Stanford Hospital

Claire POV

Why does my mom miss so much even I always visit her in Los Angeles? I can't imagine that she is talkative at the same time she keeps asking me if I had a boyfriend, but she told me that I'm going to meet someone and it's my fiancé. I'm not into any relationship because I prefer taking care of my cousin who always cause so much trouble to me but still, I love him. No matter how annoying he is but I know he had reasons to do that

"Young lady, are you even listening to me?" – mom

"I am mom"

"You're going to meet your fiancé today and I hope you won't run away from him" – mom

"Mom, how many times should I tell you? That I don't want any of this. I'm still young and I'm not interested to whom you ever fix a marriage me or set up me with. I'm still busy with my life and handling the school"

"Claire Santiago, is that how you answer me?" – mom

I hate arguing with my mom with this kind of conversation, it will never end if you just say yes to her

"No, mom and I'm sorry"

"You're already 33 and old enough to marry someone" – mom

"But mom, can you just let me decide who I want to marry? The person who I truly love not the one who you set up with me"

"My decision is final, young lady. Your dad also agreed with me and no more excuses. I know dear, you hate being with someone who hurts you and the pain is still there. I know how Harvey did to you and breaks your heart Claire, but this time it's different. I hope you had move on and forget him"

How could my mom even have mentioned that disgusting name?

"Claire, are you still there?"

"Mom, I need to go now, and I still have a meeting on-going" I said and end the call without her saying anything

I entered the office again and all of them are discussing the projects that we need to finish within the week and Ms. Valentine is thinking of a way how to handle the meeting with the board of directors, shareholders, and corporation. Again, the CEO is not here which I didn't get to meet again, and I heard that he is always business with his business trip and so on afterwards. I won't tell my mom because I'm not going to meet my fiancé and I still need to go the hospital to pay a visit to those four boys.

"So, as you can see, the project will be held in Los Angeles and our guest will be coming from different country since the CEO is asking for us to cooperate with him" she said

"How about the exhibit Ms. Valentine?"

"Can anyone suggest a place where we could hold the exhibit?"

"I know exactly where it will be held"

"Oxford University?"

"No, not there"

"Listen everyone, there will be an exhibit next month which will be happening in Music Academy, so I need four students who will help us with the plan, and I want those students to prepare for the exhibit because the music queen band will be part of our program and we will give them invitation card to join us"

"Music Academy?"

"Music Queen Band?"

This is great and I know exactly who will be joining us in the tour going to Music Academy which the four transferee girls who came to Stanford high academy

"Does anyone of you know music queen band? Please let me know so that we could invite them" Mr. Larson said

These two make a great team and I know they have better plan because any minute they will change the place again. What do I mean a great team? Great Team in sabotaging the whole meeting again which it happens last year, and no one dares to come their way. That is why I been quiet and never talk to any meeting to them. All the staff here, seem to be quiet too because Ms. Valentine and Mr. Larson are the only one who understand each other.

"Any objection?" I should start talking now and this is a business

"About that Ms. Valentine"

"Go ahead, Ms. Santiago"

"I have already in my mind, that we should check the place if it is convenient then I have four transferees came from music academy and they might as well guide us in their school" I said

"That's great, anything else?"

"What if the music queen band is studying in our school? What will you do then, Ms. Valentine?" I know she will keep insulting the pride of our school and saying a lot of things that she doesn't even know anything

Everyone laughs except the guy on the corner who is just listening to us and never bother giving any suggestion to the project and projects.

"Do you think music queen band will enroll in your school? I heard a lot of rumors about it" Ms. Valentine said

"Your school is into a lot of troubles, I also heard that the transferees are getting bullied after a week" Mr. Larson said

"Now tell me, Ms. Santiago. How could the music queen band attend your school when it causes a lot of troubles? We don't know we're they are studying at and yet you have to say things like that" Ms. Valentine continued

"Is the rumor true? That the students of Stanford High Academy are gangsters and bullies. The last time I visit there, some students have group of fraternity and most of them do smoking outside the school. I guess, you didn't teach your students well Ms. Santiago and unfortunately, SHA is a disgrace in the entire schools here in the Philippines. Or should I say the worst school that they could ever attend to" Mr. Hamilton said

How could they say such harsh things about the school I handle? Just relax Claire, you can do it and just let out and let them know that Stanford high academy can do better things even they insult the image of our school

Someone claps at the back and it's the guy

"Who do you think you are? This is the meeting for the board of the directors, shareholders, and corporation. You must be?" Ms. Valentine said

"Louren Valentine, is this how you treat one of our VIP?" he said and remove the cap then everyone is shocks, but I'm just confused because I don't understand what's happening right now

"Oh..oh…oh..Mr…Mr..Swift" she said with shaking voice

"Now you recognize me, that's good for you. What if I tell you that your suggestion doesn't even fit here in the meeting, and you may now leave the office? What would you feel?" he said and wait, is he the CEO? Or just a proxy?

"That's not what I meant Mr. Swift"

"How about you, Mr. Hamilton? I attended your class last year and I heard that you torture your students without giving them any consideration. You even ask me if I attend this school which I pretended to be a student so that I will know if you're a great professor. But I guess you're not, you insult and embarrassed your students and failed them when they try to compile your requirements and yet you failed every single student who attend your class? What if I tell you I'm the president of the Oxford University and fire you as a professor in Philosophy and department head of the Business Management? Would you like it?"

