The boys are sick

We might fall in love with each other but it turn out to be your soulmate turn into soulhate that graves you into your nightmare

Jamie POV

My head hurts and my whole body is aching which I feel so weak. I still remember what happen yesterday when I almost died there because I can't breathe properly wherein the mustard and ketchup fill in on my whole face and body which is really itchy. I don't remember that much because I suddenly collapsed which I don't feel body moving and sleep paralysis crawl all over my body

Then someone knocked "Come in"

The door open but no one is there, isn't that weird? I had a goose bump and it makes me nervous because it's creepy. "Is anyone there?"

I hope they are not fooling around or playing prank at me

"Hello, is anyone out there? Please speak to me" I looked like an idiot when I'm talking to no one

"Jamie" when someone called out my name near at the door

I stand up and walk around the door when no one is there. Come on, please stop playing around because it's not even funny anymore this is going to give me a heart attack then I saw someone at the stairs which is crawling a bit. I walk slowly towards the stair because this might one of lovely's prank because she really like to pull a prank on me when I'm the one who is late to go out the room

"Hey, who are....Lovely! What are you doing there?" when I saw blood on her shirt which made me run towards her. She is just crying and she is not saying anything at all when I suddenly feel afraid of what I am seeing right now which freak the hell out of me.

"Yah! What happened to you!" I said to her but she is not responding. I started to cry which I don't know what to do. Please tell me this is not true

"Lovely, wake up please. Don't joke around or else I'll get all your favorite clothes in your closet" when she is still not responding

"Jamie" when I hear her say that name which make me tremble and I don't know what really happened here

"You go at the dining room right now!" she said and shouted at me which make me even scared

"But I can't leave you here!" I have a runny nose and sniff a bit

"Jamie!" when I hear someone shouting my name

"Wait me here lovely, please don't do anything stupid!" I said and walk down on the stairs which my hands are shivering because this situation is a bit creepy. How did lovely end up having blood on her clothes? Don't tell me this is a horror movie or what? Because this won't catch my attention at all

But heart is a bit burdened today as I walk towards at the living room when I saw alexis laying at the floor when there is blood on her head. Did someone hit her?

"Alexis! Stay awake! What happened! Tell me!"

"I'm so sorry jamie, I didn't get to say my last goodbye for you"

What is she talking about? I don't even understand what is happening right now and the situation seems to be in hypocrite which I don't believe that much in this kind of thing but why do I feel so afraid when death is coming near at me?

"Just stay away from him jamie, you don't know what will happen to you" alexis continued and is this a warning for me? Which I don't understand what she is saying then she tries to point out on the kitchen and please tell me this is not true wherein it just my illusion

I walked in the kitchen when there is no one around and try to look further outside of the house when I saw blood at the garden. What is happening here? I don't know which my head hurts a bit then I saw someone at the corner which I suddenly sat on the grass because of what I saw and my whole body was shaking which I could not believe what I'm not seeing right now then I run towards

"GRANDMA AMI!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?! WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!" I cried out loud which make me crazy at this moment because I don't really know what I'm going to do

"HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO YOU GRANDMA AMI! PLEASE WAKE UP! DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS! I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS GOING HAPPEN TO ME!" I said and hugged her. Then someone fell which my own two eyes witness it right in front of me

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Michelle!" trying to hold my breath and I can't believe what I'm seeing right now because of this situation

"Who did this?! Whoever you are, please stay away from this house!" I said then I immediately approached michelle and hold her

"Michelle, please stay with me and I don't know what's going here" I said and trying to calm myself or else I lost control. Michelle is looking at me and trying to tell me something

"You....should...." then she cough with blood ""

"Please, no...ahhh! Don't leave me all alone! Please" I said

"Jamie" when someone is calling me then I lift my head a bit then I saw him again and he is holding a knife with a blood on it

"Are you the one who killed them?! Are you out of your mind!" I shouted at him which made me even scared because the way he looks at me

"What are you looking at jamie? Aren't you surprised that we're going to live together now?" he said which creeps the hell out of me

"I thought you're in jail! What do you want from me?!" I said which made him smile like a crazy person

"You know that I like you yet you choose to reject me" he smirked and trying to play with the knife

"Carl, please just leave me alone and let me live peacefully because you're making my life miserable and I don't like you" I said

"That's the point jamie! You don't like me! Why is so hard for you to like me jamie!" carl said which make him even more scary

I try to stand up and walk backwards

"Tell me! Jamie" he slowly walks toward me and I'm trying to put a distance between us

"Why are you so obsessed with me?! Just stay away from me carl please!" I said and I suddenly fell on the pool which I can't swim and I have trauma when it comes to deep water. I can't say anything and having hard time to breathe. Will this repeat again? Someone please help me and anyone out there? Tell me, this is just a dream. Please! Wake me up! Please!

