By Partner

Alexis POV

I couldn't breathe suddenly, then in my chest was so tight that it felt like it was being stabbed and my body was heavy. What happened to me yesterday? All I remember is I went to the beach again to have alone time, but I feel so lost and empty which I realize I collapse again, and I don't remember much anymore. The last thing I could see is someone approaching, and I can't see it clearly because it became blurred. Is this the effect of those crazy girls slapping me more than three times?

Where am I and why it is so dark here? it seems like my vision is spinning because of I see here inside. Someone opened the curtain, and I don't know who, I stood up suddenly, but it looked like there were heavy things on my body. I looked but there was nothing and I was sweating

"I was just trying to help you"

Why do I hear Charles voice here? Tell me this is just a hallucination, and no one is around the room which is just only me. I try to relax for a bit, and I feel dizzy then I look at the mirror

"Can't you see Charles, when every time you approached or come near me, all your fans won't stop doing this. Besides, did I even tell you to help me? Why? Are you even my boyfriend? If not, then don't butt it and remember this, you're not even my boyfriend then your help is only a bothersome"

Wait, that's me and what am I doing there?

"Jamie, are you there? Michelle, please answer me. Lovely, I know you're just outside the room"

Come on girls, don't play jokes and it's not funny which I hate it then it scares me a lot if you girls do something stupid that would made me worried

"Alexis, why do you need to say that to Charles?"

"You're too sensitive"

"Too cruel, you could just have said thank you instead being harsh to him"

"Girls, are you there? Come out now and listen to me"

"That is why you will never have boyfriend because you always beat boys"


"Lex, do you really have to tell that to Charles? That's why you're being told a boyish because you tend to punch or beat a guy and then you speak like a man"

"Lovely come on, you're wasting your time telling me that"

"Oh no dear, no one will like you"

"She's a pig"

"She eats too much and becoming chubby"

"Go away pig, you don't belong here"

"She's not a princess, but a pig"

"How can a girl look like this, and she is too big. Here size might double XL"

Please, stay away from me and leave me alone. I can still hear their voices calling pig, chubby, ugly and annoying.

"You will never going to have friends because the way you look"

"I thought were friends" that's me when I was still in my elementary days, and I can see that I'm in the corner and watching them throwing a trash on me. How could they do that to me? I'm about to approach myself but someone hold her hands and it's a boy who trying to help me out. So, this is the time I got bully by my so-called friends who treated me like a trash. I don't remember his name and I do know what he looks like. She's a boy with an angelic face and thin body then his voice is soft.

There's another mirror in front of me which I look into it and suddenly it grabs me which I went to some place. Then I see myself running and Alesha is just following me but when a car about to pass by myself saw it which didn't move

"Alexis, move!" I spoke

"Alexis don't just stand there and don't look at the car driving" I said then Alesha hug me, but I just run as fast I could to save myself and her, but a car hit us when I saw myself laying on the street and there are a lot of people around us then I felt someone holding my hands and I saw it was Alesha. Why can't I even move? My whole body is stiff, and she is trying to reach wherein she try her best to hold me and wake me up. I feel like this situation is real and my tears fell


"Alexis, hang in there and don't let go of my hand because I'm going to save you and don't ever leave me or else I'm going to teach you a lesson" she said and this what happen to us why can't I seem remember?

My head hurts and I can see blood all over the face of Alesha and trying to help me which she holds tight on my hand

"Please help us, call an ambulance now!! Please, help us!" she's crying and please don't do that because it makes me more weak

"I don't want to lose you alexis and stay with me. Don't close your eyes please" I try to wipe her tears but it made me cry which I can't stop and I see around me blurred then the someone went out the car which that person hit us

"Are you alright? Wait let me call an ambulance" he said and dial a number on his phone

"Hang in there lexia, please don't leave me" she said

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that, and I did not see you running over the street" so the one who hit us is a guy and I try to look at him, but I can't see his face clearly but only his clothes. He's wearing a jacket and shirt then denim pants. He has a gold watch and bracelet which we have the same bracelet that I am wearing

"I'm really sorry about that" he said

"No, it's fine, just please call an ambulance now" I just look at alesha face and she is so worried about me which it breaks my heart seeing her like this and I'm going to hate this person who hit us. Hang in there too alesha and please don't ever leave us alone

"I already did and it's coming here now. Wait for a bit" whoever you are, I won't forgive you at all no matter what you do and I'm going to hate you until I'm still alive and I'll find you which I'll ruin your life that would make you miserable and it won't make you happy at all

"Than…thank...yo…you…" then Alesha suddenly collapsed, and I can't help her because my body can't move and my head is spinning.

