The Reality


"Audrey, I can't do anything about it anymore. I still care about you, you know. You have this special place in my heart. I want you to be happy. I want to see you happy. I'm in a happy place now. I will always love you, Audrey. Please forgive me if I'm leaving you." He softly said.

"What are you saying?" I cried.

"Until we meet again."

Then everything faded away.


"Audrey?" A voice called as I opened my eyes and saw my mom in front of me with puffy eyes. I looked around me and saw that I am in the hospital with the source of oxygen attached on my nose. My dad is also there and saw that he was crying too. "Call the doctor." Mom ordered to dad as he quickly ran out. 

"Ethan?" It was the first word that came out of my mouth. The doctor then came in and checked my situation.

"Welcome back, Ms. West." The doctor softly smiled but I was too distracted on to why am I in a hospital.

"Ethan." I spoke and slowly sat up. Mom and dad exchanged worried looks. "Where's Ethan!?" I asked. The doctor then said to my parents to be gentle with me and left the room. "I was with him a while ago!" I said.

"Honey, calm down please." Mom pleaded. "You were in a coma for almost 4 months now. Ethan and you got in a car accident on your way to your honeymoon," she explained but the rest faded away as I felt myself going crazy.

"I need to see Ethan." I removed the things that were attached to my body and was about to run until,

"Ethan is dead." Dad spoke.


As those words processed into my mind, I almost fainted and held the bed for support.

"No, stop lying! I was with him!" I cried and clutched my hair. I then noticed something hard on my finger and noticed a wedding and engagement ring. That's when reality hits me. "No!" I yelled. "He can't be." I sobbed.

"Audrey, I can't do anything about it anymore. I still care about you, you know. You have this special place in my heart. I want you to be happy. I want to see you happy. I'm in a happy place now. I will always love you, Audrey. Please forgive me if I'm leaving you." 

These were the last words that he said. Was it real? Did it came from him?  I asked myself as my heart began to clench. A person then came running inside the room. Derik.

"Derik!" I cried and wrapped my arms around him. "Tell me this is all a dream." I sobbed. I don't even care if I look like shit right now.

"You're not, Audrey. I'm sorry." He whispered. 


It has been 6 months since I have been a mess. I've been trying so hard to visit him these past few months but I still can't. I gathered my courage today to visit his grave. I got myself ready and wore his favorite dress. I picked some flowers on our backyard and drive towards the cemetery. As soon as I arrived, I walked towards his grave trying not to cry.

"Hey." I softly said and touched the carvings of his name. "I'm sorry if I haven't been visiting you but here I am now. Today marked as our 1st wedding anniversary. We could have celebrated it together. I miss you every day and I can't stop thinking about you. I love you with all my heart, Ethan. I hope you are there listening because I wanted you to let you hear this." I gently smiled as I felt a soft breeze around me. That's when I cried again for the 2nd time this day as I felt the cold air was wrapped around me. As crazy as it sound but I think he's here. "You don't have to be sorry for leaving me. It was not your fault nor anyone's fault."

A message then came into my phone...

From: Derik

Hey, I'm on my way to your house. Ice cream? 

I giggled as I read Derik's message which I replied after.

"Derik has been really good to me and has been keeping me company. I shall go now, I promise I will visit you again. Take care and I love you so so much." I sniffed and touched his name again.

"Until we meet again." I whispered.


Hey loves! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I was fighting back tears while writing this chapter. This story took me less than 24 hours to write and it shocked me too. HAHA. If you are confused, multiple hints are seen in different chapters that Audrey was just dreaming. In different chapters, there are different lessons that is seen. I hope you have learned these lessons, too! Love lots! xoxo