Stanford high academy

Jamie POV

Monday is a tricky day and busy favor for all the students who are going to school. But hey, I'm still laying at my bed because I'm too lazy to get up and we don't know our schedule yet so I can do my part for a while, but the sun is too bright for me to pull the curtain since the color fits in. Every morning, you wake up seeing yourself smiling that makes your day go along and seeing the person you love in front of you smiling to brighten your day

Someone poked me at the back then I turned around

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" I hit him in the pillow. Did I see this correctly? Or is just me?

"Jamie, it's me alexis" ah alexis? I look closely and oh it's really her. I rubbed my eyes to see it clearly and touch her face. I thought I saw that jerk face and I hope I won't see him again. I pinch her cheek and touch it if she is real

"Wah! It's really you" I said and that is a relief

"Yes of course it's me, who do you think I am?" she asked with a confused expression all over her face

"Ah nothing" monday is really the worst day but I'm glad it's not going to happen

"What is that sound?" it's kind of irritating because it's too loud and keeps repeating "Oh sorry, my bad. I left my alarm clock on" raised her hand to express her apologize while laughing

"Wake up girls, rise and shine. It's the start of the class for this semester" michelle said with a calm voice. I really love the way she talks it makes me calm too

"Is lovely still sleeping?" do you wanna know something? The most sleepyhead and hardest person to wake up is lovely. Then she snores loud even we told her to at least lessen it, but she can't

At least the two of us are already wake up because you wouldn't even like it if michelle still find you sleeping or lying-in bed

"Lovely" michelle knocked at the door on the room of lovely to check if she is still sleeping

"Lovely, wake up or else don't let me do something you won't like" she open the door and we can hear the snore of lovely which I can't stop laughing

"She is still sleeping, and you can't wake her up" as I point on the mouth of lovely wide open then have messy hair with saliva on the side of her mouth

"Maybe let her be" alexis said

This is it. Me and Alexis went on the room of lovely but behind michelle so that lovely won't see us and complain that we suggest it but usually michelle already get used to it

"Lovely, wake up and it's already time" lovely just sleeping tightly

"So, this is how it goes, then I have no choice" she pulled lovely out of the bed but lovely is holding on the pillow which didn't wake her up then michelle throw a pillow on her still didn't bother. See she is really sleepyhead.

"Don't blame me after this" here she goes.

In 10....9....8.... 7...6

"Lovely, we have to go to school since it's our first day and we still don't know the location of the school. Get up now"

"Ah...ah..." she is just making sound of saying one word

"Lovely, wake up!" michelle is finally getting to it

"Wa....wait, give me 5 more minutes please" she said because she doesn't really want to get up still feeling cozy on the ground which she thought it's the bed


"I'm...sti...still. Sleepy"


"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! GOSH! THAT'S SO COLD! WHO DID THAT?!" we just laughed while michelle is looking at lovely

"Now, you finally wake up!"

"Is that serious? Why didn't you just wake me up?" lovely start to complain

"Well, I did, but you're one big sleepyhead" she said while looking straight at lovely without putting any smile on her face

"It feels like you're still shopping in your dream and don't want to wake up"

"That's for sure and I'm on my fashion runaway walk but you got it on a wrong timing Michelle. I was about to walk to present my design work then again you splashed a water on me which I don't like it"

"Don't you even remember what date today?"

"No, I don't and thanks for ruining my dream where I could live as a fashion designer and people might recognize now" look how annoyed lovely is and Michelle is just calm as she is.

If I, were you, don't make the situation worse or else you'll meet Michelle in a different way? Sometimes she can be straightforward person who you don't expect, and she end up hurting someone feelings without realizing it. One more thing about michelle it just we known her for almost 7 years, but we didn't get to see her mad doesn't want to be in mood swing today and she might shut everyone's mouth even anyone dares to mess with her

"Breakfast is ready and you girls just go downstairs since granny is waiting for us especially to you jamie" she said and went downstairs already

"And would you please stop that. Do you really have to do that michelle?" then she looked at us while we look anywhere just to avoid her gaze

"I'll stop when you wake early than me. I'll see that until we graduate. Let's have a deal, if you wake up early than me than I'll buy all the clothes you like for a day. Just tell me later if you want to take the deal" michelle said and lovely didn't even respond just smirk because she is still rebelling when all her clothes are wet, and she doesn't like it at all. Michelle just went downstair and lovely just looked at us two