"No, Mr. Swift and I didn't recognize you. I'm sorry about it" he said and he look terrified. Why all of them are so afraid to this guy? I don't care if he has a high position in this company or whatsoever it is.

"Please don't fire me Mr. Swift, I'm sorry"

"Mr. Larson, how does it feel to insult someone school?"

"Does not what I meant Mr. Swift. I just heard a lot of rumors about the school"

"Do you think those rumors are true? What if I told you you're not good and you sexually harassed students in Royal University? Would you think the rumor is true?"

"No certainly Ms. Swift. There's no evidence at all to prove that I sexually harassed the students" Mr. Larson

"That's the point" he said and went to the front

"Sorry about my outfit, I didn't have time to change and where am I? Oh, tell me Mr. Larson, do you have evidence to prove that the Stanford High Academy cause a lot of troubles? While you, Mr. Hamilton, do you have proofs to show to me that the students in SHA are gangsters and bullies? Lastly Ms. Valentine, what If she can prove to you that music queen band is attending in her school? Would you leave the company and pack your things?" he said and warned these three annoying VIP

Now everyone is quiet, and no one would like to talk to Mr. Swift

"We apologies for our rude behavior Mr. Swift"

"Not to me, but to Ms. Santiago who you insulted because of false rumor you hear"

Now they look at me and bow down their heads with sincerity "We sincerely apologies to you Ms. Santiago for insulting the image and pride of SHA. I hope you forgive as with our rude behavior"

"I hope this won't happen again in the meeting. I want everyone to talk, collaborate and cooperate if someone is suggesting not to insult because of what you heard from others"

"Yes, Mr. Swift" they said, and my phone suddenly vibrates at least its on silent mode. I check the message and its picture of girls who are hospitalized

I stoop up immediately then everyone stares at me "My apologies everyone, but something urgent happen in the school and I need to go now"

"Go ahead, Ms. Santiago. Just email me your suggestion and we will take the matter in" he said and I rush out the office then head to the park and drive out which I'm now headed to the Stanford Hospital

Then someone is calling me and its uncle

"Hello uncle"

"The boys are finally awake, and I think you need to go here now" – uncle Joubert

"But I need to go somewhere else"

"You mean the four transferees' girl?" – uncle Joubert

"How did you know?"

"One of our doctors in SHA called me"

"Are the girls alright?"

"Dr. Mendoza said that they're fine, but they just need to take a rest because they're too weak and bruises all over their body. I think some students beat them. Two of them are unconscious but the doctor is monitoring them while the two girls are fine" – uncle Joubert

"Is someone checking on them uncle?"

"Ah yes, your uncle Andrey is with the girls. But the thing is, he still trying to find out who did these to the girls, and he will be going to punish them. By the way, he will visit the boys once you go back to the school" – uncle Joubert

"Did he check the CCTV?"

"Not yet, but he will do it and compile everything" – uncle Joubert

"I'm on my way uncle Joubert, I'll call you once I arrived in the hospital" I said and end the call. I drive as fast I can and check these boys. At least I'm glad uncle Joubert is there, and the boys are finally in conscious. Ah wait, how did he know that the boys are in the hospital? Isn't it he is on a business trip?

"Darn it" I only have 15 minutes to arrive in the hospital. My mom is calling me again and I just put her contact number on the blacklist so that she will stop calling me

After 15 minutes...

I parked my car and immediately walk fast inside the hospital then I saw uncle Joubert outside the VIP room and I think he is waiting for me

"Uncle Joubert" I called him

"You're here Claire, I need to go now and no need to ask anything on how I know about it. You know how your uncle Andrey tell me everything but don't worry, I won't tell their parents. I still have business trip in England. Take care of yourself and the boys, okay? Love u Claire" uncle Joubert said, and he leave saying goodbye. I knew it, Uncle Andrey will tell everything to him

"How come Uncle Andrey so updated to what is happening in the school?" I just said to myself

Finally, they're fine now and one of them are awake. Charles is awake and I help him to sit for a bit

"Where am I?" he asked and he doesn't seem to remember anything or he is still trying to recover on what happened to them. Either way, their parents don't even know of this which I hide it

"You're in the Universal West Hospital" I said, and this made me worry for almost 3 weeks which I thought they wouldn't wake up but I'm glad they did

"Hospital? What happen to us?"

"Don't you remember what happen to you guys?" I said and he seems to be confused

"I'm not quite sure"

"Well, I'll tell you later after all of you wake up"

"Claire" he is trying to stand up, but I just let him take a rest for awhile

"Don't force yourself james, you're still weak and you Charles"

"My body hurts at the same time I feel like my body been buried alive"

"Where is mico?"

"Oh, you're all awake?" a doctor went inside the room and her nurse monitor the condition of these boys

"How are you feeling today, Mr. Smith, Mr. Lee and Mr. Choi?"

"I'm all fine now" Charles said

"My head still hurts"

"My body feels like been torn apart like someone beat me"

"You three boys will be discharged tonight, and next time please better take care of yourself because all of you lose too much weight. But you need a lot of food, and you'll gain back your energy"

He approached mico this time

"He is still unconscious"

"Why doc? Will he be fine?"

"As of now, I need to monitor his condition and he really has high fever. Maybe he still needs to take a rest and I'll tell you once he is awake"

It took almost 3 weeks for them staying in the hospital now the three boys are finally awake, but mico is still in bed and hoping for his recovery. This made me feel worried and it's no joke because they scared the hell out of me. It's also my first time seeing someone cry over these four boys. After this, I'll visit those four girls in the hospital and check if their bruises are swollen and I'm going to punish those who beat them.


