The third encounter

Michelle POV

I'm glad that mom own a flower shop here and she names it "Flower Girl" because she knew I love flower, but with the fact I hate receiving flowers from bunch of guys that I don't even know that much then lovely would definitely set me up for a blind date but I can hate her because I can't even stop her doing that so I let her be. I also love picking flowers at the garden and collecting some seed so that I could plant it. That is why my friends call me "The Flower Queen"

Well, nothing changed here a bit, but there are lots of customers than I expected when my mom still manages this shop but now, she's working in New York handling her other business. I'm really close with my mom but with my dad I don't know, and I don't feel any connection because he is too busy at work ever since I start studying. He never bothers sending me at school and fetch me. It's been 14 years already since I went here and help my mom with it that is why I'm a little bit familiar with this mall but didn't know it was Jamie's mall. I still remember when a boy came in with her mom and saw me suddenly, he smiled at me, and I did the same thing. I think we're on the same age then he asked me to wrap a flower then I did.

After that, when I'm done wrapping the flower told her mom to pay for it and he gave it to me which I'm surprised at it and asked him why he is giving me the flower. He said "It suits you well and you're pretty just like this flower" that made blush. He is the first boy who gave me a flower which makes me smile and I'm still hoping I can meet him again. Not just that, he is my first love. One thing I like is wrapping some flowers the same time watering them when it is time for new delivery of different flower like tulips, roses, and sunflower at the shop. What good old days it is and memories to remember. I can see there are a lot of new set of flowers here.

Omg, I forgot to tell my mom that we have move out and transfer to another school. She also told me last time that she will visit us once our class are done and she knows when our summer vacation will start. My mom will get sick and worried about me, I should call her. About to dial her number when she just calls me right on time and answer it immediately

"Mom, about that…"

"No need to worry sweetie. Derrick already told me yesterday and he told me he's the one who send you off to the airport" – Mom and I'm always thankful to him. At least my mom knows it

"I'm sorry for not telling you mom about transferring to another school"

"I don't have to know about it, sweetie. Because I already noticed it. I'll be fine and I hope you're enjoying your vacation there" – Mom

"But still, you have to know mom and I don't want to hide any secrets from you" it's hard to keep it from myself and I tell her everything especially my problems and my school life. She is my best adviser in life

"I won't get mad if you do, as long you are safe to where you are right now. Are you in the flowershop?" – Mom and she always know when every time I go to the mall and there's no other store, I would go but to my one-time favorite shop

"Yes ma'am, I think she's taking good care of the shop and there's a new arrival of flowers"

"New arrival of flowers? Oh, I send the shop a new set of flowers and I know you're coming there" – Mom

"I knew it but at least the flowers just arrived on time"

"How's your flight sweetie?" – Mom

"It's a safe flight and I have a place to stay which is Jamie's House with her grandma"

"Can you call me next time? because I want to see her again" – Mom

"What do you mean you want to see her again?"

"Granny Amiel, she's the one who invited me back then and welcome like her daughter" – Mom

"So, you mean, you already met her mom? That is so nice. I will call you later once we get home and she'll love to see you even in video call"

"I'll be waiting for that sweetie. Are you with your friends today?" – Mom

"Yes mom, Jamie's mom just treats us with delicious meal and gave us a discount to whatever we want to purchase today in the mall"

"I guess Lovely ask you to go shopping with her" – Mom and she knows well about Lovely because the last time we went to the mall, she bought something expensive to four of us and it's a limited edition

"Of course, what else would I do here in the mall? But at least I have time to stop by in the shop"

"How's your cousin?" – Mom

"By the looks of it, she's busy mom and there are few customers here. She's been running around the shop to get different flowers requested by the VIP Clients"

"You should reward her for the hard work and time she gives on the shop" – Mom

"I already have one mom and she'll love it"

"That's impressive and you're always prepare" – Mom

"Of course, mom and I love her. She handles the shop well"

"I told her, once the sales went up on the flower shop then I'll buy her a ticket concert of GOT7 that will be held next year in Chicago" – Mom

"No wonder, she's energetic and busy in the shop which she never complains on having a lot of customers today. But she'll get more excited once she received her gift from me"

"I won't guess it and I want her to be surprised as well. Tell her that I miss her so much" – Mom

"Sure mom, we both miss you too and I'll tell her to call you"

"Do you really have to transfer to another school?" – Mom

"Mom, I already told you and it's finally because we decided to go for the last time"

"Why don't you just go to Law University?" – Mom

"It's not that simple mom, my career doesn't even match on Law University which I don't want to stress myself to read a tons of law textbook and study all the laws and article. Neither I can't pursue to be a lawyer, judge, prosecutor, or attorney. It takes years for me to graduate, and I can't guarantee myself on studying that kind of course" I said honestly because I can't afford to sacrifice myself to any difficult dream just to protect anything, but I know it can help a lot of people but that's not the point and it's not my passion of having a dream like that

"Sweetie, you can go to West Bridgeton University" – Mom

"That university is mostly for psychology, pharmacy, doctor, nurse, psychiatrist and others. My dream doesn't even fit either on that university"

"The university of Derrick, why don't you try there instead?" – Mom

"Mom, trust me and I can do better things because I'm old enough to handle my studies and I don't want to be burden to you and oppa"

"Are you still upset of your dad, sweetie?"

