Section 4-A

"Sometimes having patience is the only thing you can do with those people annoyed us until you want to punch someone face"

Charles POV

If you look at me again now, how unlucky I am that crazy woman. I was fed and she throws me the food at my face by that shameless woman who was so brutal that she really wants to punch me on my face, because I can see it in her eyes how mad she is and she just wanted to kill me. Well her friends stopped her. She gets really angry when you breaks or ruined her books. It's good that I have extra clothes or else I might be smelly in class.

The three still can't stop laughing because of what happened to me. Instead of helping me earlier instead they just laughed at me. Do you like that? Your own friends will laugh at you in front of many students with the embarrassment you felt at that moment. It's very satisfying because I get my revenge on her because of that damn book I have been accused of stealing even I'm not. At the same time, it's really embarrassing yet she is really a strong woman. I can't say anything at least she can't even recognize me at all or maybe she is just pretending to

I messed my hair and this is driving me crazy. How could she even do that? Is she even serious?

"AAAHHHHHHH!!!!! That crazy woman" the three stare at me

"I think he's crazy right now"

"Shouldn't we at least bring him to the mental hospital? It might become serious and this is dangerous"

"I can hear you two and please stop playing jokes around because I might kill you two if you didn't shut up right now" I said with annoying tone and I can't even concentrate at all because of this smelly food which is lasagna

The two just laughed at me "I might kill you two" james repeat what I say "Do you want a death wish?" then show off my grief that I'm refraining myself to punch his face

"Dude, your phone is ringing and I see that you exes are calling you" I said and smirk at him

"I should buy another phone at this time" He seems to be get tired and bored with his fling womens and because there are so many to mention about this girls of his that himself too don't even know who to talk to anymore that is why he is looking for another girl to flirt with and date another girl. That is what we called womanizer. The Casanova King is in the house

"Are you alright baby?"

"How poor, whoever did this I won't forgive that person!"

These girls are really worried about me, I have a lot of fans inside the room and also in the school.

I can't imagine the courage of that brutal woman who is not afraid of us and it is obvious that she speaks vulgarly at the same time she is too loud like she have eaten a megaphone. Not even a single guy would like her because the way she talk and acts doesn't fit her as a lady.

But not in my entire life that I've been accused something like that. Because of that, my image and pride is ruined which I can never forget what she did to me. When I look too handsome to be called a thief and why did you even leave a book on that table? I still have a book that I keep over from the ones I destroy awhile ago. This damn book which ruined my life yesterday

"Our Story of Love" she's really into love and romantic books but will never be in relationship because the way she dress and act. Somehow we have the same trait when it comes of loving a book

"I hope she will not be in this class" I said to myself

"Dude, by the way, do you even know the girl the hold your collar?" james asked. Definitely of course, the crazy woman!

"Why did you even pour water on these books?"

"Why did you break the books of that woman looked like a boyish Seems like she wanted to smack you on the face earlier" benjamin said. Should I tell them?

"Well, she's the one who embarrassed me yesterday in front of many people in the café. Accusing of as a thief" I said then I smirked while thinking that situation which I hate the most

"Wow" the three are shock and all of sudden laugh at me out loud that the whole class looks at our direction. Why these three always seek for attention?

"Why are you laughing there mico, while you been called pervert stalker" I said then he rolled his eyes

"Will just shut up your mouth?" mico is pissed off, see he is laughing awhile ago. Now he can't even do that everytime he hear the pervert stalker. He really get irritated easily but earlier he laughed at me then that crazy woman thrown food in my face now my clothes are all dirty

Suddenly Mr. Jung came then all of us settle down and went back to our seats. Actually, all of the professor here are a little bit grumpy but somehow the four of us close with each of them. One more thing, he's been our professor for more than 4 years ever since senior high school grade 12 that is why he already knows about us and we already get used to it anyway

"Okay class, please settle down. As you can see, you're down to last two semesters and finally graduating. I hope all of you follow your dream and pursue it. Also, we have four transferee students here in the academy and they will be in your section for this semester. Please behave and treat them well okay class" Mr. Jung explained

"I hope they are girls, so that I might as well get along with them"

"Please it should boys, I want to have boyfriend now"

What are they fussing about? Wait, transferee student? Ah ha. The four of us will be having some fun and kick these transferee students in this academy. But if these transferee are girls, definitely james will going to flirt with them and have a fling. That's his habit or daily routine here in the academy even everywhere at the bar, club, casino or anywhere. As long the girl is pretty and sexy which is not hard to get

"Girls come in" Mr. Jung said and the four transferee students went inside the room. Is this even serious? Why all of the transferee, why should be her?!

