The second encounter

Jamie POV

It's been more than 3 hours of me standing here while helping lovely to look for new clothes which make my legs hurt and weak. We've been all over the department store, brand new clothes here, prada bag there, dozens of heels, and multiples of accessories. She doesn't even think twice before buying because it will cause a mess in the house, and I don't want Grandma Ami clean lovely's room.

"Aren't you done shopping yet?" I asked because I want to sit since my feet are tired of walking around the department store but lovely is energetic to go shopping. The only thing I can't understand about lovely is that what will she do with all the new clothes she bought? She only wears it occasionally but most of her favorite clothes is what lovely wear the most.

I never seen her a simple shirt and swag pants, but a crop with skirt then most are dress. But when there are occasions, she's like a living princess and I must admit, she dresses like queen when almost of the people are stunned by her beauty. I also remember when Alexis wears a long dress that lovely lend her to wear on the 18th debut party of lovely, everyone is all shocked by her appearance and Alexis is the person you won't expect of seeing her unseen beauty.

Especially Michelle who never likes wearing dress but lovely promise her to have a peace of mind and no one will ever criticize her because she won't let that happen. The most memorable 18th birthday is Alexis's day because she never asks any grand celebration, but she prefer camping and go out on a beach, but someone just ruined which I don't want to remember it all and the most cringy situation I've ever experience

"What do you think about this dress? Which one is better? Green or Violet?" she asked me, but both are elegant, and I don't know what for. Is she going to an event or business party?

"Can you tell me, what is it for? Before I pick one of them" I said, and I'll just let her be since I can't even talk to her as a normal person when every time, she goes shopping and lovely is the most insane person who is addicted to bunch of brand clothes

"If I tell you, promise me that you won't asking a lot of questions because I hate it, okay?" what a demanding girl but I still love her even she's so extra annoying and as a friend, I always end up helping her with this tiring shopping. I know this is the only thing that make lovely happy, so I don't want to ruin her day because of me being harsh

"Noah asks me out to be his partner in her sister 18th birthday party which it will be held in California, Emily is a big fan of Music Queen Band. Just to find out, noah told her that I'm part of the group and it made me smile because she like me the most. So, I have no other choice but to say yes than to decline which I don't want to let Emily get sad on her special day" lovely explained then she added asking a favor on us to also attend the party because she didn't prepare any gift yet but want to have a surprise birthday gift for her. But I agree on it, since Noah is our bestfriend and help us a lot when we're having trouble to adjust in Music Academy. Pretty much sure, William will be there

"William is invited, and I don't know if he already calls you to ask you out to be his partner too, but I think he's busy as of now. But I hope he won't miss this out because it is once in a blue moon" she said

"Don't bother asking Noah. So, wait, is that why your phone keeps ringing? Because Noah been calling you just to asked you out to be his partner? Or someone else want to talk to you? You told me not ask silly question but I'm only going to say this once" I said but lovely cover her ears when she knew that this question would lead to a long conversation, but I only have one question for her

"Have you ever given Noah a chance?"

"No, and that's the answer. He's a bestfriend which is too good for me to be with him, and I prefer sticking with our amazing friendship. End of conversation"

"I have another question"

"This better not be Noah again, I'll cut ties with you even it means of having a friendship over" wow that sound scary but she's afraid to end one friendship that she has been keeping for almost years in life

"Okay I won't, it's about Emily special day. When is her birthday?" I asked and lovely said it will happen on the 22nd of October which we have the same birthday, I don't have plans yet and there's nothing special that much to celebrate it, the only thing I want to do is to be with my friends and family having simple dinner and blow a candle then make a wish of having a healthy life

"One last question lovely"

"Don't you have better things to do Jamie, you been asking me a question, and this is not an interview"

"Okay, I'll just stop and don't buy too many clothes" I said to change the topic, she's back on her business. Look at her, as if nothing happened after what she said and this is how lovely is, no one can butt in her business if you don't know anything but if you will help her with this shopping then you'll have a chance to ask bunch of lousy questions. While I'm in the talk, when been roaming for almost 4 hours now.

Doesn't she get tired at all? I asked her again, but she didn't even response and she's all busy grabbing more than 10 clothes on the cart. This is so embarrassing, and the sales lady just keep staring at her. She goes here, there and every brand then my stomach suddenly doesn't feel good. Did I eat too much?

"What? Wow, this is what it means to go shopping" I saw lovely holding like more than two closets because both of her hands are packed up. Look how she dress, wearing dress and high heels this day and it such a pain in the feet. It's too high, my feet will get tired, and I only wear it because important occasion. I browse to my phone then checked my gallery because I miss having bon fire in the middle of the night and stare in the dark sky fill with million bright stars which made me smile without any reason

"So, what I'm saying lovely, you need to declutter your clot…... Ouch" I said, and she stop in the middle of the store, and this is too much crowded which I feel nervous now then my hands are shaking. Think of happy thoughts Jamie. Lovely is not even moving an inch and she just froze

"What's wrong? Why did you stop? Did you lose something?" I spoke, no response and I feel anxious now because lovely seems to be bothered of something. I try to walk around her but she's still the same

"Do you think this is enough Jamie?" that almost gave me a heart attack. Wait did she just asked me that question? Even if I answered it, she won't be satisfied and she's going to buy more

"If you're going buy everything lovely, then why don't you just open a store to put all of them there?" she just ignores what I asked because she is still busy looking. Is it really like this when you a friend who love fashion style buying new dress, clothes, or any design that will fit on her?

"Lovely, is it ok...." "Omg, I love this one. I should buy it for my elder sister" she just ignored me again. We already went to a lot of stores and walked around every corner of department store. Is this still not enough for her? My feet are getting tired and about to numb if I walk more longer. Can she just consider my situation right now and I'm about to faint?