"Mom, I told you to never talk about him or do you want me to cut our communication too?"

"Young lady, are you threatening me now?" – Mom, see she can even resist and don't want to cut our communication together because this is the only, I could talk to her when we're both busy. Probably she knows why or the reason behind it

"Sweetie, maybe it was just a misunderstanding or mistake" – Mom

"How could you even say that? You think that way when you always cry at night mom, now you think that is a misunderstanding or mistake?"

"Okay sweetie, I'm sorry and don't get mad. Let's stop this and continue what we're talking about" – Mom and I can never hate mom when she always takes care of me and oppa

"Mom, you don't need to be sorry and it's my fault for being rude. I understand that you want to fix it but that won't happen because it's already broken. Just think about yourself and don't mind him anymore. I'm not mad either"

"Stop blaming yourself mom, we can never reverse the time to fix what just happen. Smile now mom"

"I see that sweetie. Then tell me, which school you will transfer sweetie? Or have you found one now? Is the school good?" – Mom

"I don't know if it is good or what, but the name of the academy is Stanford High Academy, it was Alexis who browse into a website to search for any available school or academy who can still accept us even were late, but I know they can accommodate late enrollee. You know what university do and I read a lot of feedback on this academy which I find it somehow great"

"I heard about that school but didn't get to enroll there because I went to a prestigious school" – Mom

"You know me Sweetie, I went to Pride Academy, Sorority Art University, and Ethereal Music Academia where I join choir and musical play that enlighten myself and teach me one thing in life, enjoy every moment while you're young" – Mom

"Probably mom, I would go to your previous university if I hadn't met Jamie, Alexis, and Lovely but no thanks because I'm happy where I am and grateful that they became part of my life that no one can removed them for me"

"Sweetie, I'm not saying you should go to my school or university. I just want you to have enjoyable college life. That's it" – Mom

"Mom, haven't I told you to be patient and I'll handle to wherever university I'll attend?"

"Yes sweetie, but…."

"I know your concern about me but don't worry I won't let myself get hurt to anyone and I have my friends here which we can take care each other"

"Yes of course sweetie! I don't want anyone bully you like what happened to you in your previous school Dawn High Academy and the two academy that you attended back then which I forgot the name" – Mom


"Sweetie, you know how much it made me cry when I saw bruises and wounds on your body because of what they did to you" – Mom

"Mom, I said I'll be fine and I'm an adult now"

"Still, you're my baby girl and I love you sweetie always will" – Mom

"I love you too mom, no one can replace you and I promise you that I will become success no matter what happen"

"Okay sweetie, I need to go now and I'm on my way to work. Take care of yourself, okay? Call me later when you and your friends get home. If you needed help me, just tell me. Missy will be looking for you now because I told her you're passing by" – Mom and she always keep my cousin updated with everything I do, having a concert, travelling and do part time jobs

"Bye mom, see you soon and I'll visit once we're done on the half of the semester" I said finally with my last words and ended the call which made me feel sad because I already miss her so much. The last time I see her is when I was in middle school preparing for my exams, we had lunch together after my class which she treats me on my favorite restaurant, and we went to the museum because it's my favorite place to go

"Look what we got here. A tall and elegant lady with a pretty smile and beautiful face" I turned around as I heard that voice. She is a fine young lady now, the very last moment I met her she is just kid who is lousy on her clothes like a spoiled brat now she changed a lot. She is wearing a dress and put a light make-up which suits her well

"And its Michelle, my looking gorgeous cousin is here" missy said and she really love to tease me but ran towards me to hugged me tight and I hugged her back "I miss you so much michelle" she's about to cry but I stop her so that her make-up won't be ruined. She looks pretty "I brought you something" I hand it over to her and she seems look excited as she opens the gift

"OMG! A signed album of GOT7 and letter from Jackson wang. He is my ultimate bias at got7" she kissed me on the cheeks and hugged me again this a very tight hug and she jumped into excitement "OMG! MICHELLE! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! HOW DID YOU DO IT? LIKE YOU GOT ME A SIGNED ALBUM OF GOT7 AND A LETTER FROM JACKSON WANG" I can really see she is happy