"Why didn't you stop her?" the two of us just shrugged and she looks like a kid who been soaked in a heavy rain

"I'm all wet now thanks to her!" she is kind of mad now, but Alexis is laughing out loud then glared at Alexis then she surrenders. Lovely pushed then shut the door "Such a brat"

We just knocked again, and she didn't open the door for us, so we just talk to her outside the door

"Well, you know her, and don't you like it? You have a deal with her" I said

"Huh? What deal?" she suddenly opens the door and let us in wherein she just changes clothes

"Are you even listening to her? Because you wouldn't even asked me about that deal" I think she won't even remember when she just wakes up by now, one thing is that she got annoyed with michelle

"Come on, tell me now" she said and lovely is being naughty again

"I'll tell you once, so you better listen to me or else you'll miss the chance to know about it" alexis said because she can remember everything we say here

"Okay, I'm ready to listen"

"Let's have a deal, if you wake up early than me than I'll buy all the clothes you like for a day. Just tell me later if you want to take the deal" alexis can really copy michelle and sounded like her

We went downstairs and I can see granny watering the plants in the garden and Mr. Brown is helping her do the other chores in the house. It's quite comfortable here since I don't remember most of it

"WHAT! OMG!" lovely just shouted

"You two should eat now, we still have a lot of things to do" michelle is always busy when it comes in this kind of day.

"What happen to lovely? Why is she shouting this morning?" michelle ask and we don't know about it

"Maybe she already come to her senses"


"I'll take the deal, promise that or else I won't talk to you" lovely said and went straight to the dining room

Monday is her very favorite in weekdays and saturday is her favorite in weekends. Somehow alexis like wednesday and Saturday because she can practice all the instruments and compose a song for our upcoming concert. While lovely like tuesday and friday which she can fix her clothes and think what to wear for the day. For me, I only like Sunday because it's rest day

Lovely is here and glaring at michelle "Do you have something to say?"

"Ugh, well I do so! But! Hmp, nothing nevermind" she said while lovely is frowning

"That is why you should wake up early" I think these two will going to argue like a cat and it will take for a while but alexis step in before it starts

"Okay settle down you two before it makes things worse" she let lovely sit down and same to michelle

"Do you know what day it is?" michelle asked

"Why should I know? Duh, it's Sunday of course" lovely said proudly and all of us laugh. I think she is still in her dream

"Are you sure about that? You'll give me $100, if you got it wrong" michelle being a dealer today and I bet lovely won't make any changes on her answer

"I'm sure of it, do you think I'm wrong?" alexis and me avoid eye contact with her because we won't stop laughing if that happens and she won't even stop asking us if she got it right or wrong

"But if you got it wrong, you'll buy me a dozen of heels and bags" lovely is confident with her answer but she got it all wrong then michelle just look at her

"Do you know why I woke you up girls this early?" she asked

"Well, I don't know, and you just end up waking us even we don..." she just stops for a minute and thinking if she said it right

"OMG, is it Monday? Start of the class?" she did that face palm and she feel embarrassed

"Now you know, give me $100 because you lose, and you should stop doing something late at night which I hear some noises on your room. I don't know what you did last night that made you sleep late and now look at you, you're too lazy to move and go to school. You should better sleep early okay"

"Well, my cousin asked to do her presentation because she needs it urgently" lovely said

"Shouldn't she do that? Why does she always asked you to do her school projects?"

"I don't know either, maybe only last night because she is busy with her other works"

"Lovely, that is just an excuse, okay? Don't let your cousin take advantage of you or unless she does the same thing with you" michelle give a piece of advice to lovely but she won't listen to it

Mr. Brown and granny are here. Oh, I should ask Mr. Brown if he knows the school location so that we won't get lost going there since we're just going to use bus

"Mr. Brown, do you know where the Stanford High Academy is?" I asked

"Ah yes, I can send the four of you to that school it may take an hour which it is depends on the traffic" Thank you so much Mr. Brown you save us. I don't have my car yet since it's in the states and cost a lot of money to bring it here in the Philippines by plane. Maybe I should work a lot of part time jobs just to buy a new car

"Okay girls, go upstairs and dressed up after we eat. Remember, first day of school. So don't make any mistakes to embarrass yourself. Especially you, I'm counting on you lovely" she said while pointing to lovely because I remember she did big mistakes on her first day of school and I can't forget that day

Alexis lean closely to me then she is staring "You look crazy" I beat her a bit to shut her mouth "Ouch, that hurts. You're laughing by yourself. I thought you're crazy a little bit"

