Big News

Audrey's P.O.V

It's been 2 weeks since Ethan and I started to hangout, he broke things off with Fiona after he spent the night. He has been visiting my café almost every day. Derik, on the other hand, visits too but he noticed how Ethan and I are in good terms already. Right now, I am getting ready for my little date  with him. I drank my green tea as news came on the television.

"The soon-to-be-heir of Hunter Corp. is getting married! The big wedding of the Hunter and Willows are held in this fancy-looking chapel in the town. People are so excited to witness the big wedding day. Tune in later to witness their wedding, live! This is Drake from Good Afternoon News, reporting."

Upon hearing the news, I accidentally dropped my cup of tea causing it to break into shreds. 

Ethan is getting married? What?

My mind seems to faze out but I fought back and came back to my senses. 

This can't be happening. No.

Tears then fell on my cheeks and cried out. I thought we were getting there. This must be a set-up too, right? I frantically dialed Ethan's number and I was shocked that he answered it.

"Ethan?" I spoke.

"This is his soon-to-be-wife speaking. How may I help you, Audrey?" The bitterness in Fiona was heard as she answered the phone. 

"Where's Ethan? And why do you have his phone?" I asked.

"Well, Ms. West as you can see, I am getting married to him so don't I have the right to have his phone?" She laughed and that's when I hang up the phone. I still convinced myself that this was all just a set-up. I got in my car and drove to my secret place. The lake. 

As I arrived, I walked into the woods and soon after, I arrived to this peaceful lake. I carefully sat on the big stone and threw rocks on the water while crying. As I kept on throwing, I noticed a plastic was floating so I decided to get in the water. Pollution is clearly not my thing so I really take care of nature. I didn't notice that the water was deep so I caught myself off guard when I fell. An arm then pulled me on the surface as I still process on what just happened. I nearly drowned myself. Great.

"Are you crazy!?" A voice boomed and my vision cleared, seeing Ethan's furious face. 

"W-what?" I asked. 

"Were you trying to kill yourself!?" He harshly asked as it caused pain in my heart. Clearly, I don't like screaming. I pushed him away from me and angrily glared.

"I was trying to get that plastic from the water! Why would I kill myself? Do you think that low about me!? I was having my time, I was happy WITH YOU! And now I'm hearing the news that you're getting married!?" I burst out, leaving him shock.

"Audrey, I can't do anything about it anymore. I still care about you, you know. You have this special place in my heart. I want you to be happy. I want to see you happy. I'm in a happy place now. I will always love you, Audrey. Please forgive me if I'm leaving you." He softly said.

"What are you saying?" I cried.

"Until we meet again." 

Then everything faded away.
