Gossips About The Girls

Mico POV

It's a bit strange waking up in my bed and I felt like I've been in the hospital for a year. Charles told me everything happen to me in the hospital yesterday but I'm thankful that I woke up and at least I get to see home again. I didn't also know that it's almost been 3 weeks since that incident happen. I still have weird feelings after we were discharged from the hospital earlier in the hospital.

I remember everything what happened to us except when we fell in the pool because I can't see anything clearly and I'm too weak to swim because of my fever. But I felt someone hold my hand and a tear fell which I can hear someone crying then I try to open my eyes and it's a girl. I see something on her neck and it's very familiar to me.

"Oppa, you know that I'm always by your side no matter what happen. Even you don't see me, but I been by your side which I can only see that no one else does"

"Now its time for you to go back oppa. I will always love you and promise me that you won't take revenge because of me"

"Don't think negative things and be happy, okay? I won't go anywhere and go back where you are. They're waiting for you"

I always hate having dream when melody is in it, I keep missing her and my life is torn apart after that day which I feel like I lost everything. I don't know what life means to me anymore and I'm walking to a fiery pit in this world who I might hate everyone. But I promise me melody that I shouldn't be sad the fact she told me that. I remember what she said to me back then

"As we grew older oppa, do you know what the most thing we should learn in our life?"

"Not all of us, grow beautifully like a butterfly or flower that bloom or shine but instead we learned is the key to surviving the day isn't good for us or positivity, but we learn to accept things the way they should be. The word acceptance that we should always remember in our life"

"Acceptance is something that we learn how to forgive, forget things that hurt us and love other person again but not too much. Sometimes, accepting that not all days are lovely, happy, and good when you somehow feel you're having a bad day, you always make mistakes but doesn't mean you're stupid enough not to know what is right and wrong in life, failure comes in and we mess up"

"Everything happens for a reason, and everything is not going to fall into place and that's okay. Nothing in life is easy oppa, just learn to accept it and everything will be fine"

This is coming into my mind lately and I can't seem to forget what she said to me for almost 2 years and I'm having a nightmare sometimes when I don't feel good which it appears to be someone else which I thought I know that girl but she's not the one, but the face is blurred, so I'm not sure about it and she wear the same red dress.

I didn't notice Charles is already here in my room and holding a book. Is he waiting for me, or he just stay here? I stand up and fixed my bed then he noticed me which he helps me to fix it and didn't say anything

"When did you got here?" I asked

"Well, the time you wake up but you're dozing off. So, I didn't bother and just stay in the corner of your room then read a book. Where did you bought this?" Charles said

"Melody gave it to me and it's her favorite book" I said, and he put it back where it came from. Then try to look around the room

"Since when did you like pink colors?"

"I don't but that handkerchief came from that girl who I'm saved for the crazy stalker"

"You mean, when we were in US then that night you went missing without telling us where you went and we're looking for you. I still remember I got mad that night because you really made me worried back there then we found out you hurt your arm"

"You really quite have a memory there"

"Well of course"

"Yes, that was the time, and I didn't get to see who the girl is because her friends take her to the hospital when she collapsed"

I didn't know Charles can remember those days when I almost forget them all but once I remember it either I feel sad, hurt, or mad. Somehow, I manage myself not to hurt someone as possible or else I won't forgive myself.

"Maybe you'll find her soon because you keep dreaming about her"

"Do you think so?"

"I don't know either because I'm also waiting for her"

So, all of us are waiting for our first love and we don't know when is the time we're going to meet them again? Almost years passed by, they might change already, and their faces might be different from what we see. But I guess, I won't be bushing around and maybe next time I'll look for her through the necklace I gave her.

"Dude, are you even listening to me?"

"Ah, what did you say?"

"See? You're not to yourself again and again. Did you left your brain in the hospital?"

"You really have time to joke around, ain't you?" I said not too serious, and I just laugh to make it funny

"You need to change now, and we will wait for you at the car since james and Benjamin are all prepared to go back to school. Or do you want to skip today class? Actually, it's Saturday today" he said

"Not really, I have enough rest now and I want to walk around the campus for a while"

Charles just leave the room and I fixed my things inside my bag which it is too heavy, and I should at least bring the important things especially the books and pens. I left my P.E. uniform on my locker, so I wouldn't be worried anything to wear during the class of Mr. Davis. What else do I need to bring? Extra clothes and shoes, if ever something happen to me.

