Expect The Worst

"Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us and make us stronger"

Jamie POV

It's been 3 weeks since the incident happen. Our revenge really went wrong, we didn't expect that to happen. We just want to get back what they did to us. But it went wrong. The fear trying to fill me in. This past 2 weeks, I started to feel scared, and I don't know what to do because too much negative inside my mind. As if the fear is going to break my heart into pieces.

Since that incident happen to us, and those annoying girls keep messing with us because of that rumor that been spread in the school but it's all quiet now but we're not sure of it. Lovely catch a cold because of what Carolyn did to her spilling a bucket of filthy water on her then push her into the swimming pool. Then to Alexis, who got hit by a flower vase fall into the rooftop on the building and lovely didn't get to see who did it. I thought she would wake up but I'm thankful after 5 days the doctor said she is fine and she should be careful next time because it almost damage her brain

While the bag of Michelle is full of blood, they put dead rats and cockroaches on her bag then full pictures of dead dog which make her panic and almost made her collapse that day. Then other girls just throw an egg at me and let me eat an expired food which I couldn't forget the extreme pain I felt for almost 3 days, and I can't imagine students could do that to me even I didn't do anything wrong with them. Do they hold a huge grudge on me or us?

At least we're fine now but not most of it because until now we don't know what will going to happen to us. We went to the school early so that no one will notice us at all

"Hey, I have some big news to tell you"

"Apparently, those four transferees in the section 4-A cause the incident of Mico, Charles, james and Benjamin until they're in the hospital"

"No way"

"The four transferee girls?"

"You mean, the rumor is true, and they cause too much trouble here in the academy since they transferred here, and I guess they don't belong in this academy afterall"

"Did you also saw the video?"

"What video?"

"This one"

"What! They pushed them to the pool, and they just laughed like that! Are they nuts?"

"No wonder why"

"Why do they hold so much grudge?"

"They have gone too far. How could they even call themselves a human? Despite of what they did on those poor boys"

"They're murderer"

"Have you heard that they always get into fight when they see each other?"

"Oh my gosh, is that true?"

"Well, yes. In fact, they say that they want to kill them"

"Such a pain in an ass"

"Do you know that alexis is weird?"

"That lovely is a slut bitch and same goes to that michelle"

"Well, that Jamie is childish, and she eat too much. When everytime I see her in the cafeteria, she always buys a lot of food like there's no tomorrow for her"

"I can't believe they did this to the boys"

"I think I misread them, and I thought they're good person, but I guess they're just trying to be and not like they wanted to be"

"Poor boys and I hope they recover fast"

"If something really bad happen to them, they're really going to pay for what they did"

"I almost hear the same thing what they said to us and don't let it bother you girls" lovely said but why do I feel guilty?

"Cheer up Jamie, everything is going to be fine and don't think too much. Let them say whatever what they want to say to us" michelle said and I think something is going to happen anytime. Here I go again, with my anxiety which cause me to overthink some a lot of things and make me feel worried over nothing.

"Look at those bitches, still going to school after they tried to kill someone"

"Not just someone, like all of them went to kill the boys"

"Aren't they ashamed of themselves? Going to school like nothing happen and pretend they don't know what they did"

"I feel sorry for the boys"

"They're a big disgrace and ruined the reputation of their former school music academy"

"Is this how they act when they're famous?"

"Since the day they transfer here, nothing good happen and they only cause trouble"

"If I were them, I wouldn't go to school"

"I thought they have a good heart and good manner, but it turns out to be a devil inside them"

"What a warfreak and showoff"

"How can they do that?"

"Why did I even support them? When it turns out this is their true color"

"They always say that when you became famous that is the time you will only show your true color once a problem occurs"

"They don't deserve to have fans if they have this kind of attitude"

I hate hearing this thing all over again like for almost 3 weeks and they keep blaming us as if we really killed them and they're dead. And what video are they talking about? I browse into my phone and look at the website if they posted it there, but I can't seem to find it. Lovely just stop me to investigate my phone and browse whatever in the social media

"Don't mind them and don't ever look at your phone it just might stress you. The rumor will eventually be gone, and everything is going to be alright. They don't know what story we have but they just want to believe because of one video. Also, they only see one sided story without knowing what they did to us" I never knew lovely could say such things like this and I'm not sure if I can concentrate in the entire day because students speak awful about us, and I can't even say some straight facts with them because they won't even believe us, and video is not even accurate at all without asking the real story behind it