Charles POV

Mico is still unconscious then james and Claire are talking while Benjamin is still not into himself then I'm restless and feel unease thinking about what happened to us. Thinking about yesterday and now we were in the hospital and then we missed a lot of lessons and the activities we need to do in school. I can't think of anything else but to go to school, especially since I have so many absences

The only thing I remember is I fell into the pool, and someone save me there. Until now, I can feel the warm hug of that person and I don't know who it was, but I feel it's a girl who I hear crying, or I am just dreaming. I felt her heartbeat and she is really crying like she lost someone, and the pain is still in her. It's my first time to hear someone crying like that.

"Please don't go, don't leave me and I'm so sorry which I always failed you for not being strong enough"

"I'm so sorry"

"Please don't leave me"

"I'm begging you"

"Don't be like this"

I hear her crying, and these are the words that I heard from her. Why do I feel like she's in pain?

"Is just me which her voice is familiar?" I said to myself and kept wondering who the girl is

"Settle down boys, don't force yourself too much even the doctor said you can get discharged tonight but we still need to wait for mico to wake up. As of now, you're still in the hospital right now" Claire said, and I'm worried about mico because his condition is still not sure if he will wake up or not

"I'm not sure of it either because it just happened yesterday. We didn't know we got hospitalized and all of us are unconscious. Is everything a dream?" I whispered

"Don't you boys even remember what happen?"

What really happen to us yesterday? Does james remember what we did yesterday? Also, all I know that we're sick and wrapping up everything since it's our last day of community service

"First time seeing someone cry over you boys" she said

So, I am not dreaming? Someone really cry, but I can't figure it out who

"Do you know who it is?"

"How many days we been here?" Benjamin

"Dude, we just been here yesterday. Don't you remember it was just yesterday when we were cleaning the whole school? Then we got sick and suddenly we fell off the swimming pool which we don't know how. If someone push us or what" james said

"Are you sure about that james?"

"Yes, I am, I remember what just happened to us, but I don't remember how we fell off on the pool"

"What if I tell it's not what you think?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"James, will you just let your cousin talk before you comment?"

"So, how many days we been here? Or its just yesterday?" Benjamin asked and james is quiet as it is

"It's been 3 weeks already. All of you got sick because of the community service. I didn't know the four of you are really serious about it"

Ah 3 weeks

"Wait, what did you say? 3 weeks!!!!"

"Don't shout at me"

"Didn't you hear what the doctor said? The three of you will be discharged tonight and you can go back to the school once you recover. Just tell me if you boys want to, okay?" she added

"Tell us what happen?" james asked

"I don't actually know what really happened to you boys and all know someone call me because you four got sick and drowned in the pool"

"Us? Drowned in the pool?"

"Well, that's what they told me, I remember it was almost 7pm then I figure it out there's already an ambulance in the school"

"Do you know who save us?"

"I do, but I won't tell you boys until you find it yourself" Claire is really something and she won't tell us until we ask her many times, but I guess she won't help us. That is why james like to tease her cousin

I can't believe it to myself that we've been here for almost 3 weeks and sleeping like a dead person which I thought we wouldn't wake up and it's just a dream but it's not then someone is really crying but I don't know who it was.

I'll just try to figure it out on my own then I had a dream of that girl I met in the middle school, and I can't still find out what is her name. The only thing I can do is to find the bracelet I gave to her and of course the voice. Like the last time, when a girl auditioned on my club and my co-officer just let her leave after she sing.

"I thought you were on a business trip Claire?"

"Well, I should be but there is a meeting in the company. We meet all the president in different schools, and I have a great time talking to them about the projects"

"But how did you know that we're awake?"

"Uncle Joubert is here, to check on you guys"

"What? How did he know? did you tell him?"

"One at a time james"

"First, your uncle Andrey told him about what happened to you guys. Then, I didn't tell him anything because you know that I'm in a busy schedule these past few weeks. Did I answer all of your question james?"

"Did uncle Joubert tell our parents about this incident?"

"No, because he doesn't want you guys to get scolded by your parents. But I can tell them about it"

"No please!"

"Then reflect on what you did james and all of you here"

"About what? All we did is to do a community service and we did what you ask for Claire"

"If you can't remember it, I'll let you think what you did but not now since you guys need to take a rest and recover yourself"

"Come on, Claire"

"No excuses, young man! I had enough of your troubles in the school and I want you to repent on it or else I'll tell Irish about what happened"

"Not her please"

"Why shouldn't I? Irish keep asking me if you're making any troubles in the school then I told her that" james just sigh and he is waiting for Claire to continue what she wants to say to him

"Told her what? Cut with the chase Claire"

"That you're doing great in school"

"I thought you have told her something that will pissed her off"

"Do you want me to?"

"No please, I'm begging you"

"I didn't know you can say please and know how beg to me james. The last time you ask for a favor is when your sister caught you causing a trouble in the company when I know you don't like it"

"Right now, I'm doing it and please don't ever tell my sister about it or else she will do something. Not just that, she will confiscate everything she gave me" Then he looks seriously but Claire won't bug on it, and she is serious too. It's so awkward here and I can't even talk to them. Benjamin is just staring at the ceiling and seem to quiet. He's been like that after his conscious when back. Is there something bothering him? I know he is not yet feeling well but I hope he's fine. Mico is still unconscious and still waiting for the doctor's notice.

