2. story: Start

Light was red and then it turned green.

Race has begun. In front was red Ferrari, who was the winner in previos races. Behind her was Atlas.

Atlas passed her but it was something what she wanted. Atlas lost control and slammed himself into the wall left side of the track and flied to his side. Everything went dark and the last thing what Atlas heard was his team calling his name.

Few days earlier....

Titian checked Atlas. Atlas was very exided about something. Titian chuckled at young car's energy. Suddenly Echo drove into Titian's garage. "Something is coming to TechCity!" he shouted. Axel asked:" Evil?" Echo said:" No! Upcoming race is in TechCity!" "Really?" Axel asked exidetly:" Who are the racers?" Echo thought for a moment and said:" You know Heather, that racing Mustang? With her are Alcee, James and Christian. And many more."

Ferrari, whose name is Alcee, was on the track. "How is with Alvin?" she asked her owner with the radio. Her owner said:" You got him. He is out of the race." Alcee said sadly:" Without him the race is more boring." Her owner said:" I think that they are finding somebody who will replace him."

Axel pleaded Silver to go to the race track. After a while Silver agreed. "We need to stick together," boy said.

When the team was on the race track then Axel put his gas pedal on the ground and started to drive on the track. Atlas followed him. It wasn't hard for Atlas to go past Axel and drive in the difficult turns. Axel thought:" Was Atlas made for it?"

Stranger saw that and when Atlas drove over finish line then man walked up to him and asked:" Do you want to join our race?" Atlas was too exited that he backed almost into Axel and crashed into wall. Silver, who wasn't too far from them, said:" We think about it." Man nodded.

Maria, Alcee's owner was there and heard it. She went to tell this to her car. "Some random Super Car?" Alcee asked:" It's too easy. No matter how fast he is, i can turn it against him."

Team was so happy about Atlas but Camaro himself was little unsure. "It will be alright," Echo insured him:" You are fast. And you drove away from me, too many times."

Atlas thought for a moment and agreed with being in the race.