"Okay, settle down. I'll show you one more thing before you do that" I showed her the video then she watched it. Guess what it is? "AAAAAHHHHHHHHH! OMG!" I covered her mouth because of her loud voice which she is already making a ruckus noise inside the shop and people were already staring at her

"Keep it down missy" she suddenly stopped doing it and watch the video

"Michelle, how did you meet them? In a concert?" she asked, and I forgot to tell her that Jackson Wang is a close friend of mine that's why I had the chance to meet him and his members

"Secret, next time I'll tell you" I said, and I don't want to tell her yet because she might ask me a lot of things about them, but I know she really going to be nosy, but I can't hate her about it. Me and Jamie are a fan of Ateez, and I know the feeling of meeting them. The member that caught her attention is yunho which she taught the matured one among the member but to found out we're all in same age of 22 and her bias wrecker is Jongho which he's younger than her. Being a Kpop fangirl is so exciting and fun

My bias is wooyoung and hongjoong which I love them both and I'm glad I get to meet them personally. I love the way choi san and yunho talks to each other because they look like siblings, and they care for each other so much. I hope I had a boyfriend like that who would definitely take care of me when I get sick and no matter what I do he will never get sick of me but I'll try my best not to do stupid things that make him feel worry.

But mingi is the best because of being the man that everyone wants to be with while seonghwa is more manly than I expected. While yeosang and jongho is the cutest member I want to talk to because they really had the funny side and those silly jokes they say. All of them are handsome and it's a bonus point because that's a major turn on. One thing that makes me like them is they're hardworking and everything is great. The reason behind my success is Ateez and EXO, I almost give up but we I start to listen to their music then I realize I should move forward and believe in myself.

"OMG! He wants to meet me in person, and I'll just tell it to you when. This makes me feel more excited and the merch will be delivered next week. They have a concert next year in Chicago and I'm going because the release of tickets is in October then I'll be flying in Chicago in September just to buy that ticket" she can't stop giggling because of excitement and joy she feels

"Ugh, bambam, young jae and jinyoung are so handsome. **, Yugyeom and mark are so manly. But I love Jackson wang because he is everything to me" she is really a fan of Got7 and that is why she wants to meet them especially Jackson Wang

"Is this serious? If we meet, then he wants to get to know me" she is about to collapse because of her excitement. I don't know how she managed not to show her fangirl side and such a lowkey person

"Do you want me to come with you?" I said and it will not be easy to buy tickets these days. Maybe I'll ask Jackson to give my cousin a ticket then it would be a great gift for her birthday. I gave her a GOT7 album with signed autograph then a video coming from Jackson Wang, her ultimate bias. Now a concert ticket in Chicago and they have fan meeting in Seoul next month.

One of the happiest moments for a fangirl is when they meet their idols and have picture together then signed autograph. I've been there for the sixth time meeting them personally which I'm close to GOT7, DAY6, and EXO CBX.

"Excuse me? I would like to ask for tulip and sunflower"

"I think there is a customer looking for you" I said, and she stand up then gave back my phone because she's already done watching the video of GOT7 and Jackson Wang greetings to her. She should be thankful to me as always because I have talk to them for a favor to take a video when they had said yes to me, and I have thought about missy which a perfect timing "We do have a lot of customers since this flower shop became famous after hearing your name. Michelle, just send me the video and just sit here" she said but I didn't mind because I want to help here not just to relax

"Have you eaten? Because I would like to ask you for a dinner date with me because I miss you so much my lovely cousin"

"Yes, I already did and maybe will do that next time. I'll invite you and my friends really wants to meet you since I always talked about you with them. They're happy to meet you and welcome you as their family" I said, and she just smile at me

"How's your mom? She just called me last week and told me if we already met. I just say no" missy said

"She just called me a while ago before you call me. You know my mom and she want to know if I'm safe and I'm not alone. I think she always feel worried when I'm not around by her side because you know what parents do and feel. By the way, my mom told me that you should call her later"

"Yes, I will, I just sent her a text now"

"You know my mom and she always keep going to ask me how I am doing, and this will make her more worried" I said, well mothers knows best than anyone else in the family because they're the one who took care of us since the day we step in this world

"Anyhow, I guess you have boyfriend now and when will you going to introduce me to him?" I asked and she just laugh at me

"Why does everyone think that I have a boyfriend? Do you think so? I guess I don't, well how about you?" she asked

"Yeah, don't lie missy and I know you" I'm not convinced by her looks

"I don't have a boyfriend. If I do, I will introduce you to him soon. I guess so" now she is trying to avoid eye contact with me. Or maybe she is still hesitating to tell me that she already had a boyfriend

"What kind of look is that michelle? Are you doubting me?" she asked and I'm too obvious on it