I remember Benjamin's birthday is coming near and I don't have any idea yet what gift should I give him and it's a bit hard to know what other things he like. Maybe I should ask his little sister next time and I might do some surprise for benjamin.

"You got a text message from your dad" Did I hear it correctly? Why does he even bother texting me? I should I just block his phone number instead

I hurried changing clothes then went downstairs to look for food to eat while driving it's either way I'm going to drive or them. Then I saw some food on the table, and I hurried to eat so that we could go to school and still have time to go to class

"Sorry guys I'm late" I said, and they seem to be waiting for me for like 2 hours except for Charles who just went to my room a while ago

"Dude, won't you answer it?" pinpoint on my pocket which my phone keeps vibrating and I just ignored it because this might be my dad who's just going to ruin my day

"Let's go now guys, and we'll be late at school" james said and impressive. This is the first I see james like that and did he hit his head on the wall or what? He seems to be serious and start to drive now then Benjamin busy talking because his little sister just called, and Charles did something I don't know what it is because he just stays focus on it

It didn't take too long when we arrive at school because james just drove fast like he's in racing competition and I didn't know notice we arrive quickly than I expected. Sometimes, I hate it when james is the one driving because it makes me want to kill at the same time. At least, he won't get caught by the police because of his speed limit in driving or else he will lose his license forever. We went out the car and get our things at the trunk

"Next time james, never drive again because you all get us killed" I said, and he is not listening



"Is there something bothering him?"

"Actually, about that"

"What about it? Tell me and don't even cut your words because I don't understand what you're saying" I said and james is still in the car, and he won't bug or move. I knock on the window, but he didn't hear it which he just stay still until I open the door

"James, why don't you tell me now? Do you have problem? Just don't stay there and talk while I'm asking you nicely" I said and he just staring at the steering wheel which he hit it hard that makes him gone mad

"Just let him be mico. He just wants to let out his anger because his dad said to him. You know what that is, and he just want to ignore everything around him"

"You mean his dad's company?"

"Exactly, that's the point and look at his expression" then he point out to james while he is still hitting the steering wheel

"Ah, would my life get any worse than ever? He wouldn't even understand me and why can he just leave me alone? Instead bragging about his annoying company" he said to himself, and I stop him by doing that which he did then james saw me

"Did I make you wait guys? Sorry about that, I lost bit of myself there and we should get going now" he said and smile. Does he have bipolar?

We went off walking in the campus and it's good to be back here in school after 3 weeks in the hospital which I don't want to go back there, and the food don't taste too good like I'm eating a wasted food whereas I lost my appetite for just one day. I'm glad that I at least eat some food, but the students are just staring at us. Some are happy to see us, but some seem to be mad like we did something to them. I think they saw some artist here, but we just play some jam and do some music. We already know that we're handsome. We just look at them, then they most of the students giggle and others just smirk.

"Dude, I'm hungry" james said

"Didn't you just had enough a while ago and you almost finish everything?" benjamin said

"We should go to the cafeteria first before we proceed to the class" he said

I don't know what's on the menu today in the cafeteria because I'm also hungry since I didn't have enough food to eat because I rush a bit. There's go Charles feel uneasy and don't know what to do

"Charles, would you please stop that? You're making me dizzy"

"Are we even going to class or not?" he said, and how can he be so grumpy when he talks about school and attending class? can he just at least relax?

Charles is a little bit feel uncomfortable thinking a lot of thigs and becoming the worst person because he is really a workaholic when it comes to school but didn't even join the student council because he doesn't want to handle a lot of school projects.

He used to be busy doing that research paper and now he's thinking about the class. The professors know that we have been in the hospital for 3 weeks, and we are recovering. James, go back to his habit flirting with another girl again and gain which he looks stupid

"Guys, I think I just want to go back to the room now and I don't want other students keep looking at us" he said and benjamin is right and it's kind of bothersome for me when I hate people staring at me like this because I think we did something horrible to them even we know we're not that bad person to hurt anyone

"Omg, my babies are back in school"

"Mico is fine now and I'm so happy"

"Baby Charles, are you alright?"

