Principal office

James POV

Why can't I even finish this cleaning? I hate the fact I didn't get to choose what facility I'm going to clean but charles only assign it to us. They told me that I didn't clean up last time which I already told them that I help claire on a project.

Maybe I really need to take a rest for awhile because this field is too big for me to handle it. Like the whole field, I'm going to clean it as if I can be done by 10 hours but no. If the four of us are here maybe we could finish it until 5pm. Why didn't I even choose library or studio? But they gave me to clean two places which are the garden and the bench in the field. Yet there are a lot of athlete are practicing and all the trash are just coming back

I should call one of them, if they're done. Mico doesn't want to be bothered right now because he wants to finish cleaning today so that he could get home early. While charles is busy and won't like to be bothered unless it's important. Maybe I'll just call benjamin out of those three. Dialing his number then there it goes. It's ringing and 3...2...1

"Hello, what do you want?" that's how he answer it saying that one

"Nothing, are you done?"

"Almost, where are you? At the garden or field?" – benjamin

"Guess it"

"Okay, I'll end this call now" – benjamin

"In the field, why are you so impatient benji?"

"Because you're calling me just to ask that or you're bored? Are you even cleaning?"

"Ah yes, we can trade positions if you want. You clean the field and I'm there in the studio. I'm easy to talk to"

"Not thanks dude, you can do it. Fighting" then ended the call when I'm still talking to him

Well, I might as well just lie down on the bench then listen to a song

Girl, just let your hair down 🎶

Let's paint the whole town 🎶

Life is our playground, yeah 🎶

But I'm not a kid no more 🎶

So I must open doors and make you feel like the lady you are 🎶

My momma raised me to be classy, not flashy 🎶

I'm happy to please you 🎶

Though I can tell that's not what you're used to 🎶

"If she is giving you too much attention, just consider yourself lucky because maybe she loves you so much that she doesn't want anyone else to take her place in your life. If she cries for you don't think she is weak but consider yourself lucky that she thinks you are worth her precious tears"

And they say chivalry is dead 🎶

(Dead, dead, dead) 🎶

Girl let a real man pick up the slack 🎶

And treat you with respect, yeah 🎶

And you don't have to love me 🎶

Love me, Love me 🎶

You don't have to love me 🎶

Love me, Love me 🎶

Just cause I'm a gentlemen don't mean 🎶

I ain't taking you to bed 🎶

"If she is jealous of the other women around you, don't think she is insecure but she doesn't want to see anyone else to be in your arms. If a woman says sorry to you even though it was not her fault, don't think she fears losing but she considers her relationship worth another chance and doesn't want anyone else to have your heart. God bless real women"

And they say chivalry is dead 🎶

(Dead, dead, dead) 🎶

Girl let a real man pick up the slack 🎶

And treat you with respect, yeah 🎶

And you don't have to love me 🎶

Love me, Love me 🎶

You don't need have to love me 🎶

Love me, Love me 🎶

Just cause I'm a gentlemen don't mean I ain't taking you to bed 🎶

"Then what about you? What do you know about women when you can't even love someone truly because the only think you know is to play with their feelings despite they have loved you but you take them for granted"

Ahhh, baby let me buy your meals 🎶

I see your head over heels 🎶

I feel like you deserve it 🎶

There's no pressure 🎶

We can do whatever makes you comfortable, yeah 🎶

I could float your boat 🎶

If your cold take my coat 🎶

I'll Sing a music note from a song that I just wrote 🎶

Girl just take my hand 🎶

And let me be your man 🎶

Though that's not what your use to 🎶

"Then how about you? I see that no one likes you because the way you talk and you're rude. You just leave when someone is asking you. Is that how your parents taught you?"

Ahhh!! I just messed up my hair because I was really feeling annoyed that day and I could hear her voice on my head. Thanks to him, I didn't hurt her because many students were watching us which I can still hold my annoyance and she doesn't even know anything to say things like that to me.

I just stood up and left here but suddenly someone approached me

"Dude, James. Can I ask you something?" we're not even close but he can ask me except that I can't answer "What is it?"