"Alesha….Alesha….Alesha!!!" I shouted and woke up suddenly which I felt the tears in my cheeks then someone handed me a plastic which I took it and do the deep breathing.

"Here some water" then I drink it and I try to calm down. I stood up and looked in the mirror to see if there was blood on my clothes and it was good that there wasn't. But why did I dream the time alesha and I had an accident? I was suddenly scared and my whole body was shaking which make me fell but someone was holding me, and I looked who it is but my vision was blurred and then I still feel dizzy which carried all the way back to the bed

"Ah, you didn't need to" I said and now my vision is clear. I look closely to that person and it's him

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I don't know why did I help you? But my conscious telling me that I should because I could leave a girl laying on the sand while unconscious" he said, and does she mean I lost conscious in the beach yesterday again? I just thought of it, how does he even know that I'm in the beach? Did he even follow me all the way? What a stalker! So, wait, he's the one who approached me before I collapsed. I just scratch my head and I'm a little bit confused

"Anyway, I ask you a question, yet you didn't answer it" I said to him, and he just looked at me. Is there something on my face?

"So, what am I doing here? Hmm... is because this is my room" he said

"Your room? Gosh, I thought I was in my room because it has the same set up. Anyway, did you see me cry?" I asked

"No" he just said straight right in front of me without saying anything else. Wow that's fast

"You're not lying, right?" I said and he just stare at me like he is trying to figure out what to say next because he might get caught if he sees me crying. But that's not the case at all

His face is hard to figure out and it's serious. This is so awkward right now and I don't know what to say or tell him about it. Did he hear me mentioning alesha name? I hope not because I'm afraid so which I don't want anyone else to know about this

"No" he said and okay, I'll believe in you, but I don't trust you. He just touched my forehead, but I just push it away because it's uncomfortable

"Stay still" then he just didn't say anything and what is he doing? He has a firm expression and I say that his skin is smooth. Does he use skin care? Because I only know girls use that and no boys would ever use Korean product skin care. Maybe I'm not used to it, somehow I had seen my cousin using few skin care

"Your fever is down and it's good thing that it didn't take that long" I just keep quiet, and I didn't know I got a fever last night. I don't know if I should ask him, but it keeps bothering. Did he take care of all night?

"Since you didn't get to eat it last night, I cook breakfast and it's up to you if you want to eat or not. But take your medicine" he said and left the room. He sounded cold towards me and it's fine at least no one will bother me anymore because it's too annoying and at last I will have peaceful mind in school which I hope so. I just pick up my things and went downstairs then about to leave but somehow pulled me back

"Where do you think you're going?" he said, and can't he just let me go because I still need to change clothes since I wear this yesterday. Guess what? I didn't even bring any clothes with me

"You told me whether I should eat or not" I said, and he didn't listen to me but let me sit and give me some food

"Yes, I did" can he just answer me honestly than talk to me saying just three words or one. This is freaking awkward

"Well, I'm not hungry and I should go hom…" what a bad timing

"Your stomach says otherwise" he said, and his face is still serious and no expression at all

"Don't mind about that, I'm not really hun…" come on, can you just hold it for a while, tummy? You're embarrassing me right now in front of him

"Alexis, I'm hungry and don't let me starve please"

"Just stay quiet, okay" I said to my stomach

"Are you saying anything?"

"No, it's nothing and I should get going" I said and get my things then leave but he just blocked me then let me sit again

"Why are you so naughty? Would you let yourself starve to death? When your stomach is rumbling already and ... Never mind, you won't even listen to me, and I won't be helping you if collapse again which it is up to you how to get to the hospital or save yourself" he said and that made me silent

"If you feel uncomfortable, then I'll just leave now"

"Eat and take your medicine. I left some clothes on the couch and go change after you're done" he said and didn't look at me again then his voice is serious. I didn't know he would care so much about me when we're not even close at all. Then, does he think I would care about him? Even he keeps doing this to me because I won't feel guilty at all.