"Dude look, isn't that the girl who throw food on your face?" benjamin said

But mico just hit him to shut up because he's not in the mood to talk to anyone especially his eyes is fixed on the girl beside of that boyish. Then benjamin just zip his mouth "You're too noisy benjamin, she might hear you" I said

I might as well pissed her off so that she can leave this academy immediately


Alexis POV

It's not same with music academy and I'm not used in this kind of set up like having a lot of students in the room which make me shy and quiet throughout the class. I suddenly feel nervous then everyone here in the room is looking at us and I'm already sweating. I did an inhale and exhale to lessen my nervous which create unexpected emotion.

On the second of thought, I should just go back to music academy or maybe I let myself conquer this nervous breakdown because it might caught me off guard on my position. I really hate this feeling and my hands are shivering. Jamie notice me that I'm not in myself so she hold my hand

"You can overcome it alexis, just relax and think as a new environment around you" I can do this because I already when everytime we have concert in different countries. I thought this will be gone about 4 years ago but it is hunting me and coming back. Act normal alexis, you can do it

"Bro, they're so pretty"

"Isn't it she is the girl at the cafeteria awhile ago?"

"One of them is cute, especially the girl who's wearing skirt and blouse"

Is he pertaining at jamie?

"Wow, is she even in a fashion show? Why would she wear a dress in the class?"

That brat! Why would care about it? At least lovely is pretty than you. None of your business and fixed yourself first before you stare at lovely. I really hate hearing those things about my friends

"Omg, they're the model of the music academy. I saw it on the website of that school and I knew it"

"The famous music queen band is here and student of music academy. The famous academy in the USA"

"I like the tall girl who looks simple. She looks pretty even without a make-up"

"Girls, I'm Clark Jung, you're homeroom professor at the same time english professor"

"Okay girls, kindly introduce yourself" Mr. Jung said and here we go

"Hi everyone, I'm Jamie Park from Music Academy. Just call jam or jamie. 22 years old and who loves to eat a lot of food" everyone laughs at her but jamie just smile because she also find it funny

"Hope to be friends with you guys. Please bear with me if I make mistakes in the class" jamie said and bow her head for respect

"I told you, now do you believe me?"

"Well, why won't I? I'm just mesmerize by their beauty that is why I can't believe you"

"Now you should because I heard it from the other students as well not until I saw them"

"Okay fine, I believe you now. Are you happy?"

Why are they arguing? These students are really weird especially those assholes who I want to smack their faces

"1...4...3...I love you. Hello friends, I'm Lovely Chua at your service. Just call me love or lovely. It depends on what you want to call me" then boys are looking at here "How about babe?" the guy in the left side and third row said it and lovely approached him

"Uhm, maybe I should say no. But we can friends" lovely said

"OUCH! FRIENDZONE" everyone in the class said which make me laugh. Lovely can regret someone easily especially a guy like him. She prefer a guy who have a same trait with her like have a sense of fashion

"My last name is not chaw chaw or choc ho. But it's Chua, not Chihuahua because that's a dog breed okay? Nice meeting you all" lovely did a fashion walk around the class and everyone clapped their hands to give a round of applause to her

Now only me and michelle are left to introduce myself. But I should be the last to introduced since that's what we do back in music academy

"I'm michelle swift from music academy. Not taylor swift but michelle and call me mich if were close. But if not, just call me michelle. You can approach me anytime, don' worry I won't bite as long as you have sense of humor on talking. Nice to meet you all" michelle can be serious when she introduce herself but she's friendly so no need to worry if you will talk to her

"She is my type"

"My kind of style, not easy to handle but have sense of humor"

"She's simple yet an amazing woman"

"I hope she doesn't have a boyfriend, I might court her" You don't have any chance at all so you might find another girl to mess up

Jamie is still holding my hand but I tap her and then she let of it since I'm fine now and my nervous breakdown is gone

"Lastly, I'm Alexis Mendez. 22 years old and call me lexis, alex or alexis. I love to read books and create my own books when everytime I'm bored. Also, I hate Mondays because this is the busiest day that a lot of people do some work during weekdays. Don't be scared and just talk to me anytime" I said and bow my head then everyone clapped. Finally, it's done and I thought this will kill me out of death because of my nervousness throughout my body

"Do you girls have boyfriend?"

