think it was relevant to explain anything to his sister since she didn't think it was important to find out.

If not for their mother, he wouldn't have bothered to say anything to her.

"Today during practice, Hyejin kept making mistakes. Her mind wasn't there, so kept getting lost in thought. So her coach advised her to find out what was bothering her, and she allowed her to take two days to break. But even at that, Hyejin refused to tell me what made her mood sour, so I had to take a walk with her and buy ice cream to cheer her up. She even sustained some injuries, but they are minor."

Learning that her granddaughter was injured, Park Mun Hee with worry written all over her face, pulled her out from behind her son.

"Hyejin, come, let grandma take a look at you." Park Mun Hee said to her in a gentle tone.

While the worried grandmother was taking a look at her granddaughter, the two siblings were staring at each other.

Park Hayoon's stance softened when she learned her daughter was injured, but she didn't want to back down.

As if reading her mind, Park Ji Hu said to her before walking away. "You know you're wrong, so just admit it."

Park Hayoon felt bitterness in her heart as she watched her brother walk away in anger. She knew she was wrong this time around, and that she needed to apologize, but she found it difficult to do so.

Her pride would not allow her!

After her brother left, she watched from the side as her mother cleaned her daughter's wounds. The little girl didn't even cry when the methylated spirit touched her skin. Instead, she squeezed her eyes shut in pain.

After cleaning her wounds, Park Mun Hee sent her to the room to get some rest.

Coming out to the living room, she saw her daughter with a frown laced on her face.

"You know that you're very wrong today, and need to apologize to the both of them. You've truly wronged them this time around. Look at your brother, young men of his age are already very busy with work. But here he is, helping you to take off your child, and he has never complained, but what did you do today? Look at your little daughter, the first thing you did when she came back home after a bad day was to scold her. What if she never came home, then would you have had the opportunity to scold get?."

Park Hayoon's eyes widened in shock with that statement.

"Yes, what if something terrible happened to your little child?. You are too hard on yourself and those around you. Remember, not everybody can tolerate all of these. Look at the ice cream you were angry about that, your daughter refused to eat it." Park Mun Hee said as she got up and walked away with the ice cream cone and the little ice cream remaining in it.

Park Hayoon was guilt-stricken, so she sighed to herself and shut her eyes.

Later, she went to knock on her brother's door. She only went in after a cold voice rang. "Come in!."

Park Hayoon was a little scared by the harsh tone, but since she had already made up her mind to apologize, she had to go ahead with it.

After letting out a deep breath, she pushed the door open and walking in. She could see her brother facing the computer screen that was turned on.

"What can I help you with?." Park Ji Hu asked in a cold tone.

At least, he allowed her to come into his room, and he even spoke to her. That means, he didn't have any hard feelings towards her.

With this thought, Park Hayoon became more courageous for she knew that if she apologized, her brother wouldn't make things difficult for her.

This was the brother that doted on her!

Some minutes later...

Park Hayoon came out of his room with a happy stance. This means that he had forgiven her.

Now, her next target was her daughter, so she dashed for her room...

She felt more guilt-stricken when she saw the little girl sleeping with as she curled into a ball...