
The cold and indifferent voice caught the attention of Liu Yang and Shysha, the two looked back and saw a beautiful, pure-looking young woman wearing casual clothes.

"She is ..." Liu Yang did not remember where he had seen the girl, he just felt like he had seen her somewhere before.

"Liu Yang, do you know this young woman?" Shysha asked casually, but she had solemn looks towards the young woman. Because she is a cultivator.

"I don't know, I can't remember. I must have seen her somewhere before, but I don't remember" Liu Yang really couldn't remember where he saw the girl before.

"In old Wang's store, you and your friend were buying something that day" The young woman casually commented. She remembered Liu Yang and Ren Wu as it was rare for casual customers to visit old Wang's antique store.

"Ohh ... So you're that girl" Liu Yang remembered that day, he remembers that there was a girl next to the counter in the store.

"Little girl, what do you want with us? Don't you realize that he and I are having a romantic date?" Shysha commented as she showed that the two were holding hands. She did not want to get involved in the affairs of China's cultivators.

"I don't care what you two are doing. I just want you to follow me" The young woman spoke arrogantly and authoritatively.

"Why should we do this?" Liu Yang did not understand why the young woman was talking to them like that.

"This is the duty of all cultivators in the country. If any cultivator causes problems, another cultivator needs to deal with it" The young woman replied. She made it appear that all cultivators were obliged to do this kind of thing.

"Who are you?" Liu Yang was surprised to hear that.

The young woman's words show that she knows that they were also cultivators.

"My name is Su Mei, I am a cultivator of the Su family. I don't know why a human is dating a demon and I don't even care why. As a cultivator in China, you need to do your duty" Su Mei introduced herself.

"Little girl, we are not strong people. Besides, this guy is only at level 1 of the Body Opening Stage. He won't be able to do anything against an opponent much stronger than himself." Shysha commented on Liu Yang's current strength.

Because of the world's weak energy concentration at this location, Liu Yang's training speed was very low.

"I know that, but it is still his duty to help solve problems. Besides, you are strong enough to deal with the three suspects. They are just level 5 Body Opening Stage Chinese cultivators." Su Mei looked at Shysha with her bright eyes. She seemed to be able to look through her.

"I only have the strength to deal with one of them. But he won't make it, any of these three suspects can kill him with just one finger. The difference between level 1 and level 5 is like heaven and earth" Shysha explained. She was also talking to Liu Yang to show him that there is a big difference at each stage level.

"This may be true, but he doesn't have to fight. He just needs to pretend and attract the suspects. He should at least be able to do that, right?" Su Mei didn't think Liu Yang could do anything but run.

"This will also be difficult. We both have a little problem and I can't get too far from it. I need to keep him around" Shysha didn't explain what the problem was, she just needed to say that they had a problem.

"I see… But it doesn't matter, he just needs to distract a few suspects so that we can deal with this issue. He just needs to be careful not to get hurt."

"What will happen if we refuse your request?" Shysha didn't want to do that because it was too dangerous to deal with. Besides, she still needs to take care of Liu Yang to prevent him from dying.

"I have orders to take any unknown cultivators into custody and report on it, whether it is a foreigner or not. But since you're just having a date and you're not causing any problems, I can turn a blind eye to this issue and pretend that nothing has happened."

"I see… Do you have anything that can help me to disguise myself? I don't want to be recognized"

"You can take this" Su Mei took something out of her bag.

The removed item was like a mask that completely covers the face, but had several strange designs.

"I will refuse. I need to cover my face in another way." Shysha felt that the mask had a strange aura and decided to refuse.

"Ok" Su Mei didn't care about that.

"Liu Yang, let's go to a clothing store. We need to buy some things to disguise our bodies and faces" Shysha dragged Liu Yang to a general clothing store for men and women.

Su Mei was waiting for them for about five minutes.

The pair returned wearing new clothes with some masks on their faces. The masks were purchased at the festival but were reinforced with some kind of energy.

"Let's go. Two of the three suspects have already started a deadly fight. The third is hiding and planning something" Su Mei used her private car to take the pair to a place far from the city.

The site was close to the city's water treatment plant.

"I see ... It seems that the objective of these people is the crystals of the water element that you keep inside these water reservoirs" Shysha commented in the driver's seat. She was driving, Liu Yang was in the seat beside her, and Su Mei was in the back seat like a princess.

"You don't have to worry about that. You two just need to help distract one of them so that the envoy and I can deal with the other two "

"Where do I park the car?"

"There is a parking lot"

The car stopped and the trio got out. They looked like a strange group. A young woman wearing casual clothes along with two masked people walking through a water treatment plant at night.

After walking for a while, they found a small group of people waiting in front of the entrance.

"Miss Su, you finally came back. Are these two?" Cao Jia greeted Su Mei, but he was surprised to see the two masked people.

"Mr. Cao, they are two cultivators that I called on to help us. You don't have to worry about them." Su Mei didn't have to make introductions as it was unnecessary.

Cao Jia also understood this and declined to comment.

"How is the situation inside the barrier?" She asked shortly thereafter.