First Time?

"I'm first!" Jiraiya shouted as he arrived first in Tetsu no Kuni

"Fine you win, I won't say anything about your research here" Ryu grumbled.

"I know you wanted to rush here first without raising any suspicion so what do you want Ryu?" Jiraiya asked as he knew the kid always had plans for everything

"I want to check the surrounding and the contestants see if there is any untoward variable like the one we have"

"Who?" Jiraiya then turned serious

"I don't know he's genin but he has jonin level chakra, the white haired guy with eyeglasses"

"Who do you think he works for?"

"Orochimaru" Ryu said seriously

"That changes everything, I'll keep an eye on him"

"Don't tell the Hokage Jiraiya-san not until we have sufficient evidence, we can't risk our summons here to watch his moves as there are too many variables to account"

"You know Ryu the more I talk to you the more I believe your fit to be an ANBU at worse and Hokage at best"

"I'd rather stay home and live a life of peace with Ino though"

"Bah! you're still young why not dream big?"

"I could technically want to become Hokage and I know I'd have every support especially from the Uchiha and Mom's influence but its too troublesome"

Jiraiya thought about it and he was right, all that Ryu needed was battle achievements to showcase his power other than that he fits the criteria.

"So we have 2 days to rest before the start of the exams, what are you gonna do Ryu?"

"Sightseeing with Ino I guess? aside from that I'll collect every information here I can get with you"

"That's feasible I'm sure no one knows about your identity yet sure I'll teach you but we don't go to brothels Tsunade and Ino will kill us if we do"

"Then how about we start now?" Ryu pointed at a Suna-nin with Redhair and carrying a gourd.

'I want to tease him about the blood thing it'll be good blackmail material when we're older' Ryu smiled as he went near Gaara soon enough Gaara looked at him and spoke

"You! Mother wants your blood!" Gaara shouted at Ryu, Ryu unhesitantly made a blood orb from his blood release and gave it to Gaara

"Sure here, that's my blood If It can help you and your mother why not?"

"Oi what are you giving to Gaara!" Temari Shouted as she and Kankuro were ready to do battle if things escalated.

"He wanted blood right? I'm giving it to him see?" Ryu touched the blood orb to show it can't do anything and soon passed it to Gaara who received it but did not know what to do with it anymore.

"You what's your name?" Gaara asked in a deep voice trying to intimidate Ryu.

"Ryu and yours?" Ryu tilted his head in confusion trying to act innocent in front of Gaara.

"Ryu, I'll see you soon, Temari, Kankuro lets go!" Gaara said as it was the first time somebody gave him something in a long time even though it was blood he was confused by the development.

"Okay then Gaara! You're my friend now right?" Temari and Kankuro twitched at his words as they saw Gaara stop for awhile and looked at Ryu and said nothing.

"I'll take that as a Yes then! See ya around Gaara! and I guess you guys too Temari and Kankuro!" Ryu waved them goodybye as Gaara just looked at him then at the blood orb and soon left with Temari and Kankuro.

Jiraiya soon appeared.

"Why them?"

Ryu did handsigns that Jiraiya could understand.

"So he's one of them huh?"


"Why'd you give him a blood orb then? you're compromising your identity this early you know?"

"I don't care sooner or later everyone will know plus I'm strong enough"

Jiraiya twitched his mouth at the confidence Ryu had in him

"This kid, you really do take after your father, I even remember when they took the Chunin exams they set a record in Konoha, he and Yamato, they eliminated every contestant including their future wives from the exams, although it was Eito's plan it was still the first time we've seen him showing signs of being a battle junkie, I hope if you do it spare the Konoha Genins" Jiraiya sighed as he knew the Kid in front of him could already be Jonin level at worse or Kage Level at best.

"Sure, Oh I think found a long lost relative" Ryu pointed at another person who fell down as she was being pushed while she was looking for her teammates.

"Ino will kill you you know?"

"Bah! She's a relative just look at her hair and chakra quantity." Ryu approached the girl and gave her glasses back.

"A-no Thank you!" The girl bowed shyly as she never saw anyone kind to her before.

"Are you an Uzumaki?" Ryu asked her lowly as he did not want to attract attention.

The girl was shocked at his question not knowing what to answer she shyly nodded trusting in front of the boy in front of her.