"I miss you so much Benjamin"

"Our boys are safe now"

"My prayers work and it's a good thing, my baby james is good as he was"

"My prince charming Benjamin is fine now, and I'm really worried about him"

"It's a good thing, those bitches are gone for good now and we can finally see it to ourselves of our babies"

"Please take good care of yourself, my loves because I'm still going to marry you"

"Just shut up" Charles said, and these girls just giggle then laugh at him because I know they really like us that much which it's kind of bothersome when everytime these girls are like this, and I get why Charles is acting this way because he hates this kind of girls

"This is for you" then they hand us a lot of foods with chocolates and letters on it which I never read them at all

"They get sick please, because we feel worried when you boys are not around the school, and it all makes us cry when we found that you four are in the hospital for 3 weeks already"

These girls are insane, and I get it why they like james because he is a sweet and smooth talker even sometimes, he got slap by the girl he dumped multiple times which I know the reason why he did that. I don't know what really going to happen if his father finds out about this

"Isn't that them who cause us so much pain?" benjamin said

"I know exactly what I am going to do" I said and benjamin just agree to me same goes to Charles then james seems to be in a good mood to do something

"Do you a sticky note on your bag benjamin?"

"I do so"

"Let me have it and I'm going to write something, and do you want to do it too?"

"Count me in" he just suddenly appears in front of us

We start to write something very funny, and I can't stop laughing at it. Benjamin just put something crazy and kind of offending, but I wouldn't mind at all. Charles wrote something that would make that alexis get annoy then for james wrote something that would make that michelle get mad and I thought of something funnier but a second of thought maybe not just a simple

I'm done and it's Back in business which I know what we're going to do. It's payback time and we approached them and then we stuck something on their back which made them shock and look at us, but we saw that they were wearing face masks and they looked like thieves. They just laughed charles, Benjamin and james especially me. Fit them this style like fools and they are ugly. But one thing I notice is that….

"Babe, why didn't tell me that you hate going to school without me?" james said but that michelle just remove james hands on her shoulder

"How are you girls? Did you miss us?" benjamin said and I know he's into something then benjamin stretch his legs to make alexis trip then she stumbled which she didn't do anything at all. They seem to be quiet and I'm not used to it all. Because I know they always do something back but this is quite new. All the students around the campus laugh and made fun of them but some help alexis stand up

"I'm boyish. I like poop"

"I'm stupid and crazy"

"I'm a clown"

"I'm an idiot and ugly"

"Crazy girls"

"I thought they're gone but I guess not"

"Isn't that enough for them to kick these crazy girls out of this school after what they did to mico, Charles, benjamin and james"

"So, it means, they feel guilty about themselves for doing that to the boys"

"Why do they act so innocent in front of others, but deep inside their not that good person we expected and gosh what freak"

"Look how pathetic they are, I might hate them now because what they did, and we must boycott Music Queen Band"

"So, the video is true and yet have the guts to go back here. They should be call queen but Music Demon Band which they're too evil. What could possibly happen now the boys are back again? Are they going to do it again?"

"What the hell? They're still here. I think they still need more beatings"

"We should teach a lesson for good that they will never forget, and they might leave this school for good"

What are they talking about? Did something happen in the school when we're not around for 3 weeks? Or should I say did something happen to me? Wait, what am I thinking? I should just worry about myself than to think of these girls.


Charles POV

These girls are bit weird, and I'm not used to it seeing them quiet. What happened to them? I hold alexis hand wherein I look at her face even she is wearing face mask. She just stares at me mad then remove it which she didn't even talk back at me, and I notice the jacket she is wearing. It's the same jacket to the girl who auditioned on my club which I didn't get to see her face and know her name at all.

This made me think, if she is the girl, I've been looking for but it's way too far from that. But the girl I meet back then when I save her from the bullies is chubby and friendly not like her.

"Let's get going" benjamin said and that come to my senses

We went to the room now but mico is still looking at jamie while her friends already pulled her which make us feel guilty like something bad happen to them. Is it just me who feel worried about her? Even I should get mad about this time, but I can't do that when I see her like that. Why do I see her to the girl who got bullied back then?

"I find them weird but at least there's no more nosy girls who feel like they ate a megaphone because they're too loud and annoying" james said

"Why do they keep bothering those transferees when they didn't do something wrong"

"I really hate when someone obviously do horrible things"

"Don't you find it crazy? Like someone hold a grudge on these girls and it's obvious the video is edited"

"That's right, why would anyone believe that kind of such thing. What if that's not what really happen?"

