The Office Poltergeist Part 4

The basement of the building was large, vast and used for storage, the building had more then one business operating inside, there was a lawyers office on the first floor, a paper company on another, a financial firm  a lot of Businesses with a lot of documents and info that needed to be stored and backed up and when there was no room on there own floor then the crumbs came down and piled up in the basement.It was a organized down there but it was a sort of organized mess, nothing but large cages packed to the brim with box after box. It was so cozy that the girls sort of had to shimmy between each cage, down in the basement they saw a lot of shit but not the piece of shit they were looking for but no matter how hard they looked Billy Truman couldn't be found.

The girls would quickly realize that though Billy was a hick he knew when he was backed into a corner, the old man had bitch slapped him while thing 1 and thing 2 nearly amputated all of his limbs. He didn't want to die... well he didn't want to die twice, there was still so much to do once he killed these three bastards then the skies the limit. [oh the things I can and will do] He thought while smiling Mischievously, [just gotta get rid of them, just do this then freedom] as Billy hid plotting Rebecca yelled.


[Like hell I will]


Anya followed up.


[Easy] He thought while quietly snickering to himself but if he knew what they knew what they had planed he wouldn't be laughing, the two didn't expect the old easy way or hard way ploy would work but they had to try. If they were more skilled with a couple of more missions under there belt they would be able to sense his exact location but they didn't have that what they did have was there creativity and ingenuity. Before they were even in the basement while descending the stairs the girls discussed plan it was hushed in case he was listening, it started as a inkling of an idea one of them neither knew which of them came up with the idea but it stuck then snowballed.

From there few interactions and a quick glance at his rap sheet it was clear as a cloudless blue sky that Mr. Billy Truman didn't like women. If they really got to know him they would find out he hated women no more like he despised them with a passion, but even though they only just met him the two had the piece to the puzzle more then that they had a plan of attack they would poke the bear.


Anya screamed suddenly.


[Wait what did she just...] smirking Rebecca followed with.


"What did you just say"

He said it out loud when he thought he was just thinking it his voice was surprised with a hint of malice. They heard him but down here in the metaphorical office trash dump they still couldn't place him but nevertheless there smiles were strong. Truman was taking the bait he couldn't help it these stuck up bitches were trashing him.


Anya started up again.



He said out loud again believing again he had only thought it, like before Rebecca followed up.



He cut Rebecca off suddenly this time knowingly screaming the words. Rebecca didn't let the interruption distract her she tapped Anya on her shoulder making eye contact with her well she would be if they weren't blindfolded, still they were making eye contact without eyes once connected Rebecca started to laugh. It was a fake forced laugh but Billy wouldn't be able to tell the difference,  soon after her Anya started the same type of laugh they started off low and got louder and louder, it was painfully fake there was not a bit of authenticity but Billy thought it was real.They sounded like two old cackling witches and he reached his boiling point. 


He screamed so loud that it drowned out there laughter stopping them in there tracks, the basement began to shake as if there was a small tremor the cages were rattling the boxes were rustling and then he appeared. First came his arm it came out of the wall near the stairs blocking the only exit and entrance, blocking was a great choice of words to use because his arm was now larger then it was before. It looked as long and wide as a oak tree, then his face was reveled.

His eyes god his eyes looked like a Rabid animal's his mouth hanged open like a mangy dog's his tongue wiggled and moved like a serpents and his hair were like the tentacles of a octopus, but more then any of this the most jarring was his color it was even darker shape of grey then it was before, he wasn't yet at level 3 but he was pushing the envelope quite hard.


Is all he could mange to say his words were slurred and shotty but the time for talk was over he threw down his last remaining limb and began dragging himself as quickly as he could manage towards them. He was howling and snarling dragging himself faster and faster,  everything in the basement was rattling even harder now. If billy had pulled this out when they were on the 4th or even the 1st floor the girls would have locked up and they surely would have died.

But life experience is the best teacher and after each encounter they had a quicker snap back and now while staring down a potential eldritch monster the two of them were completely calm and composed. Because of the cages the walkway was so narrow and that they couldn't dodge left or right, knowing which was in the better position to defend Rebecca stood in front of Anya and extended her shield as far as it would go, they braced themselves and a split second later Billy rammed into it he was strong but not that strong with multiple missing limbs missing, his only arm was trying to reach them but because of Rebecca's remnant acted as both a shield and buzz saw despite his consent attempts he couldn't reach them.

Unlike the last time the buzz saw didn't slice right through his arm like it did his legs, he was obviously different it was like he was more dense light cuts is what they saw. But Anya refused to dawdle she backed up as far as she could then broke out into a sprint, she never asked for clearance to do what she was about to do.[But I can say sorry later] she thought, Anya landed on Rebecca's shoulders then she bent her legs and jumped again. Rebecca's footing was shaken but she remained firm, Anya gratefully didn't hit the saw and she luckily didn't hit her head on the ceiling but she did use her hand to forcibly push herself down towards Billy.

She readied her blade and tried her hardest to extend it a little more to no avail but weather she could do it or not it didn't matter, she brought the make shift blade down on his head but his head was just as dense as his arm. The blade had barely went in still Billy jerked like he had stepped on a Lego. He was going to start bucking like a bull in a rodeo but Anya didn't give him the opportunity, when he extended his torso upwards she put her legs on the ceiling and with all her might she pushed him back down. While falling falling Anya managed to Jimmie the blade out of his head she geared up for a swing and with out hesitation Rebecca pulled back for her own swing. When Billy's fat face began to phase through the basement floor, before he could retaliate or run with Anya's baby butter blade and Rebecca's shield saw with there merged wet behind the ear skills they simultaneously cut through the back of his neck.

Billy's head kept phasing but there was no fear of danger or escape because his body was there one second and then gone the next it was gone it dissipated like the rest of him. So on September 20 at 12:01 pm Anya Chesterfield and Rebecca Gonzalez took on and successfully finished there first usher mission on top of that there first mission required them to extinguished a level 2 distorted spirit. Joseph Peters relayed this to dispatch as he made his way down to them.