Can you kiss me?

When the bus stopped, Liu Yang and the young woman got off together. The two were holding hands as if they were a loving couple.

But if we look closely, we can see that only the young woman was smiling, while Liu Yang had an empty look.

The pair walked a little through the narrow streets where only one car can pass, as there is only one direction for the cars to go.

A strange thing happened when the pair passed by a person, the person acted as if he had not seen them.

Anyone would notice the girl's presence because of her beauty, but what happened now was very strange.

The person did not even look to the side to see the lifeless young man who passed him.

The pair seemed to be invisible to the eyes of others. This proved to be true when the pair stopped in front of a house, the front door was open and a family was entering the house.

If they had seen Liu Yang, they would have talked to him as a courtesy, because they had known each other for a long time. But nothing happened. The pair was really invisible.

What was happening? It looked like it was done by the pretty girl.

"It would have been dangerous if we had been discovered." The young woman murmured in Liu Yang's ears. She waited for the family to enter the house before grabbing Liu Yang with both arms and jumping.

The young woman jumped the two-meter high wall. How did she do that? This was incredible.

If we look at the young woman's body, she looked like a model of famous companies, not an athlete. Her body had no muscle.

How did she manage to jump more than two meters high as if it were nothing?

"You can open the door now" The young woman whispered again, but before Liu Yang could open the door, she waved her hand.

Nothing happened. Or nothing could be seen happening.

"Your house is really beautiful, could you take me to your room?" The young girl whispered again, but this time, it looked like she was giving orders to Liu Yang.

"Yes" He replied in a lifeless voice, but his mind was a little strange.

(My room ?? Does this woman want to rape me ?? !!!) Liu Yang was having a crazy thought upon hearing the girl's request.

His body followed the girl's orders and went up to the second floor.

"This is my room" Liu Yang opened the door.

His room was ordinary and nothing special.

A single bed, clothes closet, television, computer, and a video game.

"Can you lie in bed?"

"Yes" Liu Yang showed no reaction when speaking these words.

But internally, his mind was screaming. He did not know whether he would be violated by foreign beauty or not. His mind was already having all kinds of wild thoughts about the beautiful young woman in front of him being naked and moaning.

Liu Yang's mind was full of perverted thoughts.

"Before I kill you, do you want to make one last request?" The young woman spoke in a malicious voice. She was sitting on top of him like a cowgirl.

Poff !!! Poff !!!!

Suddenly, two black wings come out from the young woman's back and two short horns come out from her head. The wings look like bat wings.

(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Liu Yang was shocked to see this scene. He quickly linked the young woman's wings with the wings of the dark creature in the photo he saw earlier.

(Is she responsible for those incidents? Why did she come to me? She could choose more victims in dark places.) He thought, but he will never know the answer to this question.

"Could you kiss me? A kiss from a beauty like you is a great gift "Liu Yang replied.

This time, he answered. As the beautiful young woman was trying to kill Liu Yang, and he had no methods to protect himself. The only thing he could do was ask for something before he died.

Liu Yang has never had a girlfriend or dated a girl before, so being kissed by a beautiful girl can be a good wish. At first, he wanted to ask the beautiful girl to take his virginity, but after thinking about it, he changed his request.

"A kiss? I thought you wanted to lose your virginity" The young woman showed a beautiful smile upon hearing Liu Yang's request.

For some reason, she discovered his first wish.


"I don't need to think about your request too much, your body is telling me that" The young woman felt something hot and hard rubbing through her panties.

"But I'm afraid that I can't accept taking your virginity because I don't want to lose my virginity. So I can only kiss you. Young man, you can be content with that. My first kiss is not something anyone can have. You are lucky to have an item that caught my attention, but it is also a shame because you will die. Goodbye" The young woman bent down slowly before kissing Liu Yang's lips.

(!!!!!!!!!!!!) Liu Yang was very shocked to hear the young woman's words.

(Item? Do I have an item that caught your attention ?? Is it that bracelet ?? What is this bracelet ?? I only attracted you after two days of buying that bracelet. ) Liu Yang mentally shouted.

(Her buttocks and tongue are soft… I don't want to die !!!! I haven't even gotten a girlfriend or lost my virginity yet. I can't die yet !!!) Liu Yang was screaming mentally.

But nothing happened. His body did not move and the young woman sitting on top of him continued the kiss.

Something strange started to happen soon after.

(What's going on? Why is my body getting tired? My mind… Am I going to die?) That was the last question Liu Yang had before his mind went out.

The girl did not stop her kiss and continued for a few minutes.

"Thanks for the meal" The young woman stood up and licked her lips.

"I don't know how an ordinary person like you has a rare artifact like that energy bracelet. I'm lucky to have discovered you first, if you had been caught by other idiots, you would have suffered something much worse" The young woman looked at the wooden bracelet on Liu Yang's right arm. She noticed the golden glow.

"I will take this as the exchange for my first kiss" The young woman looked at the bracelet with bright eyes.

The instant she touched the bracelet, something happened.

Zzzzzzzzzzz !!!!

A strong light shone and completely illuminated the room.

"What is happening??!!!!! Noooooooooooooo!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " The young woman screamed desperately when the light covered them both.