"Lovely, are you seeing someone right now?"

Lovely suddenly blushed and smile "No, but I would be glad if someone like me"

"Michelle, I like your style"

"Really? Oh why thank you for that"

"Alexis, please be mine" that made my heart skip a beat but sorry I don't like you and not even a single guy here in the class because I find it too annoying and tiring to be in relationship because if the two person end up arguing then the ending will be breaking up and hurting each other which I find it unreasonable

"Okay class, please be seated class. I didn't know you girls are so famous here. But I'm glad seeing you as my student this semester. I hope we all get along and my only house rules here is don't be late, pass all the requirements, listen to my discussion, and if I am absent in the class automatic you pass the other assessment given within the day" Mr. Jung explained each house rules in his class which is I find it interesting and this would get me in time attending his class

"Thank you also for introducing yourself girls, you can sit at the remaining seats at the back" Mr. Jung said and point on the fourth row which is empty but in the fifth row there are four guys who are sleeping. In the middle of the class, they are just sleeping. Why didn't they just go home instead sleeping in the class? These lazy assholes wasting their tuition fee just to sleep in school

We bow our head to show respect then straight on the seats available on the back. Omg, feels like a bucket of Ice with cold water have poured in me. Jamie left a seat for me while michelle and lovely sit together

It's like this jamie – me – michelle – lovely. I'm the only who is not seated yet and I can sit now "Ouch, that hurts" someone intentionally pulled my chair. Who is this dumb person would do this? My butt hurts and I look who did it

"What the fudge!!!! It's you again! How unlucky my day is! Why I do I have a classmate born to be idiot" I shouted and everyone is looking at me. Gladly, Mr. Jung went out for awhile

"You dimwit! What is wrong with you! Do you have a problem with me!" he is really ruining my mood today. I just said awhile that I hope he won't be in my section but look who it is. He just ignored what I said and Mr. Jung suddenly entered the room

"Alexis, is there any problem?" he asked. This is your entire fault, you jerk!

"Nothing at all sir" I said and pulled my chair so that I can sit now. I just look at him serious but he just did a make face. Argh!! Earlier you just ruined my mood, I want to hit your face in no time

"Alexis, are you okay?" jamie asked. Do I look okay to you? I just nod even I'm about to explode because of irritation. Anytime, I can really hit him and to the point my blood is boiling because of this guy! Then, we still have one semester but I hope we are in different section because I don't like seeing him everyday because I can really kill this guy


Michelle POV

Awhile she is just nervous like she was about to collapse but now alexis is quiet and serious, she seems not fine to talk to anyone because of what happened to her. While jamie is listening and looking at the whiteboard since Mr. Jung would do an orientation as for now. Then lovely is sleeping, I won't be helping her if she get caught by Mr. Jung.

"As you can see class, there will be an event for Stan Hunt wherein you'll be joining different organization you wish to be part of" This would be fun and I love joining organization

"These are the organization you can join" then show the list of organization through TV

* Broadcasting

* Arts

* Music

* Sports

* Fashion

* Red Cross

* Drum Line

* Theatre Guild

* Youth

* Event

* Student Council

* Math Society

* International Student Organization

* Entrepreneurship

* Film Society

* Photojournalist

Wow, there are many organization to join in and it's hard to choice since I would join 5 organization in this academy but it will take a lot works to do instead of enjoying myself in this school.

Alexis would definitely want to join the broadcasting since she likes reading stories of others and give advice to them. Also, music club because this will help her to practice her on writing music.

While jamie, would definitely go to music, sports and entrepreneurship because she prefer in singing, selling food even I know she would buy them for herself and then lovely would probably go to fashion, event and film society.