Who does he think he is? Does he think I would talk to him every day and build a close relationship? Give me a break, even if he treats me like that, well I won't be hurt no matter how cold he is or that's how he talks to me at least it doesn't bother me at school

I don't want to waste this food and my stomach is grumble again so maybe I could just take some bite and change clothes already because I smell weird, and I didn't even take a shower. I don't have to look around the house because it doesn't seem he own this house. I went to the restroom and change my clothes. I look inside my bag if I have perfume and there it is. I spray a bit, and everything is good now. I look for the car keys which is inside the pocket of my bag

Is the car here or what? Somehow, how did he follow me? Does he have a car or is he just took a taxi yesterday? Why do I have a lot of question in my mind right now? Anyway, I need to leave here or else they might look for me this time. I check my phone and it's just 6:30 in the morning. I don't think anyone is home but only Charles is here, but I hear a door opens and I leave quickly, or I might know Charles is with someone

"That was close" I said and start the engine when I saw dog outside. It so cute but I'm scared of dog and I'm sorry about that sweetie wherein I can't hold to you and I'm leaving now. I remove the airplane mode on my phone since I don't want anyone to disturb me yesterday

Then my phone suddenly vibrates again and again. My gosh, I have like 45 missed calls from jamie, 30 missed calls from Michelle and 65 missed calls from lovely. Not again, did I make them worried? I don't know what excuse I would tell them because I don't want them to know I sleep here in someone else house which will they all freak out suddenly. I also received like 200 messages from them

"This is insane, and I don't know how to reply all of these messages at all"

"What have you done Alexis?"

"Great, this will be nosy, and they won't stop asking me question later"

"Alexis, you should at least be thankful that charles save you"

Now I have my angel and devil with me, and I don't know which one I should listen. They start talking which I don't if I should listen to one of them or just let them be because this won't be helpful at all

"Don't listen to her Alexis, it's good thing you said that yesterday and he deserves it"

"You devil, stop teaching Alexis those bad things and it wouldn't help at all"

"Why would I even listen to you? Don't you see it? It will be worst if Alexis let her guard down and it won't make sense at all. Just do what you want to do Alexis and teach them the lesson they would never forget"

"Do what is right Alexis and you know it's a bad thing to hurt people. You made a promise that you'll going to talk to them if the situation gets worse than doing horrible things back to them"

"Don't be too soft-hearted Alexis, be cold as you are and show them the real you"

"Okay you two stop it now" then they just disappear

"Think properly Alexis, before you mess up your mood today and that's not good at all of that happens because this will go out of handy. Why am I talking to myself? Gosh, Alexis would you stop that because you're becoming crazy, and people might see you like this"

"You're making your day worst and I guess I'll be the topic again today because of what happened yesterday which I'm already used to it being the rumor and always get the attention of those who hate me" I hit my head on the steering wheel which it made a loud noise. You're such an idiot alexis, you might wake the whole neighbor here in the area and never make lousy action again.


Mico POV

Why am I running right now? What the hell is happening? I can see grandpa which he is so big right now and I am in his palm as if I were a prisoner being punished for my sins or mistakes. Please don't tell me he knows everything unless someone told him what I did in school

"Grandpa, why are you doing this?"

"Tell me, what you did wrong?" here we go and when he asked that question then he mean it

"I don't know grandpa, why are you asking me that?"

"Now you're talking back" he said seriously like his face look fierce which I got scared

He's one of the family members that I mostly get scared at all but one of my closest family members even though I always get scolded for what I do or the mistakes I made but I really love my grandfather even though he is very strict when it comes to me but in my friends he almost treats them as a person or should I say like a grandchild but for me he treat me like a child who has lost a candy

"That's not what I meant grandpa, is just that I didn't do anything wrong"

"Are you sure about it? Reflect and think what you did" he won't stop until he gets the answer from me, which is the truth, but I already said it that I didn't do anything wrong

"I'm telling you the truth grandpa, why don't you believe me at all?"

"Well of course not, unless you prove to me that you didn't do anything wrong"

"How can I prove it to you?"

"Think about it how and don't ask me. I already teach you that, yet you forget"

"That no lie should be bound by the truth"

"See, now you know what I mean" he said, and I try to think what I did wrong

"I should always tell what I did throughout the day even there is a truth or lie on it"

"Now tell me again, what you did?"

"Is this a dream?"