"Give me a sec" she said. I think it's not enough because she said that without asking me if I'm alright. I feel like I'm going to lose my soul today with these exhausting shopping. Can she just give me a break? I can't even go alone and I'm too scared, but I can handle it on my own. You can do it, conquer your fear, and look what is beyond. Wow, that is so me.

My mom is calling me at this hour but didn't bother visiting me once still I love her even, I hate the way and maybe I should at least answer her call than to make her worry for nothing

"Mom, why did you call at this hour? Shouldn't be sleeping right now?"

"Sweetie, I'm still at work. Mommy need to finish the proposal within the day. I just want to hear your voice before I go to sleep later and it's only 9pm here" – mom

Sometimes, I thought of missing my parents so badly, but they are always busy on their work. Who wouldn't have thought handling 35 businesses can be tiring and kill your free time at all? I know it's for our future, but I don't need all those company, all I want is to be with them and find my own dream which they don't have to decide for me

"9pm but how come you still have a work?"

"Your dad asked to extend the time because there are a lot of things to do for the request of our business partner Mr. Hong, so we don't have any other choice but to follow" – mom and why does dad always decide with everything when mom is always a CEO of the company. One thing I hate about dad is that he thinks of himself too highly

"You should have decline mom and you have the rights to make decision not just only dad. Are you scared of him?"

"No, I'm not scared of him, I'm just scared of losing him and you know the reason why I never disobey your dad decision because that what makes him happy, and I know for sure we build this company not because we want to, but we dream of being CEO together. Then it happens" – mom

"It doesn't make sense at all. How can you risk your health because of your work?"

"It does sweetie, and we promise not to argue simple things just to make it a big deal. You'll understand it someday when you find the right man for you then you'll find the reason why you don't want to lose him even you two have misunderstanding. But it doesn't mean you should just leave it be and to keep your relationship going, always tell the truth and make things work" – mom and here she goes giving me lecture which I don't want to hear that much, and I want to hear his dad voice because I missed it

"Is that your mom?" lovely asked then my heard it

"How is lovely? I hope you girls are having fun on your vacation before school starts" – mom

We're having great time even it's kind of tiring to do everything in an empty plan, it made us all full, but I didn't get to finish the entire food on the table because of lovely rushing to go to every store buy her favorite brand all over again and I guess she love to spend too much

"Hi auntie, I'm here and thank you so much for giving discounts. I love you always" lovely said and I can hear my mom chuckles

"See? She's fine mom and thankful because you gave her a discount with all the new clothes for her. Anyway, mom you just call me on your free time, and I don't waste your time on your working hours"

Well it's true because I might ruin everything while they are on their working hours. Dad scolded me because I begged mom to eat with me at dinner. That is the worst thing that happen on my life, and it made me realize that they won't bother talking at me. I resist them always because they put their work first than me who wants to have time with them, but they don't give a second of thought of saying yes

"No sweetie, I'm glad I have time to talk to you and I miss you so much" I hear her voice crack and she's crying because they were always busy without checking on me but I'm still grateful my parents are in good health and safe place

"I'm so sorry sweetie for not giving so much time to have long conversation and talk about stars, books, movies and your favorite kpop boy group. I just miss hanging out with you and go out on a beach" – mom

"Come on mom, it's fine at least you called, and this day is the most memorable moment for me"

"Honey, you should turn off your phone because we still have a lot of things to do" See this what happen when every time moms call me because dad won't bother of calling me at all which I hate him the most.

"But it's Jamie darling. You should at least call her because I know you miss her" I also hate hearing my parents argue at this time

"No, she can handle it on her own by now. Tell her, to come visit her or even just work at the company it would be help on us than roaming around with her friends who did nothing but fool around, eat, and ruin their career because of music. Turn off the phone now or I'll kick you out the company" that I made me sad and never bother asking dad anymore

"Don't mind what your dad said, he doesn't mean any word of it. He's just having hard time, and all stressed out, but the truth is he misses you so much. Your Dad is acting up because he just found out today you moved out and transfer to another again but eventually, he'll call you sweetie" – mom

"I understand mom and no need to worry about it"

"I told you to turn your phone off now!" – I can hear dad's voice shouting and he's already mad, I don't know what to feel. I know I should hate dad but I understand how stressful he is

"Mom, I'll just call you next time if you're not busy. Just tell dad I miss him even he hurts my feeling all the time. Please take of yourself and dad's health. Eat healthy food, have exercise at least twice a week if you have time and I love you both" I said and end the call. I miss the moment when dad is still with me when I was a kid. Always eat with me and play with me in the playground but not anymore since he is always busy without feeling worry if anything happens to me. I miss my dad hugs, voice and seeing him smile everyday which make me feel happy.

Now, I'm the age of pre-adulthood, I feel like my parents don't care much about their kids and come to think of it, they still need the support and love of loving mother and father to be motivated on pursuing their dreams. But I'm a daughter who have long patience and understanding person

"Jamie, give me more 5 minutes" I think I'm going crazy because she keeps asking me to give her more time even, I already did. Why even bother helping her when she can do it alone? I feel like I drink a lot of water a while ago at the restaurant because I'm going to pee anytime and lovely is not done yet

"Lovely, I'll leave you here because I need to go to the restroom" I said and look for a restroom. To stand back on your fear, fight beyond on what you think and see what will happen next. This is what I always tell myself if I go alone. I check my surroundings first before anything else happen

Where is the restroom here? I'm not used to this mall yet because it is my first time coming here maybe I should ask the saleslady here they might give me direction. I feel like someone is following me. I look around but there is no one there maybe I'm just imagining things that kind of creepy. I remember when that pervert stalker carl almost kissed me and it's the most disgusting memory of my life. Thanks to alexis who help me and kick the ass of the guy who been following me for more than a year. Don't imagine it because it's creepy. I'll stop thinking about it now, it makes my pee go high and it's almost out but still holding on to it.