"Is it obvious? Sorry missy, did I hurt your feelings?" I apologize quickly because we might get misunderstanding

"Do you have daisy and lavender? I would like to order one and please do separate it. Thank you"

"Yes, we do have, and I'll get it right away"

"Do you still remember when we always pick up all the flowers we see and write the meaning behind it? I like how you collect every single flower we see on the park, street and garden. That is why your mom named this shop as The Flower Girl because you love flowers and now you own this shop" she said and trying to fix all the orders of the customer

"You still remember that? That's funny and I'm very impressive with your brain because you can remember everything" I said, and she is arranging the flowers

"How does it feel working here in the shop? Don't you have part timers here? Do you want me to work here as a part time?"

"You don't need to be part timer when you owned this shop and I guess you can work now" she seems to be right, but I prefer working as a part time because I don't want to get a lot of attention here. Since after graduation, we will go back to USA, and I think I'm going to move in New York without telling my friends about it yet and I want to stay with my older brother

"Omg, isn't she the member of music queen band?"

"Your right girl, let's ask for a picture and autograph"

"Don't you think that we're bothering her?"

"Maybe we should ask her"

"The owner of this shop was right, that the famous singer is here"

"So, it means, the whole group is here. I also heard to other people on the Dream Café that there is a famous singer there. We should drop by later if she is still there and I really want to meet my idol today which I don't want to miss out the chance for me"

"She looks so simple yet pretty"

"I like her style and it's not exaggerated like other girls who almost revealed their body"

"You're right which is disgusting"

"Don't you think is too obvious they like to seduce a lot of guys they see?"

"But it's different for Lovely Chua, the queen of OOTD. I love her fashion sense of style, everything about her is interesting. That is why she's my role model and inspired me a lot when things get rough"

"My role model is Alexis and her because not because they're great singer, but they never give up on their career even a lot of bashers start to spread rumors about them and ruin their reputation as it is. I like their braveness than anything else"

"One day, I will pursue my dream and be like her"

"I'm going to buy my granny a flower and her favorite is sunflower"

"Omg, is that Michelle Smith? I mean michelle smith from the music queen band, one of the famous singer and she's my idol"


"Cathy, why are you shouting? You're not in a concert, okay?"

"I feel like the music queen band is here"

"Is it because you want to meet your role model?"

"Of course, Jamie is my role model and she's not afraid to get criticized by other people. I went to the music academy last month to inquire and plan to transfer to another school then I saw her in a restaurant with the other members and she's eating a lot of food which I notice people keep gossiping about her, but she wouldn't care. That is one of the reasons why she's my role model"

"Jamie is a food lover, Alexis is a bookworm because she loves to read a lot of books, Michelle is flower lover and lovely is the queen of OOTD then that is what I noticed to the group"

"How did you know that?"

"Don't find this weird and I'm not a stalker, if by chance I always see them when I was still USA and don't worry, I didn't take any pictures of them because it would be a bothersome and this will cause a big issue to them"

"You did the right thing, and we should protect them at all cost, so that those bashers will stop ruining them"

"You're so lucky to see them multiple times and how I wish I could attend their concert"

"Hey, I'm here and let's buy that ticket once they plan to have concert here" They're so sweet and I like their friendship because you can see how she support her friend with the fangirling staff then I love her idea and being honest with her friend. They say that true friends are worth more than all treasures of the world. This kind of friend is for keep sake and I would want to be with her, travel in different places and go camping. She's a friend that everyone needs and no doubt that one day they both their goals and their dream career.

I walk around the shop and check it out because it I still the same which my mom didn't renovate anything at all then I approach them closely which I want to be thankful for them to supporting us endlessly and I think these fans should be treated something and I would do better things in the future to make them all proud of us. We got this far then we should never give up to those who support and love us

"Hi there" I said then they just shout, and I can see that they're happy to see me here. I smile to them to put the awkward situation away. She just stare at me for about 3 minutes which make me feel embarrassed

"This is your chance now Cathy" her friend said, I told them to have picture with me together and she said yes right away, open her phone and click the camera to take a picture now. They lend me a paper and pentel pen to sign an autograph for them. I can't still fix my signature because it's been a year since we had our fan meeting in Chicago and Los Angeles. I just did whatever the outcome is

"Don't let anyone know I'm here, okay? I want to have a peaceful vacation today and I know you girls are excited to see us personally, but I don't like to be crowded in a place. Just keep it between us. Take care you two" I said, they nod and left after they bought a bouquet of flower. Missy approached me immediately after the two fans left the shop

"I think they're talking about you Michelle, I also forgot that your group band is really famous here. No wonder, you and your friends are all over the ads and I really like lovely because of her fashion style. I mean, I like to meet her because I want to learn how does she do her fashion and I'm really amazed which I hope to meet her soon" missy is really excited to meet her, and I'll tell lovely about this one