"You, young man should better listen to your cousin now or else I won't think twice telling your sister"

"Okay fine, just please don't argue with me today because I don't have any energy to fight with you"

"Do me a favor tomorrow"

"What is it now?"

My phone vibrates and I check on it. I have 10 missed calls from Natalie then 20 messages from Nicole and 30 messages in kakaotalk from Kathleen. I put the earphones and listen to their voice messages in different social media.

Voice messages from Natalie

"Oppa, why are not answering my calls? Did something bad happen to you?"

"Oppa, call me back please and I'm worried about you. It's been a week since you didn't call us and you know how much we miss you"

"Oppa, don't tell me you got into an accident?"

"Oppa someone court me but I just say no because I know I should ask your permission first"

"Oppa, are you busy right now? Talk to me please once you get this voice message"

"Oppa, I got A+ with my three subjects and same goes to nicole. Then our professor compliments us. Isn't that great? I hope you could also say it to us"

Voice messages from Kathleen

"Are you sick? Why are you not calling us? You don't even know how worried we are"

"Where are you? I been messaging you in the kakaotalk but you're not even replying. Do you hate me now? I thought you would reply to me once I message you"

"Why don't you tell us if you have a problem or what? Mom is asking us if you're alright because you didn't even call her"

"Have you eaten? You know what, today is a great to me and my professor just compliment me with my work then gave me A+. I hope you would be proud of me too oppa"

Voice messages from Nicole

"Charles Smith, call me this instant or else I'm going to block your number. Don't talk to me if you're not going to call back and you just make us all worried. You're too selfish"

"Oppa, did your phone got snatch? Text me back please"

"Oppa, I'm worried about you. Where are you? How many weeks will you ignore my messages? I hate you for not replying back on my messages"

"I'm sorry for what I said on the other day, I don't know if you're listening to my voice messages"

"You know that I can't hate you because you're my one and only older brother"

"Oppa, it's been 3 weeks already. Are you doing fine? Tell us once you received this"

"I just want to tell you that I miss you and I love you oppa, please call us back when you're not busy"

Wow, they sounded all worried and I don't know how to call them back. At least I know they're doing great and I'm proud of them. Natalie is always a good girl and knows me well. She always ask my permission when someone court her. Then for Kathleen, she got an A+ grade and that is so nice of her studying well in her class. While Nicole, she's seemed to be bossy but at the same time knows how to apologize after what she said and it's great to hear also that she got A+ on her three subjects. How I wish I could compliment them but as of now, I can't do that because they might figure out what happened to me these past few weeks

"Don't get me wrong Claire"

"I didn't say anything, all I want is for you to forgive your dad. Is that hard for you to do it?"

"You don't even know how it feels, and you don't know anything"

"I been there and didn't leave your side when you're alone james. Your sister always asks me to look for you. Why do you hate your dad so much? You don't know how hard for him to talk to you, but you always ignore his calls. He didn't do anything wrong at all and why are you always confronting him or rebelling"

"Just stop please, Claire"

"You keep making troubles just to make your dad feel worried about you"

"He wouldn't even care less about me anyway. I remember when he slapped me when I was in middle school because someone accused of stealing when I didn't even do anything wrong, but do you know what he did?"

"I know"

"You don't Claire, he embarrassed in front of everyone in the campus and they thought I'm such a disgrace"

"Even my own dad told me not to go to school anymore if I only did is cause too much trouble and steal from someone"

"James, I was there when your dad told you that"

"Then why didn't you tell him the truth when you saw everything? You let my dad think that way than listening to me because he believe more on rumor than his son's word"

"I thought he was just teaching you a lesson"

"A lesson which I don't deserve at all because I didn't steal anything"

"How can you be so cruel? Not knowing how my dad believe in such a thing when there's no proof that I did it"

"That is why your dad just found out late and apologize multiple times"

"He found out late yet still didn't believe in the first place"

"Why is your pride so high james?"

"It's none of your business and I already told that never ever mention dad in front of me"

This is too awkward now and I don't know what to say because the topic is getting hot headed. James is rude and disrespectful when someone mention about his dad

"Once you mentioned dad again then I'll never going to talk to you" james warned her and Claire didn't take it

"Then what?"

"I won't forgive you and I'll start hating you"

"Can you do that?"

"Yes, I can"

"Okay fine, I'll stop talking to you until you lose someone again. Don't blame for it and I'm just trying my best to help you"

"Anyway, I'll talk to you boys next time when I don't have any busy schedule anymore and I want to show you something. It doesn't mean I didn't confront you on something, yet you have done something that I wouldn't know. I need to stop by in the school" she said and try to calm herself then leave while saying goodbye to us but james ignored Claire

"She knows how I hate my dad, but she still talks about it" james complained

"But james, can you forgive your dad? I know he did horrible things to you, but you might be wrong sometimes" Benjamin confront james a bit, but he just seems annoyed

"Please benjamin, not you too" james said

"Dude, we been sleeping for almost 3 weeks here in the hospital. The only thing I remember is that I see a ghost and they're calling our name then suddenly we fell off the pool which I lost consciousness" Benjamin said

We all just lost consciousness, so we don't remember what happened to us

"Do you know what happened to those four girls?" Benjamin asked

Oh yah, where are they now? The last time I saw them is in the campus or maybe not. I don't quite remember where I last saw them