"Excuse me? Is there any restroom here" I asked the tall saleslady with her overflowing make-up. It just me or I notice that her make-up is uneven which make me feel irritated, but I don't tell her she might get offended if I do

"Yes, there is. Just go straight and left. If you see a kid shop, then turn right after that there is a near women's wear, and you'll see a restroom there" the saleslady said and smile at me

"Girl, she is so pretty"

"Her skin is perfect, and I want to know what her skin care is. I wish I could pretty like her"

"Omg, she's a member of Music Queen Band"

"It's Jamie Park! Wah!"

"Eonnie Jamie, I'm your biggest fan and please notice me"

"Hi there, thank you so much for supporting us" I said and bow my head which is a sign of respect to our fans who never give up on us and spending their money to watch out concert. Its an endless love we received for them. This is the reason why I never give up on music and I love what I am doing no matter how much my dad is against on my decision, but mom and my two older siblings support me the most

"Did you see that? Omg, she just noticed me"

"She's so pretty when she smiles like that"

I just smiled at her and went on my way because it's getting crowded here. I rush to look for that restroom even I don't understand what she said giving me a direction so okay I'll try to memorize what she mentions. I'm a little bit scared now because I think someone is really following me. Relax Jamie, maybe your trauma is filling you today because you're alone but conquer you fear, and you'll get to it. Okay, let me remember the direction that the saleslady told me

Go straight, I walked fast even the restroom is a little bit far. Is there any near restroom that I can use? I have no choice but to go on what she mentions. Next is left, so I walked there, wait I feel goose bumps I look behind me but only the shoppers every corner is here. I should be seeing a kid shop by now. Well the saleslady is right about it then I should turn right. I think I'm going to explode anytime, make it fast Jamie. I walked fast since I saw already the women's wear. Thank you for the saleslady I talked to even her make-up is not my style

I went to the restroom since there is no people inside, get some tissue and rush entering the cubicle on the corner. Feels like heaven and I can rest now. I heard someone is taking a picture. I look for it where is the... "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! PERVERT STALKER!" I shouted and he saw me then run out of the restroom, but I followed him. That pervert, I should delete the photo he taken on me


Mico POV

It's good thing that james didn't bother me at all because if he does, I'll smack his face in no time. I hate this kind of day going to mall just to help these two to fill their boredom while I only want to stay at home and relax because I'm too lazy which I don't know what I'm doing here but Charles just asked me to join even I don't want to. This is what girls do when they get bored, go to the mall, shopping and having girls time talked about their girly stuff, planning for their vacation trip from here to this and there.

Why do I feel so gloomy these days? It cross into my mind that I miss her smile, laugh, and voice. The hugged we give to each other, buy her favorite clothes, go live streaming, do vlog in the afternoon, camping every Saturday, fishing across the lake, play games in the arcade, go to amusement park and so much more that I want to do with her, but I lose so much time when the day I lose her

"James is such a kid, and don't you agree dude?"

"You know him Benji, you can't stop him for doing that and there's a reason behind it"

"Have you ever thought of choosing other path than your own dream?"

"Why did you ask dude?"

"I've been thinking a lot lately and I'm not sure about myself if I'm doing everything in my way or I'm wrong about my decisions these days. I feel anxious dude and I keep worrying a lot of things that make me feel so afraid of what will happen tomorrow" he's worried about what hadn't happen yet

James has 3 restaurants, two in New York while one here in the Philippines that her mom gave. Then he also owned 15 companies under his name even he hasn't taken over the company that his elder sister promise to make him a CEO at all costs, but he always declined the position because james thinks someone is fit and better more than him. That's how generous james is and all the fortune given by his mom is kept in his bank account, but he didn't touch any of it because he knew it would be in better place. We call him "Mr. Generous"

While Benjamin is the successor of his dad company and his mom plan to give all the assets to him and heaven, but he keeps saying that he can work on his own. He doesn't want to take any advantage for the sake of his parents' wealth. We also call Benjamin "Mr. Humble". For Charles, don't be shocked but his dad let him take in charge of their 10 hotels and resorts. 5 hotels and resorts in California and 5 resorts and hotel in Canada. One more thing is that Charles opened his very own café bookstore in France and that his parents are so proud of, because he had proven his worth and effort that they appreciate it

Then me, I only owned like 10 beach resorts, 10 entertainment companies, 5 bars and 5 travel agencies given by my grandparents, but I let others take in charge for a while when I'm still studying, and I'm not prepared to work with any of these businesses that my parents told me to because it's not what I want and it's not my dream. Why would you let your parents control you over your own decision? I'm not in favor of choosing my parents decision because the dream I want is to produce music and I want to be in a movie industry.

"Have you ever thought of choosing your parents decision than yours, dude?" My dad plans to give me the hospital and put it under my name, but I refuse to do so. He already destroyed my dream, now he controls my life without listening to my decisions.

"Shut up dude, I would never let my parents control me just because they want my future better, but I told myself that I had a dream to pursue" I would never want them to control to whatever decision I make in my life because I let them what they want to do, so they should let me decide on my own

"No need to be serious, just asking. I feel you dude and now you know why I'm against of letting my parents destroying my dream" I hate it, when someone asked about what my dream is or about my parents. I always obey them and respect when they keep asking for a favor but not this time because I had enough of it. Sometimes, they're the reason why my life is so stress

"I thought you still haven't decided which career you will choose but you have a dream"

"Yes, a dream that I will soon achieve"

"Then go for what you love to do, not for what your parents told you. It's your life and you have a control of it. Remember that dude" I give him advice that he should at least consider if he wants to pursue his dreams or career that he loves. I can't promise him anything but the best thing he could do is follow his heart than his mind or other people opinions. He sighs deeply that he still feels anxious, and Benjamin is a type of person who creates simple things a big deal and make a problem on his own without any solution. Mr. problematic is coming back, and Charles would give an advice that he would never forget

"Don't make yourself stress and just go with the flow. Enjoy every moment while you're still young because once you get old, you'll just see those teenagers travelling then you'll see yourself back at your young age. Being a student is kind of stress but you can still enjoy while you're still not in the real world"

"I know dude, but it won't stop you thinking about those things I swear you that, and it will bother you for quite some time. I admit and I can't blame anyone for having negative thoughts. This always happen to me when every time something bothers me in mind. I end up thinking about my career" not just you dude, everyone does. We keep deciding on things that its so hard to pursue but if we try and try then you'll figure it out on how you make it come true. Benjamin is hard to understand which is difficult to analyze his own thoughts wherein you can't even figure out the main scenario and confusing. He will say this then change the topic and go to another topic without finishing his stories. That's him

"Where do you think Charles gone to?"

