Hunt Them Down

Grey soon caught up with the duo who left the Prince a while ago. They just met with a group of three and were telling them to return back to the hideout. 

After speaking with them, they continued their journey forward as they wanted to make sure they called the rest of them back to the hideout.

Grey looked at the trio, only one of them was in the Late stages of the Sage Plane, being in the Eighth stage, and the others were in the Mid stages, Sixth and Fifth stages respectively.

'Void, don't tell me you can't handle even one of them this time.' Grey said. 

'I can kill all three, not to mention one.' Void said smugly. 

'Oh, then I shall leave them to you.' Grey's reply threw Void off his feet and he almost fell from his shoulder. 

'Can't you tell that I'm bragging?' Void thought internally, but his pride couldn't make him say it out loud.