"Dude, I remember the reason we got sick because of the community service when we force ourselves to clean everything then all of us had a high fever, but we still went to the school just to finish the community service because we don't want Claire to extend it. Even it's annoying to talk to her right now" james said

"Guys, I had a dream about that spoiled brat lovely that my fans are beating her and cursing her a lot of things. This made me laugh while thinking about it but why do I feel sad?" Benjamin said

"Well for you, while I get to dream that michelle who almost killed me because she slap me multiple times like he hold a grudge on me" james complain while I'm just looking at the both of them

"Do you know who did this to us?" I asked out of nowhere and it could be possible that james remember what happen

"I know whose fault is this" james said and I don't know what he means by that

"Those crazy freak done this to us and they are to blame why we're in the hospital right now" james said

"Don't be silly james, we don't know the story yet"

"Don't be too soft charles, you don't know how crazy and rude they are"

"James, watch your mouth"

"Well, it's true"

What james said is unfair, let's say that they have a reason why we have been in the hospital for almost 3 weeks, but shouldn't we also find out if they helped us. Now I remember that someone dive in the pool, but I don't know it was

"But why do I feel like they're the ones who save us?" Benjamin said

"Don't be blinded Benji"


"Melody, please hang in there"

"Dude, mico is having nightmare again" Benjamin said and all of us approached him even our body is still weak, but we don't have choice to check on him

"Mico, wake up"

"Please save her"

"Mico, wake up!"

"Darn it, should I just punch him in the face?"

"I wouldn't even dare or else he'll kill you once he find out"

"Melody, don't do this to me"

"Melody, don't leave me"

"He is having nightmare again and it's her little sister" I said, and I hold on mico's hand but he is shaking. I saw his tears fell and now he is crying. He still can't move on because of melody's death

"Melody, stay with me"

"Call the doctor now" james went out to the room to call out a doctor and mico is having a hard time then he can't still forget the day he lost melody and witness her death.

"MELODY!!!" mico shouted and the doctor went inside to check on mico condition. The doctor is now monitoring him while the three of us are just waiting for mico's recovery. I hope he's fine and he won't be in a good mood once he became grumpy when he wakes up. I don't know how to keep the promise I made with melody, and I told her something that I should do. There is something bothering me right now and I'm still thinking if it is true or not. Why do I feel sad when I should be worrying about myself?


Alexis POV

Why do my body aches so much? What did I just do? What just happened to me? The only thing I remember is I'm at school and taking a rest in the library, but some students are staring at us because of the rumor and video they saw. Then I don't remember the rest of the thing happened to me but wait I should look for Jamie and Michelle which I should be with them right now.

I also remember that I went to the room to get my things then suddenly those crazy fans of Charles are after me which I got smug, trampled, dragged, and got beaten especially to that Lisa who slap me multiple times which my cheek is hurt and swollen.

Why do I feel cold? But the air conditioned is not on and I feel something heavy on my body which I don't know what. Where is jamie, michelle and lovely? I stare at the ceiling and the curtain is close then its too dark here. Is it still evening? I slowly move back my body can't

"Where am I?" I said then I look around it seems like I'm in my room. Wait this is my old room? Why am I here? I try to stand up, but I felt someone holding my hand. I wake her up and she did. Am I hallucinating? Am I seeing it right?

"You're awake now alexis?" that voice which I miss the most and her face that I wanted to see

"Wait here, let me open the curtain and window" she said

"Don't leave me, please"

"I'm not going anywhere alexis, just stay here and I'll just open the curtains because its too dark" then she opened the door and she sit besides me

I just look at her and touch her face which I'm not dreaming at all? Do I really see Alesha in front of me talking? Why do I feel like its yesterday? It doesn't matter if I'm with my twin sister now because it's been so long for me since I didn't get to see this face but now, I know it's real. But if this is a dream then I don't want to wake up anymore and I just want to be with Alesha. I stare at the wall and I'm in my room because there are picture frame hanging on the wall which is my family picture and baby picture of us

"You had a high fever last night, what did you do? Mom is so worried about you" she said, and I hugged her tight. Is this real?

"What's got into you alexis? Your hug is too tight"

"I finally get to see you again and you don't know how much I miss you" I said, and I just cry which I can't hold back

"What are you talking about? I just been taking care of you last night. Are you still sick?"

"Not its not that. I just miss you"

"Okay alexis, let go of me now because I can't breathe"

"No, I don't want to because I might not see you again if I did that"

"I don't even understand what you're saying. Why do talk like that? As if someone died"

You don't know how long it takes for me to see you again and I feels like I lost myself in this world. Just let me hug and don't tell me anything that would make me regret at all.

"Alexis, why do you have a lot of bruises on your arm?"

"Did alice beat you again? Or maybe lisa bullied you again?"

"I told you not to let yourself get hurt and bullied by them because they're going to regret what they did to you"

"Alexis, are you even listening to me?"

I miss her voice, scolding, telling me an advice and seeing her is what I miss the most

"Tell me, did alice or lisa did this to you?"

