Expect the unexpected

Charles POV

Right now, I should take a rest because everything is too much and going to mess it up. The number of students still made my head hurt and I felt dizzy. We still have long way to go because there are many application forms, more than 200 for two batches, as well as later for additional auditions for those who still want to join the broadcasting club.

Because I really need someone who is serious at work, especially reading the story, giving advice to the senders which can move the emotion of the listener and especially there will be an event in October for the Stanford Christmas event SHA Broadcasting, so when will I find someone who can take over the talk at the event.

And what time is it? I took my phone from the bag and checked the time. It's almost for lunch time and I can finally eat because since this morning I haven't eaten well because my body hurts but I can still cook for mico, benjamin and james. But I don't eat much so now I'll get to eat a lot at lunch because I want to eat in a restaurant

"Why did you want to join our organization?" I ask the girl

"It is because you have a great leadership that can motivate anyone those who wish to join your club" she said while looking at me

"What can you do for our organization?"

"The thing I can do for the organization is to follow what the president and vice president ask for. Even given on the house rules on the broadcasting" she is correct in her answer but she can't be my assistant because she still needs to practice for reading the story because she needs to show the feeling of reading someone else's story and the emotions that will move the feelings of the listener

"Do you think she will be your assistant?" denver whispered to me

"She is good at reading stories too" sevi said which I totally agree with him but she is still lacking of telling a stories to let the listener feel what the story means

"Okay we will just send you an email next week about this audition" said patricia. The girl got up and left the room. Is there anyone else going to this audition so that I will know if I can leave here maybe because someone suddenly came in and then I can't get out again

"Sevi and denver, please take in charge for awhile. If someone is looking for me please tell them I'll just eat since its almost lunch time" I told them and I took my things. When I got out of here, mico, benjamin and james were waiting for me outside the room without even calling me

"You're already there, why none of you didn't even call me?" I said to the three because I've been waiting for them to come here

"You guys just take care of the audition first, moreover, if it is lunch time go ahead and eat then put a notice paper outside the room tell them that 5pm for another audition for those who want to catch up. For them, the special audition later is for those who still want to join" I said and I will just adjust the time even after the stan hunt is over at 5pm for them. In the final audition, maybe I can find an assistant

"I'll just go to the library for a while and just going to have a look. Just wait for me in the car" I said and the key is with me because I used my car going here. They left first and then I went straight to the library immediately. A sophomore approached me and handed me a food. Why are the students so sweet here? So ever since highschool I I studied here and I met mico, james and benjamin.

The first time I talked to mico which is we have the same trait than the two but I'm close to all so until now we are friends

I just gave the janitors the food they handed me because they needed it more than me. They just smiled at me and I did the same thing back to them

"Thank you sir charles" said the janitors and I just bowed to show respect

It's good that I haven't seen that woman yet and at least nothing will ruin my day today. Which of the organizations will she going to join? Wait, I suddenly stopped there while thinking about her. Why am I wondering what club she will join? Come to your senses charles, mind your own business instead of hers. I just hurried to get to the library right away because I'm hungry now. Why is the library so far from the broadcasting room? Like 10 minutes going to there so I ran to fast to get there

"Goodmorning Charles, how may I help you?" he asked me

"Goodmorning, I'm looking for a book about broadcasting" I told him

"On section 10 at the left corner and you'll see beside the section of law book and there you will find the broadcasting book" he pointed at the shelves and I just smiled. I went to what he said about the section and there are also a lot of students here in the library. Broadcasting book, section 5 ... section 6 .... section 7 .... then there it is section 10

And I noticed a student at the end that she had too much paper crumpled that are clutter in the table. I hope she doesn't leave clutter paper here. I'll look for a book so I can finish here because my phone is vibrating, it means they're hungry especially mico.

Reading stories with emotional? Broadcasting SBS News? How to read and give advice to those people who sent their stories? Finally, I found the book "Writing Broadcasting News: A storytelling of other people" Page 55 Chapter 18: How to have a listener? "A broadcasting should always have an audience". I read it for a while before I proceed with the audition again at later 5pm since we're going to have lunch first

My phone is vibrating again, I just answered it first


"Where are you?"

