Basic Training

"Liu Yang, do you understand now? Raising that table is one of the easiest things to do. If I want, I can lift a car with one hand. But part of my strength was lost when I was absorbed by that damn thing" Shysha complained about the wooden bracelet.

"Shysha, how am I going to learn to do this? Do you have any cultivation methods? Or something like that?" Liu Yang asked this question because he had read many cultivation novels before.

In cultivation novels, characters get stronger when learning cultivation methods or some kind of special technique.

"Liu Yang, you are reading a lot of cultivation novels and watching a lot of anime. But you are right about cultivation methods. I don't know why the Chinese government allows the clan people to write web novels on this subject. I think it should make them a lot of money. Normal people must think this is some kind of fantasy from the writers, but none of the readers know that this is really real."

"Do other countries also have something like that? Mystical techniques to empower people"

"It depends on the country, each country has a different name for its warriors. One such example is China, here, these people are called Cultivators. On the American continent and the African continent, people are called Shamans or Druids. In the UK and much of Europe, they are Knights, Mages, or Paladins and some places are Druids. In the Nordic countries, they are the Berserkers. There are many others around the world, so I will not comment on that much. Each country has a name for the same thing.

However, each type of technique that countries have is different. Cultivators usually use the energy of heaven and earth to train their bodies. Shamans and Druids use the power of nature. Knights, Paladins, and Berserkers use the vital energy of their bodies and Mage uses the magic of their bodies. In general, it's almost the same thing too" Shysha explained about people with special powers.

"Is that you? Shysha, you are a demon. How do demons train?" Liu Yang understood the explanation because he already knows about it after reading so many cultivation novels.

But he doesn't know anything about demons and how they train.

"We train in the same way as the others. Absorbing the energy that the world offers. Not just demons, but many other beings from other races like vampires, werewolves, and many other things. The only beings who have a different way of training are ghosts, they have no physical bodies, and only the soul, so they do something else to get stronger"

"I see ..." Liu Yang did not find it surprising that there were beings of other races. Since there were demons, it was normal to have ghosts, werewolves, and the like.

"Liu Yang, you don't seem surprised to hear that there are several beings from other races living together with humans"

"Well… Novels and animes already show that kind of thing a lot. Furthermore, I am seeing a seductive demon in front of me. So it is strange to have other beings too" Liu Yang commented.

"As we have already finished talking about random subjects. Which of the two options will you choose? " Shysha changed the subject and looked deeply at Liu Yang. She wanted to know his answer.

Depending on what that response is, it will take a different action.

"Shysha, I would like to learn to train" Liu Yang replied without hesitation. He was already very screwed, if he doesn't learn to protect himself, he will be killed when Shysha's pursuers appear.

Liu Yang wanted to have a chance to defend himself, moreover, the idea of ​​gaining superpowers is something beyond his imagination.

"I liked your answer. But your body is not fit to do that, you have been sedentary for several years and you can't stand running for even five minutes. You need to train your physical body before you start training the special methods." Shysha was very discouraged about this.

Liu Yang is a sedentary person hindered her plans. If he had a reasonable physical body that could work, that would be good for her. But the reality is harsh.

"Shysha, how am I going to train? Do I need to go to a training gym?" Liu Yang only knew one method of training, working out.

"It will not be necessary. I remember that next week, your summer vacation will start, right?" Shysha thought about it and remembered that.

"Yes. I will have a month of vacation before going back to school again"

"That's nice. My university vacation has already started, so I have no problem not showing up on campus." Shysha commented. She is thinking of some way to train Liu Yang over the next month.

"Shysha, are you a college student?" Liu Yang was surprised to hear that. He didn't know about her age.

"Yes. I am an exchange student from Europe. I will be staying in China for six months, but three months have passed."


"Let's put that matter aside. I need you to start training from today. Today is Saturday, so we have a day and a half of training" Shysha has already thought about how to start Liu Yang's training.

"What do I need to do?" Liu Yang was excited to know that he would train, even if it was a basic thing.

The thoughts that he might fly someday made Liu Yang very happy.

"You shouldn't be so happy. Basic workouts are the easiest to do. But when your real workout starts, Liu Yang, you won't even have time to cry." Shysha spoke solemnly. She didn't have much time to train Liu Yang.

"OK. I already imagined that. What would be the first workout?"

"Liu Yang, the first part of your training will be physical endurance. You need to have a suitable body to train the technique that I know."

"The same technique as the demons?"

"Not. This technique is something I found by accident when I was shopping in an old book store. The owner didn't know it was a training technique and thought it was just an old book with strange things written on it"

"Ohh ..." Liu Yang was surprised to hear that, but he soon realized that the situation was like his.

The wooden bracelet he bought was from an antique store.

"Liu Yang, the first thing I want you to do is 100 squats, 10 push-ups, 50 sit-ups. For two whole weeks, I want you to do this"

"Do I also need to run ten kilometers a day? But why is the number different? Wouldn't it be 100 times each of the three types?"

"It will not be necessary, you will not be able to run even ten meters after doing all the things before. Your body is not strong enough to handle so many exercises. Also, Liu Yang, you need to stop confusing reality with fiction. Do you think you will become a bald superhero who defeats your opponents with a single punch? Don't even answer me." Shysha spoke sarcastically when she heard Liu Yang's words. She understood very well what he meant.

"But will I be able to do all these exercises for two weeks? My body will break down in less than two weeks." Liu Yang didn't even comment on her sarcastic words and did what she asked.

"Liu Yang, you asked, right? This is your basic training. If you were at least someone who exercised daily, you wouldn't have to go through that."

"Ok ... I'll try" Liu Yang replied dejectedly. He knows that his body will suffer a lot for the next fourteen days.