"Can you introduce me to a girl who is very simple yet mature?" I'm not even a matchmaking agency just to compile his request and I think I know he is talking about

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said and just continue cleaning so that he won't bother me. Even you're a player or athlete which I don't care because if you pissed me off like this. I won't think twice to break those precious hands you have so that you can't even play anymore especially you're right hand when you use it for serving and spiking

"You know the new transferee girl named michelle swift. I want to know her, can you introduce me to her? Or maybe set me up for a date?"

"Why should I?" I said

"Well, you know her and she is in the same class as yours" how do he even know about it? Is he a stalker or what? Because it's really creepy

"I saw her entering your room, so I guess you two are in the same section"

"I don't know her and why don't you just ask her instead of me setting you up together?" I said sarcastic so that he should stop asking me about it

"How about tell her this? that I like her and I want to meet her next time" he said when he can do it by himself instead of asking

"Sorry I don't know her and don't even bother me" I said

He put his arm on my shoulder. Are you a gay or what? Which I remove it

"Hey come on, introduce me to her james. I'll promise to treat her properly" That pissed me off then I punched him in the face so that he would stop talking to me because he is saying nonsense. Why don't he just ask a matchmaking agency instead of me? If you keep bothering me, I'm going to break your face dude

"What the hell dude!" I just left

"You know what! No one will going to like you because you're a womanizer. You're just playing with their feelings. No wonder why you're mom died because you're dad is too busy going out with the other woman in his office" I approached him and punched his face again so that I could completely break his face and no one would like him either.

"You don't have the right to talk about my mom and you don't know nothing you asshole!!"

"You really like doing violate things in school? I wonder why the principal never suspend you. Is it because you're seducing her" I punch his face countless times which make his mouth have blood on the side

I punch him but he just laughing at me then someone stopped me and pulled me

"Dude, what are you doing?! Do you really want to get suspended again?"

"See, you're a short tempered dude"

"Don't even talk you asshole, I'm going to rip your mouth! You don't have the right to talk about my mom like that and don't ever mention my dad!" I said

"Well it's true, that's how your mom died waiting for nothing? Is that were you get the habit of being a womanizer? Because of your dad and I'm not surprised about it" he said and just smirked at me

"Oh about that, teach me how to seduce a girl because I know you can do that. That is why you always stay at the principal office because you're waiting for her to come" I just removed the hands of benjamin and charles because they're holding me. I punched him hard and hit his nose so he bled. But he just laughs at me again

"So, it's true"

"Let me handle this dude" mico said

He approached that jerk and kicked him in the stomach which make him fall on the ground while holding on it "Will you just shut up josh! If I hear one more thing on your mouth, then you'll see yourself at the hospital" then we just left without me breaking his face. So I just walk fast then mico, charles and benjamin followed me. Because I don't want to see that josh face because I might kill him in no time. I still don't like it when I'm not in the mood so I just eat candy so I don't have to talk anymore


Lovely POV

Finally feel fresh and good smell. I put a lotion and spray perfume on my clothes which I hate the entire smell awhile ago when I feel like my body is going to rip out because of what those jerks did to us. We're going to get our revenge until they can't laugh. You think you can kick us by doing a childish prank like that and I know you're laughing right now but I will make you feel embarrassed in front of the students which the four of you will never forget.

I almost fainted earlier, it's a good thing I didn't have heart disease if I do have maybe I'm already in the hospital until now and I'm really going blame that prick who ruined my entire clothes today which is the most annoying day I ever had in my life because no one even dare try to ruined what I wear or else they'll regret it. That childish prank is not even something to bragged about that they're satisfy and yet he thought it was funny, still he did it and I was still very scared when that clown pop out of the box and I still remember that day because of what happened to me when I was a kid and I didn't know what to do back then because I got lost in the amusement park

I'm with my mom, dad, and two elder silbing who hang out with me in the amusement park because I want to go badly and ride the carousel and merry go round. My elder sister and brother help me to sit on the horse and it started. I saw them smiling at me

"Do you like it?"

"Ah yes oppa"

"She is excited when she gets to ride it"

"I can see that"

"Kenneth, Kathlyn and Lovely. Look at the camera, we will take a picture with you three"

"Lovely look at the camera"

I turn my head and my mom count into three then I put a big smile on my face and a splash came out since it is night.