"Who's calling?"

"It's me benjamin" – benjamin

"Sorry about that dude"

"Let me guess, you answer the phone without looking at the caller name" – benjamin

"Tell me him to get over here now, because I'm hungry" I heard mico's voice in the background and he seemed to be complaining. Why even call me when I'm almost finish

"You heard him, come over here" – benjamin

"Okay, I'll ..." tot tot tot tot .... He just end the call without letting me finish first. That's how my friends are, even if you haven't finished speaking, they will end the call right away, so sometimes I don't want to answer it

I put the book back on the shelf and left. I noticed that the student at the end was leaving, so I just went to her. She was wearing a jacket and I couldn't see her face that much, I approached her and stand closely to her

"Hi there" I said but she ignored me she just kept walking

"It seems to me you're in a rush, if you won't mind let's walk together" she was still busy walking. Does she hear me or not? I walked over and stopped in front of her. She bumped her head on my chest, she is too small and her height fits on her. That's why she can't hear me, she's listening to a song, I removed her earphones

"What the hell ar ..." she stopped when she saw me. Wait, it's her? What's her name again? What is it? Ah I know, alexis mendez. She pulled the earphones in my hand and looked serious at me like she want to beats me

"Okay, calm down. I'm just kidding. Just want to talk to you" I said because she is very serious and the situation is awkward now and even though we are not close she will almost kill me I think

She just glared at me and didn't say anything

"If you don't have anything to say, don't bother talking to me" she said and she just listened to the song again

She left and I just went to the parking lot. They are so impatient while waiting for me

"Finally you're here, Charles! I thought you're dating someone" mico complain, but I don't have a girlfriend, so who will I go out on a date? Like to whom?

"Maybe he's dating Alexis so that's why it take so long for him to come here" said james. Dude, don't make me look like you with too many women and then you'll make me feel sorry for your immature pranks. Relax charles, or else I might punch you in no time when I can't control my annoyance with you

"Don't even compare me to you who has a lot of women" I said and got in the car. They also got into the car. We will just eat at the mall because there are many restaurants to choose. Mico was just looking outside the window and it seemed like the he is thinking too deep. Did something happen to him? It's good that the mall is just near here so we arrived immediately

"It is 12 o'clock, we're ready to eat. Maybe let's just at my restaurant so I can treat you guys" said james and finally you have thought about it. James Lee owns a restaurant that her mom gave to him when he is just a kid until he manages it without making any cause or trouble in the restaurant

We also entered the mall and went straight to the restaurant

"Goodday, how may I help you?" here is another woman at the front desk. I think she's new here

"Prepare us all the best food to eat" james ordered her and went straight to our usual table but she just stopped us and the woman doesn't seem sure yet. "Maybe she's new here at the restaurant?" benjamin whispered

"Please wait for yo..."

"Kisses, what are you doing? Sorry about that Mr. Lee. Please follow me" Mr. Jack said and scolded her then he leads us the way on our usual table

"We're just going to serve the best food and specialty you always asked Mr. Lee" Mr. Jack really know what he likes. I still remember when james saw him got fired by the company he is working at. Then he hired Mr. Jack to work on his restaurant and it's 14 years since he is working here but james treat him as a family than a manager. Actually james promoted him as a manager since he can't handle the restaurant on his own

"Come in" said Mr. Jack and another waiter came in to serve the food at our table

"I'll call kisses to apologize to you Mr. Lee"

"No need to, since she is new here. Maybe just guide her well on my behalf and treat them equally. Treat them well like how you treat me" said james and when it comes to this kind of situation he is very smart, soft hearted and humble especially since he doesn't want to treat his employees like his slaves and he doesn't want to be called as a boss

We ate and we will go back to school because there is an audition at the music club for two batches

After 1 hour...

James paid the bill and we went back to school because veronica was calling me because of the audition in the music club, there were so many student waiting in line outside the room. Mico, benjamin and james went down first to go to their organization. I parked my car and got out immediately because veronica texted me. I ran because the music room is also far from here. Now she calls me again and I just answer it

"Charles, where are you?"