"Alesha, I miss you so much"

"You have told me that three times already"

"I thought I had lost you"

"Alexis, explain to me because I don't really understand what you're talking about"

"We both got into an accident, but someone save us. But they told me that you're dead after I got transfer to a VIP room and that is the time, I lost you which I don't know the reason behind your death because the doctor said that both of us will be saved but suddenly that happen when I don't have the chance to talk to you which is painful" I said

"Are you having a nightmare again? How many times will I tell you? Those nightmares you have will never come true, okay? See, I'm here and healthy"

"But I'm telling you the truth Alesha"

"Okay, I think you still need to take a rest"

"Come on, why don't you believe in me?"

"Well, I do. So, I think you should eat first because you already skip dinner last night. Mom is waiting for us downstair"


"Can you walk? Or should I help you?"

"But wait, do you know where is jamie, michelle and lovely?"

"What? Like whom?"

"Are you still having a nightmare alexis?"

"Listen to me alesha, tell me the truth"

"What truth you're talking about? Maybe I should call mom" she was about to leave but I just hold her hand

"Please don't leave alesha, you don't know what I went through all these years when you left me because I don't know what to do when I'm all alone and I'm so in pain when I regret of losing you and mom after what happened to me" I said, and I can't stop crying

"Stop talking nonsense. Why are you crying? You're such a crybaby alexis" she said

"Alesha, I been alone when you died, and mom left me"

"Are you insane? Do you think that I'm dead? I told you stop talking nonsense alexis"

"Why did you leave me?" now the pain is coming back to me

"Alexis, look at me" she said and hold me then wipe my tears

"I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm always by your side no matter what happen to us both. Also, if I'm dead, I won't be able to see nor talk to you if that happens. Ah wait, what am I talking about?" she just hit my shoulder which it really hurts, so it means I'm not dreaming at all?

"Alexis, why do you talk like that as if a person died in front of you?"

"Stop joking around alesha"

"Well, I'm not. Alexis, I'm just in front of you. Would you be able to talk to me if I don't exist anymore in this world?"

"Don't say that alesha, you don't know what will happen"

"That's what I'm talking about alexis. Come to your senses and did alice bullied you again? Or maybe beat your head?"

"I'm serious alesha"

"Okay fine, I'm also serious about it. Think of this way, I'm not going to leave you nor let anyone hurt you."

"Now, its about time you tell me what's got into you? I been asking you if alice and lisa bullied you? Why can't you give me an answer?"

"Okay, you don't need to answer that if you don't want to. But I always remind you that don't let anyone trampled you. I told you that fight back no matter what they do to you. It's not because you're taking revenge on them but you're protecting and defending yourself to those who harm you"

I just listened to what she says and never comment back because I miss seeing the way she nags me, always remind me something or give me a piece of advice which sometimes I never listen to her. This made me smile and laugh because I truly miss this moment with her when I don't want to miss it again.

"I don't know if you have bipolar mood or what, awhie ago you're crying. Now you're smiling and laughing, but it's a good thing to see it. That's more like it alexis. Smile suits you better than crying because you look ugly than I ever expected" she knows how to joke at this situation




"Yes, do you need anything?"


"Why do you keep calling me? Is this the effect of getting a fever?"


"Again? Just tell me alexis, is something bothering you?"

"Promise that you won't leave me, okay?" I said and asked her to do a pinky swear"

"We're not a kid anymore. Come on, did you really hit your head on the wall or what? Of course not, I'm your big sister who needs to protect you at all costs"

"Promise me that"

"Yes, I will" then she did the pinky swear

Someone knocks on the door and its mom with Abigail. I rub my eyes to see it clearly and I'm not dreaming at all. I stand up and walk closely to mom which I touch her face.

"Mom!" I said and hugged her tight. I don't know what to feel right now. I feel happy at the same time sad because many years has passed by, and this is the only time I could get to see them

"Mom, alexis is really acting weird and I think she still had a fever, but I already check her temperature which she is normal now and her fever went down" Alesha said

"Maybe she is still tired honey. We should eat now because your dad is in the dining room waiting for us there" mom said

They went downstairs now, and I'm all left here which I also went out the room but alesha is waiting outside my room

"Why are you still waiting here alesha?"

"I already told me that we will walk for awhile outside" alesha said but I just agree then we went downstairs which I saw mom and dad smiling and talking together. Dad is just besides mom

"Mom! Dad!"

"Sweetie, you're here and finally you're fine. I thought it's going to take a while for you to wake up but I'm thankful that you're awake now. I brought your favorite food then your mom cooks you a porridge. Are you girls going out for a walk? Do you want me to come with you girls?" dad said

I don't know he is so sincere to mom and to us, but I'm glad he's with mom now

"No thanks dad, I would just like have a walk with Alexis and maybe next time will do that" alesha said then we went out the house and go for a walk. She holds my hand, and we swing it back and front

"Wait sweetheart" dad said and run towards us. Then he put a scarf on her neck and same goes to me

"Sweetheart you know its cold outside, you must wear this all the time especially you, my darling. I know you been cold lately, but I promise that I won't let you have any fever, and it makes me worry about you last night" dad said

"Dad, she's fine now and don't worry about it"

"Okay sweetheart, just tell me if you two need something"

"You can go back now dad and we can walk on our way. Your little girls are grown up now" Alesha said, and dad just kiss us on the forehead. We walk around the street and see a lot of people walking with their dogs and kids. Alesha is just quiet as I am, but I talk to her because I miss her so much then she is just listening to me and I'm becoming talkative person which Alesha just laugh and smile at me. I don't want this moment pass by, and I hold her hand tight or else I might lose the chance I have right now. I'm still hoping this is not a dream at all because I would remember this day as the most memorable one


Jamie POV

I woke up because my chest feels so heavy and almost my whole body was in pain but I don't know what just happen to us or where am I now. Where is michelle? Is she okay? I stood up but my body was pulling me back, but I was surprised because I don't know where is this at all? The only thing I saw is those girls smug us then michelle is being attack by the weird girls of james. After that, I lost conscious and don't remember what happen next?