"You know he always go to bookstore and café, like his entire room is full of books already" we been best friend since kids, and I also call him Bookworm because when every time our parents are out of town and the only person with us is my grandpa then there goes Charles holding a book and me, I always spend my time in the garden and play with the dogs

"What do you think will happen this semester? We're down to 2 semester and yet I haven't decided what career will I take. I had so much in my mind but none of them fit me" Benjamin losing his self-esteem, I heard that over years and he easily gives up once he failed to do something and lost track

"Why worried about the future when you're still in the present enjoying the things that makes you happy?" I spoke

"Of course, as early as now, you should worry about your future dude. Remember, the dream you have is what your future holds in you. I mean, yes, we're still in the present but the future is in here too. We're already graduating, then what will happen to me if I can't still decide what career should I take? I'm afraid that my parents will be disappointed at me" he said when I couldn't say anything else because it's his dream that no one can trample and no matter how many people say the dream you have right now will never come true because you only think about what would be best for you. Elderly keeps saying that parents know what is best for your future and you shouldn't have disobeyed it but if that happens, they will think you put disgrace on the image of the family.

"Anyhow, I don't want to think about the future and focus on what the present is" he said and that's what I'm saying. Why worry about the future when you're still in the present? I can hear his phone keep vibrating and been ringing ever since we got here in the mall. He keeps ignoring it, is someone bothering him? Or maybe those crazy fans that loves him?

"Dude won't you answer it?" he just ignored

"Benjamin, your phone is ringing. Won't you answer it?" he's busy looking for something

"Don't mind it because it's just my little sister been telling me to buy her something here which I'm doing it right now and it's difficult to buy something she likes" he said and can't complain because he will buy anything for his little sister. I'm a bit sleepy because last night meiying just called me to hangout with her throughout the video call until 2am and told me everything that she feels stressed in school at the same time in the modelling. I couldn't say no and we just talked about life then I told her that not to pressure herself too much which she just laughed at me. I know she loves modelling, being an ambassador in different brands and genius student in her school.

"Dude, where are we going now?" I asked and I don't know where Benjamin taking me this time because we went already to the entire stores still and he can't find anything for her little sister and were here in the department store. I'm too lazy yet too tired to walk and walk for about 45 minutes already.

"Women's wear and I know what I'm going to buy for my little sister" Benjamin said, I can see he really loves his little sister. I just miss my little sister so much but she's not here anymore and I hate my dad because of him I lost my little sister who should have been here with me. I can't even imagine I lost her when she is still young and that day, it still hurt me

"Mico, are you alright?" maybe I should take walk for a while so that I could relax my mind "I should maybe walk a little bit around here Benji, just call me if you need anything" I said, and he just nodded I get too bored easily too when it comes to shopping at the mall with them. Why didn't we just go to the beach or play basketball or go to a gym to do some exercises. I can't really say anything when I'm with them.

Charles is soft hearted and gentleman if you get along with him. He really loves to go to a café while reading books that is why his room is bulk of books. While Benjamin is jolly and sweet, loves to listen to a music and compose a song when every time he is bored. He never denied his feelings when he like someone. Then about james, don't bother asking because he is a clingy person and sweet, he's a bit stubborn but don't worry he can take care of you when you're sick. He is the clown of the group, want to know why? He made himself look ridiculous just to make someone laugh, smile and happy.

I left Benjamin and walk around since james is not around. Well, he went to have a lunch date with his girlfriend then another one a date with his ex-girlfriend who is obsessive with james, and he is going to meet his girlfriend later to have dinner date. See, he is really a Casanova and playful. He is going to buy flowers for his girlfriend when you don't know who he is referring to and going to give it. I've been receiving random text from the fans and girls in our academy because the semester will start tomorrow, and I post a joke status on my Facebook saying that I will transfer to another school then they start to feel sad and text me endlessly.

Then this is making me feel so dizzy. Too crowded and I can't go anywhere that's too quiet and less people which I can at least relax for a bit. Why there are many shoppers today? Is it because of the sales? My phone suddenly rings, and I check it. Someone is calling me, and I don't know who it was. I turn off the call, but the unknown number is calling again. Maybe I should answer it so that this person will stop bothering me

"Hello, who is this?" I asked with a cold voice so that the person will know I'm not interested talking

"You don't even remember me? It's me Nicky the one you met in a blind date" Nicky? I don't remember since james introduce me to a lot of girls for a blind date even I'm not interested at all and I'm still busy to be in relationship to anyone. I'm not as happy as you think when someone set me up with a girl, but I prefer someone I already know and get along with, not girl too much revealing clothes, always go to the bar and get drunk all the time. I always hate a girl who put heavy makeup and had poor hygiene.