Guess what she wants to do, to promote her style to others since she is planning to build her own fashion company. For me, I would go to arts and photojournalist like painiting and taking pictures everywhere

"You can join when the stan hunt start and everyone will be excited to meet you. And I know there are some students here are already part of the organization so I won't mention your name. But I would like to ask the four new girls" oh he is pertaining to us but lovely is sleeping right now

"What organization would you like to join?" Mr. Jung asked

"Entreprenuership, music and sports Mr. Jung" jamie said

"I would definitely join the broadcasting and music" while alexis said

"Photojournalist and art because I like taking pictures and do painting" I said with a smile on my face

"Well I want to be with michelle because she is mature to talk to" and all of the students in the class are talking about what organization they would join as long as they want to be with us. But Mr. Jung must be pleasant to hear it from his students that everyone is going to join different organizations

"How about student council? Do you girls want to join that organization? Since they need assistant"

I won't think that way, but maybe I should since I've been a student council for almost 3 years in music academy so it won't be hard assisting them

"We will think about Mr. Jung" alexis said while I agree on her

"I want to join them too so that I could talk to them"

"I want to be with jamie"

"Me, to be exact I want to be with the music queen band"

"Okay class, I know all of you are excited and you want to be with them so please settle down" the class noise is getting too loud

"Also, there are a lot of activities and events in our academy. Awhile ago, there are booths and bazaar which is to welcome our new students and feel free to enjoy things around the campus. Don't let anyone ruin your dream because only you can decide on your own" Mr. Jung really knows a lot of students since he give us advices to understand how it works here in the academy then I wish no one will bother me throughout the semester

"We have 1 camping event, 1 field trip and 2 international travel in Korea and Japan. I almost forgot that there will be a graduation ball before graduation look forward to it class. So put your best look to be part of the princess, prince, king and queen of the night" I like that, travelling is what I usually do

I think I'll enjoy here. But someone throw a paper on me. Who the fudge is this person throwing a paper on me? I just ignored it so that this person will stop. Then again he throw another one which is coming from the back and I turned around to check who is this annoying person keep bothering

"Do you have a problem mister?" I said. I point out on the paper he throws at me which is really annoying "Read it" he said then winked at me which is disgusting. What a pervert!

But here I am who is a fool still going to read what written on the paper. This curiosity of mine is really something that I want to avoid but I end up getting disappointed

"So your name is michelle? The girl on the flowershop yesterday. What is your relationship with missy? And you are working on the shop? I find you attracting babe – J.L"

"WHAT!!! BABE!!!!" I shouted and I can't refrain myself getting annoyed. Everyone suddenly put their eyes on me and also Mr. Jung. I just slightly bow my head and sit back again

What the fudge! This womanizer! That is so disgusting and I don't like it because it's too cringy to hear. Duh, we're not close and I don't know him. But how did he know about missy and I'm at the flowershop yesterday.

So wait let me think..... Omg, he's the guy who talks to different woman on the phone and now have the guts to put me on his list of flings like that is not cool and I want to throw up. I looked at him serious but he just stared at me. I was so annoyed that I tore the paper and threw it on the floor and stepped on it.

Throw another paper on me "Would you please stop doing that or I'll rip your face out on no time!" I just ignored him and he just laughing like a crazy jerk who went out to a mental hospital


Benjamin POV

Another day has passed as I forget what to do today since its Monday this day always keep me distracted on the things I want to do. You know what? I have different personalities when it comes talking to various people around. When I'm sad, I always go to my room and think what made me feel that way. When I'm mad, I eat candies to refrain making mistakes and saying some harsh words because I might put all my anger to someone who didn't do anything at all. When I'm broken, maybe I'll just move on that's how they used to do it. But don't worry I don't have girlfriend ever since birth

I notice that mico is sleeping then charles who look serious and james look like an idiot smiling by himself. Why do I have friends like this? They are crazy not unless something is bothering them right now

"Dude, that lovely, she is really pretty which I like her style"

"I should court her"

"She already rejected you bro"

"You don't have the chance to do that even you want to"

"She is sleeping but still look pretty"

"Guys, let ask lovely to have a picture with us later"

"How could she even wore a dress and it's too short"

"Omg, I still can't believe it. The music queen band are here"

"The model of music academy are really stunning gorgeous"

"I hope I could get close with them"

What's with these four women? I searched the music academy. Wow many videos that appear almost events then they also have a photoshoot. I should also searched about their group

Music queen band is famous group that compete in different competition and also do a lot of concerts that most people known them.