"Mico Skylar! I'm talking to you!" here he goes and I just answer his question now

"Okay grandpa, let me think about it"

"Time is running out and you know what will happen if you didn't tell me ahead. I'll confiscate everything you have even you ask your dad you get it back"

"Grandpa, don't pressure me out and I'm going to tell you now" I said, and I don't have any choice

"I got accused by a girl saying that I'm a pervert stalker then I just found out she transferee to our school which I end up doing something horrible to just kick her out and I want her to leave the academy immediately, but things didn't go well at all"

"Is that all?" he asked and not convince with it then he suddenly laughed at me

"I'm just kidding my grandchild and I'm expecting something else but at least you admit your mistakes"


"Are you shouting at me now?"

"No, I'm sorry grandpa. Anyway, why are you so big and why am I small?"

"Don't you recognize her?" he asked, and I don't know what he is talking about which I'm confused right now

"What grandpa? Who are you pertaining at?"

"Don't you recognize her?"

"Grandpa, I don't know who you are talking about"

"Your childhood first love" how does he know about that? All I remember is that I've been waiting for her until now because I don't even know where to find her but it doesn't mean I'll give up easily

"Childhood first love? Ah… you mean the girl with a red dress polka dot, grandpa?"

"Don't you remember her?" grandpa is making my mind confused because I can't really figure it out who it was which I don't know her name if I do then it wouldn't even be hard for me to look for her

"Well, I do" I said to make him stop asking question

"But why you couldn't recognize her?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Have you met her?"

"Grandpa, one at a time please"

"Answer my question"

"No, I didn't get met her again after the day I saved her when we were a kid"

"She is just close with you but yet you couldn't even recognize her at all"

"Close with me? I mean grandpa, it's been 16 years already and I might know if she changes or what"

"Even no matter how the girl changed if you could recognize how she looks like then you could remember and meet her already"

"That's not easy grandpa"

"It is, if you see it"

"Grandpa, okay. Why am I running?"

"She is very close to you" like where? No one is besides me but only my friends who are with me for a long time. Grandpa, you're making it hard for me to found out what you would like to say to me

"Grandpa, who are you pertaining at? Do you know her name?"

"You'll find out soon"

"Grandpa, please tell me"

"Remember it"

"How could I even remember if I didn't know get to know her name at all?"

"Remember, she is close to you and nearby"

"You should wake up now"


"Grandpa, where are you?"

"Grandpa, talk to me and tell me the name of the girl. Just don't leave me hanging here because I want to know her name which you maybe know"


"Where are y…. AAAAHHHHHH" I just fell off out my bed and my butt hurts. What a dream, then the girl with red dress polka dots

I thought it was real but it's a good thing that it is just a dream. That's a bad dream, I was pressured by my grandpa questions and why did he ask about my childhood first love? Oh, now I see, I just remembered that he was with me that time when I saved that girl who was drowning, and I didn't even get to know her name, but I gave her the necklace just in case I would look for her and the necklace would prove that she was the one I knew. Even I don't get to recognize her, but the necklace will help me out to look for her

It's been 36 years since the last time I talk to my grandfather, but he is now in New York so I don't know when will I meet him again? Why am I sweating? All I did is run in my dream and grandpa is really big as in I'm like an ant. Someone suddenly enters my room and it's Charles then he is just looking at me for a minute and thought helping me out now

"Morning Charles"

"Ah morning. What are you doing there?" he asked

"Nothing, I just fell off on the bed" I said and try to help me out

"Are you alright? What happen to you dude?"

"About that, I had a bad dream wherein I'm feel like literally talking to my grandfather" I explained it shortly because I don't want to talk about it anymore because my grandpa might visit me soon if I always mention his name suddenly

"Then, why are you sweating?"

"It's a crazy dream I tell you that. Anyway, where did you go yesterday after the class? I didn't even get to see went back home early"

"Ah, I just met my old friend yesterday and ask me to go for a drink" he said and it's my first time to hear Charles talk like this. I didn't know that he could drink because when everytime I asked him to drink with me, he always say no and focus on his book

"Oh really? Is that so? What time did you went home?"