"The photo went out well. Just check on your little sister because me and your dad will just go to buy some tickets on the other ride"

"Okay mom, we will just wait you here"

I'm holding my teddy bear that elder brother Kenneth bought me so I bring it along with me. The merry go round has stop already and he help me to go down since I can't reach the ground

"Thank you oppa"

"Where do you want to go next?"

"I want to eat ice cream eonnie, can you buy me one?"

"What is your favorite flavor?"

"Mint chocolate"

"Okay I'll buy it for you. Kenneth checked on her okay?"

"Yes, I will. Stay with me lovely okay?"

"Yes oppa"

My elder sister left to buy us ice cream while my elder brother is with me holding me "Oppam when will you going to introduce me with your girlfriend?"

Then he just laughed at me "I'll introduce you next time when I have one. Your oppa is still young to have a girlfriend and I still need to finish my college before I enter into any relationship. You'll understand love when you get mature enough to love someone"

"What is love?"

"What is love? This is actually the best feeling you could ever have and let them feel by someone who you want to be with until the rest of your life. We don't know when but someday the right one for us will come and let us not force ourselves for someone who doesn't even want to be with us. It's like a needle putting a thread on it, sometimes when it's hard maybe you just learn how to give up on the things you know that can hurt you eventually. That is why just wait for the right time and right place to meet that person until you get to know each other well"


"Why did you ask sweetie?"

"Because I want you to meet someone like mom who always care for you and loves you"

"Maybe I will" then his phone suddenly ring

"Don't go anywhere okay, I'll just take this call" he said to me and he stand up to take the phone call while I someone selling a toy so I followed it. Wait for me but I didn't notice that it was too late and dark already so I just went back but I don't know where the place that my elder brother waiting for me. I'm now crying because I think I lost and don't know where to go.





"Where are you?"

"Mom! Dad!"

"Eonnie, where are you?"

Naiiyak lang ako kaya di ko alam gagawin ko kaya umupo lang ako sa dulo para sakalin mahanap nila ako dito. Nakatingin lang sila sakin at bumubulong na di ko alam kung ano mga sinasabe nila dahil naiiyak ako. Niyakap ko nalang teddy bear ko

I was just crying so I didn't know what to do so I just sat at the corner so they could find me here. People are just looking at me while passing by and whispered that I didn't know what they were saying because I was crying. I just hugged my teddy bear

"Mom, dad where are you"

"Eonnie, please"

"Oppa, I'm lost"

I think they already went home and left me here. Then someone is poked me at the back and I turned around


"Sorry didn't mean to scare you dear, are you lost?"


"Stay away from me! Stay away from me!"


"OPPA! EONNIE! AAAAAHHHHHH" my body is shivering and my mind is not in the right state

"Sorry dear, didn't mean to scare you like that. I'm actually here to help you" I throw my teddy bear to him so that he will stay away from me but he just approached me

"AAAAAHHHHHHH! Don't come near me! Stay away from me!" Then I just close my eyes and someone removed it

"AAAAHHHHH! Please, stay away from me! Don't come near me!"

"It's mom and dad. We're here now. Sorry for leaving you and we will never do that again" I didn't say anything but just hugged them then I saw my elder sister and brother who feel worried about me

"Oppa and eonnie is here now" my hands are shivering then the clown hand my teddy bear to me but I just look away to avoid eye contact on him

Someone knocked on my door and my conscious just went back. I don't want to remember that day which I always had nightmare

"Come in"

"Let's go now"

"Ah yes, let me just prepared something" then I smile like a witch

"Okay, we will just wait for you on the van" alexis said

Then I get a small paper and put some clothes to use later. I get my things and went downstairs straight to the van then the three are shocked because I'm bringing a paper bag

"We can go now Mr. Brown"

Then Mr. Brown drive now going to the school at least it's not traffic and it's lunchtime already so we might have something to do later

"What is that jamie?"

