What kind of man am I?

"The fight between Zhou Wei and Yao Ming's friend has started. The two are fighting a fierce battle, but Yao Min entered the water treatment plant a few minutes ago and has not yet left."

"I see… You two can go after Yao Ming. Mister Cao, we will both be dealing with Zhou Wei and Yao Ming's friend" Su Mei divided.

"Miss Su, are these two reliable? Also, this guy looks like he's just someone at level 1 of the Opening Body Stage" Cao Jia saw the level of Liu Yang and Shysha, he was skeptical about Liu Yang. Besides, the two do not appear to be reliable.

"They are not going to do any tricks. I guarantee that"

"As Miss Su is saying this, I will trust your words"

"You two can go that way. That side is the entrance to the water reservoirs." Su Mei pointed towards another entrance.

"OK. Let's go" Shysha took Liu Yang's hand and pulled him.

A few seconds later ...

"Miss Su, is it really good to trust these two random cultivators? They must not belong to any family" Cao Jia was prejudiced against this type of cultivator because they had no affiliation whatsoever. So, they do all kinds of bad things in the mundane world.

"They will not cause any problems. They have reasons for not causing problems. We will put that matter aside and continue our work." Su Mei did not want to continue talking about this subject and decided to focus on their work.


Su Mei, Cao Jia, and her subordinates continued to watch the battle inside the barrier. They will only act when the time is right.

Originally, the work was to be for Cao Jia and his group. But when they met Zhou Wei, they were defeated miserably and could only flee for more reinforcements.

Fortunately, in the region, there was a family of cultivators, or rather, the branch of one of several families.

Lei Fu contacted this branch and asked for a little help.

Su Mei volunteered to do this, as she wanted to train. Her family let her do this work on her own and also sent some guards to her in case of trouble.

A few minutes before the fight started, the two discovered that there was another person on the other side. So, they needed to get one more person to help and be a 3x3 fight.

Liu Yang and Shysha were chosen not by chance. When Su Mei drove by a place near the festival, she felt their power and understood that they were cultivators.

But as Shysha is a foreigner, she shouldn't be allowed to roam around freely without having a watchman to prevent her from causing trouble. She needs special permission for this.

Shysha did not have this permission because she entered China in disguise as a student. If this is reported to the authorities, she will have many problems staying in the country.

Besides, she could not kidnap Liu Yang to escape. That would be much more dangerous. Thus, she could only accept help.

Liu Yang understood this matter because Shysha had told him about it earlier.

"Shysha, are we really going to be able to handle this situation? Our target seems to be quite dangerous" Liu Yang felt that something was wrong with them being sent to deal with the other person.

"Yes. The person we are looking for is a Level 1 Body Strengthening Stage cultivator. He is not from the Body Opening Stage like that girl had said before." Shysha replied solemnly.

As a former cultivator with powers equivalent to a level 3 Body Strengthening Stage cultivator, Shysha knew the difference between the two stages.

To overcome this barrier at different levels, she will need much more than just all her power. Shysha will use her experience to deal with this situation.

"Fortunately, he had a breakthrough in a short time and must not know how to use his new powers. So we have a chance to win. Even though my level has regressed, I was an authentic cultivator of the Core Opening Stage. I just don't have the amount of energy in the world, but my powers can return when I replenish my body again."

The difference between the Body Opening Stage and the Core Opening Stage for the cultivation of demons is that in the second stage, demons create a core within their dantians to guard the accumulated energies. A first stage cultivator does not have a core within their bodies. This was the case with demons.

In the case of Chinese cultivators, they only do this in the third stage of cultivation. They create something to serve as a basis for the core in the first two stages.

Liu Yang had a drop of liquid shaped like a ball of light inside his dantian. When he reaches the second stage, he will have to condense the drop into a solid core.

But this is only for the future.

"Shysha, do you have confidence in dealing with that person?" Liu Yang was anxious about this.

"I do not know. It's been a while since the last time I fought and killed someone, so it's hard for me to talk about it. Besides, I don't know what kinds of tricks the other side has" Shysha spoke naturally about her killing someone.

"..." Liu Yang understands that he will also have to kill other people in the future.

In the world of cultivators, the law of the jungle rules. Even though it is forbidden to kill people in the mundane world. Cultivators live in a different world and the common rules are not applied to them, but they also need to follow the rules, otherwise, the whole world would be in great chaos.

"Liu Yang, I hope you don't get too close when the fight starts. Explosions of energy can severely affect you and cause injury to your body. You only trained until level 1 of the first stage of your Shaman training. You don't even know how to use your first skill yet, the Lightning Bolt" Shysha commented heavily.

If Liu Yang tries to do something, he will just be an easy target and a big distraction for her.

"..." He just heard her harsh words in silence, he knew his current situation was bad and he had no chance of winning the other side.

"Liu Yang, you just need to stay away while I deal with our target. You can learn some important things by looking at the fight." Shysha did not want to hurt Liu Yang.

For if he dies, she would also die with him.

"I understand ..." Liu Yang was discouraged because of his weakness. He could only hide and watch his future girlfriend risk her life in a fight.

(What kind of man am I? My future girlfriend is risking her life to fight. Can I just watch while she does this?) That thought came to his mind.