
Ryu's POV

"You're, not from this world?" asked a girl who looked like a kid

"You could say that." I replied

"You seem very, different." said the corpse

I nodded.

"He's not human." said Thunder

I looked over to the guy wearing all black.

"Oi, what's your name?" I asked

He stopped walking and looked at me, he made a frowning expression the entire time but he didn't seem mad.

"Killy." he simply replied

"Are you the leader of this group?" I asked

"No we just met him too thanks to these three kids." said the elderly man

He pointed at three short kids and I tilted my head.

"Why are there kids here?" I asked

"You look like a kid too." snapped one of the soldiers

"Oi oi I'm 200 years old." I said

Everyone gasped and backed up a bit.

"I told you, I'm not from this world." I said

"So you really don't know anything about the safeguards?" asked the elderly

"Safeguard?" I questioned

"The Safeguard is the technology that's hunting the humans. We used to control them a couple hundred of years back but humanity somehow lost control and they started seeing humanity as a threat." said the elderly

"So what are you guys doing?" I asked

"We're looking for the thing that may help us regain control of it." said the elderly

"Oh, that's bad." I commented

"Now you explain to us." said the elderly man, "With your name."

"Name's Ryu, I'm from a different earth." I replied

"Different earth?" questioned one of the soldiers

"This is not the only earth existing. There's millions of earths out there." I said, "And I'm just a person who goes around helping those who are in need."

Everyone around me started chattering not knowing if I was telling the truth or lying.

"Hard to believe right?" I asked while smiling

"Why are you smiling for?" asked the old man

"I get the same reaction all the time, I got used to it." I said, "There's nothing more to explain."

"There are a lot of things to explain." said another soldier, "How is that possible?"

"A lot of things are possible, don't worry about it geez." I replied

"Answer my question then, are there earths where there's peace?" asked the old man

I shrugged.

"I don't know, but there's a lot where you don't have to worry about something like this." I said, "So maybe some peace if you ask me."

We walked through the blocks and it was so damn complex.

"What are your names?" I asked

"Call me Pops." said the old man


"Okay, that's nice." I replied

I yawned and continued to walk for who knows how long in complete silence until Pops stopped us.

"Watch tower." said Pops

"Dammit how do we cross?" asked a soldier

But Killy kept moving and walked right past it so the others just quickly followed. I looked at the watch tower and began inspecting it.

"Hey stop looking at it you'll get caught." said a boy soldier

"Oh oh okay okay." I replied


2 days later

Ryu's POV

I didn't think I would be here for 2 days but I promised I would help them.

"So Killy you're looking for a human with a net terminal gene." I said

Killy looked at me with the same expression but he nodded. I took out another cigarette and began smoking and looked around but then I caught something at the corner of my eye.

"It's Aragorn." said Thunder

Aragorn came into view but he was a few yards away from me.

"Aragorn?" I called out

"Sir Ryu!" he called out

"Hey stop shouting." said Pops as everyone pointed their weapons at him

"Oi oi stop I know him." I said

Aragorn jogged towards me and he looked worried.

"Sir you've been gone for two days, Demon's really worried and the others wanted to send out search parties and-"

"Oi oi Aragorn calm down, how did you find me?" I asked

"I just got lucky, I just teleported here." he replied

"But you're an earth prime knight, they allowed you to travel?" I asked

Aragorn nodded in response.

"Okay, well things got really you know." I said while smiling awkwardly

"Well I have to go back and report or Demon's going to kill me." said Aragorn, "Oh and here."

He hands me a sword, a blue and white katana made out of rare carbon steel with a white scabbard.

"Kurt and the blacksmiths finally created a masterpiece." said Aragorn, "This sword will be able to take your full power without breaking."

"Oh wow, tell him I said thanks." I replied, "And tell Demon I'll be back home soon."

Aragorn looked at the others then back at me.

"Did you find him?" asked Aragorn

"No, not yet." I replied

"Okay then sir I'll see you back at home." said Aragorn

Aragorn pressed a button and suddenly shot up into the air and disappeared.

"Who was that?" asked Zuru

"A friend of mine." I said

I pulled the sword out of the scabbard and examined the sword. I had to use one of the weaker versions of earth prime Ryu's sword so this was like a huge improvement. The blade was beautiful and it had a lightning bolt drawing on it and the guard was really nice, a blue circular guard and a white wrapped handle. The weight was perfect and balance was on point.

"Why a sword? You can't kill the exterminators with that." said Sutezo

"Want to put that to the test?" I asked while smiling

"Let's not attract unwanted attention." said Pops, "We're here."

We stopped at this dark hole that looked like an entrance to a cave.

"This place..." whispered Atsuji

"Those who went in here never came back." said Fuku

"Then we'll be the first." I said

I jumped down and began to walk into the cave but Cibo began to do things and the lights turned on showing a long caved hallway.

