The Auction II

The auction was going to be held in the evening, and old man Gerald had sent someone to give Grey a special vip invitation, which would entitle him to a special area in the auction. 

These areas are usually left for those powerhouses and people from big families who come to attend the auction. 

Later that night. 

Grey wore light blue long sleeves and trousers, while also putting on a mask that covered half of his face, before stepping out of the tavern. 

A carriage was already waiting for him outside, the insignia of the Lenz organization was drawn boldly on the side of the carriage. 

Grey couldn't help but praise old man Gerald for his resourcefulness. Although he wasn't sure he would acquire anything from the auction, he would still like to see what would be on display. There might be something that might pique his interest. 

The Lenz organization building.