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked and I seem to notice she is the only one here handling the flower shop maybe I should stop by after class but let me check my schedule before I do that. How can she manage all these customers who are visiting here? Somehow, the customers have a long patience and never complain with the time

I didn't wait for her to respond, and I start to help her in this part so that it won't be difficult for to do everything. At least I did learn a lot of things when I had my own flowershop in the states. That is why I'm used to it already especially wrapping and fixing the delivery of new flowers in my shop

"Can you get me dandelion, snowdrop and hibiscus right over the left corner? Thank you" missy said, and I just went to get the flower she asked

"I'm glad, you have a great time with me. No babe, you know that I love you. I call you later once I arrived home. Bye babe muah"

Ugh, so sweet and stay in love. "Michelle, can you fix the tulip and sunflower for me" I just nodded at her and went back to work

"Just wait for the delivery cupcake, and it will only take 10 minutes. I know your stress, then there goes your sweets reliever. Enjoy my little cupcake"

"Sorry about that sweetie, a friend called me that is why I can't answer your call. I miss you so much. When are you coming? I'll be waiting for you" He just called someone babe earlier, now it's sweetie

"No sweetie, I'm with my friends now and I can't meet you today, maybe next time, okay? I love you so much and never forget to eat your meal" that is the most cringy thing he said and how can he talk to two women at the same time which is the most unbelievable thing I hear today. My ears are innocent, and this is unacceptable in the shop. How can missy let a customer come here in the shop like this?

"Honey, do you need something today? I'll buy it for you, okay? Tell me now and I'm at the mall. Do you want a perfume? Chocolates? Sexy Dress? Heels? You know how much I love you honey and don't worry about anything okay? Take care of yourself" Is this serious? He's even lying to that girl and now he's concern about her

"Darling, I'll buy you a flower and I'll see you tonight, okay? I love you and I miss you. Hug and kiss me okay" Omg, is he a womanizer? I hate that kind of guy especially this one I might say no if someone will court me then found out he is a playboy. He is too clingy and flirts to a lot of girls. Is he even serious with that?

"Michelle, can you help me here?" missy asked then I went there and help her since there's a lot of customers now. It might take longer than I expected. Since I still I have 3 hours to go before I meet them at 5pm. It's already 3:30pm but it will take time for us to finish everything here. We should at least hire three people here so that it won't be stressful for missy part, but I'll try my best to work after class and I hope my schedule won't be hectic just like before. I turned off my phone for a while so that no one will bother me calling when I'm busy at the shop


James POV

Danica and Margarette never stop calling me which I find it tiring because they always say they love me but I'm not serious at all since I still need to look for new one they all just the same no one can change the fact I'm still the same. So, I really need to break up with them so that I can find someone new and I'm sick being with them. Then I will meet jasmine tonight for dinner date then I'll break up with her too. They are a bit boring, and I want a girl who is very interesting but there's no one I see. My sister is calling me right now. She would nag at me if I didn't answer her call. She loves me that much that is why she is calling every day

"Hello to my gorgeous elder sister, did you miss me already?"

"Gorgeous your face, why didn't you answer my call last night? Which is very important call and I want you to know that you're a businessman" – Irish

"What? You call last night, and I don't know. Maybe I sleep early"

"Sleep early, your ass. Do you have girlfriend? Why don't you introduce me to her?" – Irish

How can I introduce you to her? If I can't even find someone who can changed me and stay by my side without being so needy and clingy. I wish I could meet the girl who will listen to my problems and a shoulder to lean on when I have a rough time

"Then tell me why aren't your answering my calls? Is this the way you ignore my call james?" - Irish

"Here she goes again with her non-stop scolding"

"Are you saying something?" – Irish and I forgot that I'm on a call and she hear it I guess but I hope she won't nag that much today. Did she find out that I'm in trouble?

"No, I don't, I'm busy last night"

"You're excuses james, what did you do last night?" – Irish

She won't stop until she gets the answer she is looking for. I should make another excuse

"James why are you not answering my question?" – Irish

"I'm busy doing the proposal you asked me. Check your email now since I already sent it last night"

Well, that's not excuse because they want me to handle the company after I graduate but I don't want it since it's not my forte to do so

"Is that another excuse of yours?" – Irish

"Just check it now sis because I'm waiting for your response if you need some revise or changes since I still need to do your draft proposal even I'm not working on your company" I said it seriously because she won't believe me at all

"Okay later and I'm just kidding about that. No need to be serious since I hear your voice now. Have you eaten?" – Irish

"Yes, I already did, how about you? Let's meet next time. Where are you?"