"Well, I don't re...." someone bumped into me then his phone fell down on the floor which seem to be suspicious "Are you alright sir?" help him to stand up but he just hurried leaving without taking his phone with him. "Sir" I picked it up "You forgot your..." when someone kicked me then I fell in no time because of this person. Why am I so unlucky today? First, someone bumped into me then someone kicked me

"YOU! PERVERT STALKER!" everyone around us suddenly put their attention which it's a bit embarrassing for anyone to stare like this and what? Did I hear that right? I turned around and it's a girl. Isn't this funny? Come on, can they just leave me alone and I want to have free time for myself, but this happened to me then this situation is so unexpected. She suddenly rides behind my back and pulled my hair

"Ah....ah...ah.... That hurts. Stop it and I don't know what happened but let go of my hair miss because people are watching us, and you might be embarrassed tomorrow if you continue this because you'll be in the news tomorrow already" people are looking at us because this crazy girl is unbelievable when I don't even know her. She is really a strong woman. Did she go to a gym or what? Ouch, that really hurts. Wait, did she just call me pervert stalker. I'm too handsome to be called like that. She pulled my hair harder which make my head hurts, but I just stop her and let her down

"You got the wrong idea miss" I said but she just ignores me and snatch the phone on my hand. Oh, it's the phone of the guy who just left without getting his phone "Wait miss, that's not my pho..." she kicked me again without letting me finish what I'm saying. Can she stop doing that? What kind of woman is she? She's overdoing it and then she pulled my hair again and again. Isn't that not enough to pull my hair at first?

I lost some of my hair when she tweaked it tightly and I even feel dizzier by what she did because every time he pulled my hair, my head hurts and I'm confused right now because of what's happening. All I want is to be alone, can they just give me that

"Wow, stop making excuses you pervert stalker!" now she is accusing me without a proof

"He is handsome but a pervert stalker"

"That is disgusting, he's a pervert stalker"

"What is the use of having good looks if he is a pervert?"

People start to gossip and I'm not a pervert stalker. How can I even explain to this crazy woman who won't even listen to me?

"Miss, relax. I'm telling you, I'm not a pervert and that's not my pho...." "Stop making pathetic excuses pervert and that won't get on my way!" she shouted. Why can she lower her voice down a bit? It's kind of irritating because she is too nosy

"I already told you, that I'm not a per..." she just shows me the phone of the guy and point out on the photo "How would you explain this?" why can she just let me first talk before it talk too much barging this photo without any proof "Did you even see that I took that photo?" I asked, well if not she should stop accusing me "No, but this phone is yours" do I need to repeat myself for her to make this misunderstanding clear

Maybe never mind she won't even listen to what I'm going to say "What's the use of talking to you if you can't even learn how to listen" I said and turned around because it's too tiring to talk to someone who is crazy like her. She walked in front of you and stepped on my foot "Is that even necessary? You cra.."

"Well, that deserves you right! Bleh! Next time, you better hide and don't get caught. It's too obvious, you pervert stalker" then she left even without listening to what I'm going to say because this is not my phone and I'm a victim here. First time in my life that I got accused as a pervert stalker even it's a big misunderstanding. No one would even care even I prove to them that I didn't do anything wrong, but they would just believe to what they see. That's how society work nowadays, wherein judgmental world which people ears will listen more on lies than what the victim has to say

I should get out of here and I hate this day which I couldn't imagine going back in this mall ever again because of what happened to me which I don't want to remember. I won't forgive her, but once we meet again then she messes with the wrong person. I can hear people gossips about me which I don't have time for this. I should go back now where are they now? I want to go home now since I'm not in the mood anymore because of that crazy woman


Lovely POV

Finally, all the brands are in my hands which I'm so satisfied today, and all my stress are gone. I won't get tired on shopping. That is why my older sister and brother supports me all the time and they encourage me to do whatever I want because they won't mind if I spend a lot of money as long I'm happy spending it. I'm also done with my shopping and all the dress I bought is elegant and fascinating. It suits me well which I'm happy because they gave discounts. What's taking her so long? It's been 45 minutes pass by already and yet she's not here.

I forgot she's afraid to be alone. She said she will be quick, but I don't know if she got lost her way going to the restroom. I hope nothing happened to her or else Michelle will nag at me nonstop. Did she get lost here? I'm getting nervous and something might happen to her while she went to the restroom. I check my phone then I receive tons of messages to Jamie, Michelle, and Alexis. Gosh, I'm dead this time and I'm sorry I'm too busy with my shopping. What to do? Should I check the messages, or no? Do you know what the scariest thing happens when you're not with your friends? When seeing them messaging you more than four times and that happen now

5 messages from Mich while 10 messages from Lexi then 1 message from Jam

Let check first the messages of Mich and it is one of the scariest messages that I ever see

"Are you still shopping?"

"I hope you didn't buy 2 packages of clothes"

"I won't be helping you with your shopping bag"

"Lovely, remember its 5pm not 6pm or 7pm"

"Or else we will leave even you ask to wait for you"

"How is jamie? Don't leave her alone you know what happen if she's alone. I would confiscate all your things and clothes if something happened to her"

"Send me a message back once you read it because I know you're reading it already"

"Dare to ignore then you'll see and face the consequences"

"I'm just kidding, please don't ever leave jamie alone and it's hard to find her, remember what happened that day she got lost her way going back to the hotel. At least she was saved by someone"

"I'll see you at 5pm, okay?"

The last message of Michelle almost killed my day and why do I feel she's just around me right now then I carefully look around. Who am I kidding? But that nagging creeps the hell out of me, and I can hear the voice of Michelle telling me all of these. It almost kills me when every time I hear Michelle scolding at me, but I can't get mad at her because I love her no matter how much she scolds me and slap with reality.

Next is alexis messages and this will take for awhile

"Lovely! This is the craziest day I ever had because I met a jerk who try to steal my book and he keep denying it even I saw it with my own two eyes. I just really hated it and I don't want to meet that guy ever again!"

"He ruined my day and now the customer are concern with me here, but I told me them I'm fine. By the way, still shopping? Why would I even bother asking because I know your busy looking for new clothes"

"Lovely! Are you with jamie? Don't leave her alone or else Michelle will scold at you"

"Are done with your shopping? I think not, because currently you're still looking for a dress and it takes an hour for you to buy a lot of new clothes"

"I'll meet you girls before 5pm"

"I'm still here at the café helping them with their customer since they lack staff"

See she loves to talk that much and tell me everything even without asking her. Alexis is very jolly and sweet girl. But one thing she hates is touching her things especially her favorite books or else you regret it and sometimes she's sensitive when things happen and when her mood swing. More than that, she's a bit scary when things get serious as if we're talking to a different person and I couldn't forget the day she acts differently in front of us but couldn't figure it out what's going on or what just happened after the day because you won't recognize her if you make her mad.

