(Welcome to Hallownest)

Many many years after the events of a hat in time, Hat Kid is back to her old job as a time lord. Her main job in an association of time travelers, is to retrieve timepieces that were scattered across the universe and other dimensions in a meltdown accident. Keeping the power of those hourglasses away from the common people is highly important because who knows what kind of selfish things people would use them for if they figured out how they work. Most worlds Hat Kid can handle like nothing, in and out finding the timepieces of a planet, easy. But when she gets stuck in a forbidden world to time travelers, it's gonna be one grueling ride for her to remember.

Most people don't understand what kind of responsibility a time traveler has, some don't think they exist... but to the time travelers, it's a hollow thought. Time travelers or more formally called Time Lords, are responsible for keeping things in a somewhat balanced state. Hat Kid, who looks 17 in human years is actually one of these time lords.

Right now Hat Kid is chilling in her Mk. 14 Custom spaceship in which she uses to travel the universe. Her chair is made of wood with some different kinds of pillows taped down to the chair. You would think with all the magic engineering she would get something more comfortable. The chair however does have many buttons and levers on it with controls to pilot the spaceship. "Ship, run diagnostics." Hat Kid says.

Her ship speaks, "The ship is running low on fuel, I suggest you stop warping and see if you can find a suitable source of timepieces."

"Alright then, stop planet hopping"

"Now is not--"

"I said stop the ship!"

The ship comes out space hopping. "Whaa!" Hat Kid is flung forward against her windshield and is now upside down with her cape in her face. Something sinister lurking below the ship dashes into the air toward the spaceship. Hat Kid regains her balance and rubs her head. "I suppose I did ask for that. Ship; where in time and space are we?"

"We are in Hallownest, a place only the counsel and a few select others have been to; a place no time lord is able to manipulate for reasons unknown, nor dares to visit. You are also out of blood reserves."

"Great so I'm in one of the most dangerous places in time and low on timepiece power, not to mention blood... well I ain't gonna die here, ship, how abundant are timepieces here and what kind of life lives here?"

"There are only a few timepieces, and from what records show they are hard to detect from afar. The life that lives here is a... well there were mostly intelligent bugs, now gone rabid due to unknown reasons. Records of Hallownest stop there."

"I wish you had said that before we stopped here... oh well, onto..."

"Intruder alert!" Her siren blares.

"Huh, hey you there, black and red guy outside of my window. Get off my ship you, peck neck." Hat Kid and the creature are now looking at each other from behind the foggy glass.

The anonymous creature gives a disturbing smile. "Ha telo." It says in a raspy voice.

"Whut... are you intelligent; okay that was kinda vague I think so uh, a r e y o u i n f e c t e d." Hat Kid says as if she was talking to an imbecile. "Well you're not banging your head against the glass like the undead so... maybe." The creature proceeds to tilt its head side to side then starts scratching the glass with its sharp claws. Hat Kid becomes more nervous then ever. "S-Ship fire suppression systems." "Engaging target." The creature gives out a howling screech. "Screeeeeeeeech!" It wraps itself with what appears to be wings and teleports away in a red mist.

"Where did it go!? Oh peck, ship run search scan inside ship!" Hat Kid proceeds to run to her vault where her timepieces are located and opens it to see if all of them are where they're supposed to be located. Hat kid twist and turns the lock then pulls the vault door open and does a quick search. "Whew, everything seems to be in order." "Screeeeeeeeech!" It echoes throughout the ship. "Oh peck, I wasn't trained to fight that thing, I don't even know what that thing is! Out of all places it has to be one I'm unfamiliar with."

"Alert; one unidentified species is inside the ship." Hat kid scans the room for something to defend herself with. She runs to a blue parasol with yellow stars on it and swiftly holds it in front of her. "This thing seems familiar, It'll have to do." She says shaking. "Oh no, I've got to close the vault." She runs back and in front of her the red mist poofs in, "Screeeeeeeeech!"

"Ahhhhh!" The creature snatches a timepiece from the vault and bolts for the window. "Oh no you don't, crazy." Hat Kid dives at the creature and grabs it's right leg with her left arm then starts hitting the creature with her parasol as the creature drags her across the floor. The creature, now irritated, spits a ball of fire from its mouth and cracks the ships glass, bursting through with a shattering shatter. Now spiraling down in the darkness, Hat Kid screaming, desperately trying to hurt the creature, it flings her off it's leg into the air. Now spinning, Hat Kid freaking out as to what to do, she opens the parasol and starts floating. "Thank goodness for this parasol!" The creature proceeds to take off with the timepiece. "Screeeeeeeeech!"

"Yeah fly away PECK NECK!" The creature jerks it's head back and starts coming towards Hat Kid. "Screeeeeeeeech!"

"Ahhhhhh!" The creature slash's Hat Kid across the face with its razor like wing. Hat Kid let's go of the parasol and begins to fall. "That's gonna leave a mark. Ahhhhhh!"

She hits the ground rolling. Dizzied and dirtied; she stands on her hands and knees while facing the ground. A few moments go by... Hat kid lets out a long groaning ugh as if she's about to cry; all the while her glowing blue blood drips from her face; lighting up the dark world around her. She pats her head. "Oh no, where's-" She sniffles, "My hat." She finds the will to stand on her feet. She takes a look at her timewatch. "Well... I've got enough juice to go back to my ship. I'll look around for my hat in a minute. Alright, calibrating time watch."

"Systems functional."

"And now to push the button... boop."

Hat Kid teleports in a flash of light back to her ship's main deck.

"Time watch out of fuel."

"As expected." Hat Kid starts searching the chest in her room. "I should really be further organized because right now this is a matter of life and death." After about a minute of searching, Hat Kid starts panicking. "Oh no, oh no."

Hat Kid finally finds what she's looking for and holds it in the air full of relief. She also takes an earpiece for later. "I should probably repair that broken glass... obviously I should infuse more glass in the broken parts..." Hat Kid nails some wood planks over the holes. "That should do it. Now I need a living creature to take blood from."

Hat Kid looks outside below her ship for something to suck the life out of; sounds as morbid as it is. "Ah ha, a weak looking grey bug, ship; activate tractor beam."

The bug is pulled into the ship from off the ground and Hat Kid places it on a table. "Sorry buddy but I gotta keep living." With a metal shink, Hat Kid digs her blood claw into the bug's side. The bug makes a small shriek of pain but quiets downs. The blood begins to flow through the tubes of the claw into the purifier. "Ey, orange blood, looks... nutritious... I guess." The blood stops flowing and the bug stops moving.

Hat Kid takes the tank full of bright blue purified blood and pours some into a cup and the rest into the reserve tanks. "No cost too great... wait, why does that give me an ominous feeling here... oh well." She takes a big swig. "Whoo, what a rush."

Now feeling energized, she cleans herself up. "I need something lethal if I'm going to survive." She then goes to her main teleportation station. "Well, you know what they say; every journey begins with a teleport. "Boop."