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" ouch, that hurts. I fell on again on the bed and lately I'm having a nightmare which I don't know why. Ever since I move back and transfer to this academy it starts to make me feel strange and weird

Then alexis, lovely and michelle went in my room together as I hugged them tight "Woah jamie, are you alright?" my tears fell and I just want to stay by their side

"What happen to you?"

"Why are you crying?"

"Ah not really, I'm just happy to see you girls here" I said and laugh even it makes me feel worry but it's just a dream which it will not come true at all

"Let me guess, you fell on the bed again" alexis said

"Ah no, I'm just looking for something" I lied

I really hate having trauma because it keeps haunting me down and nightmares kill me sleep. I hope he just stay on the prison

"Let's go now to the academy" lovely said

What time is it? It's only 6am and why are they in a hurry? Is there something we need to do in school?

"What you girls up to?" I asked and I'm still confused

"Did you forget jamie?" lovely said and I don't know what she is saying

"Don't you remember anything happen yesterday?" alexis sound a little bit worried about me and that makes me think about it which suddenly pop out of my mind then I already remember which I got allergies and collapsed

I just scratch my back then laughed

"She don't know about the plan since she collapsed yesterday because of the allergies that triggered her with difficulty of breathing that is why she don't know anything about it but I think she remembers what happen yesterday" lovely added

"Aigoo, jamie and maybe I think you're not feeling well. We're so worried about you and we don't know what to do yesterday but the doctor said you're going to be fine and you just need to take a rest. Are you sure you can go to school today?" michelle said

"Sorry about that girls, but I'm fine now and I promise to take care of myself don't worry" I said then I changed my clothes and wear something decent today

"By the way, your mom bought you a new car and you can use it already since it arrived yesterday" alexis said and handed me the car key which make me smile somehow and I didn't know that my mom would buy me a new car instead of sending my car here in the Philippines

I don't want to think about the nightmare because it will just make me feel worry all day thinking about it which make it even worse for me and maybe I'll just take a shower later after the class

I hurried fixing my things and preparing for school then went downstairs to check on grandma ami

"Grandma Ami, where are you?"

"I'm here jamie, are you alright? I'm so wor...." I just hugged her without saying anything because I'm so scared losing her and it might too late for me to do everything for her but I will never going to leave her side no matter what happen

"Are you crying jamie?" she asked

"Don't leave grandma ami and I don't know what to do if I lose you" I said and the three are bit worried about what I said

"I promise that and you should go to school now" grandma ami said

We went to go to school now and we let Mr. Brown have a day off since I already have car now to drive going to the academy.

"Did something happen to you jamie?"

"Did you have a nightmare again?"

Should I tell them or maybe not because I don't want to be burden for them now since I want to keep it from myself since its too much for me to tell the whole story that would make them shock

I start the car and drove out which it will only take 15 minutes since there's no traffic this early morning so I can drive freely on the road

"Is there something bothering you jamie?"

"Because we notice you're acting strange awhile ago since you started crying then you avoid eye contact with us"

"Did that crazy stalker bothering you?"

"Calm down girls, I'm driving and I need to focus" I said

"Well you can answer us while you're driving and you already get used to it when we were still in US"

"It's different here in the Philippines, you can see it right now not unlike in US" I said to lovely since she doesn't that traffic here

"Okay fine, you're right and it seems like we can drive here properly since the road is bit crowded with too many vehicle and the road is narrow too" when lovely admits it which is true somehow but it's not easy to drive in this kind of situation

"Wow, that's fast and you still have the habit of doing that speed driving when you join a drift car racing which that bitch lose because you always win the game competition" alexis said and laugh.

