
It was time for the second part of the Chunin exams, a young couple was getting ready.

"Ino, take care later okay, if the situation turns out more than you can handle use the ring"

"Of course I will! Who do you think I am? I'm Yamanaka Ino!" Ino said as she puffed her chest

"Yes, yes you are My Ino" Ryu went close to her, hugged her and kiss her forehead.

"Mou! I should be doing that!" Ino complained, she also kissed Ryu's forehead in retaliation.

Ryu took her hands and went out the door making everyone look at them in Shock.

Asuma looked at the boy with a weird gaze.

"Ryu? You slept with Ino?"

Ryu wanted to tease the man

"No, she slept with me?" As soon as Asuma heard that he choked on his cigar once more and swallowed it not believing a Kid could beat him to it.

'I gotta up my game from now on' Asuma thought to himself before lighting up another one.

"Oi Ryu! Don't cause misunderstandings here" Ino blushed hard as she saw that some of the Genin 9 were giving her a thumbs up especially Yoru.

"What is there left to misunderstand Ino? I mean it was bound to happen sooner or later but to think you two did it during the night before the exam!" Yoru laughed so hard that everyone heard it some of the women were coughing and turned Red

'I have got to ask Ryu to teach me' Itachi thought until he was elbowed by Izumi.

"I know what you're thinking Itachi, you know you can always ask but I don't want a baby right now" Izumi then left the building in a hurry.

"There you go Itachi, congratulations" Shisui put his arm around Itachi as he laughed.


Everyone soon gathered outside the village to conduct the second round of the exams, they were lead to an Icy area where there were tons of snow covered plants. Soon a Samurai came in and gave the instructions

"Welcome to the Modified Freezing Tundra, as you can see this area was modified specifically for the exams as Tetsu no Kuni is welcoming you all, The area around you is large enough to cover 1/3 of Tetsu no Kuni's land mass. I assume you all have read the instructions, We will be waiting for you at the center those who do not arrive within a week we will consider them dead and unable to continue, but if somehow you are still alive but no clients you will fail, but if you still have a client but you lost one member you will still fail as this is a team exam! The rest is up to you! Clients Come to your team!"

As this was happening Ryu, Yoru and Guren huddled together discussing the plan

"What's the plan Hokage?"

"We still do the same, but the environment changes everything, I suggest we go in last then we find the weakest take their clients and push through, I already have 1 target but we have to find one" As Ryu said that he looked at the surroundings, he was sad he didn't see Otogakure Nin at this point but knows Orochimaru will soon make a move one way or another.

"Is the target your long lost cousin?" Yoru Asked

"Yes, the Hokage has already approved of the plan and a pair I trust will escort her back to Konoha safely"

"When did you have your own network?" Guren tilted her head.

"Since yesterday, come looks like our client is coming to us"

A man clad in Samurai Armor with his head covered approached them and soon talked in a deep voice.

"Are you Minakami Ryujin?" The Man asked

"Yes, you must be our client, May I inspect your Armor?" The man nodded and Ryu secretly place an FTG Seal just in case, but the more he inspect the more he was amazed.

"Is your chakra sealed in the armor?" The Man nodded.

"Enough questions the exam will start now"

Soon enough Mifune arrived.

"The Second part will start now!"

The Various teams shortly dispersed leaving Ryu and the team behind other clients were either being carried or forced to run with the team, but their client was baffled by their actions.

The man looked at them "Are you not gonna escort me?"

"Why Old-man got a date?" Yoru sneered at him

"N-no" The man accepted his fate when Ryu finally made his move he created wood clones and ordered his clones to scout the perimeter and find their target.

[ Minds eye of the Kagura! ]

Ryu sensed that no one was no longer around including the proctors

[Summoning Jutsu!]

"So its begun?" When Yasaka finished saying that she soon fused with Ryu.

"Ryu are you sure you want to reveal your power to this man over here?" Guren asked as she looked at the Client with a strong gaze warning him.

"No, he already knows about it, am I right Yamato-sensei?" Ryu chukled as the Client gave a huge sigh and nodded his head.

"I assume you already know our roles Ryu, can you finish the exam fast? I bet against all other Jonins from Konoha this time that you'll finish first among all Konoha contestants" Yamato came clean knowing he can't escape the situation anymore.

"Why should we Yamato-sensei?" Yoru wanted to scheme against her sensei

Yamato had a hard time finding an excuse since he knew his team's personality the most so he made a compromise.

"Because if we win this part of the exam I'll have enough funds to treat you to Ichiraku for a year"

As soon as he said that the three overpowered Genins flared their aura

"LET'S GO!" Yoru yelled as Ryu already told her where to find their first target.


"I'm not sure we should go this route" Karin told her teammates.

"Shut it you freak! you listen to us not us listening to you!" said one of her teammates.

Karin didn't mind and continued to lead with her sensory abilities.

"Enemy team in front of us!" Karin yelled soon her teammates fought with a team from Iwa while Karin stayed behind the client to guard him.

Soon the battle was enough but neither won as both of them retreated.