"Around…wait, why are you asking this question?" doesn't he even know that I'm worried about him last night because it's getting late yet he's not home either

"Well of course dude, I'm worried about you, and I don't know if you're going to do stupid things even after what happened yesterday" I said and I still feel doubt on what he said. I didn't know he had an old friend, but I know he has a friend before he met us

"I went home late but I didn't drink at all because I told my old friend I still need to go home, and he just told me that I should at least stay to accompany him" he said calmly, and I couldn't figure it out if he is lying or not, but I believe him

"Who are you talking to last night? Because I heard someone in your room, but I just thought you might be talking to your twin sister" I said, and he just fix my bed then prepare my clothes. He really knows how to take care of me

"I'll go downstairs now, and I'll cook breakfast" he said, and his face is emotionless which there is no expression. Looks like he is not in the mood since yesterday. Seriously that Alexis is harsh and rude, she shouldn't have said that. She should be thankful because stop Lisa from what she is doing but that was the only he gets in return. Charles was just trying to help but that was Alexis said to him which hurt his feelings.

But she doesn't even know what Charles was going through and somehow, alexis said is true which he doesn't have the right but at least she would consider Charles when everyone is looking at them. Then do find out she's already trending in the social media

"I hope Charles can forget what just happen yesterday and act like nothing happen at all" I said to myself while I look at the mirror because it's a crazy situation yesterday and I hate the fact what Lisa did

I took a bath and thought of what my grandpa said in my dream "She is close to you and nearby" I don't see no one at all and I'm still figuring it out who it is "Don't you recognize her?" I don't because it's been a long time and who would have ever recognized their first love? Or is just me who couldn't see her?

"What are you thinking mico?" I said and there goes my devil who just show up then to my right is my angel

"Don't look for her anymore because she already forgets you. If she recognized you at all, wouldn't she approach if that happens?"

"Mico, don't listen to devil. Maybe she just can't find you at all and she is looking for you a long time but don't have the chance because she doesn't know where to start"

"Full of excuses, just forget about her and just continue what you were doing"

"That's not right, what if she is waiting for you mico?"

"Waiting? It's been 16 years already and a lot of time already been wasted. So don't look back just to find her. She won't remember you at all because you changed, and she might be with someone else"

"That's not true"

"Well, it is, if she has the necklace maybe she could at least do something" these two are in pain in the head and they just making mind more confused because I'm trying to clear my mind as of the moment

"Mico, don't lose hope and you'll find her soon"

"Give up already, just find someone else" then he just kicks the devil and I don't know what to do

"Mico, just trust the process and you find her very soon because she is just near and you're going to meet her not now but one day"

Whatever it is, I'm willing to wait until I find her because of that necklace, and I'll be the happiest person if I ever meet her again. I also made a promise to her that I will look for her no matter how long it takes.

I just finished taking a bath and wear the clothes then fix my hair. I'm all fresh and I smell good because yesterday I feel sweat even I just sit around the corner in the campus. I get my bag and things then my phone has text messages and missed calls. From my cousin and uncle

My stomach suddenly grumbled, and I feel hungry now. I just turn off my phone then went downstairs since Charles is cooking for breakfast which I'm starving because I didn't eat last night, wherein I've been waiting for him, but he didn't come home so I end up going to my room and sleep

"Morning dude" james said and I don't see benjamin here. Did he go somewhere?

"Have you seen benjamin?"

"Oh, not really, why?"

"Ah nothing"

"He just played basketball this morning because he feels bored and Benji will back any minute now" charels said. Early this morning, his playing basketball? We still have class today

"I'm here" just right in time. I thought he's not done yet and I'm not used to the way Charles act like this being silent since yesterday and I guess he'll forget it if he doesn't remember it. Benjamin wen upstairs then james start to prepare in the table

My phone suddenly rings, and I don't know who's calling which I answered it


"Hi mico, how are you doing?"

"Who are you?"

"It's me, scarlette" I left out of words when I suddenly hear name and voice again. This is going to be a hectic day for me, and I just really want to have a good day when no one is bothering me at all

"What do you want?"

"Who's that bro?"

"Don't even dare ask" I said to james which I made a serious look at him then he just zip his mouth. I went to the garden and because this talk will become nonsense at all

"I just want to know how you were doing" – scarlette

"Really? Is that really you want to know. Why even bother asking me?"

"I just miss you and I want to see you again" – scarlette

"Do you even understand and know what you're saying?"

"Are you still mad about me?" – scarlette

"Don't you even know how much I went through, and you ruined my life because you can't let go of that shit pride of yours and you're being too selfish with your decision when I had huge fight with my parents!" I'm trying to hold my anger, but I lost my temper already

"You know how much I lo…."

"Just shut up and don't ever call me again" I said and end the call then block her number. I call it off but why is she still hanging on that thing which I really hate it the most because I would never forget that day, she ruined my life which she is too selfish with her decision.