"Oh these bags, you'll see later"

It's like I already know what's in the bag that jamie is carrying and I'm just laughing at it because I also have plans like this. Actually we all want to do something later. I smelled myself again and I really smelled so good. My clothes aren't as dirty as before, it looks like someone threw up at me and then my face is full of cake and at least I'm not allergic to cake but only to pollen

"I really hate that jerk face"

"I'm really going break every single fingers and especially his face so that no one will like him anymore" alexis said while crampling a paper at her hand

"What if you fell in love all of a sudden?" I asked

"Is that even a question that I should answer? I would not definitely fall in love with a guy like him because he is annoying jerk, asshole, dimwit and prick who is good for nothing at all. If he had a girl sibling, I hope they find out that their older brother is a bully in school"

"You might know, you already fall in love with him" I said and I think she will. I bet it

"Not really? A girl like me would not fall in love with him"

"Do you want to make a deal?"

"Okay fine. If I fell in love, I'll buy you a lot of dress. But If I'm not, then you're going to treat for 1 year"

"Call, don't even dare back down" I said to her

"We all look fresh now"

"At least because I really smell bad and I'm disgust in myself"

"Now we know who did it, we might as well do it back to them so that they will know how it feels" jamie said with irritated voice which she wants to break that mico face

"We're here jamie, alexis, michelle and lovely" wow that is fast and we didn't know we will get here just only 30 minutes since there is no traffic at all. Mr. Brown already left and we went inside of the school then she gave us a small paper bag with 10 eggs and one shot gun inside. What is the shot gun for? Maybe we will found out what it is

"Have you spotted them already?"

"Not yet"

"I think they're in the parking"

We walk going to the parking and Michelle is right. Gotcha, you jerk! I start to threw one egg to that guy benjamin and that's for ruining my makeup and clothes.

"What the hell is this? Egg? Is this even serious and where did it came from?" I just laughed and hide while the three went to hide near at the car so that they could throw the egg on their faces

"Did the bird just poop at your hair?" then they laughed at him

Laugh all you can until we get the last laugh at it. Then jamie, alexis and michelle start to threw which hits their faces

"WHAT THE FUDGE!" they started to look around but we're good at hiding but this time I threw another egg which hit his face too, that's for making a prank that almost killed me!

"I think someone is here throwing an egg to us"

"WHAT THE! SHOW YOURSELF!" now that mico is mad because it was right hit in his mouth, the egg broke while he was speaking

Then we finally show ourselves "WHAT! YOU FOUR AGAIN! IS THIS EVEN SERIOUS"

"This is for the bucket full of ice water that splash on me" alexis said and threw two egg at charles

"Thanks for making me go crazy because of that foolish prank of yours" michelle threw an egg which hit his private part and he holds into it

"This is for the pie that hit my face which ahas blueberry, vinegar and strawberry rotten inside" Then she pull out the gun out of the bag and click it. Wait, did she get this water on the canal? Is that serious?

"What is your problem? You crazy woman!"

"You are, you annoying prick!"

Then we did the same thing to those three boys and now they're mad

"Do you have any proof? That we did it?" now you're denying it and as if you don't know anything about it

"Yes we do have!" we throw all the egg at them and spray the shot gun through their faces which make them gone mad now

"Would you please stop that!"

"You are all crazy!"

Now I have the last egg, and I threw it hard so that his cheek will get swollen but he just dodged it which got hit by someone else. Omg, who is it?

"What is this? Is this an egg? Who threw this egg at me!!!!!!" gosh, it's the vice president then he saw us here and walks in this direction.

"Who did this! Tell me!" He is mad right now and I hide myself at the back of michelle. What am I going to do now? This might get out of nowhere or else my parents might know what I did

That benjamin pointed at me

"Come out right now!" I have no choice but to show myself to the vice president. You? How can transferee like you could threw an egg at me?

"I didn't mean to, it's .... it's just that"

"AAAAHHHHH! What is this mess?!!" how could we explain this to him without saying wrong things

"You, four young men! why aren't you doing a community service? Do you want me to extend the days?"