"We will go first jamie, just catch up with us okay? Or do you need us to stay with you to look for a parking lot?"

"No need girls, I can do it by myself and I'll head away after I park the car" I said

"Okay, just tell us if you're not feeling well" michelle said then I just nodded at her so that she won't be worried about me again

Hello again, Stanford High Academy! Even it's been 2 weeks but those days keeps barging a lot of annoying jerks who keep messing with us. We're so back, as in I say back which mean we're really back but this time no more nice girls for us and they better prepare themselves with this because they might cry at the end and let's see who will get the last laugh now.

The three went already in the classroom while I was looking for a parking space but we went to school early because we already knew what was going to happen. I been looking and went around because the parking lot was full especially on the gym and administration building but I found one so I immediately parked it and got out of the car and hurried to the room so that the other students could not see me.


Mico POV

My head hurts and someone is waking me up right now and I don't know who is it because I don't feel like getting up on my bed because my body aches like it can't even move a bit because I finish cleaning the storage, music room, field and the office of the vice president. While charles, have done cleaning the library which is so big at the same the comfort room, and room of the high school. Then for james, he is done cleaning the field, administration building, the office of the president and other comfort room. Benjamin is on the studio, dance room, 5 cafeterias, the whole campus, picking all the trash on the bin, the faculty and department office. Why my body does feels so heavy and weak? I'm not used to it as well since I never done cleaning all of these areas in the school but I do house chores.

"Mico, wake up and I cook breakfast for you" I think this is melody voice and I try to open my eyes a bit wide but I'm having hard time to do so because my body is not working well then I need to go to school right now

"Your little sister is waiting for you"

"It's me melody, if you don't remember me" then I suddenly stood up on the bed and saw melody on the door while smiling at me. I rubbed my eyes to look at her clearly because I'm just dreaming right now or is this real? Please tell me

"Sweetie, why are you sweating? Is there something?" mom said

My tears suddenly fell and I ran towards to melody which I miss her so much and I don't know what to say which I just hugged her

"Oppa, are you alright? Why are you crying?" melody said

"Wah! You're alive!" I said while crying and it makes my heart feel hurt

"What are you talking about oppa?" melody is a bit confused

"Please don't leave me like that! Because I don't know what to do if that happens again" I said and hugged her tight

"Oppa, calm down and your hug is a bit tight which I can breathe" melody try to remove on my hug

"Let us just stay like this for awhile because I want to make this moment special" I said

"Promise you won't leave me and don't do that again please" I continued

"It seems to me, you're like talking a dead person or you're just acting weird right now" she seem to be confused and feel worried because her voice is different when talking to me right now

"I thought I have lost you which makes me scared thinking about what happened to you" I said

"Mom, mico is really acting weird right now"

"I don't want to see you ever again lying like that while you're leaving me" I said and I can't stop crying

"Oppa, I don't know what you're talking about but I'm alive and you're like saying I'm dead" melody said while looking at me which she feel worried

"Sweetie, just relax and your little sister is healthy. Melody, did you tell him something weird?" mom said

"No mom, maybe he still have a hangover and you know that charles, benjamin and james went out for drinking to celebrate something" melody added

"I prepared a soup for me sweetie and we should eat now because your grandpa is here been waiting for you on the dining room"

"Grandpa Peter is here? I think he is going to scold me right now" I said but I still not sure if this is real

But if it is, I don't want to let this moment pass since melody is here with me and this is the only thing matters to me right now and I wouldn't care less anything at all

"Is mico still not awake?" I know this voice and its grandpa which he entered my room

"Mico" is he mad at me? Grandpa slowly walk inside my room and towards me wherein he looks calm but deep inside maybe he is not in the mood

"How much did you get drunk last night?" he asked

I don't remember getting drunk last night and I only remember cleaning the school because of what happened

"Drunk? I only did yesterday is cleaning at school" I said

"Why? Did you get yourself in trouble again?" grandpa asked

"Ah no grandpa, I'm doing great" but he knows that I'm lying if I try to avoid eye contact with him

"I hope so or else I'll confiscate everything you have which I'll let you look for a part time job or work on the company" grandpa said and that is the most scariest thing I could ever hear from him which I hate it.