"You know people nowadays, believe in rumors than the truth. That always happen here in school"

"They've gone too much, and don't they think about the humiliation they did?"

"People wouldn't even care about that, and you know what it feels to be the center of attention in school"

"But they really gone too far"

"Well at least, the student council help them yesterday or else it's not really good for them"

Who are they pertaining at? Is it us or the girls?

"Mico, make it fast there and you're bit too slow today" james said and mico just smirk didn't mind what he said

"Do you think that they will survive in this school?"

"I don't think so, didn't you see what they those crazy girls did to the four transferees like it's been hell for them"

"I also think that they're going to suffer and might leave this school"

Ah they're talking about the girls, and I notice alexis has bruises on her face and hand which make think if something here when we're not around.

"I hope they better take care of themselves before those crazy girls kill them"

"I feel sorry and pity those four girls, especially after what happened to them for almost 3 weeks, those crazy students almost didn't stop doing horrible things"

"We already gave them a warning to stay away from them because those freak girls gone insane"

I just act like I didn't hear anything about it and I notice mico is a little bit far from us. Then benjamin facial expression, it's hard to identify what he is thinking.

"Mico" I called him

"Coming" he said

"Are you waiting for someone?" I asked


"The boys are here! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! My baby mico is back"

"My hubby is looking good"

"My king is hot"

"My prince charming is fine now"

We enter the room then they are mentioning our name and I'm already used to it. Wow, our seats are full of food, letter, and gifts. Did we miss something here? Lately, a lot of students have been looking at us as well. Are we that handsome for everyone to think of us? We just went to our place and james just ate the food on his table

"Omg he noticed my gift and I'm so happy"

"Same, he's opening my gift now"

Ah, this food is from them, as usual of course there is a letter on it and that is obvious. We don't know we have a lot of fans here which is kind of tiring at all. We're that even famous and we just sing then post it on YouTube. We didn't expect that it would be blown with so many views and one of our video reach 1 billion views the time we did duet with an idol.

I just notice the four girls are already here and they're just sleeping. Awhile ago they're too quiet and now sleeping. Is that serious?

"Did you even see what happened to them yesterday? Gosh, I hate what that Jennica did then that bitch lisa and the annoying chubby girl"

"I'm worried on jamie"

"I hate them and they're crazy I tell you"

"I hope they just stay for awhile in the hospital to take a rest rather than attend the class"

"This is such a disgrace in school"

"I really feel pity for them"

"Their bodies are full of bruises especially their cheeks are swollen"

"This school is embarrassing because of these bullies yet they plan to do something more horrible to these girls"

"I heard that lovely got almost killed because of that witch natasha"


"Yes, they left her on the big bucket with full of water"

"Gosh, they're horrible"

"Also, that lisa throw alexis just like a trash on the pool"

I approach them and look at them which they just avoid me where I should ask them because they're talking about the girls

"Goodmorning class" the professor is here, and I went back to my seat. Maybe I'll just talk to her and what they're talking about video? Did we miss something important?

"I guess everyone is here. I have announcement which this is for next month competition, and we need at least two team to represent our school because this competition will happen in the Olympics and you're going fight at least 10 best university in different countries"

"Sir, is it 1 team for girls and 1 team for boys?"

"Ah no, there are other competition for the boys which it is basketball. So just tell me ahead or come to my office then I'll list down your name. But the principal has already chosen 6 students on the first team so we still need six more students to join in team 1"

"Anyway, next time we will talk about this"

"Sir, we want to join" charizza said then everyone wants to join

"Wow, I'm proud of this class because all of you wants to join the competition but we only need 24 students for girls and same with the boys to attend the competition. We will hold an audition for this then the six students who had been chosen already will going to do the audition"

"Sir, how about for the boys?"

"I know exactly who will going to conduct the audition"

"May we ask when the audition is?"