"We're relatives then! I'm Minakami Ryujin you can call me Ryu, my father was an Uzumaki!" Ryu said as he put his hands in front.

"I'm Karin Uzumaki!" The girl said as she shaked Ryu's hands, Ryu saw her hands and soon healed it.

"Wh-What!" Karin looked at her hands in disbelief as her scars were now gone, soon Ryu healed her legs as well removing any scar visible from her body, she immediately cried after looking at her new skin.

"Say why not come back with us in Konoha?" Ryu asked her

Karin soon looked at Ryu wiping her eyes but if she does do join them she'll be labelled as a Nuke-nin which she didn't want.

"I want to but!"

"I know what you're worried about, during the tests place chakra in this seal and we'll do a cover up so everyone will believe your dead but in fact I'll be picking you up."

Karin was excited at the prospect of finding one of her immediate family members, she didn't care about how far they are in the tree, she knew the concept of family and that's what matters for her knowing they'll be good to her just like her mother said.

"Mm! I will Ryu-kun I have to get going now or they'll try to find me!" Karin soon left happily knowing that someone cared for her.

"An Uzumaki huh? I never though I'd see another one after all this time." Jiraiya soon appeared once more.

"Yeah, speaking of Lineage both of mine are dead and I don't know if I should take up the Chinioke, Uzumaki or stay with Minakami?

"Give the Uzumaki to Naruto he's been with it since he was born and its a safety precaution for him as Minato and Kushina's marriage was in secret so other nations won't abduct him just because he was Minato's son, as for the Chinioke you're trying to put a target on your back from Kiri, I'd say just stick who you are right now Ryu"

"I guess I will then Jiraiya-sama"

"Oh wow I finally get called Jiraiya-sama instead of Pervy sage?"

"Shut it and they're here! well I'm off to explain to Tsunade about the situation and take Ino on for a tour!"

"This kid" Jiraiya soon left and went to the hotsprings to conduct his research.


2 Days later.

"Wake up Yoru or we'll be late" Guren shaked the sleeping Yoru

"One more hour Guren-chan! Ryu can just teleport us there I'm sure he already marked the place when He and Ino dated!"

Ryu twitched his mouth from Yoru's words knowing she was right, but he soon went near them and Guren placed the sleeping Yoru on Ryu's back as she held Ryu's arms and soon Ryu teleported them in front of the examination hall shocking everyone present.

"Did we overdo it?" Guren asked.

"Yesh" Yoru said lazily as she was sleeping at Ryu's back.

'There's no Kabuto, has Jiraiya already taken care of him?'

Ryu saw Karin was waving at her and he nodded back because he was carrying a sleeping Yoru, he soon looked at the surroundings He saw Gaara stare at him to which he smiled back and nodded.

"Well you're here so early Ryu as expected of my Rival!" A voice soon sounded.

"Well hello there" Ryu said to Lee

"Its been awhile Ryu-san"

"Hi there Neji" Ryu nodded at Neji.

"Ryu-kun!" Tenten came and hugged her favorite customer.

"Oi knock it off Tenten, unless you want to see Akemi suddenly appearing out of nowhere" Yoru said as she was disturbed by Tenten's voice.

"Sure! So who's not here yet?" Tenten asked.

"Team 7, 8, and 10" Guren said, but someone quickly ran to them.

"Ryu! you're already here, how was the genjutsu?" Naruto asked.

Guren and Ryu looked at each other in confusion and said at the same time.


"We teleported remember? probably they did it below us" Yoru said.

"You what!? that's not fair I could have also gotten an extra hour of sleep!"

"Well you're here and that's what matters so who figured out it was a genjutsu?" Ryu asked

"Well I did? I mean it was easy enough Aunt Akemi's is much harder and scarier than some room number changing genjutsu"

"Fair enough" Soon the rest of the Genin 9 arrived and they talked for a while

"Jin-kun!" Ino went over to Ryu and clung to his arm, while they were waiting for further instructions, shortly A man came out from a room

"Everyone that is eligible is already here I guess? its time to begin the 1st part of the chunin exams!"

"Oi Yoru get-off its starting" Guren woke up Yoru who stretched her body after sleeping a whole lot.