"No Vice president" they said while me still thinking how to explain it

"I don't know what happen here, I want the eight of you to come to my office right now!" he said

We didn't have a choice but to do so and we just followed the vice president to his office. I thought I could finally get the last laugh but I guess is also a bad day for us and I hate it why did he even dodge that one last egg that should be hit right exactly on his face. I'm going to hate myself for this and I'm now in trouble this time but I hope he won't call our parents and tell about what happened today. Still, we have evidence that these four boys pull a prank on us. You'll get what you deserved later


Mico POV

I want to explode in anger as in right now because of this smell and it is really disgusting. Especially these crazy women of what they did. Everything they do is annoying and not even funny like I want to leave right now just to clear my mind because it is really messy.

How can they throw a lot of eggs at us? Most of all, the egg hit my face and my mouth. Then the water that was shot on us smell terrible I don't know if they get it in the canal or toilet because the nauseating smell is all over my face and clothes. Also, my whole body was itching which the egg is sticky and he didn't even let us take a bath before we went to his office.

I want to hurt people right now because I'm so annoyed but I need to calm down so I don't get suspended in no time when I do that.

Earlier I also punched that annoying josh who you thought all women liked him. James almost had already crushed and smashed his face which makes his anger explode because of what that josh said and he knows nothing at all so he doesn't have the right to speak like that talking about the mom of james.

It would have been better if james had stopped but thanks to charles and benjamin they had stopped him because if not, james would be expelled from this school and he can't enroll to any school anymore.

But at Xavier University, it's still possible for him to enroll or study there but I think he doesn't want to go there because his cousins ​​are studying there because they won't stop bothering him and they'll ask him for favors and money, so from here on, james studied at Stanford High Academy. But the thing is the name of the school right now is they didn't replaced it by Stanford University since they already have a college students here.

So sometimes my cousins ​​ask me if I'm still in high school because of the name of our school. My cousins ​​are in other countries, I'm all just here in the Philippines which I'm going to finish my studies here at Stanford since I'm also graduating.

"You see now these four girls are scared of the vice president after what they did, especially that annoying lovely. You thought it was funny that she did it, it's a good thing I avoided the last egg she threw an egg at me, but the thing is it got hit by Mr. Lopez" benjamin whispered to me and I looked at the four who were just walking.

Why is it that the vice president's office is so far away, almost at the end next to the Gymnastic Studio and the president's office as well.

It already took 15 minutes walking. Isn't he getting tired? Because my feet hurts like hell which I'm been cleaning the whole laboratory

"Ah yes Mr. Grey, I'll take care of this. About your son, we will get him a treatment and health certificate to take for a rest"

"Oh no Mr. Grey, it won't happen again"

Looks like Mr. Lopez is talking to someone. Maybe this is our chance to leave while he's not looking. I called the other two and they knew immediately. We slowly left but suddenly Mr. Lopez turned around. And saw us walking away on his back

"If you have a plan to ditch me, then go ahead try me because I'll tell your parents what happened, second extend your community service and last, suspend the four of you for a month to teach you boys a lesson" and we didn't speak anymore and came back just to walk rather than let that happen to us. Charles still doesn't want to get caught because when his parents find out about what happened then they will transferred him to another school, charles doesn't want to because it is his last year when I still remember that he want to finish his studies at Stanford. That is the reason why he is behaving in the school without making any penalty or violation since he studied here

"Then dare to leave and you'll get suspended which you won't like to have an extension of community service like what happen four years ago" he warned us and remind us about that day which he didn't need to do it

"I'm warning you four boys now. You still have two remaining warning if you get caught again then the four of you will get expelled. While you, young ladies should know what you did because you're trying to do a violation in school" Mr. Lopez said to us all which is not our fault and these crazy women right with us who did it

"What is your name young lady?" he asked while pointing at that lovely but she seems to be scared

"" I can't stop laughing because she feels nervous and same goes to benjamin is holding his laugh but her friends just glare at us like they're going to eat us. They really have the guts to glare at us when they're the one who threw an egg at us

"Are you scared? Do I look like a monster?"

"Oh no Mr. Lopez" she hold the grip on her hands

"Do you know you did major offense?"

"Ah about that Mr. Lopez, I didn't... you know... ah... how...can...I don't know how to say it"

"Stop shuttering and we're now in our office"

We entered and he closed the door. He just put his things on the table while we waited for what he would say because I knew he wanted to tell us a lot of things especially to the four women here which he saw the clutter piece of egg. Why did we get affect or trouble for what they did when we didn't do anything?

