opening message

I'll have a few different arts made for specific chapters with certain ideas I deem worthy from them. Those will be marked as having "w/art" in the title so give it time.

I suppose I just really like Hat Kid as a character and wanted to expanded on her personality, especially since she was really quiet in A hat in Time. I also really like a lot of the characters in Hollow Knight too, so this story is to add to those characters who I thought could use more to them while they also contribute to Hat Kid's story. Not to say that Hat Kid is the only protagonist... obviously cuz look at the pic, who's that we all know and love.

I started this story because I like the games, worlds, and characters, and wanted to write for the first time ever. I think I developed it into some pretty alright. :)

The way the story was formatted when I started writing it was awful when I looked back at it. So I read and edited it from the start after I finished writing it, making the entire thing actually readable.

So what do you think of the art I had someone create for the story?

It's great to finally see my Hat Kid in an amazing visual.

This picture is not viable until far into the story.

The picture is in the comments :3