"Can we just attend the class on the next day?" lovely said begging us not to go and trying to be cute

We didn't give her a chance for it, because she will only get spoiled since yesterday, we already let her do the things she want and even help her with the shopping. When it comes to school, she is too lazy to attend. But if you talk about shopping, she is fast and interested. The excitement is all over her face

"Let's go now girls, since we're going to be late" michelle said but lovely is not yet done with her make-up and clothes to wear

"Lovely, we will leave you if you're not here yet. I'll count to 3" she will start now


"Coming, can you at least give me 30 minutes to fixed myself not unlike you who don't wear makeup and wear simple clothes" lovely said with aggressive tone but michelle didn't mind her


"I'm coming!" she shouted and hurried since we hear her footsteps already

"Okay we're good to go. Lovely, this is not a fashion, okay? You're just going to school not a fashion show" michelle fight back and lovely is a bit cringe of saying anything back because this day would get a bit moody for the two of you

"Okay you two stop it. Lovely come with me and jamie sit beside michelle" alexis asked me to be michelle guardian to stop them fighting

"No, it's fine. Okay I'm sorry lovely if that offend you" she said while bowing to lovely

Lovely already felt sad and sorry. She hugged michelle and kissed her on the cheeks to ask for forgiveness because she isn't the type who can't get angry easily so she thinks before letting out of words not to hurt the feelings of the person then she will speaks calmly

Mr. Brown sent us off to school, so we won't have a hard time since it's easy for us to go to school. We also don't have our cars here so we have no choice but there are buses and taxis here. I suddenly felt sad because I missed the music academy


Mico POV

It's a sunny day, yet worst to come. Why do I always end up saying that? Monday is always grumpy day for because I'm too lazy to go to class since it's only first day but charles insist going so I have no choice to come. We went to the school early but there are a lot of students already in school which they smugged us, so we went straight to the principal office.

Also, first thing in the morning, my dad called me which it is annoying.

He asked me to take over his position in the hospital and I had stop talking to him because of that. He can't even let me decide what I want to do. Becoming an idol or singer is one thing I decide to do until I graduate

"YOU! PERVERT STALKER" I hear it again, that crazy woman really ruined my mood and image because of that misunderstanding. Yesterday not the good day because it's the most embarrassing moment in my life that even another person will get annoyed

"Pervert? Stalker? Hah!"

"Dude, who are you talking to?"

"Are you alright?"

"It seems you're having a bad day today early this morning"

I hope I won't see her again

"That crazy woman!" I should calm down so that it won't be hectic day since Monday is the busiest day because people will go to work while students go to school and there is us ready to go

"Are you going crazy mico? Because if yes, we should bring you to the mental hospital or else you might also influence us with your mood" benjamin said then he laughed and put a peace sign because he won't like it if I'm not in the mood to play jokes with him

"Pervert Stalker????!!!! You crazy woman!"

"Are you calling me a pervert and stalker?" james said because I was looking at him

"Ah no dude, the woman yesterday is really like crazy" I said, and I don't want to think about it. She almost removed my hair and my eardrums likely fell off because of her loud voice

"Why? What happen?" they asked

All of them are staring at me because they are waiting for my answer. Should I tell them or what? They didn't stop staring at me

"Okay fine" then they listen before talking

"I left benjamin yesterday for a while just to take a walk around the mall then someone call me which I don't know who it was and I cancelled the call but then again it ring. I have no choice but to answer it" I said since I should mention the girl named nicky which I don't know

"Go ahead, we're listening"

Before I continue and I look at james "Do you know a name by Nicky?"

"Nicky? Nicky? Uhm, no why?" james said

"Because she said we met at a blind date which I don't remember the girl you set up with me james since there are too many even though I don't like anyone of them" I prankly said so that he will remember it

"Oh wait, nicky? nicky? Now I know, its nicky flores. She is the only granddaughter of chairman wang who owns the Elite Hotel and one of the richest chairman in New York who owns a lot of company" he really explains it well since he knows every girl he met

"Well, I'm not interested with her"

"Okay go ahead mico, continue what you're telling a while ago"

"That time when I'm talking to that nicky someone bumped into me it lookslike he is in a rush then I saw his phone on the ground told him that he left his phone but he run fast as if someone is chasing him when I'm about to follow him and give his phone back someone suddenly jumped on my back and pulled my hair saying pervert stalker" I stopped there since it's kind of annoying to say it again

Then the three are silent but all sudden started to laugh at me

"Dude, that's so unlucky of you" james said while laughing at me

But charles is a little bit quiet after laughing, I think something happened to him too

"Well, me, I've been accused of thief by someone even I'm not stealing anything at all"

"Why? Did you steal something?" I asked

"I just said that I'm not stealing anything. While I was looking for a place to sit then I thought someone left the book on the table that is why I keep it for a while so that if the owner come back, I can return it personally then the owner is the waitress who is very aggressive who always want to have a fight. She is really looking a strong woman because she steps on my foot" charles explained everything. Is there something unspecific situation yesterday because we are unlucky?