We continued walking until we got to this giant opening of darkness with multiple giant square tiles on the floor. The room stretched so far I couldn't see the end of it and it was dark after looking a few feet.

"Killy, put me down on the monitor." said Cibi

Killy did as ordered and once she did that something turned on the screen and I saw a tile to our right lift up into a giant cube but suddenly the corner began to crumble like a lego.

"Look at the food!" gasped Tae

"Wow, so much. Hurry and fill up your bags!" yelled Sutezo

I picked up this small long rectangular block off from the floor.

"I know these, the MVA used it for rations." I said

But then suddenly the lights above us began to turn red.

"Exterminators!" yelled Pops

I looked over to Killy and he was walking towards this big rectangular prism block on another block.

"Looks like we got what we came here for." I said

I looked over further down where some square tiles began to light up red and robots that had a human face design but a lizard-like body appeared.

"Split up into two teams, cargo team go first!" yelled Pops

"Oi oi don't split up, take your time." I said

"Are you crazy? Do you want to die?" snapped Sutezo

"Tae come on let's go!" yelled Fusata

I saw everyone hurry to scramble, some of their bags were even empty.

"Pops, stick together and take your time gathering food." I said

"What are you doing?" asked Pops

I pulled out my sword and swung it around.

"I'll deal with them, you focus on gathering the food." I said

I threw my sword in a blink of an eye getting a collateral, I summoned my sword back onto my hand but there was an entire army of exterminators showing up.

"There's too many!" yelled Zuru

"Can you just end this already?" asked Thunder

"Okay okay." I grumbled

I raised up an arm and zapped all of the exterminators with my lightning bolts until they were nothing but dust. I clenched my fist and lowered my arm, the others looked at me with confusion and shock.

"What came out of your hand?" asked Zuru

"Don't worry about it, take your time." I said

Everyone began to continue to fill up their boxes with the food rations as more exterminators began to come out.

"There's more." said Pops

I took out a cigarette and lit it with my finger.

"Now's not the time to be relaxing!" snapped Atsuji

I took a deep breath from my cigarette and blew it all out towards the exterminators. The smoke material began to cover the exterminators then I snapped my fingers and they exploded in flames.

"Just leave it to me, no one is going to get killed." I said

There were more exterminators so I used the wind to cut them all in half.

"Let's go, we're done!" yelled Pops

I looked over and there were still some more rations left on the floor.

"Let's go Killy." said Cibo

I looked over and my eyes widened a bit to see a girl taller than 6 feet standing there.

"Cibo?" gasped Zuru

"Let's go before more exterminators show up." replied Cibo

Everyone began to fall back, I turned around to leave but I felt something creep up on me from behind me so I turned around but no one was there.

"Did you feel that?" I asked

"I felt that too." replied Thunder

"It might be him, so be careful." I said

"Wait, look out!" yelled Thunder

I turned around just in time to block a giant laser beam that sent me crashing onto a wall.

"Ryu!" gasped Zuru

I slowly stood up and dusted myself off, I looked up to see another angel in the distance. He looked the same as the others, nothing about him resembled a leader.

"Go, get out of here." I told Pops

"Who is he?" asked Pops

"Someone I need to deal with." I replied, "Shooting him will be useless."

The exterminators began to move towards the angel but suddenly all the exterminators were crushed by an invisible force.

"I see that you came." said the angel

"What's your name?" I asked

"Very straightforward." said the angel, "But please call me, Angel of Unholiness."

"Another dumb name." I sighed

"Name does that matter." replied Unholiness

"Why did your leader want me here?" I asked

But then the Angel slowly began to turn to dust.

"You will soon find out." replied Unholiness

I lunged towards him but when I sliced him with my sword he turned into dust.

"Dammit." I sighed, "Should we continue to stay here?"

"You better help the others." said Thunder

"Shit you right." I replied

I blasted my way towards the hallway where there were a bunch of exterminators so I drew my sword and began killing them all. I saved a soldier as the exterminator was midair ready to kill the soldier.

"Get in the electric car." said Cibo

There were more exterminators running straight towards me.

"Sheesh, they're so annoying." I groaned

I touched the floor and summoned spikes to shoot out of the ground, impaling the exterminators.

"There's more!" should Pops

"How the fuck are these things created?" I asked, "What happens if I blow up this entire facility?"

"Don't do that, we might need to come back for more food!" yelled Sutezo

"Hell no, I'm most likely not going to be with you guys so there's no point." I said

"How are you even going to explode the entire facility?" asked Zuru

"I have my ways." I replied

I saw more exterminators so I created a giant wall to prevent them from coming through.

"The cars ready, let's go." said Cibo

Everyone got on and the door closed and we drove away. It was more of a train with just one cart but whatever.

"That was too close." said Atsuji

I looked out the window and sighed.

"Is there a problem?" asked Pops

I took out a cigarette and lit it with my finger.

"Not yet." I replied