My name is Shysha

On the afternoon of that day ...

The pair were having lunch together, but one was sitting across from the other. The two enjoy the food in silence.

But the mood was strange because the young woman was very angry. So far, the two have not had a good conversation to try to know each other's names.

After they finished eating, Liu Yang cleared the table and sat on the sofa to watch television.

At the same moment, the young woman took the control from her hand and turned off the television.

"What are you doing?" Liu Yang looked at her with a dissatisfied look.

His time for watching television after lunch was sacred.

"Where did you get that magic bracelet?" The young woman asked solemnly. She needed to discover all sorts of possible information about the bracelet.

"This here? I bought it at an antique store across town." Liu Yang replied. He understood that there was a reason why the young woman had not left yet.

"Antique store? Are you kidding me? How can such a powerful artifact be found in an antique store?" The young woman did not believe Liu Yang's words. She has never heard of the news about someone finding rare treasures in random locations.

"I don't know, I am also surprised by this. I never thought that the item that caught my eye was a real magic item. That old man at the antique store said that this bracelet has the power to bring me luck, but so far, it just brought bad luck and a strange girl with horns and wings. This is very unlucky." Liu Yang complained. He doesn't even know if being kissed by a beautiful girl would be lucky.

When considering the general scenario, the kiss was not worth it. At least for Liu Yang.

"What???!! Are you saying that meeting a beautiful young girl like me was unlucky? I still missed my first kiss because of you and I received no benefit from it. And I still lost some of my powers because of that damn bracelet on your wrist." The young woman was annoyed to hear Liu Yang's words. She suffered the greatest loss of all.

"I am happy to meet a beautiful girl like you, it is not every day that I meet a foreign beauty with big boobs and fat ass. About the kiss, this was also my first one, so we are tied. About your powers, I don't know what you're talking about" Liu Yang understood that she lost some of her powers, but he didn't know it was absorbed by the bracelet.

"You!!!!!" She was even more irritated to hear those words. But she needed to calm down, her situation was beyond her control.

"My name is not you, it's Liu Yang. Is that you? What's your name? I should at least know your name, right? The name of the beauty who took my first kiss and who slept in the same bed as me" Liu Yang asked casually.

"!!!!" She was already angry and Liu Yang continued to pour oil on the fire. But the young woman needed to calm down in order not to hit Liu Yang.

"..." The young woman took a deep breath before answering Liu Yang's question.

"My name is Shysha"

"Don't you have a surname?"

"Not. I don't have the last name"

Liu Yang found it strange that a person did not have a surname.

"What are you? You shouldn't be human, right? Humans don't have wings and horns, or do they have?" Liu Yang was already doubting his own words. He has never seen a person have wings and horns before, only in mythological stories and anime.

Usually, a woman with these characteristics was a succubus with seductive bodies that invade men's dreams to drain their energy.

Shysha had a seductive body, but she was still a virgin. This left Liu Yang in doubt.

"You must know that humans don't have wings and horns, right? So why do you still ask that?" Shysha thought Liu Yang was some retard for asking such a question.

"I'm just looking to confirm things." He responded casually.

"Because of the unexpected situation. I want you to do something for me" Shysha spoke in an authoritative tone. She didn't look like the casual young woman she used to be.

"Do you a favor? I refuse, from your tone, this is probably a dangerous thing. I am just an ordinary person without any kind of magical power or knowledge of magic. I can't do that" Liu Yang strongly refused her order. He's just an ordinary person, how is he going to deal with the situations that Shysha wants him to go through?

"Liu Yang, look at this carefully" Shysha went to the kitchen and took a sharp knife.

"What are you going to do with that knife ??" Liu Yang was startled. He thought she was going to try to kill him.

"I will not kill you or anything. I want you to see this. "Shysha took a deep breath before using the knife to cut her arm.

The cut was deep and a lot of blood started to flow.

"What are you doing???!!!!!" Liu Yang was startled.

"Arg ..." In less than a second, Liu Yang screamed in pain and held his arm in the same spot where Shysha cut.

When he looked at his arm, he saw that he, too, was bleeding. Liu Yang does not know what is going on.

"What is it?? Why am I bleeding ?? Shysha, did you cut my arm ??!!!" Liu Yang was scared and afraid to lose a lot of blood and die.

"I didn't cut your arm, you saw that I cut my arm" Shysha waved her hand and a red light flashed.

The light covered both wounds and healed quickly.

"That was incredible !!! Shysha, how did you do that ??!!" Liu Yang moved his arm and saw that he had no more cuts.

The cure was instantaneous.

"Liu Yang, do you understand what just happened?" Shysha ignored his question and asked back. She realized this after some tests when Liu Yang had passed out on the floor.

"Not. I just saw you use a red glow and it healed both wounds." Liu Yang did not understand what she meant by her question.

"This will be quite complicated ..." She sighed.

"Liu Yang, the view about me cutting my arm, but your arm was also cut. What is your opinion about this?" Shysha changed the approach to make Liu Yang think easier.

"I think it looks like some kind of connection between us two. I remember that in games, some classes have the power to create links between the characters. If any of them take damage, the damage will be divided..." Liu Yang explains what he thought. Sweat started running down his face.

Liu Yang finally understood the meaning of Shysha's question. Their situation was horrible.