Spreading Fame

Some seconds after Grey left. 

Two figures appeared in the sky above the building, seeing the Prince, they rushed over. 

"Your Highness, what happened?" One of them asked. 

"I was attacked." The Prince replied casually as he walked back to his seat. 

"Who would dare to attack the Prince? It must be that gutsy giant." One of them said coldly. 

"It's a human." The Prince replied coolly. 

"A human?" 

Surprise appeared on the faces of the two people who just arrived. Although they were at the Peak of the Sage Plane, they knew they were not on the same level as the Prince. However, they could still defeat around seventy to eighty percent of humans at the Peak of the Sage Plane like them. This showed the difference in strength between humans and those from the Gnome race. On the same level, the Gnome race had an undeniable advantage.