"Well, you guys only experience that while me a girl slap me really hard" benjamin said while laughing

"Why are you laughing? " charles asked. He should be mad at least than smiling

"It's my fault that is why but never in my life would even dare slap me but" he stopped when we got curious

"That must be hurt" I said

"But what?" he left us being curious then he is giggling and smiling like an idiot. How could he laugh with that kind of situation?

"Hey! Stop doing that, you look like an idiot"

"Okay fine, the girl is pretty. Are you happy now?" benjamin said

"How about you james? What happened? How is your date with your girlfriends? Whoever it is" we said because he went home early last night and didn't tell us anything went straight to his room talking to his phone again

"Don't ask about it dude, because I already broke up with jasmine and others since its tiring to handle a lot of girls" he said. Who wouldn't get tired having like more than 10 girlfriends then he is going to flirt to another girl? I hope someone will teach and change him so that his mind will knock into reality

"Won't you get caught by your sister?"

"That is why I'm doing this, and don't ask anymore question about my sister"


"I said stop asking question"

"No, I'm asking you about jasmine. Why did you break up with her?"

"Well, I have a new girlfriend I met her last night at the bar. I'm too tired having a relationship with jasmine and she's even naughty because she talked too much" james said

I knew it. What's new about it? When will he get serious with his relationship to one girl? But I know, he's not a type of person who fall in love to anyone because he is doing it for one main reason and he really wants to cause a trouble with his dad and I don't want to ask james about it and he is really grumpy

"Dude, won't we get scolded here because this is the principal office" charles is a little bit worried, but he just needs to relax as of now since the principal is not here yet

"Don't worry, I'll handle this" I said and james can do it

He is always scared when we get caught by the principal because he doesn't want to get suspended in school or his parents will found out about it and also it's the first day of class so he needs to behave before something happens. We might as well have fun today since it's only orientation for the first day


Alexis POV

Monday is really a busy day because there are a lot of people going to work. Day by day, we wake up then do our daily routine. Overcoming struggles and challenges along the way before they finally get to where they aspire to be.

We may be on a long path toward something we want but somehow it will take a long time before we achieve it because it's like an error and trial. Here we are, while these three are sleeping while me looking around the street. One thing I hate is that It's a Monday and you wake up early to attend your 7:00 am class. But we still have schedule, so we don't know what time

"We're here" Mr. Brown said then I woke up them up and I went out the car now since they are stretching

"Thank you, Mr. Brown, I'll just message once our class is done" jamie said and Mr. Brown left. I felt my phone vibrate then I get it in my pocket to check

Unknown number, should I answer it, but I don't know who this person is or maybe I deleted his/her phone number since it is not on my contact list

"Hello, I think you dial the wrong number"

"Is this Alexis Mendez of Music Academy?" does this person know me?

"Ah yes, who is this?"

"Who are talking to?" jamie asked then I shrugged

"I'm Melissa Conderia of Bright Agent Company we met on the concert which I hand you my business card to talk about signing a contract to be our company ambassador. Congratulations, you have won 4 four tickets going to Switzerland and our company would like to ask you to do a concert in the upcoming olympic competition next month. Please tell me ahead if you have any condition and we will send you details once we confirmed your answer" she said and I don't remember anything about this, when is the last concert we have?

"Really? Let me first talk it with my teammates before I proceed giving you an answer today. Maybe later will do. Just sent me an email thru"

"Okay thank you" then she ended the call

Where am I? Oh, finally we're here. It took 2 hours to get here because of the traffic. Somehow, I'm still new to this school because I don't feel like I'm going here. Or I just miss the music academy that is why I feel it this way.

They have a banner outside and it is written something saying

"A place feels like a fantasy home where everyone could live as a prince and princess"

Is it because the school look like a palace where a royalty of family staying in but it sound weird at the same time this school might lead me to my own grave, and I don't like that?