I went back inside and get the motorbike key of Charles because I'm going somewhere else to relax mind for now before I go to the class, and I heard them calling me, but I just ignored it and drove out the house where I usually go to relax my mind. Just calm down and forget what will happen today which just remember you're the only one here


Jamie POV

Fresh air, Inhale exhale. Clear your mind, Jamie. I couldn't imagine it's been a month since we transferred here. A lot of things happen, but the big question would we survive for one year? It's been tough for us, and we can't even sure if we would be able to surpass everything after what happened to us like each day. We became the hot topic for 3 weeks because of that viral video when in fact it's not even funny then another video of us about the unexpected situation which is not true because no one ever believe in us which that cause everything, and those crazy fans didn't stop do horrible things unless we leave this academy that would make them satisfy. But sorry to say, we can still overcome this no matter how many times they hurt us

Now there is one topic trending today which is about Alexis then made another post about her that made me mad because it's not even true and the facts are way too far from what the reality is. Some wants to boycott our group and receive a lot of threats wherein it says that they're going to do something that will make us regret coming here and many of them wants to destroy us when we don't understand why are they so mad and insecure on us?

Have you already experience being bully when the rumor they know is not true? Then they bother you because the mistake you made or maybe you touch what is for them which is they assume too much and as if they have the chance. Right now, I'm checking our surroundings because anytime a crazy fan will attack us, and they won't stop even it's tiring all over again. I don't want my cheeks to get slapped again and I'm already in pain, their hands are heavy. But I won't let myself get trample ever again because I learned to defend myself.

Who wouldn't have thought these students can be so weird and it's a bit scary to go to school every day because you always think that they might treat you as a stranger or something worst? Sometimes, they don't treat you as a person but someone else who transferred here. Don't you know what the scariest thing in life? Is when having insecurities that would ruin your confidence because what you see from others which you could never have

"Speaking of, did Alexis call you? She didn't even reply on text messages at least once" I said, and this is the second time she didn't went home. Every time she goes to the beach, she never goes home and we don't know where she is. We don't want to bother because she wants to be alone, but she should at least let us know if she's fine

"No, I already left her message a while ago and I don't know if she will reply or not because she's not answering my call either. Alexis is weird lately and do you think she's hiding something from us? Like the last time too, when she went to the beach then she didn't go home either" Michelle said, and I know she's worried too because she might blame herself again or whatever on her mind all the time because we can't ask her unless she wants to talk about it

"How about you lovely? Have you call Alexis again?" I said and it really makes me worried. Where are you, Alexis? If you have a problem just tell us but don't keep it to yourself

"Ah yes but no"

"Lovely answer us properly because were not joking. Haven't you notice this already happen two times in a row?" I said and she just shrugged

"Okay, I don't want you two get sick of being worried. I mean, okay, she didn't come home last night again but she knows what she is doing, and she might tell us when the time is right but now, will be frustrating especially Alexis is the trending topic on the media and I think reporters will come to us sooner or later"

"Lovely, this is not even in Korea or USA. Anyway, I hope she's fine and she won't even dare look at the media now because it will just stress her out thinking about it"

"I just notice that about something on Alexis. Do you know whose Alesha is?" Michelle asked and all of us looked at each other when we also observe that and it's weird like she's acting someone else, and we feel like talking to another person

"The time when we were in the comfort room then Alexis sounded different, and she keep mentioning a named Alesha then you know…. hmmm how can I even say it? Ah, how do you call it? Multiple Personality Disorder? Like there's another person inside her then we're literally talking to someone else. Didn't you notice that?" lovely said which she just doesn't want to talk about it anymore because we don't want Alexis get offended if we ask about.

I remember when she said to me, if ever by chance she acts different or talk to us rude, we should just understand her or maybe let her be. But sometimes, Alexis scares me a lot because the way she act and talk to us

"You must be hallucinating lovely?" Michelle said but I see that with my own two eyes when Alexis talk to us like a different person, but I think Alexis is just stressed or maybe acting like we're on the role play which it doesn't seem to be like that at all. Anyway, I don't want to think about it, and I'll just wait Alexis to tell us everything when time is right

"Maybe you're just imagining things lovely. We know Alexis for almost 7 years, and she's been an actress for 7 years so it's natural to act that way. Didn't she told you that she got a new project, and it will start filming next year" Michelle said, and I think she's lying about it because lovely won't even stop talking about it, if Michelle didn't tell something would let her forget that situation. She's not convince on what Michelle said right now and which I am also because I don't remember anything about her new upcoming project next year