"Karin!" when Karin heard her name she immediately went forward and held out her arm, but before they could bite.

"Oi what are you doing to her?" The group saw a Konoha-nin they immediately prepared themselves to battle.

'I wanna try master's jutsu, well it doesn't matter if they die it's part of the exams after all' Yoru said.

"I'll give you a chance now scram and leave your client or I'll kill you!"

"Why don't you leave before we kill you? but we do want to have a tas-!" before the Nin could finish the sentence.

[ Leaf Dragon God! ]

A dragon appeared and aimed for the two nin! obliterating them from existence leaving only a body full of broken bones.

Karin closed her eyes in fear as she knew that she would die today, her greatest fear came true when someone held her shoulder.

"Please no! I'!" when she saw who it was she was pleading to she immediately hugged the figure as a sign of relief.

"Long time no see Cousin!" Ryu said as he hugged her back.


"Before we move forward with our plan I have to do something"

Ryu soon let go of Karin and activated his modified [ Ketsuryūgan ] and looked at Karin's team client straight in the eye scaring him and ran away.

Ryu caught up with the client and placed him under a genjutsu.

[ Genjutsu : Ketsuryūgan ]

"You will now listen to her, go to her now." Ryu pointed at Guren, and Guren went near the client and placed the 'Capture' seal.

"Now Karin, I will teleport you to some people I trust, give me your forehead protector" Karin followed his instructions

"Hold my hand and close your eyes"




"Hello Zabuza and Haku, long time no see" Ryu sounded as he arrived at their destiniation.

"Well hello there brat so this is the girl we're escorting back to your home?"

"Yes, she's my cousin, please give this to my mother or anyone living there and they'll immediately know"

"Well easy enough, go we'll take care of this focus on your exams" Zabuza urged Ryu to leave.

Ryu turned his back and said.

"Thanks again I owe you two" Ryu soon teleported back to the exams where Guren and Yoru was

Zabuza twitched as he hated his antics but Haku soon calmed him down.

"Come on Zabuza, you know his doing this because he considers us as friends"

"Your right Haku, I'm sorry, say Kid what's your name?"

Karin was startled as she was left to the hands of this two.


"Well Karin once he returns to your village tell him to seriously stop doing that, and we'll take care of you till then"

Karin felt warm once more as she looked ahead of her future.

"Mm!" Karin smiled after a long time.



"So how was it Ryu?" Guren asked.

"It was okay, now we continue the plan, My clones have already sensed everyone and gathered their locations"

"So who do we eliminate this time?" Yoru asked

"Hmm I want to have a little fun but"

"Don't think of even it Ryu!" Yamato knew that Ryu wanted to see the progress of the other teams especially Team 7 but Ryu was also interested in fighting Gaara.

"Say Yamato-sensei, all of you aren't allowed to interfere right?" Ryu asked in a commanding tone.

"Y-you're right" Yamato sighed in defeat as they had a special task as a client and they also had their restrictions.

"Then who's stopping us in choosing who we aim!?" Yoru yelled in excitement.

"I think I know who I want to fight now" Ryu smiled as he revealed his battle junkie attitude.

Yamato clasped his hands and said

'I pray to the pour souls that this team has specifically targeted'

"Come on I know where our targets are"


"Sasuke I'll take care of the other guy you take care of him" Naruto said

"Sakura take care of the client!" Sasuke shouted as both of them were engaging

"Got it!"

'They've certainly become better I hope they make the right decisions as a team this time.' Kakashi said as watched his pupils plow down the opponent until



Both Naruto and Sasuke shouted clearly overkilling their opponents but he was proud as they did not hesitate in making a line as this was a kill or be killed type of exam.

"Sakura place the seal on their client now!"

Sakura trapped their client in a genjutsu and placed a seal on the opposing client marking him with a "Capture" tag.


"Blood, mother wants your blood!" Gaara shouted as he killed the team in front of him and mutilated their client.

"Sheesh Gaara, at least keep him alive" Kankuro pointed at the client, Temari soon bandaged the man's arm and placed a 'capture' seal on him

"Ever since you met that Ryu you've never been the same Gaara" Temari sounded as she had finished her task.

"I want his real blood! not a construct combined with Chakra!" Gaara shouted in anger this time as he remembered what Ryu gave him soon.

"Yo!" A voice sounded and soon two more people arrived

"This is our target? and here I thought it was Naruto" Yoru talked aloud not caring for the people at the front.

"They already have 2 Captured targets, which one do we take?" Guren asked their captain.

"Oi what do you mean? we haven't even started yet!" Kankuro yelled as he began to unwrap his puppets.

"I'll take care of him" Yoru pointed at Kankuro and kicked him meters away from the team, Gaara didn't care as he stared at Ryu.

"Then I'll be your opponent" Guren went down from the tree and arrived in front of Temari.

'Was that sparks? never though I'd see a day where Shikamaru was being fought by two girls albeit the other doesn't know her real fate if this was canon'


Ryu" Gaara sounded.

"Sup Gaara!" Ryu just replied usually how he would treat people, but before he could talk more.