"It's kind of amazing, they have motto here" someone said, I think he is new here

They already have an event here and it seems to me their class is still in the afternoon or giving a welcome event for the freshmen and transferee. Students are happy looking because they have smile on their faces. I noticed that Jamie is sad, does she also feel the same way as I do

"Why with the long face jamie?" I asked then hugged her so that she won't feel like being alone

"It's just that I miss the music academy, and everything seems new for me. It might take long for me to adjust in this academy" jamie said with a sad tone

Lovely and michelle hugged her too

"Cheer up jamie, look at the bright side you'll find this academy fun and exciting and you'll get use to it anyway like what we did in music academy" michelle explained to make jamie feel relief and no need to worry about anything because we don't want to see her feel sad. But lovely seems to be excited at all

"Girls, I think I'm going to love it here. Like the school is very nice and the space is wide I hope we won't get lost here while roaming around. Also, somehow, we can get used to it but there are other students here seems to me are weird"

We don't know we're to go as of now, seems the school is big, and the principal office is a bit far away here since I check it on the website. It says that it is near at the administration building and hospital. Also, we don't know yet our schedule and section. Maybe I should ask some students here in the campus where the principal office is

Let's get to work, I should approach that student over the tree "Hello, excuse me? Do you know where is the prin..." she just left without talking to me. Let me ask another student "

Excuse me? I'm new here, can you please show me around the prin..." she just left too. What a weird student they got I'm just going to ask a question, is there a problem with that?

Michelle is calling me

"Hello, where are you?" – michelle

"I'm here asking some students, but they won't even talk to me"

"We did the same thing too"

"Don't you find it weird?" I hear lovely is asking michelle

"Maybe I'll just go back with you girls after I asked other students here" I said and end the call

"Excuse me"

"Excuse me" why do these students keep walking around? Am I visible to them?

"Can I ask you something?"

"Excuse me" Are they afraid of the transferee? I'm friendly but why they can't talk to me?

"Excuse me? Where is the prin..." she noticed me then finally she can answer what I'm looking for?

"Can you lead us to th..." She feels nervous at the same she is shivering "Sorry" she said and suddenly left.

Come on! What's wrong with these people? Besides, I'm just about to approach them, they already keeping their distance away from immediately or I will leave without even finishing my question. Are they scared of me? I don't even talk with my loud voice but in a calm tone. I should just go back to michelle

"What happened? Have you asked the students and find an answer?" lovely asked

"So did you ask them?" then michelle asked me too. But how will I answer them because I don't know where the principal office then I shrugged. Since the students here are weird and I think there is really something wrong with this academy. So, it's up to us now, to look for it

"Omg they have bazaar and cute stuff here" jamie said. She really likes cute stuff like teddy bear, small cup, notebook, and others.

"Who is that person called you?" lovely asked

"Melissa Conderia of Bright Agent Company" I said

"Excuse me? Until when are you here selling this cute stuff?" jamie really like to buy all these stuff

"Until later at 6 pm" but them jamie suddenly frowned and left the booth

"Then what did she said?"

"She said that I won 4 tickets going to Switzerland and she wants us to sign a contract to be their ambassador" I explained it to them

"What is that serious? Then what else?"

"They also want us to do a concert on the upcoming Olympic competition" I said

"What did you say?" lovely is curious

"I'll think about it and ask you girls" I said and lovely shake me telling me that I should yes. Can she stop shaking me because I might throw up at this moment since I still feel all the food, I ate a while ago

"I think we need to look for the principal office now since we need to hurry to know our section and schedule this semester" I said and started looking every corner of this school since it's too big to handle it by our own if we split up. We can't even ask a student here to give us some direction. I think they are weird


Mico POV

We still have time to take a rest before class starts later at 1pm and thankful that the principal is not here yet or else she already has been walked out the office then we would be roaming around the event and booths which is kind of boring. Also, next we're going to have Stan Org Hunt to let students apply in different organization they wish to join in.

Since charles is leading the broadcasting, benjamin in theatre guild and model, james in art and while me in music and sports. I hope I could find a student that will fit in my organization since I need an assistant

"There are really a lot of students since the class start today" benjamin said while looking in the window.

