
Now, her next target was her daughter, so she dashed for her room...

She felt more guilt-stricken when she saw the little girl sleeping as she curled into a ball...

Park Hayoon glanced at her daughter before quietly walking towards the bed. Next, she laid down beside her as she enveloped her in her arms.

"Jenny, mummy is sorry for being too strict." Park Hayoon said in a soft tone.

Sensing a source of warmth, Kim Hyejin unconsciously moved closer to her mother's embrace.

When Kim Hyejin woke up, Park Hayoon formerly apologized to her. The little girl was still young and had a pure heart, so she forgave her immediately and even hugged her.

"Jenny, is something bothering you? Your Uncle said you were not paying attention during today's practice, what happened?." Park Hayoon asked worriedly.

But she was a little afraid of her daughter was mentally exhausted, which would mean she has been pushed a lot at her young age.

Kim Hyejin remained silent as she fiddled with her fingers and with her head bowed.

Park Hayoon had to squat so she could make out her facial expression.

"Jenny remember, you can tell me anything. Tell me what has been bothering you, and only then will I know how to help you."

Kim Hyejin glanced at her without saying anything. She seems to be unsure of how to start talking, so her mother helped her out.

"Do you want to take a break from lessons? Do you have something you like, and you want me to buy it for you? Were you bullied in school?."

This series of questions in a way, got Kim Hyejin to talk.

"Mama, I think my classmates don't like me anymore." Kim Hyejin said in a soft bothered tone.

Park Hayoon was surprised. "Why do you think so?." She asked.

"Because, they don't ask me to come and play with them anymore, they don't talk to me like before. I think they hate me!." Kim Hyejin concluded.

"No sweetheart, I don't think they hate you. Did you do something to them?." Park Hayoon asked.

It turns out her daughter was been isolated by her classmates.

"No, I didn't do anything to them. Maybe it's because I like to be by myself." Kim Hyejin replied.

"You like to be by yourself? If you like to be by yourself, why are you bothered about their attention?." Park Hayoon asked, not because she wasn't sensitive, but because she wanted to hear from her little girl.

"I'm worried because they used to always ask me to play with them, but I always refused. But now, it looks like they don't like me anymore because I was saying 'No' to them."

"Jenny, look, your classmates do not hate you. They must have been afraid you would keep refusing them, so they decided not to bother you anymore. The logic is so simple, if you keep asking me for chocolates and I keep refusing you, one day, you will grow tired of asking me because I have always refused you, and you know I would never say 'yes. So you see, that's what happened between you and your friends." Park Hayoon explained to the little girl as simply as she could.

"Oh!." Kim Hyejin exclaimed. She very well understood her mother's instances.

"By the way, why do you like to be by yourself. You are still a child, and should play with your classmates?." Park Hayoon asked worriedly.

Her daughter was still young, and the children she liked to play with and interact with each other, so why would her case be different?

"I don't really know. I just like it." Kim Hyejin replied.

Park Hayoon sighed before saying to her with her hands placed on the little girl's shoulders. "Jenny, you're still a child. You need to be friendly and play with other children because this is the only time in your life you get to be this free. You've indeed chosen your path in your career unlike other children, but that doesn't mean you have to act like this. This is the only stage you get to have fun without restraint, so enjoy while you can, so you don't regret it when you grow up." Park Hayoon advised as she stared into her eyes.

"Ok, Mama. But what do I do since my classmates don't ask me out again?." Kim Hyejin asked as a frown formed on her face.

She was really worried about this!

Park Hayoon smiled as she gently rubbed her creased brows to relax her facial muscles.

"It's simple. Since they no longer come to you, go to them. When you see them playing, ask if you could join them, and do that politely."

"Wow! 😮. Mama, that sounds simple." Kim Hyejin exclaimed as she sounded a little excited.

"Is it? Come on, let's go and have dinner." Park Hayoon said as she dragged her out of the room in a gentle manner.

If her daughter found her idea simple, then there would be no problem.

Some people can't even do that because of pride and their eagle.

But it's still too early to conclude. Let's see if Kim Hyejin would actually carry out the test.

Well, she did! Because the next day at school during break, she walked up to her classmates to ask if she could join them to play.

At first, they were shocked, but then they recovered and accepted her. Kim Hyejin smiled as she joined them to play.

Later, they introduced themselves to each other.

And when Kim Hyejin came back from school, she went to her mother to report the good news.

"Give me a high five, you did a good 👍 job!." Park Hayoon said to her happily as their hands met in each other in the air👏.

Park Hayoon allowed her daughter to rest for two days before going back to continue with her figure skating practice.

That weekend, Park Hayoon canceled her date with Wang Ju Won so she could spend the weekend with her daughter.

She took Kim Hyejin to the children's park, and then to play games. They also went to a dessert shop, and she allowed her to try some other flavors of Ice cream of her choice. And lastly, they went to a shopping mall.