"Next week, we'll start the audition because the practice we start soon"

"Any question class?" he asked then we just nod side to side instead of saying something else

Who is this? Its my first time meeting him, did they change our old P.E. professor

"So, we're going to have a game today which it is dodge ball again and I'll wait you class on the court then be in proper uniform or else you won't play in the game" he said and that is why they're wearing P.E. uniform. I should change later then everyone just pick their things while I noticed these four girls are still sleeping. Everyone left except for us eight who are here but noreline went back to call these girls

"Jamie, Alexis, Michelle and Lovely. Wake up and we should get going"

"You boys, stop bothering them okay. What a jerk" she said seriously and looking at us one by one. What did we do? We just got discharged on the hospital, yet we feel like we're on fault which I don't get it all because we don't even know what happen after we gone for 3 weeks. Now they're awake and mico approach jamie

"Jamie" he called

"Would just leave her alone?" noreline said. Why is she acting weird today? Jamie just looks at him and I notice there are bruises on her face same goes to alexis and those two. All of them got bruises in their faces and in the neck.

"Are you alright? What happen to you?" mico asked and he hold onto her but she just pushed him away

"Don't even touch me and stay away from me" she said loudly then mico just stop by a minute

"Because of you, because of you!" she shouted

"Jamie, just ignore them and let's go" michelle said

"Where are you going babe?"

"You better shut up! You playboy!"

"Okay fine, but just relax babe"

"Relax you mean? Then leave me alone then I will have a peace of mind. You annoying jerk. Do you want to know one thing that makes you look pathetic?"

"Then what is it?"

"You're a loser and no one is going to love you. Coward and pathetic as always because you're afraid to get hurt if you end up loving someone truly that is why you're acting that way. Maybe I guess, you were born as a playboy from the beginning. Does your father even know about what you're doing? I guess he would be ashamed of you"

"Shut your mouth"

"See, you can't say anything because it's true"

Wow, the atmosphere here is getting intense right now and james don't really like getting belittle by a girl which he might do something stupid

"Jamie, I'm just worried"

"What? Seriously? Is that a joke? You know what? You're acting all innocent then to found out you're a jerk at all. Since when did you get worried about me? Until I get killed, is that it? Or maybe until the day I leave this school which you boys would be happy if that happens. But I'm sorry to say that it won't even happen no matter how much you bully us"

"And as for you, just worry about yourself. What makes you feel worried about me? You're not even my boyfriend to ask that question and ask your crazy fangirls instead" jamie say out of nowhere

"It looks like your face got smashed by someone" benjamin said then laugh which lovely just look at him like she wants to do something that will make him shut his mouth

"You really have the guts to crack at joke, you scumbag!" lovely said

"What do you think you are? I didn't say anything wrong at all" benjamin confronted lovely

"Do you think that everything is a joke to you?"

"I guess so but I'm just kid…..."

"I also guess you won't even have a girlfriend, if you think everything is a joke to you. Even your girl will regret being with you because you end up hurting her instead of protecting her. You will never ever be going to be loved by someone and see to it, she's going to hate you with everything" she said it straight to the point which Benjamin was silenced by what lovely said but the three just listened and said nothing

"That's not what I meant lovely"

"If you don't have better things to say just shup up and keep it to yourself than to crack a joke to a person who almost died yesterday because of you" lovely blamed benjamin which made him confuse. Then she just left, and all her friends just look at benjamin mad

"What did I do wrong?" he ask to his self

"That's a wrong time dude"

"Do you think so? But I'm just kidding then she cut me off there without letting me finish what I am saying"

"But they all look pale which I noticed that awhile ago" james said

"I don't know stop asking me which I don't care" benjamin said which made him keep quiet for a bit and he seem to be upset right now which he can't figure what he did. What does she mean that she almost died yesterday? These girls are weird, I tell you

"Let's just clothes at the gym because I'm just annoyed now, I just got in a good mood but she just ruined it" benjamin said and he just took his things and we just followed him but I noticed mico that he is bit quiet. Obviously, because of what jamie said to him which made mico silent, but I just looked at alexis because there were so many bruises on her face.

I'll ask her later and one more thing as well noreline is furious with us even though we don't know what happened to these girls. Of course, we were in the hospital, almost asleep and unconscious. I thought we wouldn't wake up but gladly we did and we're safe. Surprisingly, they say there is a video that we don't know about, and I'm confused now. I'll just think about it later then I'll talked to alexis after the game.