"Don't bother calling me now veronica because I'm running now and talk to you later" I said and end the call since I'm already in rush now

After 15 minutes

I'm really tired after running, I didn't thought that I can run like that again and my agility and speed are still there. I will invite mico, benjamin and james to have a race with me here at stanford field again. It's a good thing james' cousin didn't let us clean it or else it will take us three days to finish cleaning it

"I'm sorry I'm late" I said and they started it already

"There will be a walk-in for the students who's going to join the audition today" said somi

"But we only have three students who forgot to bring their resume today's audition. They will do a walk-in, since 200 students have submitted resumes," Daryl said. Seriously 200 students it will really take all day, then three walk in. Hopefully it will end soon now if we don't want to spend the night doing this organization over time and then have a special audition later in the broadcasting

"Let the walk-in students do the audition first" I said

"The first student who walk-in, come in now" and she entered. I don't really want this music club because it always going to put a cover for those who auditioned here, so sometimes walk-in students have a hard time figuring out who they are. I see the shadow of the person and it's a girl. She's a bit small and not fat so her height is just right for her

"Your name please"

"Alexis" said the woman and she will use a guitar which I find it cool and I want a woman who can play an instrument. But the name, don't tell me it's her? Maybe I'm just mistaken about it.

"What song are you going to sing?"

"Extraordinary by lucy hale"

Besides, she's not the only alexis in the world, so maybe she didn't audition now, especially since she wasn't in the mood before. Why am I thinking of her now? Someone tapped me

"Charles? I think she is ready" said veronica

"You may start now"

She start to play the guitar and I find her cool like on how she plays the guitar and the tone is good

I'm imprisoned, I'm living a lie 🎶

Another night of putting on a disguise 🎶

I want to tear it off and step in the light 🎶

Don't you, don't you? 🎶

Wait, that voice? It sounds familiar with me and I think I heard it from somewhere or a long time but I don't know where

So now I'm knocking at your front door 🎶

And I'm looking for the right cure 🎶

I'm still a little bit unsure 🎶

'Cause I know 🎶

Yeah I know 🎶

"Wow, I like her voice"

"I'm jealous, she really have great voice"

"Especially look at charles, he seems to be surprise"

"I'll definitely let her join in our club even though I didn't get to see her face clearly awhile ago because I'm too busy on handling the resume of the other students"

"Daryl, after she sings don't let her leave right away"

"Okay sure, I will"

That most people see me as ordinary 🎶

But if you look close you'll find I'm very 🎶

Interesting and hard to know 🎶

You can never tell where this might go 🎶

'Cause I'm not your average, average person 🎶

I don't know much, but I know for certain 🎶

That I'm just a little bit extra, extra 🎶

I'm just a little bit extra ordinary 🎶

I can see it from the spark in your eyes 🎶

You believe in all the things you deny 🎶

You wanna fly and leave your worries behind 🎶

Don't you, don't you? 🎶

"You can never be an artist because you're too fat!"

"Look at her, having those chubby cheeks"

"She's not even pretty enough"

I saw some girls on the corner, seems like they are bullying someone.

"Only your voice is the only good thing you have but you don't have a pretty face at all"

"Besides, you're too fat so you can't even win"

"But I thought we were friends" said the girl they were bullying

"Did you just hear what this pig said? Friends? Oh come on, like in your dreams" They laughed and the girl started crying

They pushed the girl and she sat down near the trash can. But the two with her took the trash and threw it at the girl. I approached them to stop what they were doing to her

"Who's this handsome boy? Let's get along now and I thi..." and she wrapped her hands around my arm but I just removed it and helped the girl they bully

"Are you alright?" I asked her but she is just crying. Then I get her things and walk away here

"What! You should go out with me instead of her! " I just didn't listen to her and we just went to the music room so she could rest first, she looked scared

"She's not even pretty like me"

"A pretty girl like you doesn't suit me. You know what? Even you're pretty but when you bully someone then I considered you ugly and your attitude doesn't suits you on being pretty" I told her

We also got to the music room and let her sit

"Just wait here, I'll just get my things" I said and went to the room for a while to get my stuff then I went back to her immediately then I heard her singing while playing the piano.