As if benjamin is not used to it yet and he is always not into himself these days. Will you even be surprised, every year we have an event for the welcome party to the freshmen and transferee. Nothing is new here in our academy which it's kind of boring, but we demand a lot of things and control the students studying in this academy. I hope there are no girls who will transferee or else james is going to flirt on every single girl. He never been serious in any relationship with someone

"Charles, why are you busy at your phone?" I asked because it's been 2 hours using his phone

"Don't tell me, you're watching porn" james said jokingly

Then charles show his phone and james suddenly shut his mouth because charles is just browsing to look for an instrument and shirt

Suddenly, someone knocked then opened the door

"Hello, excuse me? Is this the principal office?" the girl with denim jacket and skirt asked

"Did you see the small billboard outside?" I spoke

"Ah yes"

"Then tell me what is written on it" charles said

"Principal Office?" a questionable saying like they don't know what is written

"I don't know if you're an idiot or what, you already saw the sign outside then you're going to ask if this is the principal office" charles said grumpy and I just laughed

"That is why we're asking dimwit" the girl who look boyish whispered which I heard that one

Wait she look familiar, and I look at her closely "Hey! What are you doing!" when she was about to clinch her arm, but I move backward or else she will hurt anytime?

Then I look at her again to see it clearly. What! It's her?? Is this even serious? I can still remember what she did yesterday which made me angry. She embarrassed me yesterday then has the guts to attend here in our academy. There are a lot of schools, why all sudden she transferred here? Maybe I should do something to annoy here so that she can leave right away

"I think we're talking to dimwit people here" the boyish girl said

"Just relax okay. Don't make any unnecessary situation. It's first day of class then behave, okay?" the girl with matured mindset scolding her

"So, is this the principal office?"

"Oh hi, yes but the pri...." I hit him in the stomach so that he won't ruined the situation here

"Sorry for making you uncomfortable here. But the principal is not here but we could help you girls because we are the student council. And I'm the president here" I lied, and they seem to be shocked then I think they fall into what I said. I think I'm going to have fun

"Bro, what are you do...." I hit him again. Can just benjamin shut up for a second? He is going to spoil our disguise. I look at the three and they know what I mean

"What are you still doing outside the office?" charles said brutally then the girls entered the office and close the door

"YOU!" charles and benjamin suddenly stand up then pointing to the girls. Charles is pointing to the girl who look boyish while benjamin the girl with beauty and wearing dress, but the two girls seem to be shocked

"My heart almost went out of my chest" the girl who's wearing dress said

"Do I know you? or do you know me?" the two-girl asked. I try to stop charles and benjamin before they make a scene

"So, what brings you here girls?" I asked and smiled so that they won't make any suspicious look at me

"Can we ask about our schedule and section?" they asked. Oh, I know what to do and this day will be a fun day for us. Charles just looks at the girl who looks like boyish and the way she dressed. While the three is just looking around and doesn't seem to be convince by us. Especially that tall girl who wear jeans

"But before that, you should dance first before we give your section and schedule" I said to the four girls and they seem to believe me

"If you don't want to then you can get you..."

"What kind of dance?" well let me think about it

"Chicken dance"

"Frog dance"

"Lastly, alien dance"

"Then we could give your schedule and section" james said and I laugh out of burst but try to refrain myself on laughing so they don't notice that we are tripping and playing with them

"What is that even serious?" the woman with matured mindset asked which makes her wonder. She was wearing something simple and then we looked at them seriously

"You want me to kick your ass out" woah, she is tough girl that no one could handle her mood but that matured girl just stop her

"You can just say no" but they just do it. James and benjamin suddenly took a video of them secretly.

Gosh, they look so funny while watching them dance like that. Benjamin trying to stop laugh out burst same goes to charles who try to look serious but deep inside he wants to laugh out loud and make fun of these girls

"What are you girls doing?" when the principal suddenly went inside the office without knocking at the door. So here she goes then the girls stop dancing

"You boys, are still doing this?" there she blows it up then the girls are confused

"You must be?"

"The Principal, I'm Claire Santiago and you must be the new transferee in our academy since you girls are not familiar here yet. So, tell me, what are you doing? Did they tell you do crazy dance?" Ms. Santiago asked

"Ah yes, the president of the student council told us to do a dance so that they can give us our section and schedule" the girls said while us can't stop laughing

"What? He is not the president of the student council. They are just staying in my office" the principal explained to them

"WHAT!" they shout and can't still believe on what the principal said. We went out before the principal scolded us. And the four of us laughed again because they did that hilarious dance. My stomach hurts because of laughing out loud. It turns out that they are easy to be fooled and one thing is that they obey immediately that makes them ridiculous and idiot. This made my day