"I had enough of this, always hearing the same thing and I can't handle it any longer. When will they stop? Because everyday they love to spread rumors which is not even true. Whatever that video is, I hope they find it accurate because I really hate those misunderstanding they have on us and they treat us like we came from a fraternity group or what" alexis said and stand up all sudden which her facial expression say it all that she is having bad day because of this rumor like it's been 3 weeks until now it won't lay low a bit and I guess when you done a mistake, people intend to put their interest than to know listen to both side of the story

"Where do you think you're going alexis?" michelle asked but alexis just pick her things and about to leave

"Does it make sense to them? I'm out of here and I might go somewhere else than to stay here. Don't follow me and I'll just find wherever you girls are" she said, and she left without looking at us. Well, I can't stop her then also same goes to lovely who stand up and pick her things too. Is she leaving too like what alexis did?

"I need to refresh my mind and don't call me by then. I'll be back later and tell me if the rumor is over"

What's going on with these two? I mean, I know this rumor are too board and I didn't expect students will spread it that fast. I made this stupid decision and I really regret transferring here. Maybe I should apologize to my girls and same goes to the boys who are in the hospital. Wait, what did I just say there? I'm making a big mistake of my life if I apologize and show to them, I'm weak by giving up. But I don't know what to do anymore because of this

Michelle just accompanied me so I wouldn't be alone. We're about to leave and go to our room because we still had classes this morning. The students looked at us every step of the way and what else they could think of. I hope this day would end. Because I don't want to hear gossip about us. Someone approached us and it's two girls who handed some food and drinks

"Oh why, thank you" I said, and they didn't say anything g then leave quietly

"Students here are really weird, and I can't believe myself we're in this kind of mess situation right now"

"Won't they even get tired of doing this? As if they gain something from us"

"Tell me about it" I said and it's annoying now. I just eat the food they give me

"What are you doing?"

"I'm eating the food they gave me, why?" I said and isn't she hungry? Like I'm almost craving some food now and couldn't think anything but to eat a lot of foods

"Aren't you afraid you'll get food poisoned again? Like the last time what happen to you just because someone wants to kill you" she said, and she feel worried, but the food is totally fine, and I already smell it which it is still in good condition. I don't have time to throw a food or complain because I'm hungry and I don't want her to scold me just because of what happened to me in past few days

"Don't blame and I already warned you, okay?" she said, and I didn't listen to her nagging then I just eat the food given to me. Satisfying moment and I didn't mind what other people say to us, as long as if I can eat right now and that's all matters to me. I'm almost done eating and I feel like my stomach is aching. Then I suddenly burp and it's too loud which I cover my mouth because it's embarrassing, and I can't believe myself

"My gosh, Jamie. Did you do that?" michelle said and I just shrugged. I was about to drink when someone throw an egg on me and the water spill on my shirt. The bottle slip on my hand and I wipe the eggs on my face

"What the hell! Who is that!" michelle said

"Jamie, are you alright?" michelle handed me a handkerchief and I used it

"They really gone nuts and students here are insane"

"Maybe we should just go back to the room now and I think I have extra shirt on my locker" I said to michelle and we just left headed to the room. Students are staring at us and gossiping

"Jamie, let me look at you" she helps me wipe the egg that been thrown on my face, and it really sting then my eyes are itchy, and my face is sticky because of the egg

There is really nothing that students can do here at school, especially since we are always the center of attraction, and I don't know what their real problem is with us. Can't they just leave us alone?

Some bunch of girls block our way headed back to the room and we're on the corridor while they're looking at us fiercely. They started to throw eggs at us both and would just please stop

"What is your problem!" I spoke

"You girls, had gone too far this time and aren't you tired doing this? What will you gain after doing this? Satisfaction? Is that what you want?! Ha!"

Michelle just fights back, and she can't take it any longer because students are too much really, and I don't know when they will stop until we got kick out here and that will be the time, they will happy. I saw someone coming and I don't know them either. Are they gangster?

"Is she your leader? I don't know but you girls should go back to your class instead of doing this" michelle said and rolled her eyes

"You talk too much" the girl with see-through clothes

"Well, your make-up is too much"

"You slut bitch!" then slapped michelle and sat down on the floor

"You murderer! It's good that you girls should leave this school"

"Poor baby mico, because of you he's in the hospital now for almost 3 weeks!!" she just slapped me

"You must be kicked out of here!"

