

You yawningly sat on the large gymnasium's side bench, clocking the boys as they played a simple warm-up match. You didn't quite think managing a volleyball team would be this boring considering nothing spectacular was happening at this given moment.

Unfortunately, Kita being the asshole he was, left the 'introduction of our new manager!' part to the end of the training, making you suffer through an extensive lesson of ennui.

Although aside from your lack of energy, you'd catch quick, dirty glances from Atsumu himself―probably his way of showing off, however, the male never ceased to amuse you.

Yet, currently, your mind was elsewhere―the lingering thoughts of Kita's stone-cold personality drifting hazily across your mind. You were surprised that he didn't outwardly call you a whore since most people threw that insult towards you regularly.

So that's how you concluded it was very personal to him. You knew for certain that if Kita called you anything along those lines, it wouldn't get his point across clearly. To you, he seemed like the type of boy to do things customarily―his way of cross-examining or even the way he tried to instigate you.

Oh, but you couldn't really describe the feeling he gave you... It was more mixed emotions, sadly. It angered you, but it also enlivened you. You wondered how someone can be so goddamn triggering and attractive at the same?

You couldn't really put it into words, but one thing for sure was, you knew the sex with him would be fucking bomb―the way things were going, anyway. Maybe it would be an enemies to lovers trope... Minus the lovers, of course, but still, your mind was filled with an endless amount of thoughts.

However, colluding Kita into your sex trap would take a lot more than sweet-talking him or even batting your eyelashes, for that matter. You weren't here just to let things slip easily into your desirable goodie bag, though. You loved fighting for something that had a hidden meaning behind it, which is why you took Akari's statement to heart.

You were going to fulfil that promise.

Over the next counting minutes, you decided who would become your first target.

You quietly thrummed to yourself, swaying from side to side on your seat. You gently lifted your index finger, caressing the tip of your chin while quietly cross-examining the boys playing in front of you.

The boy with yellow-ish grey eyes seems like a quiet, anti-social type of guy. You hummed again, furrowing your eyebrows.

Atsumu just seems like a hormonal teenager... So that should be easy. You chuckled lightly, shifting your attention towards Atsumu's twin.

You pursed your lips together, widening your eyes to only end up humming again. He seems like a well-mannered type of guy, so he should be easy to coax...

You let out a heavy sigh, momentarily closing your eyes while sitting back on the flats of your palms.

"What's up sweetheart, ya seem a little troubled? Want some help with that?" You suddenly raised your head, unaware that the same annoying blonde was now standing in front of you.

Your facial expression shifted immediately, one that helped conceal the deep thoughts you were having just moments ago. You hunched over onto your palms, glancing up at the male with imploring eyes, pouting strenuously.

You hummed thoughtfully before speaking, "Hmm, not really... But after you destroyed my afternoon tea, I'm very hungry!"

You giggled softly, keeping a mutual gaze with him. Atsumu chuckled loudly, "I did offer to get ya food earlier! Ya turned me down...!"

You sighed heavily, adjusting your posture. You immediately began to fiddle with the H/C strands of your hair, turning your gaze away from the male. Not a word left your mouth, ultimately waiting for some profound response from Atsumu in return.

The amorous atmosphere came to a standstill when you heard his twin brother slap him over the head. "Ow!! What was that for Samu! Ya jerk!" Atsumu raised his hands in the air with utter frustration, only to be slapped again by the male.

You raised your head, seeing a small, playful fight unfold before you. "Get ya ass over there with the rest of the group, 'Tsumu ya dumbass! You're missing out."

Atsumu winced, rubbing the back of his head as he quickly made his way over to the rest of the group. The silvery-haired boy sighed, turning to face you. "Was he harassing ya? I'm so sorry... My name is Osamu, by the way."

You smiled gently, bowing your head politely, "I'm Y/N, but I think you already knew that... And no, he wasn't!" You giggled softly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear again. Osamu chuckled, nodding his head, "Yeah, I heard ya're going to be our new manager?" He quizzed you.

You hummed in response, keeping your same elevated smile. "Well, I'm sure the rest of the group wants to meet'cha." Osamu gestured you over with him towards the rest of them.

You hastily stood up, walking with your hands behind your back, alongside the male. Kita immediately turned to face you, a slight grimace making visible on his features. He sighed quietly, turning his attention back to the rest of the group.

God, what was his problem?

"As you all know, we officially have a new manager for the volleyball team. Please introduce yourself." Kita deadpanned towards you, only making you stiffen in your tracks.

He was such a sook too...

You bowed your head, turning to face the boys. "It's nice to meet you all! My names, Y/N L/N!" You threw them a warm smile, earning a welcoming one back in return.