"I won't make any trouble grandpa and don't worry. I'm a grown up now and see I'm a strong man" I said

"Why is it so cold lately? Melody, did you turn on the aircon?" I asked but she is not answering and where did she go?

"Melody, answer me"

"Where are you?"

"Melody, why are not answering me?"

Then I hear a sound of alarm which made me woke up and a sudden of cold. I don't remember that I turn on the aircon last night

James is here on the side of my bed and he looks worried

"Dude, are you alright?" he asked and it was just all a dream which make me feel sad because I thought it was real and I expect it to be but now I'm a bit disappointed

"I heard that you're mentioning melody while you're sleeping and I can see that you're crying" he said and my tears fell again

My whole body is aching and especially my back hurts right now. Why am I sweating and feel cold? Try to put a blanket on my body to make myself feel warm

"Dude, you have a high fever same goes to charles and benjamin" then james cough all of a sudden

"Did you take your medicine james?"

"No it's fine, maybe later" he said but he looks so pale

"By the way, do you want to attend class or just take a rest here?" james said *cough *cough

"Where is charles and benjamin?" I asked

"At the living room, waiting for you to wake up so that we could go to school and he already cooks a breakfast even he is sick and maybe you should eat before we go" james said and went out

I change clothes since I can't take shower right now since I'm not felling well at all and why it is so cold when the air conditioned is off right now. I can't really move my body properly but I need to go to school because I already missed a lot of classes now

I went downstairs now since they might be waiting for me now and I saw charles then benjamin lying at the couch while james trying to make his self look fine since he doesn't want to be burden with us. Why do we even get easily sick lately whereas I hate it the most.

"Dude, let's go or else sir clark will look for us" charles said with a weak voice

"Let's just take medice and we can still do it" benjamin said and trying to get up

James help benjamin to stand up and same goes to us charles which he bring some medicines for us. All of us have fever and coughing. My whole body is trembling but I don't other people see I'm too weak that is why I'm trying to be strong even it's really hard for my part and I have a reason why I'm so cold to others.

I let james drive the car and go to school because If I insist to do so we might get into accident because I'm not in the right mind of thinking when everytime I'm sick and I might lost control of the wheel which will kill all of us if that happens but I hope not and I can stabilize my whole body and mind to think properly but as of now I just want to take rest and think positive.

But we still need to clean some other areas especially the swimming pool and gym which it is everyday use for the athletes. All I want is to be done and I don't want to think this hell community service.


Alexis POV

It's a great thing, not time for class yet and it's just like 7:15. So I still have 15 minutes to finish my webinar today since my cousin me to do another one but I can't even say no to him which I'm too nice to regret him well at least he couldn't say anything after for all I have done with him. He is the closest cousin I ever had. Maybe I couldn't get along with my other cousins especially that Emily who has high esteem which she always thought that she is cooler than me when in fact I can do anything without me helping her with her studies. Just because, lewis didn't like her and Emily started to spread rumors telling them that I'm a bitch or a slut after what I did everything for her. As if it's my fault that lewis likes me than her. But in the end, everything she said came back to her because lewis knew better what the truth is really then she transferred to another school. See, even my own cousin is backstabbing me which I couldn't care less. That's why claude and clyde hates her after what she did to me

"So as you can see, find someone who will help relieve the anxiety, not add to it. We mostly people around us, the ones who creates our anxiety. Why do we always taking everything personally? Because our anxiety kills us our positivity in mind and we start to think about what happens ahead"

"If a friend takes a little too long to answer a text, I start making assumptions. They don't want to talk to me. I'm annoying them. They're ignoring me on purpose. They don't like us and also hate us."

"Let me share you something, we dread sending the first text because there is a chance of rejection. Knowing that someone saw my message and decided against answering it makes me sick to my stomach. It makes me feel invisible. Even if I receive an answer after five short minutes, I will still look too far into details. If the text is short or sounds snippy, then I will worry that I am wasting their time, that they are only answering me to be polite. I will fool myself into thinking I shouldn't have sent the text in the first place. It doesn't matter how long I have been friends with someone. I need constant reassurance that I am loved. Otherwise, I will jump to the worst case scenario. I will assume that I have done something to upset them, that they don't want me around anymore, that the friendship has ended."