This is really giving me goosebumps when everytime I hear their voices in my mind and I hate it. How could they be so cruel? Do you know what the scariest thing you could ever feel in your life? When you're being framed by something which it is not true. The speculation on the rumor is a bit odd and people will easily believe it than to listen to those who witness it truly. They put so much interest in this kind of things.

Someone entered our room, and he seems to be a stranger, but he is wearing a white coat. Is he a doctor?

"You're already awake Ms. Park"

"Who are you? Where am I?" I spoke

"Unfortunately, you're a paradise of your life"

"What?" I said surprisingly

"I'm just kidding. You're in the hospital and I'm Doc. Spencer who been monitoring your condition since got into incident and then the student council saw you on the swimming pool and brought you here in the hospital"

Hospital? So, it means that I collapsed? I rubbed my head, and I didn't know that. Who wouldn't have thought that? Of course, why am I so idiot? You'll collapsed after what they did to you like throw an egg, splash you a water then slap you multiple times and beat you. I have a lot of bruises and wounds on my body

"Your friends are fine but the two are on the other VIP room since this room is only for two persons. No need to worry about anything at all but I cannot assure you of something. Alexis's condition is still not good same goes to lovely who been beat many times which I don't know yet who did it. But the vice president is still looking for it"

"How about Michelle?"

"She's fine and taking a rest for a while since your body seems to be weak after what happened to you girls like all of you are soak into the water. We already put ointment on your wound and about the bruise it will last only for a week, but it won't show that much"

"Doc, do you know who save us?"

"The student council but they already left after saving you girls"

"Student council?"

"Doc, they need you in the emergency room"

"Okay, I'll be right ahead. Nurse Sullivan, take care this for me and I'll be back later"

"Okay doc" then the doctor left the room and the nurse is checking on us

"Here's your phone Ms. Park and I think the student council just saw it on the bench of the swimming pool. Also, these are the three phones which I'll just leave it here. You will be discharged later and just tell me if you need anything. I need to go to the other patient now" she said and bid a goodbye.

As far that I'm concern about this situation, why do they act so immature? Like as if they own the boys but they should at least know their limitation before they do stupid things that would just embarrass them at all. They didn't even think twice on what they did, and do you know what's more frustrating?

They put a lot of interest on rumors than to believe what is true. This is my first time and it never happened when we were in music academy. I don't know how they educate students here. Then, how many times we're going to get hospitalized because of them? I think I should report this one to the president and I won't let it pass. What do they think of us? Afraid of them? Come on, this not even preschool who always tell their parents about this but we're already enough to know what we were doing.

"Jamie, you're okay now?"

"Michelle, my goodness. Are you alright? Did they hurt you? Did that wrench beat you?" I said and I'm about to cry

"Oh, stop crying and never ever do that again, you almost made me worried. Thank goodness at least you're awake" she said and what does she mean by that?

"I thought you're going to die because of shock and your heart rate monitor reach 0 which almost scared me. I'm thankful the doctor saves you" she explained and that made me surprised.

"Is that serious?"

"Would I even lie to you? You should worry about yourself than me"

"No, you're not and I'm just shock about it. So, I almost died in my dream too and I didn't expect that to happen on me" I said to myself, and I think michelle heard me because she suddenly turned around

"Did something happen to you back then?"

"I already told you about it michelle, have you forgotten?" I said to her

She seems to be forgetting about the past I had told her that I got into an accident when I was a kid which I fell off the cliff on the bridge which almost drowned then someone save me

"I think so"

"Anyway, have you seen Alexis and lovely?"

"They are in the other VIP room, as well as alexis and lovely beaten by fans of Charles and Benjamin. Lovely also almost died because the doctor told me earlier that one of the student council had seen her inside a huge bucket full of water"

"Are they crazy?"

"That is why lovely is still unconscious and don't know when she will wake up after what happen to her which made her shock"

"What time is it?" michelle asked and I check my phone. It's already 7pm and grandma ami will get worried because we're still not home until now.


"Do you know where my phone is?"

"It's here" I hand over her phone and she immediately text someone

"We should go to the other room where alexis and lovely is. We should check on them and see how they're doing" Me and michelle stand up then went out on the room and go straight to the other side of room. I saw lovely and alexis still laying in the bed unconscious. Please wake up girls and I know you two are strong and we're waiting for you lovely and alexis


I immediately entered the room and lovely is going crazy. Then a doctor with three nurses went inside the room too. She started to shout and cry calling for help. I try to calm lovely down but she's still crying and going crazy

"Just stay there doc, let me and Jamie handle this one" michelle said and I approach lovely slowly, but she is just going insane

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH! Stay away from me"

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Michelle hug lovely and she finally calm down. What did they to lovely?

"Lovely just calm down. We're here now" michelle just cried too and she is terrified while seeing lovely like this which she is not used to it. Look how scared lovely is after what what the fans of Benjamin beat her. I can see all the bruises on her shoulder, legs, knees, and face.

"Don't ever leave me please" lovely said which sounded that she is begging. She just holds lovely's hand, and I don't know what to do because this happened to us. We should decide whether we stay or go back to music academy.