"I hope the girls are alright"

"You know what, that video got a lot of negative comments but the students in music academy are protective like did you even see what those students said just to shut the haters comments"

"Why do they hate these girls so much? Like they didn't do anything wrong"

"You know, when a girl gets insecure, she will do something horrible or even post a threat in social media which she will try to ruin the music queen band"

"Students are insane nowadays"

"Such a bully"

"They never changed at all"

"No wonder why they call this school the worst one based on the students who study here which didn't even get to stay that long"

"So, the rumor is true. I guess the principal doesn't even know about this. But if she do, I guess she's going to punished those students who do horrible things to the other students back then"

"This is totally mess"

"That is so true. Anyway, let's just go back to our class"

I need to find out what video they're talking about, and this might be connected to the girls, and I don't know why am I so concern about her? We're not that even close but I feel like I've meet her before for so long. I think having a bit crazy mind and is this the effect of getting hospitalized for 3 weeks? Never ever again, I tell you that and I just hurried to the gym then change clothes


Benjamin POV

I can't even concentrate and change clothes now and I'm really upset on what she said. Doesn't she even know what she just said there which it is really offending? That hurts my feelings and I feel like I'm out of words. She doesn't know me at all to say that things and I guess I need to prove to her that I can be a serious person who she can never see a smile on my face again.

Gosh, I'm just worried about her but that's the only thing she can say to me "I also guess you won't even have a girlfriend, if you think everything is a joke to you. Even your girl will regret being with you because you end up hurting her instead of protecting her. You will never ever be going to be loved by someone and see to it, she's going to hate you with everything" then next time I won't, and I hope you will never going to survive on this school and come to think of it, I'll make you regret coming here and kick you out once and for all.

"Why did she even cut me off me there?"

"What did she say? I won't even have a girlfriend. Just wait and see"



"Who do you think she is?!" I hit the wall hard which make may hand bled then they just stop me, but I didn't mind about it because I'm mad right now. Why did she even cut me off there? I'm not done talking yet she makes me feel damn upset and I can't even say anything to her after that.

The only thing I hate when people cut me off when I'm still talking, and I can't stop thinking about it

"Dude, just relax and don't let it get bother you because it will only upset you more than that because I know you when you get mad which you won't do stop unless you do something horrible" Charles said but I didn't listen to her at all

"Give me a break Charles, what if alexis said that to you? What would you even think?" I ask him directly that would make him speechless

"Well, I won't talk back at all, and I'll apologize to her because I'm on the wrong side"

"You're too soft, don't you know that? You see, people will usually take you for granted without you realizing it"

"Woah, you're out of line dude" mico said

"I'm just telling the truth dude, can't you even see that?"

"Just let him be mico, you know when they're not in the mood which they say anything without them thinking about it and I'm already used to it taking care of what you guys say to me which it didn't matter because I'm just letting you all out of your anger once than keeping it to yourself." He said and that made me realize that I'm out of line

"That's what brothers for, even we're not blood related but we're like brothers with different mothers. No matter what happen, I won't leave you guys and that's it" Charles continue and I'll apologize to him

"Okay, I'm sorry dude. It's just that I'm damn upset"

"Don't let it get into you remember that, maybe she didn't mean that"

"You know what girls are"

"Where is james right now? Did he just flirt with another girl again?" charles asked which I don't know either because I just went straight in the gym to change into P.E. uniform then I didn't get to see james get here and

"I think he already went to the gym trying to think about what michelle said to him" mico said

"We should get going now because the professor might look for us"

"Did they just change the professor in P.E. subject?" I asked

"Don't you remember what our previous professor did last year?"

"He was caught stealing girls' underwear garment which mean he is a pervert and to think of it, caught off action in front of the Claire. That's what happen and she kick our previous professor" charles explained the situation for me to remember it and it's disgusting. How can a professor do that? No matter how tempted you are, you should at least know your limit. But I might kick his ass and put him in jail

"Dude, have you heard about it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Natasha almost killed someone yesterday" why do these boys even talk behind? I didn't know that they also like rumors

"You know that natasha is an evil witch, she will do everything just to kick those girls who approach the guy she likes"

"That is worse, and she might get suspend if the principal finds out about this"

"But do you know what lisa did yesterday too? Same goes to Jennica, Jasmine, Colby, Lizelle and those crazy freak"

"About what?"