She has a beautiful voice and she is also good at playing the piano. I entered and she stopped singing. I sat down next to her and handed her the bracelet I have in my bag which is given by my mom wherein she told me to give to the girl I like and she is my first love. I fallen for her at first sight.

"Thank you" she said to me and smiled. I put that bracelet on her wrist and it fits her

"For me, you're pretty. Don't let anyone bully you or treat you like that because they don't treat you as a friend but instead nothing and they call you pig. No matter what they say, don't mind them. Don't worry, I'm here and I'm going to protect you" I told her and I don't know her name yet

"By the way, I'm charles and you are?"

"I'm ale ...."

"Charles" where am I?

"Are you zoning out again?" said veronica

"Ah sorry, is she done?" I just said

"Ah yes, but she already left like a minute ago, I think sh ...."

I got up immediately and went out. What? they just let her go just like that without me even seeing what she looked like. Where is she now? Wait, that jacket is familiar. Ugh, I can't find that woman anymore. Why did they let her leave immediately? I just went back to the music room because there were still students auditioning and then I'll just look for that woman again. I don't even know what her last name but only her name. Yet it will be hard for since there are many alexis names here at school. Anyway, I just focus on the music club at broadcasting today


Mico POV

My head hurts because there are so many students here in the sport clubs, more than 300 joined and then earlier in the music club there were 250 students like I don't know how to ask all the students because it really bother me on the way they look at me and as if they want to eat me alive. Other girls are also very playful so I might reject them and only about 30 out of 250 students because if I include everyone, there might be more trouble in the club.

"What can we do president? Because they have been waiting for your instruction" said Darren. Just wait, I'm still thinking about what can be done

"Can you all line up in two groups' boys and girls?" I just said and we still have to divide all of them according to what sport they are going play today. This will really take until night to finish everything but I hope not because I want to go home early than I expected to do so

They lined up into two groups and I noticed something at the end that was a bit familiar to me so I walk towards at that lane so I could see who it was but nicka suddenly stopped in front of me because she was arranging the line in two groups and I just sat for a while because I really feel dizzy with these many students around the gym

"Are you okay president?" Jessica and Stephen asked

"I'll just go to the clinic first, you can start now" I said and left the gym first then it is really hot outside the gym

Some students approached me and hand me a water

"I think you might need this mico"

"He looks tired now"

"I think he's not feeling well."

Then I saw that student at the very end of the girls line and I know now who I would make my assistant which is I can get revenge on her. I approached her to annoy her because I really feel happy and in the mood today just to ruin someone's day so that she could leave this academy early than I expected so

"What a surprise, you're here" I told her and she was just shocked and then she whispered something to herself

"Are you saying something?" I smirked

"I hope mico will talk to me too"

"Omg, she is so lucky that mico is talking to her"

"I'm jealous girl"

"So, let's just go back to the line"

"What are you doing here?" she asked me, I already knew what to do

"Of course, I'll join the sports club" I said so she wouldn't know right away that I'm the one handling the club because it's no fun at all

"Pres ..." I looked at Sammy not to call me president first and he understood well at a glance. I laugh at his looks and reaction because he doesn't know what to say to me or what to call because I said just call me president when I'm at the club

"What is your name?" that's good, just follow my plan and don't ruin it

"Mico Skylar" I said

"You should go on the line at the back mico" he told me

"But I should go to the clinic first sir because I have a headache" I'm really good at acting now I can join the theater guild to be more exciting. I looked at Sammy and pointed to girl next to me to accompany me going to the clinic

"Excuse me, can you please help him?" Sammy said to her but she was just looking at me and I was laughing

"Are you talking to me?" she said while pointing at herself. I don't know if you're stupid or what. Who else is he going to talk to? You idiot

"Ah yes"

"Why should I help him, when he can handle it on his own" she said and she is really defensive

"If you help him, we will accept you as the" Sammy didn't know what to say and looked at me