Wow, excuse me? As if you're the president of this school just to kick us out and you don't have the right to do that either. I look at their ID then most of them are senior. Why can't they act on their age? There already old and should be matured enough. What a childish then I was approached by more than twenty girls. The amount of her group. What is this? Just follow the leader

"You, don't ever come near mico!" said the woman with thick make-up

"You're flirty! Why are you sticking with mico!" said the headbanded and a bit chubby

"Woah! I'm not flirting him, and we're not even that close" I said

"Now, you're talking back"

"What should I do? Bark? Well, I'm a human not unlike you" I said, and she got annoyed then slapped me again but this time I hold her hand and pushed her hard. Then someone kick me which made me fall and my stomach hurts.

"Wow you still deny, we saw you the other day you were together!" she said and pulled my hair. Not my hair please

"Let go of my hair!" I shouted

"That deserves you right! We saw what you did to mico and look what you did, he is in the hospital because of you" she said angrily. My gosh, how could this mico could have these annoying girls and their saliva is spitting on my face. That is so disgusting of them

"Didn't you hear me? I said let go of my hair. I don't know if you're stupid or what!" " I said and I tried to remove her grip on my hair. She pulled my hair even harder, but I slapped her and that is the time I'm finally release on her grip, but she holds me back again. She is too strong, and did she go to the gym?

I think she is stupid to understand what I just said there, and I'm annoyed right now.

"What the hell! Hey you! The chubby girl, take off your hands on my hair! And you wrench! let go of michelle now! You don't even see yourself that you put too much make-up on your face, and you look ugly!" I said but that chubby just punch my stomach. I got on my knees out of nowhere and my stomach hurt so much from what she did. she punched me three times on my stomach which it is not a joke. But these won't even stop until then especially that annoying girl who is slapping michelle all over again

"Damn you! Can you stop there! Your make-up isn't even, so fix it first, I'm irritated with your makeup!" michelle said and I pushed the chubby

I just slapped james girlfriend! I help michelle and we ran away from here. But that is not the case, my body is weak because of what this chubby did to me. Then she pulled me my hair all over again and slapped me! Doesn't she get tired? Then michelle was slapped several times because of that annoying girlfriend of james and fell to the floor which michelle can't fight back anymore but still trying. Here I am, these girls didn't even stop on what they're doing. Then pulled my hair again and I don't know where they are taking us

"Ouch!!" she let go because I stepped on her foot, but I leaned against the wall

Michelle stood up to help me, but those two girls hold her and another one is approaching. Another witch? Is that serious?

"So, this is the bitch, who stole james from me"

"Who are you pertaining to?"

"Who else I'm talking to? You idiot!"

"I thought you're talking to yourself" michelle said and smirk even she can't fight back but that girl just slapped her again. Is it slap day? Like my gosh, can't they better things than this

"Who are you, anyway?" michelle said

"It's none of your business and he's in the hospital because of you!! Do you think you can get out of this? For what you did, in your dreams! Why would james even fall in love with such a low-class girl like you" she shouted and slapped michelle. Both of us swollen cheeks because they slapped us again and again

"What! Low-class girl? Speaking of, isn't that you? See it to yourself" michelle said but she leans closely then pull michelle hair

"What a crazy woman. Why are you sticking around james ha!"

"Come on, like what! We're not even that close to flirth to each other. I don't even care if you flirt or seduce james a million times and I have nothing to do with him!! You can have him all you want!"

"You're fighting back, ain't you!" she said and slapped michelle again. Michelle lips had blood on the left side

"Michelle! You witch! Can you stop please!" I spoke

"Don't ever dare butt into our business" she says. Michelle's can't move any longer and can't fight back because of what they did to her. I'm already crying at what I see

"How can james like a girl like you who only know how to bully others? I bet he'll dump you" michelle said and I'm falling asleep which I don't know what to feel because I feel too weak

I just look at them and glared at this chubby who is holding a grip of me. I'm trying to think of a way how to get out of here. Why isn't there any students around who could help us here.

"What are you glaring at!"

"Is that how your parents taught you? Bullying someone or maybe leading a group of girls so that you could teach them how to hurt someone? Is that it?"

"Look at this bitch talking" she kick michelle and fell on the ground. Michelle cough and hold her stomach

"And you, you won't get away from this because you hurt our baby mico" mico's fans said. But they just won't stop me. Michelle was rinsed with water and same goes to me they splashed me a water.

"You girls, handle that one and I'll be the one handling this wrench here. They're going to pay for what they did" I lay down on the floor. My cheek hurts from the weight of their hands. And we're throwing eggs. I don't want to fight back anymore because I'm weak. Alexis where are you?