"I'm at the company, working but I give some break time for the staffs, so I have time to call you" – Irish

"Wow my sister is busy and she misses me a lot"

"When will you going to talk to dad?" – Irish and that made me stop which I wonder how my sister makes me feel upset when every time I'm in good mood today and now she is ruining it

"Do you want me to block your number? I don't care if your sister but once you mention dad, I'll block your number so that you can't contact me ever again"

"How rude of you, is that how you treat me?" – Irish

"Yes, if you keep talking about dad then I'll definitely talked to you to this way. I already warned you Irish and you think I'm joking. But that's a big NO for you" On the contrary, I hate having a fight with her

"JAMES LEE!" – Irish

"I wouldn't even care less, that is why stop mentioning dad because you're ruining my day" I prefer to tell her what I really want to say than making her feel like I don't have feelings. I'm not a rock who couldn't feel anything

"How is that I'm ruining your day?" – Irish

"Ask yourself that question" I feel guilty when every time I talk to my older sister, but can she at least keep it to herself instead telling me

"How would I even know that?" – Irish

"Tell me about it"

"I'm your older sister and respect" – Irish

"Is my respect even worth it to give to you?"

"James! Dare to talk back at me then I'll cut off all your allowance" – Irish

"Then go ahead and you'll see what happen next"

"Why are you always sensitive about these things?" – Irish

"Because I don't want to hear any single thing you want to say to me if you always mention about dad"

"Okay but don't push me away because you're hurting feelings james" – Irish

"Don't say anything stupid then I wouldn't be rude to you"

"By the way, dad wants you to...." – Irish

"Stop it! How many times would I tell you that I don't want it and tell dad he should stop bothering me with his company"

"Is that how yo..." – Irish

"I told you to never talk about dad when you're talking to me and I'm really going to block your number one more time you mention. I'm warning you right now or else I will disown you as my older sister" I said and just end the call because she's annoying today. She's never there for me when I needed her and she only call me when it's all about business. I've been receiving 10 calls in a day

"Oh, hi james, same flower of bouquet" missy said, and I put a thumbs up since I'm a regular customer here. Maybe I just forget the conversation we had today so that it won't ruin my mood. Then another call is coming but this time is mico. Why do I get a lot of calls today? I think it's my lucky day. A lady passed by me, and she is beautiful. Her beauty is different from what I see in school and it's my first time seeing her here. Is she a part timer?


"Dude, are you still there?" - Charles

"Yes, I haven't done anything yet and still looking for a bouquet of flower. Why? Is there a problem?"

"Nothing happened, I just want to tell you something"

"Go ahead, I'll listen"

"Give me that phone" I think it's mico

"We already left the mall, just use another way to go back home"

"Ah okay, how's the sho..." he just ended the call when I'm still not done talking with him. Well, that's how he cut off your call without letting you finish what you're about to say. I have no reason to hate him when he's not in the mood but it's annoying to see him act a grumpy one. He's indeed the tick bomb

Where did that lady go? Maybe I should ask missy if she's working here, and I keep missing the little girl I met back then. Where is she now? Hoping to see her again and I do still remember I gave her a letter to remember if we don't see each other for a long time. I look for missy but there are a lot of customers today in her shop. I can hear some girls talking about someone name Michelle Swift and I don't know who that is.

"I saw Lovely Chua in the department store, girl she is freaking gorgeous and I'm way too far for being pretty girl like her"

"Same, I feel you Danny and it will take time to be gorgeous. Lovely beauty is natural"

"This is the happiest day I ever had because Michelle just talked to me which she said hi and I can't believe she ask me to have picture together, not just that the autograph is a treasure that I want to keep"

"The music queen band is here in the Philippines, and I should write an article about them and I'm proud to be part of their queenie fandom. I'm going to kick those bashers ass out for saying negative comments to my queens"

"I finally found out the one they're talking about is Alexis Mendez who voluntarily work in Dream Café"

"See, she helps other people. Who say she's too bossy? Going to rip those mouth whoever say it. Ruining my idol reputation"

"You know how bashers are, they will ruin everything the idols have and spread false rumor"

"I hate those ugly bashers, keep ruining my girls' image"

"I know right? Lol, the insecurities they have"

I see more customers coming in, some are oldies and at the age of 30 then girls at the age of 22

"Look! Omg he is so handsome"

"Does he have a girlfriend? I hope not"

"Oh, he is an artist I think"

"I never knew that there are a lot of handsome guys at that school"

"Of course, don't you see him?"

I looked at the girls here and smiled at them then I see missy holding a lot of flowers which I help her

"Omg, did you see that? He smiled at me" I can see their giggling and thrilled at the same time

"He looks even more handsome when he smiles"

"Do you think he's single?"

