Special Squad

Two days later...

During lunch hours ...

"Liu Yang, what happened to you? Do you look much more tired than normal? Your body also appears to be almost broken. How did that happen? Did you spend the whole night using your hands while watching porn movies? This is one of the benefits of living alone, your parents don't know that you watch these films in the living room" Ren Wu commented sarcastically. He found it strange that Liu Yang was so tired and almost dead.

"I was just doing a few exercises. This is for when I find some of this rumored stuff. That way, I will have a chance to run from them. " Liu Yang lied, but he really had that goal if he happened upon some strange creature that tried to kill him.

In training, Shysha mentioned this to Liu Yang. He needed a strong body to handle running from them.

"Liu Yang, did you exercise in bed? Can you give me this call girl's number? She did a good job of breaking you up, if she has any friends, I would like to call them." Ren Wu jokes.

"I'm serious. Ren Wu, you should also do some kind of exercise. This can help us at critical times. The person in the video managed to run from the creature because it had trained his body" Liu Yang commented on the other video he saw on the internet.

"I know that. I will start working out at the gym when the holidays start. It's just another week, I can wait" Ren Wu replied. He also planned to start working out to have more endurance and physical strength.

"Did you two finally understand the importance of exercise? And did it take a rumor on the internet to make you two start doing it? I hope there are more rumors of this kind, so you continue to train" Li Wei commented in a funny tone. He was finding it amusing that the pair were afraid of the rumors.

Liu Yang was really afraid of his current situation, he could be killed at any time if Shysha was found by her chaser.

Unlike the other two, he knows about the truth of the rumors.

"At least we are going to start training a little bit, this will help us when we are with a woman in bed. We need resistance to endure a few rounds. They will not be satisfied doing it just once. We need to do it at least five times in one night" Ren Wu commented.

That is one of his reasons for training. If he is very weak and cannot take more than one round in bed, his wife may have complaints and exchange him for another man.

"Is this serious? Ren Wu, are you training to sleep with women? We're only in high school and we're not even eighteen yet. You should think more about your future than women."

"You both know that watching porn is not enough. We need to find women who can hug us and sleep with us" Ren Wu commented.

His dream was to get a girlfriend and sleep hugged by her.

Liu Yang and Li Wei just laughed at that scene. But Liu Yang only had a brief thought.

The images of Shysha sleeping in the same bed as him for the past two days popped into his mind. Her warm, soft body was very good to touch and feel.

Whenever Liu Yang got very tired, the distance between the two narrowed dramatically because of the wooden bracelet. When Liu Yang and Shysha were full of energy, the distance that the two could be separated from each other was about a dozen meters.

That is, the stronger Liu Yang and Shysha get, the greater the distance that the two can separate.

As Liu Yang did not do any kind of exercise today, he was full of energy despite his aching body from having exercised intensely without proper preparation.

"What are you going to do today? My training is over and I will have a break this week until the end of next month. I am thinking of relaxing a little." Li Wei wanted to relax after so long training hard.

"Li Wei, I'm going to be playing at the arcade today. Liu Yang, what are you going to do? "

"I will go home and continue training. I cannot relax again. I have a training schedule by the end of next month" Liu Yang replied. He didn't have time to play again.

At least not at the moment.

"Liu Yang, you really decided to train hard. I'm happy for you" Li Wei clapped Liu Yang on the shoulder and spoke proudly.

The sedentary young man that he has known for many years finally decided to do something to improve his physical health. Li Wei was proud of that.

"Liu Yang, you really decided to take this seriously. I think these internet rumors are affecting your mind." Ren Wu jokes. He doesn't know that these supposed rumors were true and that the situation is much bigger than people realize.

"Speaking about the rumors, did you hear the new rumors? It looks like the government is going to send some people over to deal with the rumors and investigate everything."

"Yes. I heard that the government is going to send a special squad to the city. But nobody knows about them"

"A special squad?"

"Yes. A squad that specializes in handling this kind of thing. They must be experts in dealing with this kind of strange thing"

"I see…"

(It looks like this squad is members of the clans Shysha told me about before. They must be cultivators in China) Liu Yang thought. He recalled that Shysha commented on the Chinese clans that do the job of dealing with beings with special powers.

tong… tong… tong…

The trio kept talking during lunch hours until the bell rang and everyone returned to the classrooms.

A few hours later, the bell rang again and the students were released to return to their homes.

A few meters from the college ...

Shysha was drinking fruit juice inside a cake shop. She wore a shirt with a sleeve and tight jeans along with a pair of sunglasses. She looked like a celebrity because of her beauty.

Many male clients look at her and this causes discontent among the women at their sides.

When Liu Yang left the school gates, she also finished drinking her juice and left the store to follow him.

The pair got on the same bus and sat side by side, but the two were quiet to avoid some unnecessary problems.

Shysha's beauty attracted many hot looks, but because of her cold aura, no one dared to go near her. Besides, she was sitting on the window seat and Liu Yang was closer to the hall, so it was difficult for a man to try to do anything against her.

After two bus stops, Shysha got off and Liu Yang got off two more stops later. The pair did this to prevent the two from getting off at the same stop.

Shysha was the first to arrive home, Liu Yang only arrived a few minutes later. She was already inside the house because she had a copy of the key.