Jamie Park is the leader, main rapper and lead dancer. She's only 22 years old and live in USA but perform in many platforms. Her nickname is jam, jamie, jaijai but usually food lover. She wast cast into the best contest which is best singer, 1st place grand award then best actress too. Her music talents comes from her elder siblings and her designated color is pink

Alexis Mendez is the lead vocalist and visual. Same with jamie both 22 and lives in USA. Alexis has little sister and she is the 3rd member who joined the group. She can speak japanese, Korean, Chinese, Russian, and Thailand. She is known for "Man Heart's Destroyer", "Princess Hearttrob" and "Boy Ultimate Crush". She can play different sports and instrument which he can beat any guy. Her hobbies are reading book but especially writing stories.

Michelle Swift is lead rapper and sub vocalist. The second member who joined the group and her nickname is mich, chelle, or FG. Her designated color is green. Her hobbies are watching movies and singing good songs. She takes the most selfies out of all the members. All of the girls now have their own rooms after moving into a new house and apartment. The most caring person of the group

And lastly is Lovely Chua. She has two elder siblings and she worked hard to achieve her goals to be a fashion designer at all cost even she is living with a wealthy family. She is known for being very nice to her fans, friends and family. When she spotted a fan she would definitely welcomed her and gave her an autograph telling her to stay healthy and study hard.

What a heavy background I have seen and they are really famous.

"So class, please choose your president. The president is the one who's going to take charge of the class attendance, announcement and some events especially representative. The job of the president would make a lot of responsibilities to take care" Mr. Jung said

All of them avoid eye contact with Mr. Jung so that they won't be get nominated as a president well except this four girls in front of us. Especially this girl in front of me who have a good sleep maybe I should mess her up

"Anyone?" Mr. Jung asked. I'm trying to wake her up but she is really a sleepyhead. Here goes nothing, I kicked her chair hard to wake her up

"Ah....yes.....yes....I'm the one....I'm here...I'm here" she said and the whole class are laughing while me I can't stop myself laughing too. Got you there and I would be definitely be the happiest man who have a bit revenge on her

"Dude, what did you do?" james said

"Well, no one volunteers so I wake her up then there she goes" I said

"Nice benjamin, you should have kicked it harder so that she would fall in her chair" that's too bad maybe next time I'll do that

"By the way, our formal class will start next week since this week would be orientation but I don't know with your other professor. But I think that I will be the only professor you're going to meet today since we have a meeting later at 3pm to 7pm"

I can go home early than last semester because it is too hectic for our schedule. I forgot we still have a lot of things to do before graduation. When my phone suddenly vibrates and I check what is it. An email from the secretary of CEO Wu

From: Ms. Lousie Han

"I would like to inform you Mr. Choi that your group has been chosen to be our ambassador of Paradise Entertainment. Please let me know if you have condition and we could change the details in the contract that you'll be signing with us. Tell me ahead of time then we will set you a schedule to meet CEO Wu"

What a great news but I would probably talk this matter with them so that they would know about it since it. Let me go back where I left, oh yah this sleepy head should pay attention in the class not to sleep. That is what you deserve for slapping my face yesterday


Lovely POV

I'm in the middle of fashion show on my dream then someone suddenly appear that dimwit who ruined my shopping bag and didn't help me at all when he's the one on fault. I was sound asleep when suddenly someone kicked my chair and then I heard someone laughing as if it was around me. The mess of my hair it's like I went to the war and then I still have saliva on the side of my mouth. What is going on here? Am I being scolded? Because I don't know after we introduced ourselves in front. I also don't know because I just suddenly fell asleep, is it because I was so tired today or I felt heavy and not feeling well because I slept so well.