"Hey, a handsome guy like him would be single"

"Don't assume girl, sometimes those kinds of guys are taken in secret"

"You two don't look good together"

"Shut up girl"

"James, you're here. I know what bouquet you would ask me. Sunflower with roses and tulips" she said, and I nod at her. I've been a loyal customer for almost 10 years, and she will give a discount for it even I didn't ask any of it because I prefer paying on the original price. There are only 3 staffs here and 50 customers coming day by day. Maybe I should work as voluntary staff

"You know me missy and I guess is a big day for your shop" I said

"Missy, where are the other flowers?" I heard someone shouted and I looked who it was then I'm amazed by her beauty and it's her again. "Wow, who is she?" maybe I should ask her number, but these women are already approaching me here then my phone ring "Give me a second girls" I said, and I walked away a little bit

"Missy, is she new here?"

"Well, no"

"By the way, the owner is here already" she said which make a bit confused. What does she mean the owner is here? Isn't she the one who owned this shop?

"What? You mean you're not the owner when you took care of these shop for almost 10 years, and I still remember helping you out when you lack staff" I said which I don't believe it at all because how could that happen?

"I told you that I'm the not owner of this shop because I'm just taking care of it since she's not here but now, you can address all your orders to her. Now you'll believe and she's here. Just check on her on the left side of the shelf. I'll fix your bouquet now and wait for about at least 15 minutes, okay?" she said and went on the other shelf to compile all the flowers

"Missy, do you know where the storage is?"

"Go straight then turn left"

"That's the owner of the shop, and she's not an ordinary girl that you would just ask out her number. If I were do research before asking some question because she give a logic answer and vague question back at you" that sound sarcastic, and I thought she was joking back, there because I knew she play some jokes

"While you're at it, please do order some dandelions, daisy, pink roses, lilac, sweet pea, and crocus" she's kind of bossy. That's not how you should treat your staff and she should at least check first before ordering missy around. But I haven't seen her face yet, so I shouldn't judge her because maybe they're both close, I guess, and missy didn't even say anything at all. It's okay for her to get order around like that

Jasmine is calling me again. What is her deal? She keeps calling when I already told her I'm going to meet her later. Why can't she just wait? There it goes, where did that beautiful lady go again?

"Hello, excuse me?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Are you James Lee?" she asked when I'm a bit surprised because she knows my name when it's my first time meeting her. Or maybe she has seen me somewhere which I don't recognize people face easily and I'm having trouble to remember people's name. I meet 20 people in a day

"Girl, I knew it and he's studying on that famous school"

"You mean the one you always mentioned to me last week and you plan to transfer on that school"

"Can I get a picture together with you?"

"Sure, why not" she pulled her phone out and take a selfie together when I saw the lady again talking to missy. Are they close? Or is she the owner of this shop that missy told me about a second ago. Wait, she's also the lady I saw outside the store picking up some flowers "Will you please excuse me for a sec" and left here

"Wait, there is a customer calling me" missy said to that beautiful lady. What the fudge? Jasmine can't she just stop calling me for now. She is too naughty, but I just answered her call so that she will stop calling me

"Hello darling"

"Where are you? Are you hanging up with me? Do you hate me now darling?" – jasmine

"Uhm, at the café shop" I lied so she won't ask bothering me

"Sir, your bou..." I told missy to keep it down and smiled at her since she already know what it mean

"Shh...okay thank you missy" I said and went to the cashier to pay for it

"I'm already here honey at the mall" – jasmine

"That would be Php 2,000 sir"

I took money from my wallet and handed it to the cashier. I suddenly looked at the woman. Wait, it's her

"Honey are you still there?" – jasmine

She looks pretty when I get to see her closely

"Honey" – jasmine

"Ah excuse me sir, your phone call is still ongoing" she said while pointing at my phone

"Ha?" that's the only thing I said without saying another word

"Honey, are you hanging up with me?" – jasmine

"Ha uh. No, why should I?"

"I miss you honey" – jasmine

"Missy, I'm leaving" the woman said to goodbye to missy

"Yes sure, take care and see you next time. Thank you for helping me" missy said to her then I saw the girl smile and went outside the shop which I followed her

"James, you forgot your bouquet of flower" then missy handed me the flower and she was about to go back inside the shop, but I stopped her for a minute "Is she the owner of this shop" I asked because I'm curious

"Oh no, that's not her and the owner just left awhile ago after she fixed everything in the storage room and that's my cousin, her name is...." why did she ruin the moment when I have the chance to get to know the name of the lady.

"Excuse me, can I ask for another set of tulip and pollens?"