Alexis POV

I can't even concentrate or focus these days because of this rumor circulating in school and I don't know why these students believe in such foolish rumor without any measurement of knowing what the truth or story is of both sides. Do they really need to put all the blame for us? They keep talking nonsense and I don't understand why they keep gossiping when they didn't even witness the scene. It's just a speculation or groundless rumor which they don't even realize their own action by hating us or destroying us even they don't gain anything.

Most of these days, a lot of things happened to us, and I don't know if we still need to stay or leave. How can they be so rude, ruthless, mean, or shameless? They don't even see what they're doing because they only want to believe what other people say than to see what the real situation is. I got hospitalized for 5 days because my head got hit by a falling flower vase on the rooftop of administration building but I feel like someone save me and I don't know who because I didn't get to see his face clearly because my vision is blurred at that day

I just noticed like it has a perfect timing, after what happened to lovely the incident occurs from where I am standing like someone wants to kill me. I have one person on my mind which is lisa but I can't blame her because I don't have any evidence to prove that she's the one who did it but definitely she hold a grudge on me or hates me more. This makes my head hurts, and I don't want to think about it. The reason why I went to the library to clear my mind and think what to do

Still, I think of the situation on what happened to us and it's not our fault but why do they need to put all the blame on us when those boys who started it first? If they just saw what they did to us, I guess these girls will start to hate them, when in fact they did horrible things to us. I'm just mad right now and I can't help but to cry instead of fighting back.

I still remember what Dr. Mendoza said to me "The only advice I could give you girls be yourself and don't let anyone underestimate you. If you can beat them then the greatest revenge you can give them is kill them with kindness" that advice made me smile and he has a point on what he said to me. Why let yourself get degrade by others when you have your own way doing your best and no one could ever do the same thing as yours.

"Have you seen the video?"

"Quiet down, were in the library right now"

"Oh, sorry about that"

"You should be and never talk to loud because you might disturb other students staying here"

"So, what is it you want to say to me"

"Have you seen the video?"

"What video?"

"It was on the websites, someone posted it"

Why these students also entertain this kind of thing? When they start to misunderstand the situation and they're about to hate the person which they try to attack it by doing some horrible things like what happened to us

"Which website?"

"The website in Stanford High Academy in Facebook, then twitter and YouTube. It's unbelievable, people been watching this video and it already reach 100,000 views. I can't believe what this girl did to our precious boys. But there are also comments that it's obvious the video was edited"

"Omg, really? Let me watch it first"

"You won't believe it. I didn't know these girls could do such a thing and it's horrible"

"Is this serious? My gosh, how could they push the boys on the swimming pool?"

"Isn't they got sick while doing community service?"

They're talking about the boys and the video is about us. I just can't believe on they edited the video and it's totally obvious that we didn't do it. Well, okay I admit that we seek revenge because of what they did to us, and we scared them, but we didn't push them in the swimming pool. That's the most hilarious edit ever and whoever posted this, really hold a grudge on us.

"Yes, I know but it got worse because of what they did"

"So, the rumor is true, and the boys got hospitalized because of those four transferees"

"Don't you think it only happens this semester? When there are already a lot of transferees came here in our school"

"Do you still remember what they said that they're going to kill the boys?"

Why do they still remember that day? Is it necessary for them to talk about it? Well, we said that because we got mad on what they did to us, but we didn't mean any word we say and that's how we cursed when they did something horrible to us. I also admit that I fight back but I never intend to do something stupid that would kill them. If you were in my part getting bully by someone, what would you do?

"Oh, the time we passed by on the room of Section 4-A"

"Yes, that's it"

"But why do I find it weird or maybe something is off?"

"Why do you think so? I mean, those girls are like war freak, and I think they're crazy than I expected. If you just notice it but I guess you're not interested"

"Nothing, I just feel sorry for the boys, but I can't hate the girls either. Maybe they have a reason why they're doing that. One more thing, why would I be interested in someone else life? I mean, if you we're one of those girls' situation right now, what would you feel and what would you do?"

"I don't know"

"See, it happens all the time when I ask you simple question, but you can't seem to give me an answer at all"

"Okay whatever. But I think it's their fault"

"Also, didn't you see the video of those four transferee girls who got humiliated because of those dances they did?"