"They almost killed someone too, I just saw it yesterday but I can't give a hand to help them because I was too busy, but I think they're CCTV footage for it and the principal might find out soon. Then those girls would get expel"

"Maybe they did that because of the rumor and also the video"

Why do they keep mentioning about a video? Is it something related to the girls? Or maybe a scandal? I want to find out about it, but I don't know where to start. Is it also related to us? I mean, this might be the reason behind all of this. I'm not even sure where to ask and I should know at least that give me an idea why lovely is acting that way. Why do she make me worry?

"Dude, this school is insane because of this gangster and bullies"

"The principal will give them fair punishment and this school will be a disgrace to other students who want to be transferred here because of all the issue and problems"

"I never wanted to say something, but I should. I get why some students attend here and it's obvious because there are a lot of handsome guys studying in this academy"

"Anyway, we should even talk about this anymore and go back to the class now"

"Won't be bushing around then I just only hope they survive a year"

Then they already left

"Dude, what are you doing there?" mico asked

"Ah nothing"

"We should get going now or else we will get absent on the class" We went to the court then we saw our section on the other side of the gym then we went there which the professor notices us walking

"Excuse me, would you mind helping me here?" he said and gave us the ball

"Since the four of you are late and don't know me yet. I'm your new P.E. professor and I'm Davis Luis Anderson. It's my pleasure to meet you four and I heard a lot of you. I just heard that you boys got hospitalized for 3 weeks, so I'll be considerate with that unless you cooperate with me" he said and introduced his self. Does he know about us? Or did Claire talk about us with him? Because he just said earlier that he heard a lot of things about us, so it means the principals did tell him

Wait, I think I know this professor and I seen him before which I don't know where but I think I already met him. Let me check his profile and I might find some information about him.

Searching…. Davis Luis Anderson…..entered….wow there are a lot of people in the google and there it goes which I read everything then it click on my mind because I'm right and I have a picture of him. He is one of my favorite coaches in Music Academy and no wonder why, because he is also a famous actor in korea and New York. Why didn't I recognize him?

"Today's game is only for girls, so you boys will only watch them and check all the players if they're fine or not" sir davis said and it's a good thing. James is just watching mitchelle and I check on lovely even though I hate what she said to me

"I know you've been staring at me, and you want to ask some question" he said and do I look obvious with that? I want to ask him a question if he remembers me because I remember him which he is my best coach

"Okay girls, form yourselves into 6 members in each group" sir davis give an instruction. Since when these girls get close to noreline? Like I don't remember that one and noreline never like making friends at all then I know she is close with his brother Lemuel, and I notice he is not here at all. Maybe I'm wrong about noreline because she is protective

"As usual the 6 of them will form a group" I put my bet that they will lose the game

"Okay, it is same with what we did last time but this time it will be different. The group whoever strike first with all the groups is the winner and will get an A+ with the two-activity next month" sir davis said and all the girls are ready to play the game which I can see they're all excited except with the four on the corner who look pale

"Then you boys just stay here since I need to talk to you after the class. But tell me ahead if you boys have class after this" sir davis said

"I know benjamin and I remember you" he said out of nowhere and I'm speechless because he still remembered me like wow which it's been 10 years already since the last time, he coach me in a competition which I won multiple times then bring the trophy back in our school thanks to him

"Go alexis"

"Jamie, go for it"

"You can do it lovely"

"Michelle, I love you"

"Teach them what you got alexis"

"Beat them lovely"

"Noreline, do your thing now"

"Tina, I'm with you"

"Teach them a lesson michelle and jamie"

"I believe in you girls"

"Fight for it"

"Go Music Queen Band"

"I love you girls"

"Lovely, be mine please"

"I want you, jamie"

"Beat lisa, jasmine, and Lizelle"

Wow, they are good at this sport and more they have an amazing formation. Jamie is their leader, then alexis knows who she will target. Michelle taught her team on what would be the next position and lovely wants to target someone in her opponent and she is looking at natasha. The way she stares at natasha seems like she wants to kill her.

They beat the other team and now they're going to fight the other groups. Look how lisa reacts and feel annoyed.

"It's amazing how great they are in sports"

"They're multitalented and know how to play all sports" sir davis told us without anyone asking and how did he know about those girls?