And lastly, jamie messages which makes me worry the most

"I'm really annoyed right now! Where are you?"

Looks like jamie is not in the mood while Michelle keeps reminding me when I already know it

"Girl, she is so pretty"

"Isn't she Lovely Chua from music queen band in US? One of the famous group that everyone loves"

"She is the ambassador of Prada and Dior. She is pretty in person"

"She is also a model and joined a lot of pageant that I always see her in TV"

"I know right, she been my role model and I can't believe I'm seeing her in person"

"I hope she is also with jamie park, michelle swift and alexis mendez. I love to see them too in personal"

"Probably there are here too, because it won't be possible for them to go here alone"

We didn't know that were famous here but I'm glad I am because it truly makes me happy, and a lot of people loves and support us. Sometimes it's kind of tiring to get famous in different countries, I mean many fans will certainly protect us no matter what it takes Prior to my instinct, I must say that being famous is too tiring and every concert you should go to a fansign event which you always smile in front of your fans, accept their gifts and wave at them once they leave the venue.

I couldn't forget the girl who gave me a letter, wallet and handkerchief pink which is my favorite color then I can see her brother help her to go to our concert and fansign event in Chicago. How I wish I could have a little sister to braid her hair, put make up and choose her clothes. But I'm happy for what I have because God gave two older siblings who can take care of me and look out for me when I get sick.

"I wish I could see that girl and her brother, and I think we're on the same age, but I couldn't get to see his face clearly because he's wearing a cap and face mask. But he's a bit tall, maybe like 5'8 something" I said to myself because I miss seeing myself as a little girl then play with my mom and dad on the playground and tell me a story of a fairytale. My two eonnie and oppa will come fetch me in my school then buy my favorite food and clothes even I didn't ask them to do so. I'm too young back then because I still prefer play outside. Then Kathlyn will nag at me because I'm dirty and sweating which I'll get sick. While Kenneth brings me to the beach to relax for a bit.

Good old days indeed, no pressure or stress. All you can think is play around in the playground, beach, and amusement park. My phone suddenly vibrates, and I checked what it is. It's a notification from Facebook and Instagram, I click it then I saw myself on the post. Wow, these fans are so fast on posting a picture of us without our permission. Are you guys a dispatch or paparazzi? Only reporter can do this, there's an article that caught my attention and it says "The Music Queen Band is here now in the Philippines at J. Park Mall"

"That's her, Lovely Chua"

"Omg, she's freaking gorgeous. I can't believe that I'm seeing her right now and girl, I really want them to have concert here while taking a video of them singing together is once in a lifetime. I like Lovely and Jamie"

"I like Michelle and Alexis, that powerful duo as always"

"Have you watch their vlogs in Switzerland, Korea, Canada, and Los Angeles?"

"No, not yet. Maybe later after this shopping and I watch one of her vlogs on how to do make-up, what brands are the best and the best OOTD to wear. That is why most of the fans love her and I bet she's taken"

"Hey, are you sure? Last time, I heard on their interview that all of them are single"

"Is that so? I'll tell my brother that his idol is still single. You know what, this is the most embarrassing thing I will say to you, but he cries all night when he heard that his idol is taken already, and he won't stop bothering me because he's heartbroken. He's like a three-year-old and such a cry baby"

"Do you mean he likes lovely?"

"Yes, which he edited a lot of videos for lovely"

That is so cute, I love videos especially if I'm in it and the editing skills is amazing which it always impresses me which it feels so real because I can see how fans support you in many ways and one thing that relieve my stress is fan made video. Some girls suddenly approached me

"Excuse me, are you Lovely Chua?" the girl with braces and braided hair. I just nodded at her, and she jumped out of excitement "Omg, I'm your biggest fan. I always like your style"

"Can we have picture together?" I just smiled and she took out her phone then asked her friend to take a picture

"Thank you so much eonnie and I'm happy today" that made me smile at least some people are happy because of me

"You're welcome and your style today I like it. Maybe next time we should eat together and invite your friends" I said, and she smiled then hugged me

"Good day shopper, we would like to thank you for coming and loving all the brand-new clothes here in the department store. Also, there is a sale in shoes and women's wear at the corner, if you would like to see please come visit it. Have a nice day"

OMG! ANOTHER SALE!!!! WHERE?!!!! LIKE I THINK I SHOULD GO THERE NOW! IT'S SALES! I LOVE IT! I need to go there and buy again another set because I might be able to find new dress and clothes that I can wear to school. One last round in shopping so I'll buy the most of it because the class will start tomorrow


Benjamin POV

I don't know where did mico go? He didn't even tell me where he is going. He is too lazy to do such things like this go shopping, roam, and walk around because I can already see it since he also told me a while ago while eating but he just nods and agree to come as long no one bothers him. Mico and James are the grumpiest person in the group when they get serious and cold. I bet it is worse than that because they end up being called thugs if you keep coming in their way. The decision is yours if you still want to live in one piece and you don't want to see how you get beat

"It creeps the hell out of me when every time I think about it" then my phone suddenly rings and it's my little sister who's been calling me for about 15 times. Should I answer it? I know what she is going to say to me and ask another favor again. That is why I love my little sister and I can't hate her even I want to

"Yes, my little cupcake. How are you doing?"

"Oppa, my friends want to see you, but I told them that you're busy" – Heaven

"Oh, that's why you called me just for that? Okay, no problem. Are you still with them?"