"Well, it's not the boys who did it anyway"

"It always happens when every time a transferee students come here, and they got humiliated then transfer to another school. But these girls are brave enough to fight back and I salute them for that"

"Seem right, I can't hate them because I know what they're feeling when those crazy girls do horrible things to them"

"Maybe we just mind our own business"

Then they stop talking and I hear their footsteps like leaving. I don't understand why everyone's so interested in other's people business. Either they did something bad or not, why does it matter to them? Why don't they just stop taking interest in other people's lives and live their own life instead?

"Should we sign some petition paper to kick out those girls?"

"Look what they did to our precious boys, it's been 3 weeks since we find out they got hospitalized"

"So, the rumor is real"

"What's gotten into their mind?"

"They're insane and they won't get out of this time because they're going to pay for it" how could they talk about us in front of everyone to hear? I thought I'm going to have a peaceful mind here, but I guess the video spread fast than I ever think. But where did they get that video and no one else there in the swimming pool but only us. That's weird and this person is into something especially he or she knows about us detailed.

I remember that I should go to the room and get the book in my locker since I need to study some music then some books related to the business of my cousin who really need some help to audit his stocks and sales in the company. Why am I taking some serious study with this kind of thing especially reading books about business management, stock market, investments, sales, foreign trade, and such as? It's not my field but I end up like working with him when doing some paper works

"I don't know what to do because of the rumor spreading in school" I just stood up since I can't have a peace of mind here wherein students also gossip about us. I pick up my things and I left the library then went straight to the room, and I don't know if we have school today, but we still go to school maybe choke because there are often meetings with professors here at school.

It took me 20 minutes to arrive here in the room and why is it so far in the library? Don't they have any bridge connecting to this building? So that I could get easily here because it takes some time when walking at least there are no students around the campus, and I couldn't get to see them talking about us. I should get my books now in the locker or else my classmates would come here

When I hear someone talking outside the room and I hide quickly at the back. Then suddenly, the door slam at the wall and the footsteps are coming near where I am hiding right now.

"Relax, Charles is going to fine"

"These four crazy girls are really going to pay for this!"

"Lisa just calm down or else someone might hear you here"

"How can I calm down if she hurt Charles?!"

"Didn't you hear that they want to kill the boys?"

"The hell of them! I'm going to kick them out! Even it takes time for me to kill that alexis!"

So, it means, lisa isn't the one who posted the video on the websites. I'm going to find out who posted that video and the one who dropped the flower vase. I swear this person is someone close to us or maybe one of our classmates who hold a big grudge on us.

"You don't need to put on a ruckus lisa"

"I can't calm down on this kind of situation!"

"Once I find that bitch who hurt my prince charles, I will never forgive her!"

"Girl relax, we will find her"

"Better be or else I'm going to ruin her life forever!"

"What is her name again?"

"Well, her name is alexis mendez, I'm sure it will be easy to go after her"

"If you didn't find her right now, I'm going to shave all of your hair!"

"We should start looking her in the room"

"Good idea"

"Girls, find her now and let's teach her a lesson!"

They start to look around while I walk quietly so that they won't notice me that I'm here and I'm trying to figure out how to get out of here. There are only two doors in the room the front door and back door.

Why do she have a lot of slaves around here? Like 10 of them, three at the front door then four at the back door. I can't still reach out one of the door and Lisa is an idiot as always and slow witted. They talk too much, and I didn't know that Lisa is still the same. Why does a lot of people want to be friends with her?

Why these boys have a lot of fans even they're not artist or what? Is it because they are handsome? So that's it and the girls here at school like them. What time is it? I should really need to get going. I need to go back, jamie. I can no longer hear their voices and I have a chance to get out of this room. I was close to the door when suddenly someone pulled my hair and turned on the lights

"Where do you think you're going bitch?" I really hate it when someone pull my hair and have the guts to do it which I'm angry

"Lisa, the bitch is hiding here and about to leave the room"

"Hand her over here" Two of them hold me then lisa just slapped me hard. No one has ever slap me like that ever in my life not even my mom. Yet you just slapped me like that

"What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted

"You don't have the rights to hurt charles and yet you're shameless to attend classes!"

"You're such an idiot to believe that kind of video when you didn't even witness what really happened and it's obv…" she slapped me again

"Didn't your mom teach you how to be matured or respect a person? Because you're too immature and childish. Do your parents even know this? Bullying students in school and If I were your parents, I'll definitely be disgraced by you" I said, and she pulled my hair

"Are you teaching me a lesson bitch!" I don't have time to talk to you because I'm really wasting my precious time

"I don't care whatever you think"

"Since you got here, you always bring bad luck and look what you did to charles. Don't even come close to him!"