"No, she didn't but it's true. Alexis is really acting strange. Wait until you see it" lovely said and she's not joking at all

"I hope Alexis is alright because these students are harsh and don't know what they're doing"

"You're right, I can't judge her, and I know how it feels to get bullied or to get into this kind of situation"

"When every time I read those negative comments, I hate these people and how can they be so rude telling Alexis to die or kill herself"

"Do you know what's crazy? When the views are increasing because they watch it all over again and again"

"I know right, and it has 200k shares"

"How can this video get all the attention of the user? I mean, okay, because the situation is bad, but I get what Alexis meant by that and they gone through a lot of things when they transferred here. I also know Charles was just trying to help but those crazy fans are worst"

"That's the point and what a shame of them"

"It's tiring and this happen like 3 weeks already. I hope these girls are fine and I just don't get Mico, why do he hate transferee?"

"I heard the story behind that, but I don't quiet remember"

Then Alexis just got in time when there's no expression on her face and everyone is looking at her. But she just ignored who stare at her then went straight to her seat when she didn't even say hi or hello to us like we don't exist to her. Maybe this is Alexis World of Time, isn't it funny? If this happens, we don't want to bother her until she starts to talk

"Alexis, where have you been? Why do you always make us worry? Now, like as if we don't exist to you at all and this is what you call us a friend? Seriously Alexis, if you don't want to tell us what's going on then let us end our friend…." Michelle pulls lovely and let her sit down for a while because she talks too much and inside the room are already looking at her. She almost says it, friendship over but any minute

"Lovely please, we should give her space and leave her alone for the meantime then she'll talk to us later because as of now, you know the situation she's been, and we couldn't help her now. Also. would you please at least talk less today because students been staring at you" Michelle gave lovely a warning because I know she feel annoyed now especially she hates when her friends are the topic in the media and getting all the hate they have

Then she suddenly stands up which made me jump and that gave me an heart attack. Then start to walk around her chair but lovely start to talk again but Alexis didn't realize what she's doing right now.

"Alexis, look at us"


She's not listening and walking around again. This make sense now and I think she feel guilty because of what she did yesterday I think so. But I'm not even sure about what's on her mind right now, then I see her tears fell which I don't understand why. I can see that she doesn't know what's happening to her then everyone think she is crazy right now

"Alexis Mendez!" everyone in the class put their eyes on us and Alexis just knock out into her mind then I let her sit down

"Alexis, why do you make everyone worried? You're too selfish, if you know that for yourself" Lovely said without thinking if she could hurt Alexis's feelings

"Alexis, you're way out of line and I think you're too much" Michelle said

"Okay girls, I'll just talk to her for now and you two settled down" I try to calm down the both of them

Hoping it would work this time and Alexis is not really into herself, so I'll let her think about what she wants to do right now

"Do you feel discomfort, Alexis?"

"Have you been in trouble lately? Or maybe you want to talk about it?" I wiped her tears because I can see that she is afraid of something or she's mad about knowing the truth. That's how I see it then suddenly

sir Clark arrived and the whole class go back to their seats to get ready

"Sorry, I'm late class and please prepare your book then open it on page 26 which we're going to tackle about building your self-confidence. So, as you can see…." When four suddenly entered the room when Sir Clark is in the middle of the discussion and that's kind of rude of them which they wouldn't even just knock before entering. No wonder why their attitude stink and does their parents even teach them on how to respect an elderly

"You boys are late again but I'll give you an exception today since I heard you just got back here in the school after the incident happen. Anyway, just go back to your seats" Sir Clark said

All of them are quiet and that Charles is serious like same goes to Alexis with an emotionless on her face Then mico is serious too which I can't even identify what is he feeling right now? Does he have a problem or what? Wait, yesterday when he hugged me which mico went silent for about 2 minutes by just looking at me then he feels bothered or unwell. Wait, why do I always interfere in his life? I still have a lot of things to say for myself that would just let me forget this day and focus on what should I do after this class since our concert is coming near and I don't have any song yet in my mind.