That dream is so important to me because I'm in a fashion runaway and model different branded clothes that the audience loves it and they clap their hands but it was cut because of this person who kicked my chair all of a sudden which I hate someone doing it. What a crazy person seeing someone sleeps then you have the guts to ruin it. My head suddenly hurt because I my sleep got ruin and I couldn't think straight anymore. But everyone in the class is still laughing at me while michelle, jamie and alexis are staring at me which keep questioning me

"Lovely, are you sleeping in my class?" Mr. Jung asked which make no out of this and I can't make any excuses at all since I'm zoning out feels like my brain is out of nowhere to reach

"Ah...yes...ah" my voice is not yet okay

"What did you say lovely? Kindly stand up" I think Mr. Jung going to scold at me and it's my first time here but I got embarrassed in front of the class. Next time lovely, don't even sleep in his class or you'll get caught anytime

"No, I'm not sir" I said and scratch my head. I don't really know what is happening here

"I see that you have messy hair and saliva on the side of your mouth" come on Mr. Jung, you don't need to say that it's embarrassing and I fixed my hair to look normal since everyone keep staring at me which I cover my face

"I'll let this slide since it is orientation but next time don't let me caught you okay? But I'm not strict at anything. I'll let you sleep as long as you have a reasonable excuse" Mr. Jung said with a calm tone without making feel ashamed of myself

"I'm sorry Mr. Jung and this won't happen again" I said and shyly bow my head

"Then you'll be the president of this section" Mr. Jung said without explaining

"Ah ye....What? President of this section? Can anyone else do it Mr. Jung?" and I'm trying to be cute

"No excuses lovely or else you will be given a penalty today" I thought he would let this go but there is a condition

"Okay Mr. Jung" since I have no choice but to do so than having a penalty

I can't believe this and that really hit me hard my conscious left my entire body. President of this section is not what I wanted because it's difficult to handle the class without them giving an order to them.

Everyone put thumbs up at me while smiling and clapping. It hurts to not even nominate in class. I was so annoyed I messed up my hair. Who messed up and kicked my chair? I'm really going to rip your face If I found who you are then I still hear someone laughing at the back and turned around to check who it was. What the fudge! The guy who bumped me and didn't even help me to stand up then all of my shopping bag is ruined

"That would be all, class dismissed" Mr. Jung said and pack his things then left the room

I can't even refuse on the position since Mr. Jung already trusts me in this position. Is there any assistant here that would help me?

"Hey, what happen to you lovely? Why are you sleeping? There it goes you became the class president" the three said to me then it's my fault. Okay I'm sorry, I was really very sleepy so I fell asleep rather than listen to the class if I could not concentrate on his discussion. So what's the point on being wide awake on the class if your brain is sleeping and not in the mood to listen?

Someone approached me "You must be lovely, Can I have a pict...."

"Sorry dude, she's my fiancée. So if I were you, back off or you'll regret it" this annoying guy who ruined my sleep and what nonsense is he saying then put his arm on me which is heavy. The two guys left without letting me take a picture with them. What a jerk who's ruining my day. I almost want to throw up! What did he just say! Fiancee? Are we even close to be engaged? I don't even know him and what tricks are you trying to pull at this time! Maybe his brain is not in the right thinking

"I forgot to introduce myself, I'm benjamin choi and nice to me..." I pulled him closely and look him in the eyes which make him feel nervous and I smirked. I stepped on his foot then hold his hand to flip it at the back. He suddenly kneel down on the floor because I wrapped his hand around his back and who do you think he is even though you are cute but I don't care making a false rumor

"I think you should be the one backing off. And what did you just say? Fiancee? We're not even closed to get engaged and I don't know who the hell you are. It's your fault why my sleep got ruined and I became the class president without any nomination happened!" I said because I feel irritated

I let go of his hand and stand up then start to laugh at me. The guts to laugh at this situation that you're not even aware of. Is there something funny on what I said? Because I know you're the one who is in fault right now. Give me patience to not be bothered by this annoyance of this jerk or else I can't stop myself by destroying his face


Jamie POV

Would this day get any worse? Meeting these jerks who didn't do any good since we got here and it's our first day in Stanford high academy yet everything seems not to go on our way. Awhile ago, I keep saying that I hope he would not be in the section I'm attending but it happens. At least he didn't bother me while I'm listening to Mr. Jung explanation. All of the students left the room and only the eight of us here. Lovely, alexis and michelle look serious because we really have dead air and awkward situation here.