Kita spoke up once more, "Well, that is it for training today. Make sure all of you have rested well tonight, and we will pick things up bright and early tomorrow morning."

Everyone dismissed themselves, some packing up the equipment, while other's went to their lockers.

Kita turned to face you, "That means you too, Y/N." You gently rolled your eyes, "Not like I expect anything less from a jerk like you." You grinned, earning a nonplussed chuckle from the dull brown-eyed boy in return. He informally walked off, not saying another word to you, presumably to the lockers.

You let out a heavy sigh, walking over to pick up your side bag. You quickly bent over, checking if you had everything that you came in with.

"Uhm..." A familiar voice broke the cold silence around you, making you shift your attention.

Atsumu scratched the back of his neck, sooner apologising about what happened earlier. You simpered softly, reassuring the male that it was no biggie.

"So... Are you actually hungry? 'Cuz I can help with that." He batted an eyelash cheekily.

Here he goes again. Persistency.

Why not give in, though? This was your opportunity to prove to Akari that this boy wasn't as horrible as she made him out to be. However, the only horrendous thing about him was the discolouration in his hair...

You could've done a far better job at bleaching your own hair with your eyes shut!

At this point, you concluded that his other twin was far more attractive. But who knows? Maybe you had a thing with guys who had silver hair... It seemed like it anyway.

"Mhm, you got something in mind?" You bit your lip innocently, shoving your bag over your right shoulder. The blonde chuckled light-heartedly, closing the distance between you two. He shamelessly wrapped an arm around your waist suddenly, causing you to jolt.

He was bold. Very, very bold.

"There's a small shop just down the street. Wanna grab something there?" You smirked cheerily towards the boy, nodding your head, "Yeah, we can go there." He quickly let go of your waist, stepping back.

The two of you casually walked out of the large gymnasium doors, heading inside the school's main building. "So, what's a pretty girl like you doing here?" Atsumu hummed after his question, glancing over at you.

You grinned, "Can't a 'pretty girl like me' manage a volleyball team?" Your pupils dilated, your tone turning levity.

You knew what to say to boys like Atsumu.

He seemed full of himself―very, very patronising. You knew he was definitely the type of boy to pester his way into your pants, even if it annoyed you. To be honest, if he had a good dick game... It didn't necessarily bother you. However, his condescendingness was a little over the top.

Atsumu chuckled, "What's with the cheeky smirk?" He quizzed you, earning a soft giggle, "Nothing. I mean, you don't think I'm fit to manage this team?!" You immediately pouted afterwards.

He hummed, lifting the inner corner of his lips, "No! No! Ya definitely are! I'm sure the rest of the team is just as excited to have ya as I am!" You sneered, scrunching up your nose, "Yeah, yeah..."

Atsumu instantly raised a brow, continuing his walk beside you, "Wait-" He paused, "Aren't ya Akari's best friend?" He snorted jokingly.

You nodded your head slowly, rolling your eyes, "You just discovered that now?" You clutched the fabric of Akari's jumper, "I'm offended you only know me because of her!" You giggled.

The blonde rolled his eyes, "I mean, I also knew you're like the hottest chick in the school! Funny how I haven't tapped that, yer?"

You casually bit your lip, "Yeah, funny that..." You brushed another strand behind your ear, pulling your bag closer to your abdomen.

He glanced up at the undercovered roof, "Wish I could get a good fucking from a hot chick like you, though..."

Atsumu's head was still tilted upward; however, his gaze fell back down on your face, a shit-eating grin plastered on his features. You bursted out laughing, "God, you're not even discreet, you know that?"

The two of you finally made it inside the building, the darkness of the corridor filling your surroundings. It was also unusually chilly right now. Your blouse should have dried up over the last few hours, yet, to you, it felt like it didn't.

"Well, what do ya say?"

You raised a brow, quickly shifting your attention back towards the boy, giggling softly as you looked up at him, "Hmm, what do I get in return, though?"

Atsumu thought for a moment, chortling before speaking, "After ya discover what I have buried, princess, I don't think ya'd want anything else in return..."

You scoffed loudly, turning your head away from him. "I guess it works both ways, huh?" Your tone turned very ribald as you wrapped an arm around Atsumu's bicep tenderly, him being totally taken off guard about your sudden touchiness.

He stared at your breathtaking side profile before speaking, "Wait-" His voice turned to a whisper, "Are ya actually serious about this... Like?" You giggled again, noticing his childlike behaviour.

"Yup. Why would I turn down someone as attractive as you anyway?" You grinned cheekily, side-eyeing him. He smirked towards you, discreetly placing a hand at the curve of your rump. You willingly let the boy, the excitement that was soon to occur, filled your panties.

"Better not disappoint me, Mr Cockiness." You teased him.