"Let us continue our discussion. Can anyone tell me about their self-confidence? How do you usually achieve or boost it?" Sir Clark said and noreline raised her hand

"Go ahead noreline"

"We all know that building your self-confidence is not easy nor hard but look upon what you want to achieve which always make you look into yourself. One thing that push us to build our self-confidence is by doing the things love and you already achieve by the hard work you did. Sometimes we need to set some goals and hobby that will help us not be afraid by what other people say" Noreline said and I can see how confident she talks in front of everyone which we can also do that and look I think Michelle is ready to share her answer to everyone because she already did this talking about self-confidence which her cousin set-up a seminar for her about this kind of topic

"That's right, if you let your insecurities eat you up then you end up destroying your self-esteem which you feel lost and keep remembering the mistakes you have done. Don't let other ruined your confidence if you think you're better than them. You're being judge because the way you talk, your grammar or English speaking wherein it's not fluent but it doesn't mean you need to let yourself be bother. Think about yourself than anything else because your confidence is more important than the negative things, they say to you" Michelle added wherein everyone got stunned by what she said and it's very impressive that makes me think about it. I can see noreline is cheering of us and I know how proud she is

"Always remember that you're better than you think" lovely said and I think she's not done yet but alexis stand up because she wants to share something too that would make everyone bit a quiet

"All of us have insecurities, you think they are pretty but how come you couldn't say that to yourself? Is it because you're afraid that people might judge you? But they didn't even think you can do better than them. Look in the mirror, what do you see? Yourself, isn't it? A young lady with a future and goals to achieve in life because you aim for success not for what other people think of you. A young man who has a lot of dreams to pursue and wants to be successful someday" she said, and Everyone thought about what alexis said and I know because based on her observation that surrounds her

"Remember, as you as you believe or trust yourself then you can boost your confidence, why even bother on what other people's opinion when you have your own way? The best thing you can wear is not what you think you can bring in life being a fashion but the confidence inside you" she added and here goes nothing if I still have left to share with the class

"As we all know that confidence is tricky, you don't know how to start building it because of your doubts in my mind. You think that you always lack things in life, but you didn't even know you already done something that you're most proud of. Look forward for what you can do but not what you have then you won't realize that you are already confident person" I ended it with a short and simple conclusion for them to understand what I meant by that but all of them are quiet and can't seem to progress on their mind. Did we take the class attention, or they just got bored because of our sharing?

I heard someone clap then everyone did even Sir Clark been quiet until he put a smile on his face which he looks at us

"You five girls are exempted on my two activities because you always impress me with your sharing and I'm so happy that at least this class is interactive when every time I ask a question" that's a big compliment for us

"I think we don't have enough time to discuss the whole lesson today. Class, kindly find a partner which it should be boy and girl because I want everyone to talk to each other and this activity is just simple wherein it's all about getting to know each other"

What? A boy and girl? Is that serious? I don't know anyone here at all but only noreline and my friends. I can't even complain in this class and it's way too far from what I expect

"Okay if no one of you will act right now then I have no choice to do it" he starts to call out our names one by one and I think he's the one who's going to partner us up now. I hope my partner is friendly and I can spend time talking to him

"Mico and Jamie then the next one is lovely and Benjamin. While our last two pairing is Alexis and Charles then the last two people would be James and Michelle. I hope I made myself clear, is there any complaint?"

"Sir, can I change my partner?" I can see lovely objection there and I can stop laughing at her

"I told you to look for a partner, but no one is doing it then I did my part, so no one can go against at it" Sir Clark said, and he has a point there

"I also have another activity but this time it's by group. But I'll group you class by 4 members. First group would be mico and charles partner should team up. James and Benjamin would be the second group"

Then he mentioned the other group, how I wish I could be with Michelle and Lovely too but were unlucky today

"That would be all, I won't be meeting you class on the next few days just work on your research" he said and left the room.

What? Is that serious? So, I will see his face every day and wait, you mean, I'll be with him because of that activity? Then the worst thing is that were grouped together with this two which is Mico and Charles on the research. One thing I have thought is that how can we do this project if we don't get along well with each other. Why didn't he just let us choose our own group instead than him deciding this group rather than being with them.

There's no ending with this when it comes to groupings and by pair. I would have just chosen Teejay than being with this guy because his crazy fans will attack me again any moment, but I just shake my head and I hope this day would be quiet for us the tendency of having a peace of mind which I don't know when will it come? Alexis is still the same even I know she is listening to Sir Clark discussion, but she doesn't have any objection on the pairing. I'm thinking how I could even share it to him if our closeness is not even there so I don't have any other choice for it and do this activity from another time