"Why are you even smiling?" lovely said

"Did you fall in love with me already" How can they be so annoying? What's with these people? I just want to go home now but none of them are stepping their foot.

"Shouldn't we at least go home now?" I said but the three just ignore me and didn't even give me a single response at all because they're all look serious

I think this is not the time to ask question because the war is going to start because lovely is about to explode. She doesn't want to hear a false rumor about her especially being fiancée of someone she is not even close and uncertain she doesn't like.

Now it happens on the first day of class which annoys her lot. Lovely look seriously on that benjamin like there is a sign of killing him. We all face each other and this asshole in front of me fooled us in the office earlier. The President of the student council? In your dreams! Moreover, it also doesn't fit that position because of your behavior.

Meanwhile, alexis is facing the guy who broke her books giving by her daddy. Then michelle is the one who looks like a playboy. As you can lovely is facing that benjamin who saying false rumor which make her annoyed and cringe

"So you must be jamie park?" the guy infront said that

"You heard it clearly awhile ago or you are just deaf so you didn't hear my name properly. And who are you anyway?" I said

"I thought it was a dog's name" what the hell"

"By the way, we're the Monster F4 Band and I'm Mico Skylar, heartthrob king of the academy" wait, did he just say the word heartthrob? For it looks more like pervert

I just laughed on what he said but I walk closely to him because he seem familiar

"Don't you even dare come close to me" he said with flustered voice. Is he scared of women?

"I think you look familiar to me" I said because I feel like I met him already or maybe I'm just wrong about it

"Are you scared?" I asked because his face is sweating

"Why should I?" then he approached me. He is too close to me and suddenly slaps his face "What the fudge!" I move backward so that he won't get close to me

"Hey, back off jerk or else you'll regret it" alexis protect me to this asshole

"Are you alright dude?"

"Do I look fine to you?" he has such a temper and I hope no one likes you with that kind of temper. I would never like a guy like you

"As for you, do you know that you're such a pain in the head?" alexis pointing to the guy who looks charismatic

"No, I'm not. I'm too handsome to be resist by the girls out there" what a narcissist person

"You're such annoying and what is your problem with me? Because I don't know who the hell you are but you keep bothering because of your ugly face! First, you destroyed my books. Then, you pulled my chair and third you keep poking my shoulder. Don't you have anything better to do because you're pain in ass! Who are you ugly jerk?!" alexis is really pissed off seeing this guy

"Finally you asked who I am. First all of you, I have a name and I'm not ugly. Let me int..."

"Cut with the chase, why having a long talk?" alexis said that will pissed the guy off. I told you that she get easily annoyed when someone touch her things especially the books and she hates a talkative guy with nonsense saying

"Okay fine, no need to be rush lexia" what did he just called alexis name?

"We're not close! So you don't have the right to call me by that name" then show her fist to give warning to him because this will make him shut up that alexis is not fooling around here

"What a temper. I'm Charles Smith, the gentleman of the group" he introduce himself which make alexis put a questionable mark on her face

"Seriously? Gentleman my foot" she whispered

"You, everytime I talk you say something. What are you a machine who repeats everything I say?"

"None of your business"

"You! Can you please stop bothering me? Also why are throwing paper at me!" michelle said

"Let me introduced myself, I'm james lee the sweetest guy of the group" he said and smile at michelle

"Sweetest guy? That is why you have a lot of fling at the same time has a lot of girlfriends" michelle said savagely and the three of us laugh

"Well that is my charm"

"That is so disgusting" michelle seems to be unpleased and she really hates playboy especially like him

"Babe, come on. I know you already fall in love with me"

"In your dreams, no way I'm going to fall for you disgusting charm which make me want to be sick everyday just seeing you makes me want to kill you anytime" michelle really loves saying things that would hurt someone feelings but this guy, it doesn't affect him because he is used to it already since he has a lot fling and won't be serious into any relationship he had

I thought in our last year of college we would be happy because they have many events and activities in the academy that we can attend and join but it was wrong. So at first, alexis was not sure about this academy even though she looked at the feedback from academy website. We all looked at each other. I don't think this semester will be good. Instead of having stress on school works but with these four annoying guy here who loves to bully