From South Korea to Japan, for the Competition.

She did very well. She didn't fall, but she almost missed the timings for some of the moves. But this was due to her being overly excited about her costume.

"Jenny, if you don't get your mind off your dress, I promise you will not get to see the dress again till the day of the competition." Park Hayoon said from the side in an annoyed tone.

"My little niece is feeling herself. She must be so happy to finally perform in her costume. I guess that's the reason she is distracted." Park Ji Hu said with a funny expression on his face.

"She is too excited, and we can see out from her facial expressions." The coach said from the side.

Having heard her mother's threat admits the loud music, Kim Hyejin became focused.

"She sure does learn quickly when being threatened!." Park Ji Hu said as a mischievous smile appeared on his face.

"Don't threaten her, I'm the only one allowed to!." Park Hayoon warned him.

"Yes Ma'am! Hayoon, you really spent quite some money with this outfit and the new skates." Park Ji Hi said to her in a low tone.

"Yea, I spent few thousand in getting a good designer to do a good job. And it turns out that spending that amount of money was worth it. Hyejin has a new sponsor, so my daughter must have the best." Park Hayoon replied with her gaze fixed on the rink.

"I see.." Park Ji Hu said, training off.

"Hyejin, you must let your hands transmit the figure skating techniques. Don't just let them hang by your side, allow them to be free. Don't be so stiff." The coach said to Kim Hyejin after she passed the song and went on the rink.

"Hyejin, pay attention to your coach!." Park Hayoon said from the side.

"Hayoon, leave her to her coach. You are only permitted to interfere when it gets to your turn. As for now, allow the coach to do the work you did her to do." Park Ji Hu advised.

"Hyejin, watch me. This is what your dance instructor thought you, and this is the figure skating move I want you to do immediately after that." The coach explained as she showed her what she was talking about, by doing the moves herself, so she could watch and learn.

"Did you get that?." The coach asked after she was done.

"Please could you do it one more time?." Kim Hyejin pleaded with a silly expression on her face.

"Okay! But you have to watch me carefully this time around!." The coach said to her before going ahead to do the moves again.

At the end of the morning section (practice), Kim Hyejin did a good job.

This competition didn't only allow her to choreograph a song but also showcase some of the basic future skating moves she learned.

So while practicing, she had to dance the steps her mother taught her, while adding the figure skating moves she learned.

Few days to the competition...

As the mother and daughter pair were getting ready to leave the house for the hair salon, Kim Hyejin inquired as she took a good look at herself in the mirror.

"Mama will Brother, Ye Jun and Uncle, Ju Won come to watch me perform for the ISU Competition?."

"I have no idea about that, but if you want them to come, I will help to pass your message across to you." Park Hayoon said in reply.

"Of course I want them to come and watch me perform. I wish I could drag grandma and grandpa along, but it's not possible." Kim Hyejin said as she rubbed her face with her palms, while still gazing at herself in the mirror.

"It's true grandma and grandpa can't come for it, but I promise, they will be around to cheer you up for your next big competition." Park Hayoon assured her.

Finally, Kim Hyejin looked away from the mirror.

Who knows what this little girl was up to?!

After talking for a little bit, Park Hayoon and Her daughter went to the hair salon to wash their hair and to get a massage done on their hair.

At first, Park Hayoon signed up for the massage just for herself, but when her daughter requested that she wanted a princess treatment, what could she do? She could only allow her to get the Princess treatment she wanted!

From the hair salon, they went to the shopping mall to shop for some necessities they would be needing for their travel.

This year's ISU World's Figure Skating Competition would be held in Japan, so it was quite far away. They needed to get some important things that wouldn't leave them stranded.

"Mum, when do I get to have a phone solely belonging to me?." Kim Hyejin inquired as she watched her mother type away on her phone.

"You are still a toddler, what do you need a phone for?." Park Hayoon asked with an amused facial expression.

"I need to call my friends, family, and then you in any case of emergency. Mama, I just need a phone." Kim Hyejin requested stubbornly.

"If you continue to disturb me, I will just return everything we bought, and then, you will not go for your competition." Park Hayoon threatened.

This threat worked because Kim Hyejin shut up the next minute.

Two days after the competition, Kim Hyejin reminded Ahn Ye Jun about her competition.

"Brother, Ye Jun, don't forget to come and watch me compete!." She said in a serious tone.

"Don't worry, I will not miss it. I will come with my Uncle." Ahn Ye Jun promised.

A day to the competition, Park Hayoon and Kim Hyejin set off to Japan in the afternoon. They took a flight from South Korea 🇰🇷 to Japan 🇯🇵.

They wanted to land early, so they would give time to survey the place, and so Kim Hyejin could have a good look at the location for her competition the next day.

As for Park Ji Hu, he would arrive early the next morning. Then for her Coach, there was nothing left for her to teach again. So Kim Hyejin didn't need her coach to be with this day or the next day.