Destruction part 4

The roof fell on Echo and Atlas.

"Oh no!" Titian shouted sadly:" I think that we lost them both." The team was shocked. "No!" Axel shouted.

"I told you..." Evil said only to being disturbed by Harriet who said:" I am leader here. And nobody will tell me what to do."

"Here we are," said Titian:" Here is the place where i lost the signal." The team were where they lost Camaro and Lamborghini. Harriet laughed and asked:" So you finally show your faces." Chase drove closer. "Chase?" Harriet asked. Koenigsegg was actually Harriet's car! Chase said:" I am not your car anymore. You just hurt others and i'm enough of it."

Luckily the fallen roof only trapped the cars. But what made things worse was that the both of the cars' batteries were almost empty. "Atlas," Echo said:" You need to get out of here." Atlas didn't want to leave Echo and Echo knew it. Altas wanted to turn around but he hit the roof's side. Echo said:" You have more energy than i have. And you have the thing what can stop Evil." Echo had 15% energy and Atlas had 29%.

Evil needed a new body so he went into one of Harriet's robots. Then Evil ran to the control room. "Oh my!" Harriet shouted when she saw him. "Who is now the leader?" Evil asked.

There was a scream in the speakers and then it shut down. Chase knew that something was wrong.

Then the ice blasted off the roof. Everybody froze and saw unhurt Atlas and Echo. "Echo!" Titian shouted:" You're back!" "Go Atlas!" Echo said and then fell unconscious.

Then the limousine drove there and the mayor stepped out. "We need to stop my daughter," he said. "We need to stop the darkness," Axel said. Chase said:" Evil has Harriet. When we can stop him then we can arrest her."

It was a good start.