"Would you care to explain to me? Why did you do that? " said Mr. Lopez to the four women who don't know how to explain to him because they are scared

"Okay, just explain it to me. I'll listen" wah! Is that serious? Why does Mr. Lopez speak calm to these four woman? while the four of us are almost getting scolding by him that we don't know why. Is he bipolar or moody? We also do not understand the behavior of Mr. Lopez. When it comes to women, she's sweet. Is it really like that when he have a sister so he just have to speak modestly?

"Actually we have a proof that we would like you to watch first before we explain it to you Mr. Lopez" that annoying brat keeps blabbing nonsense things. What proof do they have? Then she saw her phone and handed it to Mr. Lopez which he started to watch it

Where did they get video?

"Especially that jamie, who always eat"

"I can't really imagine their faces"

"Well at least our plan and set-up work. Those girls messed with the wrong persons"

"Did you see how our last plan even works? The flour the spoil on their head and there is egg, blueberry and trash on it. It fills to their clothes and now our classmates laugh at them"

"I really satisfy at my plan"

"James, what did you give on that michelle?"

"Well it's just a small gift that would make her cry"

"How about you benjamin, is that your plan?"

"Of course, because that cake perfectly fits on her face. Did you see it on how it pops out once she opened the box"

"Mico, you're revenge is a bit funny. How did you even think about that pie full of blueberry, honey, strawberry rot to fit it all inside?"

"Well, learn from the expert like me"

"Charles, how about you? Why did you choose only putting an ice and water on the bucket?"

"Well, at least I didn't put anything on the water that her skin might get irritated because they won't even recognize her anymore"

"Well at least we got what we wanted"

Then he shows us the video "Is this true?" I can see that he is serious right now and we can't even see any smile on his face

"Why are you four boys are quite which now you can hardly speak to tell me the truth?"

"I'm asking you four boys, if this is true?" james is avoiding eye contact at Mr. Lopez, while charles feels guilty now because we really did it and benjamin is so quiet because he couldn't say anything. While me, I'm still thinking where did they get that video? Did someone video us? Or are they the one who took a video?

"Why can't you speak? Is this true?" his voice raise which we don't like it

"Tell me now! Why did you do that?"

"Mr. Lopez, that video might be fake or fabricated" I said

"Do you really have the guts to tell us that this video is fabricated or fake? When I'm the one who took the video" she said. So it was you who took the video

"Now tell me! Why did you boys do that kind of prank? Tell me! If you're going to lie then I'll tell your parents right now what happened!" he said and about to dial on his phone

"You won't tell me, then you leave me no choice" neither of us want to tell because this might get them suspended. The three are just looking at me "What do you want me to do?"

"Hello Mr. Skylar, I think your son..."

"Okay, we did it"

"Oh nothing Mr. Skylar, actually he is doing fine and great at school, don't worry about it" then he end the call

"Now you admit it, then why did you do it?"

"About that Mr. Lopez, the thing is..."

"I don't want to hear it. Had you have enough causing trouble mico, charles, james and benjamin? You already cause a trouble last last week and now we want to cause another trouble but this time with these girls?" he said, like as if it is our problem and we're just taking our revenge on them

"How about you girls? Why didn't you report it?"

"About that Mr. Lopez, we went home because of what happened to us"

"You should have report it right away instead of doing violation in school"

"But we just did it back to them"

"Still you should have report it to me or to the president"

"Since it already happened, the eight of you will get be punish on what you did" Mr. Lopez said without letting us explain our side

"But Mr. Lopez, can you just let it slide?" james said

"Especially you, Mr. James Lee because I still need to talk to you and Mico" what is it now? Did I do something else? Except for what I did in the morning

"Here is your punishment. jamie and mico will be cleaning the storage room. Then lovely and benjamin will clean the studio. While alexis and charles on the campus. Lastly, michelle and james will be cleaning the swimming pool. Is there any objection?"

"Mr. Lopez, we still have community service" benjamin complain

"Do you want me to extend your community service or will just do what I say?"