"Well, I won't because we're not even close. Also, as you said I don't have the right to hurt your precious charles but you don't have right as well because you're not even his girlfriend and you really like assuming things like what you did in the middle school, stealing someone else boyfriend"

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You look so pathetic, and you always seek for attention. You even flirt with nick when you're already he has a girlfriend" I said, and she just hit me then slap me again but this it's hard then I felt something on the side of the mouth and it's a blood. I think my cheeks is swollen and I feel dizzy because she slapped more than three times and I can't see clearly

"You're really talkative, you wrench! We should teach her a lesson and look at her. She's not even perfect and she is such a nerd. Don't you think she got plastic surgery? Or maybe she is fat back then"

"Give me a break, you're uglier than me and look first at the mirror before you judge someone else who is prettier than you are"

She just hit my stomach and kick me which I suddenly fell to my knees on the floor because of the extreme pain in my stomach because of what this woman did then hold me again but this the girl with too much make up on and I really hate seeing her face because the lipstick that she applied is not even.

"What are we going to do to her now, lisa?"

"Let amy do what she always do and go ahead, you know what to do now"

"My pleasure, lisa" she smiled like a crazy freak, and I don't know what they're talking about

"What the hell are you doing to me! Let go of my hair!" I shouted and my whole body got hit by the chairs because this annoying slaves of lisa just dragged everywhere around the corner of the room which my body hurts especially my back.

All of them are laughing at me and this amy didn't let go of my hair yet she dragged me until I'll get hurt but I kick her which she sat down on the floor and her companions helped her while I tried to stand up and fight back at them

"Amy, are you alright?"

"Do you want to have death wish, you wrench!"

"Amy, can you stand up?"

"Do you think I can stand up! Can't you see what she did to me!"

"That crazy wrench! She's going to pay for this" One by one, they approached me, but I fight them all, but I can't move properly because of what this freaking girl did to me. I probably going to fight them again and again just to get out of here. I don't want to use my martial art to them because it's not worth it at all

I stand up and put all my strength but I'm too weak. I pushed these two girls who are holding me they pulled me then pushed me against the wall which it hit my head

"Girls, hold her" lisa said

Oh, come on. She pulled my hair repeatedly, but I won't lost to this one which I pulled her hair too. Ah, I feel dizzy, and I can see they're just laughing. This time, one of her friends hit me using a stick which really make me fall this time. The weight of lisa left and right hand is heavy

"If I ever see you again flirting with him, you're really going to taste the worst pain"

"Don't you even dare cross the line, you wrench!"

"I think we should stop lisa"

"Do you want to get hit too just like her?"

"Not really lisa, but it's just that.."

"Then shut your mouth, if you don't want to experience this one too because I won't think twice. Which side are you anyway?" she really end up threatening someone like what she did to her friends back then.

"You wrench, just go back to your school"

"You don't even belong here"

"Charles won't even like you"

"You're a slut"

"Don't ever come near to Charles and stay away from him"

I don't have an inch of care of that guy, and I don't even care about you either. I'm trying to stand up but I really can't because I don't have any strength left to do so and I'm too weak. The only thing I can see is they poured garbage and water at me. I wiped my face. She pulled my hair and dragged me out of the room and her companions brought me somewhere else which I smell something bad. They just throw me then started to kick me and step on me everywhere until I lost conscious


Lovely POV

Lovely POV

I've been covering my face in the school but at least in mall, no one will stare at me, and all students are insane because they keep gossiping about us like we've done something wrong with them. I don't get it wherein students love to spread rumors without checking the facts or the real situation. Since that day, I start to hate studying here in the Stanford high academy because of what they did to us and michelle is right about it. I couldn't blame alexis because we didn't clearly check the feedbacks about the school. I thought were going have some enjoying moments here, but I guess I'm wrong about it.