"My anxiety makes me overanalyze every situation. It doesn't matter if someone can't hang out over the weekend because they have to work late. I won't believe their excuse. I will convince myself that they are lying and they secretly don't want to see me. My anxiety makes me feel like the world is against me. I assume that if something bad can happen, it will happen. It's hard to be optimistic when I have been through so many awkward moments, when I have embarrassed myself time and time again. I never know what to say in social situations. I am either too quiet or too loud. I don't know how to behave like a 'normal' person. I don't know how to make myself fit into crowds. Since it's so hard for me to hold a conversation with family members I've known for years, let alone with strangers in front of me at the supermarket, I assume that everyone hates me. I assume they are all laughing at me behind my back.

"That's why I have so much trouble when it comes to dating. I never flirt back, because I assume that people are just being nice. Even if it's clear they are interested, I won't get my hopes up. I will convince myself that it won't last long. That as soon as they see the real me, they will realize I am not worth having around and will run the other direction. My anxiety makes me doubt my self-worth, which leads to doubting everyone around me. When someone compliments me, I don't believe them. When someone tells me they love me, I don't believe them. I can't see how it could be true. I can't see why they would want anything to do with someone like me. Because of my anxiety, I struggle to see my value. I only see a million flaws. The truth is that you can be struggling and still be loved. You don't have to solve your whole life tonight. You just have to show up and try. Focus on the most immediate thing in front of you. You'll figure out the rest along the way"

"Lastly, the only thing you need to do is keep calm and be positive. Life goes on and whatever or no matter what happen just focus and all those will turn into realization that would help us to be stronger. That would be all and I hope that everyone has learned from me. Take this something that would motivate you when you feel anxious then think that you're not alone when someone is really with you." then they clapped and I can see the smile on their faces which make me feel happy.

"Don't be stupid Lourie, as if you're not even doing it right"

"Come on, stop calling me stupid when you're the one who is idiot here. Hello, excuse me?"

Why are they fighting like a kid? I need to stretch my body because I feel a bit pain on my back and it's just a quick webinar since I told my cousin that I have class this morning

Finally, I've been waiting for this day which we can take our revenge with those jerks that never had enough bullying us and we don't understand why do they hate that much? We demand for an explanation at least so that we know. Wait alexis, be cold as you am because think about what they did to you

"Oh looky here, isn't it lovely chua?"

"So what? and who are you?" lovely said

"Look at these rude girl, don't ever come near at benjamin or else you'll regret it"

"You can have that benjamin and which I don't even care about him at all" lovely said

"Sophie, stop that" when her friend is trying to stop her

"You better be, because I'm serious and benjamin is mine" that sophie said then lovely just rolled her eyes instead than talking to this nonsense

I stand up and approach this girl "If you don't have better things to say at all, just go back to your seat and zip your mouth. As if you really own him, as far I'm concern that benjamin is not interested in you and he don't like a girl who is very rude and assuming. Remember, you're not on the level of my gorgeous friend. So you better keep it to yourself and you know what being pretty is not even cool. You're pretty, but does it fit on your attitude? Before you claim someone without their permission, please look at yourself and the way you act" I said which make her feel annoyed and just go back to her seat

"Sorry about that girls, I'm Cassandra Lee and my friend just like benjamin that is why but take a big deal lovely and I'm really sorry about that"

Then lovely hugged me tight and I suddenly pushed her to lose a bit on the hugged

"So you know already what were going to do later girls and don't forget especially you michelle and lovely" I said

"Wouldn't that be you alexis? Because you look more scary even without wearing a make-up and I think they would get scared already" lovely said

"Is that even necessary to say that?" I said and I don't find it funny at all but I don't ruin my mood today just because of what she said to me. I just pinch lovely cheeks

"Ouch, alexis!" lovely said which everyone look on us

"I really can't forget what they did to us yesterday!" I said which make me feel triggered and gone mad because they've gone too far enough to kick us out but they're messing with the wrong persons because I won't even back out which it takes for us to fight this one

We really smell like coming out on garbage and which I can't even imagine at all. Juice, coke, mustard, flour, red hot sauce, slime, pie, ice cream and everything is really annoying. Michelle is right which is something wrong but we didn't even listen to her at all wherein I blame lovely with that. Jamie almost got died because she is allergic with ketchup and mustard. She is also allergic with other things

"Look at jamie, she is been dozing off which she is not herself today" lovely pointed out at jamie and I think she is not listening to us right

"How about you jamie? Are you alright?" we asked her yet she is just looking at us with a swollen eyes

Did she just cry?