"Why do you seem to know each other? Because you've been looking at each other for a while" she replied aggressively and she shouldn't have been able to find out about me being the president of the sports club

"Just continue what you're saying" she added and Sammy was already sweating. I just texted him so he knew what he was going to say and she wouldn't notice something suspicious here

"I was saying, we will accept you as the assistant of the president here in the club then the two of you can just be a partner after you come back here" said Sammy looking convinced

"Omg, is that serious? Really? Okay I'll help him" she replied immediately without thinking twice. Let the fun begin. She pulled me over and just wondered if she already knew where the clinic was here. I feel that she's getting into wrong direction

"Ah excuse me, do you know where the clinic is?" she asked and I'm right he's not familiar with it yet and will get lost in time if she continued asking the students around the campus here

"Oh, you don't know yet and you'll obviously get lost then"

"Will you just shut up? Don't bother talking to me" she immediately stopped and was still looking for a clinic somewhere

"I'll tour you around this school next time," I said

"I said, don't bother talking to me" she was already angry, I was the one who insisted then she still doesn't want to

"Excuse me, may I ask where is the clinic here?" she asked again and I just insisted on going so that jamie wouldn't ask because she also has stupidity when it comes to looking for a direction. She just followed me and I accelerated my walk because she was too slow to walk. I know what I will do next

She stumbled and I was just holding back my laugh so she wouldn't see it "What was that for?" I just shrugged my shoulders at him "Is that serious? You did it on purpose"

"Do you have proof?" I said and she stopped talking. I reached out my hand and then she would take it but the case I removed it again and she sat on the floor again which made me laugh even more "What the hell!" this time I reach out my hand again to help her stand up

But she just slapped my hand and stood up. She looks at me badly and she is still serious, here I am just laughing at her. We were also at the clinic and the doctor made me sit down but I sat on the floor because someone pulled the chair, my butt hurt. I looked at the one behind me and she was just laughing

"Are you alright mico?" said the doctor

"Ah yes" I said and pulled the chair to sit down

"May I ask what do you need?"

"A medicine for headache since I'm not feeling well today" I said

"Headache, you're just acting like that so you can't play in the sports club" she whispered and you thought I didn't hear you. Your voice is so loud that anyone can hear it at all, Idiot

"Here you go" the doctor said to me and I went out so she just followed me. I hurried to walk to make my assistant tired but I noticed that it doesn't even affect her on doing a run. Did she join sports because she really run fast and her agility and speed is no joke at all

After 15 minutes....

"We're here"

"You two should play one on one badminton game" said Sammy and we took on our place on the badminton court. It looks like ahe can't beat me because I always win in the first place in badminton competition. I get a shuttle cock and a badminton racket

"Jessica, these two will be the next to play" Sammy said and she is surprised on me

"Pres ....." I just looked at her to keep her quiet and she shouldn't call me president now because my plan will be ruined and there will be no more fun if that happened

"What did you just say? Pres what?"

"Ah nothing, you go ahead now. Start the game" she said and I just took a deep breath

We started and I'm the one who do the serving first since it's going to be more fun. She got it and this time I'll show the real me when it comes to playing badminton.

"Go baby mico, you can beat her"

"She has no match for you"

"Jamie, you can do it. I believe in you"

"Show them what you got mico. Beat her "

I noticed that she plays very seriously and she gets all my smash hits even when I do the drop hits. Why does she have the same skills with her? I just don't want to think about it anymore and it will only going to hurt me when I think about it because I keep missing her badly

"Wow the two of you are really good at playing badminton, but to sad to say that we're only going to choose one of you who can join our club. I'll be sending an email to those who pass" said Jessica

"But congratulations to both of you" Stephen said

Jamie left already and I'm the only one with them while the students are playing here in the gym. I laughed at their reaction because they didn't know what to do and they were afraid to approach me. They didn't call me the president but I wouldn't be angry anyway and I also like it. But I can say that she is also very good at playing badminton. Her agility and speed is good, while her skills can be in a competition and all in all I think she can be my partner in every competition we have. I might as well get my revenge on it and have fun this semester just to ruin her day