"Just watch and learn"

We did watch all the teams, and no one can beat them at all. They have already defeated the four groups and they will play differently. They're like a monster while playing dodge ball and I just watch the rest of the teams then mico is looking at jamie no one else. Maybe I should ask him

"Dude, why are you looking at Jamie? Do you have a crush on her?" I said

"Yes" he said quickly

"You! Really? You have a crush on jamie" I tease him

"Ah .... no no. Shut up dude and stop that. I'm busy watching the game of the girls" he said

"You're just avoiding the topic dude"


I really love teasing mico and he wouldn't even mind if he is focus on the game because he won't realize what he is saying now. I just laughed at him because his mouth is wide open while watching jamie then a flies might come in and james is just staring at michelle with a weird look. I don't know what's on his mind right now, but I don't like it.

Then james suddenly took a picture of a girl and the playboy is back. It's his dad's fault that's why he is acting that way. Charles seems to be quiet, and he's not pay attention at all.

"One remaining group and if this group lose then the team of jamie will win" sir davis said

"You can do it alexis"

"Go beat the last group"

"Jamie, I know you can do better than that"

"Lovely, do your thing and Michelle, the most defensive girl"

Wow that's amazing, they defeated those six groups. Would they be able to beat the last group, especially Natasha group is good at games which no one dares want to beat them and this team is the strongest among the rest I've seen the entire game. I watched them closely. Looks like this one last game will be hot headed if natasha lose on the team of jamie then definitely she will do something. But on the other side, jamie's team just look straight then change position

"I love you jamie"

"I'm still going to marry you alexis and I'm rooting for you"

"That is disgusting" Charles said, and I didn't know he is listening. Then he just looks who's the one say that and is he jealous? This made me laugh and I didn't even know that Charles can get jealous like this even he doesn't have the rights to do so because she's not alexis boyfriend after all

"What if you end up falling inlove with alexis?" I asked him then the three of them look at me like they want to punch me in the face especially Charles who look angry now

"Are you out of your mind Benji? I wouldn't even dare do that. Over my dead body" Charles said, and you'll find out he went head over heels on alexis. I didn't get to see her wear once girly clothes. What would she look like if she wears a dress?

"Stop what you're thinking right there or else I'll smack your face right away"

"Okay, I'll stop now"

"What if mico you suddenly fell inlove with jamie?"


"Okay I'll stop there"

"What about you? It's obvious you like lovely" they said

"What! Didn't you hear what she said back there? That I won't have a girlfriend. She underestimates me and I'll prove to her that I will have soon and let see what she can say about it. Me? Like her? In her wildest dream and I can't imagine myself falling in love with her at all" I said to them so that they won't say anything about stupid things because they will definitely laugh at me if I said something that would slip off my tongue in no time

"And the winner is The Team of Jamie. Congrats on winning the game and your team will have an A+ with the two activities for next month" sir davis said and everyone clap except to the team of natasha and lisa who feel annoyed

"Nice one"

"I love you, Music Queen"

"Go music queen, go music queen, go go go. We love you!"

"That won't change the fact on what they did" I heard the girls who passed by in the gym and looking at the jamie, michelle, alexis and lovely.

"What a murderer"

"They're totally showoff and acting innocent"

Natasha and her companions took all the ball. Obviously, they're mad because they lose in the game, and everyone supports the team of Jamie. Mico and I went down to approach them. But I noticed that Natasha would throw the ball to lovely then Lisa will hit Alexis and Lizelle will throw the ball to Jamie right at her face.

When Natasha throws the ball then I ran fast, and I blocked it so that it won't get hit on the face of lovely because the ball is heavy and hard which it will leave a scar and pain.

"Are you okay alexis?" I asked then pushed me away and she just looked at me. Jamie is just looking at mico while he blocked the ball which hit his back but alexis face got hit because Charles didn't get to blocked it because lisa already throw it without seeing it.

"You natasha, as well as your friends. Can you them alone!" noreline said angrily because the ball almost got hit on the face of jamie but mico also blocked it.

Those women approached us and suddenly the four disappeared. Where did they go? I should go find them but as of now we're trap her with these students talking to us and asking for us to take a picture with them together. Charles seems to be clueless and try to get out of here as soon as he can so that he could go look for alexis which is same goes to me. I'm really going to teach natasha a lesson once I get to see her again.