I just want to go back to USA and study in music academy again than this school who made my life upside down after met that annoying guy and his so-called crazy fans are after me like they thought I'm flirting with him when were not even that close to talk or to get to know each other. They keep banging me these past few weeks saying that I should stay away from their baby. Why don't they just leave us alone? Like as if, we would even like those idiotic who cause so much pain to us

I feel reckless today, my mind is mess up and can't even go to the class today, but I hope there's no professor will attend their perspective class because I can't focus once students will stare at us whole day like what these past 3 weeks and they didn't stop there. They continue doing horrible and harsh things, then they even paint sometime on our locker and ruin our belongings inside the locker. But the worst is when alexis got hit by a falling flower vase and until now, we couldn't find the person who did it

I can really see how alexis bled and she almost got into coma which we thought she wouldn't wake up because it's been 2 weeks and 4 days. It's my first time seeing alexis cry in her sleep and mentioning her mom and a girl named Alesha. This has really been in my mind last week, like who is Alesha? She didn't tell us anything about it

"Omg, isn't she the girl on the video?"

"You're right Chloe"

"She is also one of the members of Music Queen Band"

"Really? My little sister like that group but what I see now on the video is really horrible and how could they do such a thing?"

"See? How could they stan these girls? When we didn't know their true colors"

"Did you see how they push the boys in the swimming pool? After they fall, all they just did was laugh then took a video of them while drowning"

"That so harsh of them"

"I'm actually fan of them, but I start to hate them because of what they did to these poor boys"

"I can see a lot of comments on the platform, almost 30,000 negative comments and the shares are insane"

"Do you know what more insane or crazy?"

"What is it?"

"They beat these poor boys and I hate the fact these girls exist just to do harsh thing. Why don't they just die?"

"How could you say that betty?"

"Well, they should. What if one of them is your brother and got bully by these girls? What will you do with this kind of situation? Would you just let them be? After what they did? If I were you chloe, I'll definitely get mad about it and I swear I won't forgive them on what they did"

"You have a point"

The video is edited and were the one who witnessed everything. They fell on the swimming pool, and I thought they're fooling around but we didn't realize that they're not moving in the pool after what happened that was the time our revenge went wrong and didn't went well. But it's not our intention to harm them but only pay what they did to us. Do you think it makes difference on what we did from what they did to us which we don't know what went wrong?

"But we should not jump to conclusion yet betty because we don't really know what just because of a video like that and we're not sure of it"

"What are you saying?"

"Anyway, we should get going now because we still have a class"

They left and people keep staring at me. Why do they put interest in other people's life? Why don't they just mind their own business? As if it's easy for us to walk throughout the day when people keep talking about you wherever you go. Maybe I should call jamie now since I don't know where they are. I just left without asking them

Calling jam…....

Its just ringing and no one is answering. Is her phone on silent or what? I hope she is answer because I want to know if I should still attend the class or not, also I don't want to be the center of attention in the school. Right now, I am because every time I pass by on the store people keep staring me. Or should I say there are students here in the mall buying some stuffs, but they keep looking at their people while staring me. Is this the obvious edited video when no one could notice it?

I should call alexis now… I hope she could answer this time or maybe something happen to them?

She is not answering too, I should call michelle too. Please answer your phone this time and I want to know if they're fine. Not you please, the phone is just ringing. Maybe I should go back to the academy to look for them and check if they're still in the campus

I went to the park and drive headed to school which it will only take about 20 minutes if there is no traffic at all. I once try to call them again, but no one is really answering. But my phone suddenly vibrates and I receive message from alexis. What the hell is she doing? I'm calling her but she's not even answering

But look at here, she can send me a text message. Okay fine, I get her which she doesn't want to talk to me instead of sending me a text message now

From: Lexia

"Meet me at the garden and I'll be waiting you there because michelle and jamie doing something in the library which they will catch up with us later"

"Okay, but this text message sounds bit odd and suspicious"

"Whatever, I just go to the garden and meet her there"

Someone is calling me, and its unknown number and I don't know if I should answer it or not. I'm almost at school then I look for a parking afterwards, I head immediately to the garden. At least I'm familiar with the corner of the school. I keep looking around and I think that's the garden. Wow, it's fascinating here and amazing like I feel I'm in a paradise place. At least I could relax here, and no one will bother me at all

"There's no student here, maybe some of the are still in the class. I think"

"Gosh, I'm all alone here"

"Where is she?" I couldn't find her nowhere. I should look first on jamie then michelle but she told me to meet her in the garden. What is she doing right now? I hope she won't keep me waiting in this place because it's too hot to stay

I should call her

Calling lexia...

It's just really ringing, and no one is answering

"Alexis, I'm here now. Show yourself"

I just can't figure out alexis sometimes, when you want to talk to her but she is not interested answering you or giving you an answer at all

"Alexis, please answer the call now"


"Where are you, alexis?"

"You told me to meet you here, but why are you not coming?"