"Really oppa?" – Heaven

"Of course, my little cupcake. I'll do anything you ask for"

"My friends are fans of yours which they always keep asking me about you. Especially, when will you come or visit me here in our school and I'm sure they will freak out once they see you. Even right now in the video call if that happens" – Heaven and I turn on the video call just to see her because I miss her so much and spending time with my little girl. Once I graduate, then I'll permanent live in USA and find a work there but still deciding if I'll build my own company or store.

"Oppa, I'm here with my friends now" – Heaven and I just smile at them. She has 7 friends and they're all girls. At least no sign of boys and I don't want her to be in relationship because I won't give my permission at all. That's the best thing I could do for her now

"Your brother is so handsome, how I wish I could have a brother like him"

"Does your brother have a girlfriend?" she just chuckles, and I can hear some of them giggle which I don't know what to say because I'm not fond of being in relationship as of now and I haven't met the girl for me. I mean, I'm waiting for someone which is my first love

"No, he's single not ready to mingle" – Heaven and that made me laugh so hard. How could she even say that? It's a bit embarrassing to hear and her friends just smile even though I don't find anything wrong on what she said but I'm too shy

"Why so? Is he courting someone?" these kids are so brilliant knowing they ask this kind of question to me when I'm so out of thoughts to give them answer which make it obvious

"Maybe he's dating someone secretly" these kids like to make such assumption and when did they learn this kind of mindset when it comes to dating. Have they watch a lot of dramas these days? Or am I the only watch it?

"No! I will not let anyone take my brother without my permission" – Heaven

"Don't be mean cupcake, Oppa will be fine"

"I don't want you to get hurt just because of her" – Heaven

"You don't have to worry about it and Oppa can handle it, okay? I'll be fine if ever I had a girlfriend who is moody because we can make our relationship better without any misunderstanding. Are we good now?"

"Are you sure Oppa?" – Heaven and she's worried that I might get hurt. No girlfriend since birth I say

"Yes, I am"

"Oh, you're such a protective little sister. No wonder why your brother love you so much and you're so lucky to have like him"

"Anyhow, you can talk to him and he's willing to answer your questions but don't make my brother a bit uncomfortable, okay?" – Heaven

"No need to be strict cupcake, I'm willing to answer it honestly"

"Your brother is so sweet and comfortable to talk with. I only have two older sister who always busy in their university while my cousin is a famous singer and single. Can I set him up with her?"

"Set me up with her? Let me think about it and I would say yes if your cousin were here" I said jokingly but she smiled at me which mean she'll set me up with a blind date which I'm not in favor doing it because that's too awkward to agree and talk cluelessly with the girl. It's not that I'm afraid of being in relationship, I'm a bit awkward opening a conversation with a girl because I don't know what topic we should talk about and how will I entertain her if we don't have common traits

"She likes everything related to brands, shows and models. She's a stylish person who has sense of fashion style. Also, the queen of OOTD, who put the best outfit every day"

"I see, that's great and hope to meet her someday or sooner. Maybe we could get along and know each other better. Anyway, don't you girls have class today?" I hear the bell ring in their school right now which I think their break time is over and they have class now. Right on time when I'm about to ask it. The girl hand over the phone back to my little sister then big a goodbye to me and wave with a smile. She ended the call and I promise to visit her soon and buy all her favorite things that would make her happy. I saw a text message from her, and it says that she will join competition in her school, wishing I could be there to cheer her up and I'm the one who will help her win the game. That is so sweet of her

I put my phone back in my pocket but then it suddenly vibrated in a second, I think this is mico because it vibrates more than 10 times in a row and it's too scary to check what it means by that, but I hope this is just a random notification on my social media

"You have a new message from The King"

I took my phone out of my pocket, 10 missed his call and 10 messages. I checked mico's message to me. I hope this is not something would get him irritated on something. I know him, when every time he messages us either he is hungry, annoyed or want to go somewhere.

One thing I like about him is when he gets bored, he will treat us everywhere we go and never bother about the expenses











Why all his text messages in caps lock? I hate this kind of feeling when his text like this, I think something happened to him which I don't know what it is, but he was insane and angry. A while ago, he used to be okay, now he is not in the mood. So, he also sympathizes us with his annoyance. So, I only need 30 minutes until I get to buy my little sister a gift since I'm going to visit her soon since she misses me a lot. What now? Mico is calling me this time. It's scary when answering his phone call. That is why we call him the Tick Bomb because his short temper which about to explode.

Should I answer it or not? Then my phone is ringing and ringing again like crazy because I can now imagine his face on how short temper he is and you won't even like hearing his voice with harsh words



I think he's going to ruin my ear in no time because of his loud voice, he doesn't need to shout

"No need to shout and relax mico, I'm still in the department store, why?"

"I told you that you should be here in 30 minutes, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!" – mico

"Chill dude, maybe he still looking for a gift" I heard charles voice at the background

"Okay fine, I'll give another 30 minutes. If you're still not here, then we won't wait for you" – mico

"Just relax dude, what's we the rush? I mean, we still have time and it's too early to go home"

"I said what I said, 30 minute or I'll leaving you!" – Mico and he's grumpy mood which I just don't mind about it because I don't want to make it a big deal at all and it's hard to argue with him

"Ah yes, okay I will and thank..." then he ends the call when I'm still talking. His rude attitude but still we understand him. I went to look for a dress in women's wear since I know my little sister that dress suits her well. There's a lot of choices here such blue, red, green and others. I'll just choose the pink dress when I'm about to get the dress then someone grab it, but she saw me looking at it too and she smirk.

"Omg, he is so handsome"

"Girl, do you think he's single?"