"Okay Mr. Lopez"

"Okay I'll get you an option to choose. First, you will do the first thing I said. Second, you will do a 1 week community service. Third, get suspended for 2 weeks. Fourth, I'll your parents about it. Fifth, you will do 30 project proposals and submit it tomorrow. Now choose among those 5 options" Is that serious because if we choose fifth option we will never get it done by tomorrow because we still need to finish cleaning everything

"We will just choose first option" all of them said which I didn't yet agree on it but it's already seven out of eight

"Then it settled and start cleaning tomorrow, you girls may leave while the four of you will stay" the four girls just left while we're still here

"Benjamin and Charles, could you just please wait outside? I need to talk to these two" why the only two of us? They just left and close the door

"Do you have anything else to say mico and james?"



"Would you care to explain to me? Why did you two punch the son of Mr. Grey?" That jerk is really annoying and crowd. He really wants to get his death wish

"Well, he says something about the parents of james and that's why he did it. We try to stop james but that josh just keep saying that his mom died because of his dad dating a lot of women in the office. Then, he asking james teach me him to seduce a girl because he know james can do it. One more thing is, the reason why is always stay at the principal office because he is waiting for her to come"

"Is that true james?"

"Will you believe me if I tell you that? Because you won't, then just suspended just feeling pity on me" james confronted him which make his uncle keep quiet for awhile

"No I won't, now tell me if it is true" Mr. Lopez asked but james is just quiet and his tears fell which he can't stop crying

"Okay I won't scold you and come here let me hug you" then he approached james and hugged him

"I'm sorry my dear nephew, if I wasn't there when you needed someone the most" Mr. Lopez said and james didn't say anything "But you need to take shower now because you smell like you jump into a garbage or canal"


"I'm just kidding but you really need to take a shower now"

He just let us go now and went out of his office while benjamin and charles are waiting for us outside

"How is it going there?"

"Wah! James, did you just cry?"

"None of your business dude"

"Okay, let stop talking because I want to take a shower now" I said because I really smell bad right now and I'm such a mess

We went straight to the shower room which is just near around the gymnastic studio since we have extra clothes on our locker. We walk fast and we finally arrived which there isn't a lot of students right now in the shower room.

I can finally take a shower now and I need to get rid this smell which is very annoying

"That crazy women is really something! Wah"

"Especially that alexis because she is really a boyish"

"Hey james, are you alright"

"Yah I'm fine but I'm just pissed off right now on what they did! Especially that jerk!"

"Let's have our revenge again, but this time it will make them cry!"

"Let just do it on another day"

"Charles is right, because we might get suspended if we still continue it"

After 45 minutes, finally I'm all fresh and done taking shower because I smell good now. I can't even resist the disgusting and nausea smell on my body. Then I put my clothes and all of us went out since there are students who are going to use these showers. But why do I feel my clothes are seem to be tight then students are staring at us

"What are they wearing?" they just suddenly laugh at us

"Are they gay or what?"

"How could they wear women's clothes?"

"Are they pervert?"

"Omg, they're so cute"

"Dude, what are you wearing?" benjamin asked and I looked at my clothes. What the hell is this? A dress? That is why it feels so tight

"Then what about you're wearing fitted pants then blouse?"

"Same goes to you james and charles"


"Excuse me, why are you wearing a dress?"

"This is not what you think" this is not funny

"I find it cute" then she laughed at me which I find it really irritating

"Why are they wearing women clothes?"

Then they start to take pictures on us. This is so embarrassing, I remember I put my clothes on the bench. I saw some clothes hanging on the tree then some are scattered on the grass. Wait, that is our clothes hung in the tree and scattered on the grass. We took our clothes but there was a note attached

"That's for messing up with us! The clothes suits you well! You loser!"

"Wah, are they serious!"

"I hate to admit it but we should get our revenge again at this time I will make them pay!" charles said

"I hate those crazy girls!!"

We went back to the shower room and changed our clothes because the students were staring at us and gossiping if were gay or pervert. Excuse me? Do we look like gay or pervert?. I don't really like this happening to me. Let's see if you can still really laugh. The four of us talked about what to do and we would to do something that they would never forget. Let see if you can still stay alive at this time and we will make sure to kick you out of this school! Especially you, jamie park! I can't even imagine myself wearing a dress and it sucks