I'm such an idiot to believe in her text and now I'm talking to myself when no one could answer me. Maybe sometimes I'm suck at living my own life. I don't know what to do and I don't know what should I do in the other day? I'm talking to myself again and again when alexis is taking so long to come here.

Well, I should leave here and find Jamie. I try to call alexis again, she might answer this time.

Then suddenly, a girl approached me, and I think she is senior or junior which I step back because she might do something horrible or yet worse than that

"Are you lovely?" the girl said with thick eyebrow

"Yes, that's me, what do you need?" I said and I want to be sarcastic this time because being too friendly is not that simple because people might take advantage of you at all. Nowadays, people take you for granted if you're too nice to them without you knowing that they're already backstabbing you

"Girls, she's here" she said

What is it this time? Is there something they need from me? Two girls hold me then another girl is walking towards here then slap me hard without knowing who she is dealing with.

"Ouch that hurts, you crazy girl"

Then more than 10 students came here then I saw someone holding a phone and I look closely

"Is this what you're looking for? You bitch" she said and who is she calling bitch me? Why does she have Alexis phone? So, you mean, she is the one who text that message and I knew it. The text message is suspicious

"Why do you have alexis phone?"

"It's none of your business, you ugly bitch"

"Why did I even touch her ugly face?" the girl said with thick lipstick and yet she use pick. That is so disgusting of her, using pink lipstick which doesn't suit her that much. Wait, did she just say ugly face?

"Excuse me, did you just call me ugly? For your information, you must look first in the mirror and look at yourself"

"What did you say?" then her friends laugh at her

"What are you laughing!" she is angry and look at her

"You're even uglier than me, so don't me because you're not even on my level to call yourself pretty"

"Woah, Colby. You're uglier than her. Would you accept that?"

So, your name is Colby, she looks chubby, and her make-up is not even. How could she even put make-up when she doesn't even know how to do it properly? She slapped me again but this time her hand leaves a red mark on my left cheek. I cried because of the pain of the slap but I won't even let myself get trampled and I will not lose to them especially to this chubby girl since I also slapped her, and she suddenly sat on the floor.

"Colby, are you alright?" Then the girl approached me and pulled my hair and slap me hard at the same time she kicks me which make me fall on the ground. I hold onto my stomach and how dare she. I tried to stand up, but I can't because I feel the pain on my stomach and these girls are going to pay for what they did to me once I get my hands on them. You're going to regret it, sooner or later and I swear you that

"That's for messing with my girls" then her friends started to kick me until I my body get weak, and they trampled me which they really beat me hard until I cannot move properly

Are the students here really a human or what? Because they're like a monster or a gangster. How do they call themselves as a princess? I try stand up again, but she saw me

"Where do you think you're going?" she pulled my hair again, my gosh I didn't get to move a bit on my spot then there she goes again. She slapped me once again

"What have I done to you? Why are you so angry with me?"

"Do you think you can just go out of this? When you did a horrible thing to him!"

"What do you mean? Like as If I have done something wrong with you"

"Not to us, but to Benjamin who got hospitalized because of you who just transferred here. You bring bad luck to our boys!"

"You should go back to your old school"

"Get out here!"

"You don't belong here in this school, you ugly bitch!"

"You don't have the rights to study here, you freak!"

"Two faced bitch!"

"What a showoff"

"Your friends don't even like you!"

"What a spoiled brat you are!"

"Stay away from Benjamin!"

"Never come close to him! You wrench!"

"We're not even close! You can have him! He is all yours!" Then someone throw a trash and egg at me. Had they have done enough doing this? Like almost every day, they keep coming to us and end up doing horrible things.

"Can you let me go! And I don't care about your benjamin and especially we're not close to get to know each other or whatsoever it is" She just slaps me again and again. What's wrong with this girl? She is too obsessive and crazy. No one would even like her and how come the principal let them study here?

"What's your problem!"


"That's for hurting and messing with Benjamin!"

"Bring her to the place where she pushes Benjamin" she said

I try to leave here but these two girls just held me and dragged me all the way. But I try to fight back but then someone hit the back of my head which make me feel dizzy and I'm too weak.

They put a cover on my whole face which I couldn't see anything until I feel a little bit lost of conscious. I don't know where they taking me now but what I'm thinking right now is where are the girls? I hope they're alright and I'm still confused on how alexis phone end up with that girl hand

"Where are you girls? I can't stand it anymore and I just want to go back to music academy than to stay here in Stanford high academy" this is the last thing I said and I lost conscious this time.