Everyone entered the room and sat on the desks that had a paper with 10 questions.

"If you pass this exam you can move on to the next part which will be held tomorrow immediately! You can cheat in this exam but if we caught you cheating then you will be expelled!"

Soon everyone started their exams, Ryu already finished it 10 minutes shortly after, he looked at Naruto and Yoru who were preparing to sleep while Shikamaru was already asleep, Guren and Sakura who was still writing, Sasuke who he felt was done copying his answers from the back., Ryu then felt someone trying to pry his mind but knowing he was Ino's practice dummy he agreed to let Ino take a look, shortly after he regained control and stood up stunning everyone and passed his papers to one of the proctors who would check the answers.

"You know there's still 50 minutes left, its still too early to give up" The proctor said.

"Take a look at the answers and tell me If I got anything wrong" Ryu said confidently which earned him sneers and gazes of contempt from the other participants, but the proctor took his words seriously.

"This! fine take this scroll read it once your out of here." Ryu soon walked outside and made his way towards the Konoha Jonins.

"How was it Ryu" Yamato asked his genin.

"Easy enough"

"What about the others?"

Ryu soon explained what the others were currently doing and soon enough Guren and Yoru walked out, followed by Naruto, Shikamaru, Sasuke, Ino, Sakura, Hinata and Tenten making the the top 10 who finished the exams first were from Konoha.

"I won the bet Asuma, looks like its time to spill the beans between you and Kurenai" Yamato said which made Asuma choke on his cigar.


'I wonder what's the exam for tomorrow? this isn't Konoha after all'

"Oi Ryu read it out loud now!" Yoru said as She and Guren were sleeping together and Ryu would be sleeping in another Room alone.

"Well it says we have to protect a client, the client can be killed or captured, if we kill another team's client by marking them 'dead' they must find another client to use in exchange for gaining entrance to the next area, One client is enough to pass, but if we capture a total of three clients and marking them with 'alive' we are given a chance to immediately skip any weeding out in case the maximum number of participants exceed."

"What about the contestants Ryu?" Guren asked seeing it was easy enough

"As for the contestants it says" Ryu was looking at it

"Kill or be killed but its still up to you if you let them live, more instructions to be told tomorrow." Yoru read it out loud.

"I'll protect the Client, while both of you assault the others fair enough?" Yoru and Guren looked at each other and nodded accepting Ryu's plan and discussed it further.

"I think we should take two more just in case" Ryu said

"Sure! more time to sleep for me, all right see you tomorrow Ryu" Yoru soon went to her bed and slept, Ryu then left as they had already finished discussing everything.

As Ryu was going to his room he saw Ino waiting outside deciding if she should knock or not.

"Ino?" Ryu called out to her

"Jin-kun!" She said as she was startled not expecting him to be not inside the room.

"Can't sleep?" He asked and Ino nodded.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked in a shy manner looking down on the floor.

"Sure anytime Ino" Ryu hugged Ino and opened the door leading her inside.

Ino soon went inside the room and slept, Ryu turned of the lights and slept in another bed but before he could fully sleep he felt something crawling under the covers he saw a beautiful girl.

"Can I?" Ino asked with innocent eyes.

"Like I said Ino anytime" Ryu faced Ino and hugged her.

"Ryu can we talk?"

"What is it Ino something bothering you?"

"Yeah, I'm nervous for tomorrow"

"Don't be" Ryu reassured Ino who was had eyes full of anxiety, Ryu took Ino's necklace startling the girl.

"Jin-kun! why?" Ryu didn't bother answering her and took her left hand and placed the ring onto her ring finger.

"It already fits perfectly" Ryu said, making Ino blush harder than usual, she soon followed what Ryu did.

"And so does yours Jin-kun"

"Still nervous?" Ryu asked her

"Not anymore, thank you Ryu" Ino smiled genuinely at Ryu and showing him a gaze full of warmth and love.

Ryu looked at Ino in the eyes and said "I love you Ino, I'll always be here."

Ino had tears in her eyes and replied back " I love you too Jin-kun, I'll also always be there for you" as soon as she said that Ino kissed his lips before turning away and blushed real hard.

Ryu went closer to Ino and nestled his face onto her neck and snuggled with her soon the two feel asleep peacefully.