"Ah, yah I'm fine. Don't worry, I already brought medicine with me and I don't quiet remember what just happened yesterday. Or maybe I just forgot about it" jamie is still not good but she insist going to school today. At least she is fine or else we will bring her to the hospital right this instant and her allergies are no joke at all because it can really kill her at the moment.

Our other classmates just arrived in time and also those annoying four boys

"Girl, they look so pale"

"Oh my gosh, my baby mico is not feeling well"

They're just pretending, hello excuse me! If you just saw what they did to us yesterday which you wouldn't even believe at all and it can really make you crazy if that happens to you

"I think they're sick"

"Who wouldn't even get sick doing five days of community service which I heard from the president for what they did to that josh which who started it first"

"I hate that annoying jerk"

"He thinks so highly of himself that he thinks all women like him"

"Well he deserve that got suspend in his varsity which should be removed on the baseball team at all"

"Who wouldn't thought that he is barking into a wrong tree"

"Look at my prince charles, he's sick and I should bring him some porridge later"

Come on, you girls should wake up like as if. Acting like a victim and poor kids when deep inside that's not what you think they are

"Why didn't love benjamin just take a rest for a day?"

"James, baby. He should at least eat some meal or else he would collapse"

I hate hearing these blabbing mates around the room which make it a bit cringe. How could they feel sorry for what they had done to us? Shouldn't they at least hear the other side of the story?

They sat behind us. They have the guts to show a pitiful look and pretend to be sick whereas yesterday they didn't stop ruining our mood yet have the guts to laugh at us. Sir Clark arrived just in time and our other classmates sat in their seats because some of our classmates especially the girls were just looking at the four boys behind us. Anyhow, I don't want to get involved with this prick charles because her fangirls will definitely sit beside him have sweet talk which is not cool.

"Okay class, open your book on page 21. Chapter 2: Building Self Confidence" sir clark said when he notice the boys

We just open our books while these four boys are seemed to be weak and look pale. Alexis, come to your senses and why are you worried about them? When you should be focusing on today's class even whatever they look like which I won't give a bit of concerned after what they did to us. It's payback time as long as they the laugh will be ours.

"The boys at the back, Mr. Skylar and company which let me remind you that you always need to bring your books or else you'll stand up at each corner of this room until my class end" sir clark warned them

"Ah sorry about that Mr. Jung, we forgot to bring our books" charles said which he can't say it loudly

"But are you boys alright? Seems to me, the four of you look pale. Do you want to go to the clinic right now which I will let you boys go there right this instant" he can hear on the voice of sir clark that he is worried about these boys but I know they're just acting. Give me a break

"Ah no can do sir, we're fine and there's nothing to worried about" charles said and try to sit properly then smile

See? They're just pretending and come on as if. I'm tired of seeing these faces which definitely annoyed me the most

"Ms. Mendez and Ms. Chua, kindly share your book to Mr. Smith and Mr. Choi. So that Ms. Park and Ms. Swift would share their book to Mr. Skylar and Mr. Lee" sir clark said

WHAT! Like what the hell! You must be kidding? Me? Sharing my book with this annoying prick and what a good day to start indeed wherein I try to calm myself which I don't have any other choice.

I change seats with this mico and he sits on my place whereas I can see jamie really hates this situation and who would definitely like to sit besides your enemy? I prefer sitting on the other seats rather than this one

After 3 hours of discussion.....

Sir clark already left the room. I immediately return to my seat which I find it more comfortable than at the back. Well, somehow charles really look pale and when our arm touch together I really feel the heat on him. Is he really sick?

"Oh my gosh, why did I get worried on him? That is the creepiest thing I ever think. Come to your senses alexis and this is not the time to be stupid. Think about the plan later" I slapped myself which the three are looking at me weird wherein I just laughed so that they don't find me crazy at all. The four boys went out the room. Where do they think they're going? Let's play some things a bit and to make it interesting.