The Auction III

"The starting price for the egg is fifty thousand mid-grade essence stones, for every bid made, the price must see an increase of two thousand mid-grade essence stones." Verla said before staring at the special rooms at the top, "Begin,"

"Sixty thousand," 

Just like from the previous items, an offer was made immediately after Verla finished speaking.

"Sixty-five thousand,"

"Eighty thousand," 

"Ninety thousand,"

"Ninety-five thousand,"

"One hundred thousand,"

The price of the egg continued increasing, and what was shocking was that none of the people in the special rooms had made any offers yet. 

Verla was all smiles on seeing how quickly the price of the egg was shooting up. 

Grey stared at the people who were sitting on the regular seats weirdly. They clearly know that items like these will be obtained by those in the special rooms, yet, why were they bidding? 

"One hundred and…"