"Oh, sorry about that, james I should go back to work now" missy said and hurried back

"What is her name?" I asked again maybe this is the chance for me to get to know it

"It's Mi…." "How much is this daisy and lilac?" there it goes again

"Sorry james, I'll just tell you next time and I have a lot of customers to handle today"

"Honey are you still listening?" – jasmine. Where did that woman go? I hope to see her again and yet I don't know her name because I missed out asking. Maybe missy don't want me to get along with her that's why she lied to me and pretend to not know who the owner is, or she just don't have the chance to tell me about it.

"Honey" – jasmine

"Oh yes, darling"

"I'll meet you at the Lee restaurant honey 5pm sharp. I love you" – jasmine

"Ah yes, I'll be there. Bye darling, see you in a bit" Then I end the call because she never stops calling me and barge a lot of things. I hope I could get to know her name and ask for her number. I look at the time on my phone and it's already 4:30pm. I still have 30 minutes to roam around the mall before I met this annoying woman


Jamie POV

Ugh, I thought my trauma will haunt me down again. It scared the hell out of me and almost made me cry well at least I try my best to fight back, and I chased that pervert stalker who took a photo of me which is very disgusting. Then he keeps on denying it even there is a proof on his phone. You can't beat me with this when I already saw it with my own two eyes. I should check myself if I'm still okay and my eyes are a little bit swollen. I try to put a little bit baby powder so that Michelle won't noticed it. When my phone suddenly rings, and I don't know who's calling right now because I'm afraid to hold my phone because someone might snatch it

"I hate this day and I still have goosebumps. Darn it! Never be deceived by the looks because you will never know what a handsome guy can do secretly. What a pervert stalker!" I said to myself because my whole body is shivering and that is so disgusting. Why did I even touch that phone on his hand? I wish I could have a hammer on my hand and smash that phone multiple times

"How could lovely leave you like that? Look what happened to you" she got mad because I told her everything what happened to me because I went alone to find a restroom and lovely is so busy looking for brand-new clothes. But I can't hold any longer as much as I want to

"Just relax, I'll be fine now"

"How can you even say that I should relax? When you almost got hurt or maybe that jerk who took a picture of you should be punished or once I see him, I'll going to destroy his good looks that no one will ever want to like him" Alexis said, and this is one of the reasons why sometimes I don't want anyone know about my problem because she will never going to stop until she teaches that person a lesson

"Try calling l lovely now! How could she be so busy on her shopping when you're not even safe?!" she said, Alexis should lower her voice down because someone might hear. I'm totally fine, nothing happened

"I'm here" and we saw her holding a bulk of shopping bag. Is this even serious? Like she bought the entire store. What happened to her dress and other shopping bags? Alexis suddenly approached lovely and help her, but they talked privately a little bit far away from me. I'm a little bit curious so I move closely to them, but they saw me

"Why did you leave Jamie alone when you know she's not used to this place?" Alexis said with a little bit disappointment, but I know she is worried about me "You don't even bother calling her"

"You must be lucky because if Michelle found out about this, she won't forgive you at all" I can see lovely is quiet and couldn't say anything

"I'm sorry Jamie" she said with a sad voice, but her expression says it differently. Did something bad happen to her?

"Didn't mean to get mad at you, it's just that I'm worried about Jamie. But anyway, what happened to you? All your shopping bags are crumpled" Alexis asked. I guess the three of us had found our worst enemy today

"Well, a jerk bumped into me and didn't help me at all specially to pick up the shopping bag that I bought. He's annoying and he just left me out there" lovely explained and she is really upset

"How about you? You look irritated" lovely said pointing all over the face of Alexis

"A little bit tired and there's a lot of customers on that café. So, I volunteered to help them since they're only two staff handling everything. I didn't ask them to pay me but instead they assist me on what to do even I know every detail" Alexis explained while looking away and thinking what to say next to us

"But why do look pissed off and want to beat someone?" lovely said and she seem to be right because Alexis is not in the mood and did something happen to her while looking for a café and bookstore. Or maybe she bumped into someone who started to get into her nerves. I don't want to guess about it.

"Someone is stealing the new book I bought then he keeps denying even people saw it especially me who about deliver his order" the two of us look at each other and didn't say anything

"Such a bad day to start" she sighs

"I'm so sorry, I'm late. Did I keep you girls waiting?" Michelle just arrived and run out of breath

"Sorry, I tried my best to get here but there are a lot of people around the mall, and it's hard to get out somehow. Then some approached me asking for a picture and autograph."

"Really! That happened to me too"

"What a crazy day it is" all of us look tired except for lovely who is still energetic and jolly

Mr. Brown just arrived in time, and we can finally go home now. I'm so tired and hungry. "Your granny is waiting for you and cooked you a dinner" Mr. Brown. I'm excited to go home and I can eat the dishes of granny. Class will start again tomorrow, and I hope the school is same as the music academy