
The next morning ...

Liu Yang's lashes trembled and he slowly opened his eyes. For some reason, he was having a great headache.

"What is it? Why is my head hurting so much? Why is my body so tired ?? " Liu Yang felt that his body was much more tired than usual.

"What happened yesterday? I remember that I was about to be killed by a beautiful young woman with golden hair… She was also strange and had two wings and two horns, what is she? " Liu Yang was so lost in his own questions that he didn't even notice that someone was on his side.

"What is it? This is soft… "Liu Yang put his hand to the side and felt something soft and round. The sensation of softness was incredible.

"Hmm ..." A seductive and delighted moan was heard when Liu Yang touched and squeezed the soft thing.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It didn't take long for him to realize what the thing he was playing was. But to make sure he wasn't thinking wrong, Liu Yang squeezed some more.

"Hmm ..." The moan came when he squeezed again.

"..." Liu Yang swallowed his own saliva before looking to the side.

"Ahh ..."

pofff !!!!

Liu Yang shouted in surprise to see the beautiful foreigner young woman lying beside him. She was the young woman who tried to kill him during the kiss last night.

He was so surprised that he fell backward and slid off the edge of the bed and fell to the floor.

"Who's making so much noise in the morning?" The young woman complained about the noise. She woke up slowly before looking to the side and seeing Liu Yang's face.

"Is YOU!!!! You damn human !!!! Because of you!!!! It's your fault that I ended up in this deplorable state !!!" The young woman screamed angrily because of what happened to her. She was very discouraged about what happened when she tried to steal Liu Yang's wooden bracelet.

"Why are you blaming me for something? I did nothing, you are the person who wanted to kill me. I stood still the whole time. If anything happened during your assassination attempt, you are very unlucky." Liu Yang did not understand what was happening because he had passed out before.

Thus, he only blamed the young woman for failing to kill him.

"Fuck!!!! Human, I'm going to kill you !!!! "The young woman got angrier when she heard Liu Yang's words.

Suddenly, her hand flashed a red and powerful light.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Liu Yang was startled to see this scene. He thought he was in some game or anime.

The energy was concentrated, but soon after, something happened.


The concentrated energy was drained and the glow in her hand disappeared.


"What is happening??!!! Why can't I use my magical energy??!!!" The young woman was shocked and scared, but quickly, she recovered and closed her eyes to see what was going on.

Liu Yang just looked at the young woman with curious eyes, he had no intention of running or scape.

The situation was too bizarre for him to be able to do that.

(She spoke magic energy just now, right? I don't think I heard it wrong. Magic energy? Does it exist? Well ... If a being with two bat wings and demon horns exist. The magic energy must exist) Liu Yang stopped and analyzed the facts before reaching that conclusion.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Liu Yang looked at his arm when he felt strong heat emanating from the bracelet. He saw a faint golden glow that he hadn't seen before.

The glow was brighter than normal, but it was quickly turned off.

(It's that bracelet !!! That bracelet is really magical !!!! Does that old man from the antique store really sell magic items? This is unbelievable !!! Is it possible that Ren Wu also got a magic item ??) Many thoughts explode in Liu Yang's mind when he finds out that his wooden bracelet is something magical.

"huh?? Why am I getting weak again ?? " Liu Yang asked, but there was no one to answer. His eyes were closed slowly.

pofff ...

But moments later, he fell to the floor with his eyes closed. He passed out again.

"Fuck!!! That damn bracelet really drained my power !!! This damn thing is no ordinary thing !!! Human!!!" The young woman opened her eyes and found that many of her powers were drained, she became much weaker than normal.

This discovery made her very angry.

When she looked at Liu Yang lying on the floor, she saw that he passed out again after analyzing his body.

"This bracelet must need the energy to do something. Otherwise, it wouldn't be absorbing this young man's energy constantly and having absorbed mine as well." The young woman concluded after analyzing the facts a little.

"What is this bracelet? I have seen artifacts that absorb energy from the beings around me, but I have never seen one in the shape of a bracelet with a golden jewel. Is that something old? Or does it have another purpose? " The young woman was thinking about the bracelet.

"I'm going to put that aside, I better not try to touch this thing again. I've had a lot of problems so far. I even missed my first kiss and received nothing in return." She complained despondently and got up from the bed to leave the room.

But when she separated about two meters from Liu Yang, something happened.

"What is happening???!!!" The young woman saw a strange, golden glow appear on her hand and Liu Yang's chest.

The glow intensified and turned into a golden energy line.

"Ahhh!!!" The line was pulled hard and she was taken to Liu Yang.

The young woman fell on top of his body.

"Fuck!!!! That miserable bracelet marked me and called me to the owner of the bracelet. This guy must have thrown blood on the bracelet before!!!" The young woman was very irritated to see this scene. She was connected to Liu Yang and didn't know how to deal with it.

"I need to train again to regain my powers, otherwise, when those idiots appear to kill me, I will be dead" The young woman clenched her teeth to endure her current situation. She had strong enemies that were chasing her.

Her only option is to stay at Liu Yang's house and train.

The young woman stood cross-legged and began to meditate.

A strange, red glow began to circulate around her body. Her two wings and horns appear.

The scene was beautiful, she looked like a demon fire princess like that.