But I can still hang on it, but I don't know with these three who I shall consider with my decision



I hear alexis voice calling someone and I approached her immediately. She keep mentioning this name Alesha which I don't who it is

"I think alexis is having a nightmare" I said, and she is sweating. Then, she woke up suddenly and was almost sweating. I wiped her sweat and then she seemed to be out of breath and shock. Then alexis hug me tight and I can hear her crying loud

"That scared me"

"Alexis, are you alright?" I calm her down

"Everything is going to be alright now and you're in a safe place. Whatever that is, you're going to overcome the fear you have alexis. I believe in you" I said

This hurt me the most seeing them like this. How can these students be cruel? They never listen to what is true from what is a lie. Putting a lot of interest on this rumor which make a big gap of misunderstanding to other people who hear it or even one video can change the mindset and opinion of someone even they didn't know what the truth is.

It breaks my heart to see my friends get hurt or beaten by someone. I'm too soft-hearted person with a simple harsh word can hurt me and I cry in the corner to keep myself away from those negative people around me. But as I see this happening to my friends, I couldn't forgive myself nor I can't believe that I can't protect them at all. It scares me a lot and I don't know how to defend or fight for them when neither for myself can't do that.

"Alexis, relax now and I'm here. We won't leave you no matter what happen" I'm also crying which I can't stop it because I can see in the eyes of alexis that she is in pain

"Is lovely okay now?" I asked michelle

"She's fine now and need to rest but fell asleep on my lamp"

"Doc, we can take care of them as of now and we will let know if something happens to them again" Alexis just fell asleep too in my arms and I just let her be then put alexis back in bed to let her rest. I'm about to go to lovely but I felt alexis hold my hand

"I won't leave you alexis"

"Do you think they'll wake up?"

"Don't say that Jamie, and we know they're strong"

"I know but I'm just afraid something might happen to them again"

"Jamie, look at me and be positive. If you lose in this game, then you lose yourself already. Be strong and we will overcome it. This won't happen again to us and I'm going to protect you girls"

"AAAAHHHHH!" She woke up suddenly in the bed again but this time I couldn't figure out her expression or how she is feeling then I saw her tears dripping again. She looked around and saw me

"I thought I lost you girls" he said and just hugged me suddenly so tightly I could hardly breathe

"You…. three…you…three"

"Okay alexis, just talk slowly, okay?"

"You three.... I saw you…. laying in the… coffin…. which I thought… it's real"

"I guess you had a nightmare again, but that's not true. We're not going to die and we're not going to leave you" I said to her and hold her face to wipe her tears

"Jamie" she called with a weak voice

"Yes alexis? Are you alright? Who did this to you? Do you remember anything on what happen to you?"

"Jamie, one at a time asking her a question and she is still recovering" michelle said and that made me laugh a bit, but I shouldn't

"Okay let me ask you one question"

"Are you interrogating her, jamie?"

"Come on michelle, I just want to know if she remembers what happen"

"Okay, but don't pressure her that much"

"Someone save me and it's a guy, but I didn't get to see his face clearly because my vision it's blurred and I can't move properly until I lost conscious again"

"I see" so it's true that the student council save us and we're thankful for that because if weren't for them maybe we wouldn't be here anymore

"The important thing is that you're safe here now" I said, and I let alexis rest then not think too much of the situation because it might trigger her and the emotion, she has might affect her thinking. But I'm still bothered when she keeps mentioning a name which we don't know. Is she hiding a secret from us?

I heard someone knock on the door then enter the room

"Oh, Ms. Santiago"

Why is the principal here again? I thought she already left. Have we done anything wrong to her? Or did she find out what we did to the boys? If yes, this is not a good feeling at all

"I'm just checking on you girls and by the looks of it, I'm relieved and all of you are fine now" Ms. Santiago said

"I'm thankful that the student council saw you and help you"

"Student council?" alexis said

"Ah yes, they're the one who help you"

"The doctor said, you should take a rest for a week, and you'll get discharge tomorrow morning. For now, don't go to school"

"No" alexis said and trying to stand up which I help her

"We don't want to miss a lot of activities in school, and we can still go to the school tomorrow. Don't worry about us Ms. Santiago, we can still handle it"

"But alexis, you're still not in good condition"

"No, I'm fine now, I don't want then to think that we're too weak to show in front of them"

"What do you mean by that?" Ms. Santiago asked confusingly. So, it means she doesn't know yet what really happened to us

"Ah nothing" we said

"Anyway, the boys are okay now and the four of them are in good condition. So don't worry about anything. I'm thankful that you save them and went to the hospital too just to check on them"

"I need to go girls, or should I stay here with you?"

"No need Ms. Santiago and it's already late. Take care going back home" we said and left the room

"At least no one can hurt us anymore and we're all safe" michelle said

Finally, those boys are alive and fine or else those crazy fans will trample and beat us again if they found out that the boys are still in the hospital. We been suffering for almost 3 weeks, yet this day has come to us which we didn't expect it to happen then that video is not what they think it is but none of them wouldn't believe us if we tell them the truth.

All we want it to have peace life here in the Stanford high academy, but I guess we should survive until the end and this time is different, we won't let anyone degrade us anymore and we're going to defend ourselves even this means war in school. But for now, we should take a rest since lovely is still not into herself but alexis is all good now. The one who save us, who are this student council are?