"Isn't he the one you looking for? I mean, the tall guy we meet last time in the Bar"

"You're right! I thought I wouldn't find him again. What a coincidence"

"He is the guy from that famous school"

"He is also the ambassador of Gucci and Calvin Klein"

"His friends are handsome too and all of them are talented"

"Is this my lucky day? I see a tall handsome guy and my fortune teller is right"

"Don't be silly, he's mine girl"

Now, I'm the center of attention because of these girls keep looking at me but I don't hate the idea which I find it funny because I'm not an idol but a lot of girls' support and love me even I just dance, and sing turns out to be my passion or sometimes a hobby. Then the girl who's holding the pink dress approached me "Sorry about that, you can have this one" she said while blushing and feel shy to me. I just smiled at her, and she gave me the dress which I'm grateful with that and my little sister going to love it

"Thank you and your name?" I asked since I don't how to thank her "I'm Stephanie Galler"

"Nice to meet you Stephanie Galler and thank you for this, my little sister will love it" I said with a bright smile, stretch my hand to have a handshake with her. Now she feels even more shy in front of me, and I can see her friends are giggling and Stephanie just blush which I find her cute

"No need to be shy, and you're cute. Study well kid and hope we meet again" I whispered to her, and she jumped into excitement. I went to the cashier and pay for the dress now since mico might call me again anytime.

"Here's your shopping bag and can I ask for picture together?" Sure, why not, then asked her phone so that I would be the holding it and take the picture. "Here we go, 1...2...3...Smile"

"Thank you so much" she smiles widely. Well, she's cute too and I can't resist smiling seeing a cute girl today. How I wish my little sister is her then she could find something interesting and to whatever or how many she will pick, and I will never complain to buy all of it even it's too expensive. My card won't be on limit because I have bunches of gigs to attend and part-time jobs to do.

Then here it goes, like I said my phone vibrates again and the tick bomb is calling me. Maybe I should change his contact's name on that. Incoming call from The King.... Here he comes again and the mighty short temper. I guess he won't calm down even I say it now because he will ignore it like what I did awhile ago which cause his temper a bit heat

"Dude, I'm on w...."

"Where are you!" – mico

"Dude, relax and I'm on my way" then he ends the call again

I ran so that I could be there in 30 minutes and why didn't he tell me where he was. Trying to find in the google map to look where he is. This is really going nowhere maybe I should message Charles since he is with mico. Or maybe I could give him a call instead because he never replies to any messages lately and prefer calls which can be easily to get along with the conversation. You want to know why? He's to lazy to type on his phone. I dial his phone number when it's right on cue seeing his name pop into my screening which he calls me, and I guess mico always told him about something

"Charles, where...." I bumped into someone then my phone fell on the floor. I get my phone then help the woman who I bumped into and it's my fault

"I'm sorry, are you okay mi....."

"Watch were you going!" she said angrily, and I shouldn't be mad since it's my fault. I help her stand up until I saw her and that made me surprised. She's smiling brightly and a light shining in her beautiful face like a barbie doll. She's so pretty and I guess I meet my angel today

"Ugh, look what you did!" she shouted which makes me come back to my senses and it was just my imagination of seeing her smile brightly but a cranky face who's about to eat me alive because I can tell her expression which is mad, frustrated, short temper, and displeased by what happen

"What are you going to do with my shopping bag now!" she's even pretty when she's mad and her eyes caught and her beautiful smile. Wait, why is she worried about the shopping bag when she should be worried about herself? Is shopping bag more important than herself? But she's still beautiful and I see her glowing beautiful face

"Hey mister!"

"Ah...ah" that is the only thing I could say and came out to my mouth. Oh, I'm late, it's already pass 20minutes then I only have 10 minutes to meet them. I think mico is angry right now. I end the call because this is not the time to talk with him and I need to talk to this girl here

"I said, what are you goi..." I didn't let her finish talking since I'm in a hurry "No time to chat with you. I would love to help you, but I need to go. Duty calls miss and I'll compensate everything when we meet again" I lied to her so that she will stop but it's true that I'm in a hurry because mico will going to kill me now if I still keep him waiting or them. I know I'm rude to this girl, but I'll apologize to her once I get to meet her again or maybe fate will decide on it

My phone ring again and how many times will my phone get calls today. I have no choice but to answer it because this will be Mico "Hello"

"Dude, where are you?" it's Charles with calm voice

"Department store and I have a situation to handle here. Is mico with you? Also, I still have 15 minutes left and I know mico is mad now because something happens to him. Better ask him about it"

"No, but I'm on my way to him. Did something happen to him?" – Charles

"I told you, better ask him and not me"

"Didn't he call you?" – Charles

"He did, but mico didn't tell me anything about what happen because I'm also curious about it"

"I'm also having a bad day and I want to go home as soon as I meet him. I can't find him because he just text me that I should be there at 5 pm but he didn't mention any place or store where he's staying. The tick bomb is happening again dude" – Charles and see it's not only me but he knows that Mico is a short temper and about to explode when he's mad

"Mister, I'm talking to you! Are you deaf?!"

"Dude, are you with someone?" – Charles

"A strange girl should I say. Anyway, if you meet mico and tell him I'll be there. Okay bye" I ended the call and face her

"Sorry about that, my friend just called me. About your shopping bag, I'll compensate it and here's my number. Just text me your account number and I send the money right away" I said then I took my shopping bag, but she touched and poke me at the back then slapped me hard. Ouch that hurts and my cheek continued to hurt when she slapped me again, and the weight of her hands are too heavy. Did she go to a boxing or gym? I massaged my cheeks, and this is the first time I ever get slapped by a strange girl

"You're just leaving without apologizing properly to me when you're already in fault. How rude of you and this is how you show respect to someone?" she said and that's kind of offensive. She slapped me again

"That's for ruining my shopping bag and my dress" she said at the same time she took her shopping bag then left suddenly without asking her name. Maybe next time, there is still a chance for me to meet her again. Three times in a row which I didn't expect that, and I touch my cheek that feel numb. Not in million times I would encounter such a short temper girl

Her slapped really hurts and the weight of her hand was like a rock. Never in my life, someone will slap me but only her. People keep looking at me here. Am I unlucky today? Gosh, I just covered my face with this shopping bag and left the department store to look for them. This is so embarrassing but why did that woman slap me? I know it's my fault, but she doesn't need to do that. I hate this kind of situation.