Yao Ming

Liu Yang and Shysha ran through various locations at the water treatment plant. They went through large vats and water channels to try to find their targets.

"Shysha, this place is really big." Liu Yang commented.

After running for some time, he was already getting tired and covered in sweat.

The physical training he did during the previous month showed great results. Liu Yang was not getting tired as fast as before, moreover, his body was reinforced by the thunder and world energies, which made him stronger than before.

Before, Liu Yang could only run for less than a minute. Now, he can run for about ten minutes without sweating.

The difference between before and after the training was obvious.

"Liu Yang, this place is a water treatment plant. Logically, this place will be large. We need to go to the place where the center of the energy array was placed. There are the energy crystals of the water element, and our target is after this thing." Shysha commented.

The only thing of value within this location was the energy crystals.

"Shysha, are these crystals created after the array absorbs the water element?" Liu Yang imagined that this would be the case.

"Yes. To prevent water from having magical powers, the government extracts that power to give to clans and their members who are cultivators. Or they can sell it too to get large amounts of wealth." Shysha understands how things work. She may be weak compared to other cultivators, but she has studied hard and knows many things.

"So can everything about cultivation that I read in WebNovels be used as a basis for the world of cultivators?" Liu Yang was becoming more and more convinced that he could learn a lot more by reading WebNovels about cultivation than studying a book in the library.

"Yes. You can do this, but there is a small detail that you need to remember" Shysha has already read these WebNovels about cultivation, so she knows that not everything that is written is true.

"What detail?" Liu Yang was curious about what was a lie and what was true.

"Liu Yang, we'll talk about this later. Our target is about a hundred meters ahead of us. You need to hide. I want you to stop running so I can have a vague idea of ​​the distance I can get away from you" Shysha ordered. They haven't had time to test this yet.

"Ok ..." Liu Yang was discouraged to hear those words, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Liu Yang stopped running and looked at Shysha running. Her figure was getting further and further away.

When the distance reached forty meters, the seal on their bodies appeared and Shysha was forced to stop.

The pair understood that this is the distance they need to stay.

Liu Yang also ran forward to help Shysha. She just kept running when she felt her body freer.

Inside a large room ...

The place was in the basement of the water treatment plant, this place is where the crystals collected by the employees were located.

"This is amazing!!!! Did the government really leave all these crystals here ?? They are not afraid of being stolen by me ??? !!! Hahaha!!!!" A middle-aged man looked at ten fist-sized crystals inside ten glass balls. This man was Yao Ming. He was what the clans call wandering cultivators.

The wandering cultivators were cultivators who had no clans or sect. Usually, these people were registered and could not cause problems in the mundane world.

The records are for knowing who these people are and what they are doing. This is to prevent them from overgrowing and opposing the clans and sects, unless, they join these two groups.

That was the way of China and the big clans and sects to control the cultivators, so they will always remain at the top and the most humble and weak cultivators will remain on the floor.

Each country had its own way of checking and how to deal with its cultivators.

By international rules, a cultivator can't comment about magic, cultivation, and supernatural things. At least those who really know about it. This can cause devastating problems for the society.

Ordinary people think that none of this exists and that everything is something of people's imagination to be able to write a book. So, they need to keep thinking that way.

But these rules were not always respected, one of these examples is from Yao Ming and his friend, they were trying to cause problems and steal the crystals that the government creates to be used by the big shots.

As an ordinary person, Yao Ming would have no chance of using this type of resource in his life. So he could only steal, whether from the government or big shots.

Many wandering cultivators did this, as it was normal. But this must happen in a way that does not cause problems for the worldly world.

"Water energy crystals. If I use five of these crystals, my water power will become much more powerful than it is now. It is really annoying that only the powerful clans and the strongest members of a sect can use this type of thing. Ordinary people like me can only settle for the world's weak energy and cultivate slowly." Yao Ming complained.

"Who's there?? Show up!!!!" He sensed the presence of someone behind him and shouted.

"A cultivator ?? !!" The casual clothes and the mask completely covered Shysha's appearance, but the energy of the world emanating from her body showed her status.

"You don't look like someone from the government, who are you?" Yao Ming was serious when he discovered the cultivation of Shysha.

The training of Chinese cultivators and demons was different, but the energy within their bodies was the same. Thus, Yao Ming managed to feel how strong Shysha was.

(This woman is at level 5 of the Body Opening Stage. Since she is wearing a mask, she must not be someone sent by the clans. She must be some wandering cultivator of some sect, who is following government orders.) Yao Ming thought. He was trying to find out Shysha's identity.

"You don't have to know who I am. You just need to know that I'm here to deal with you" Shysha didn't have to say much.

The energies of her body started to appear around you. An ornate silver knife was taken and Shysha was ready to fight.

"..." Yao Ming was solemn to see this scene. He understood that the other side really came to deal with him.

A sword appeared in his hands and he, too, was ready to fight.

Stomp !!!

Shuooo !!!

Shysha stepped heavily on the floor and charged towards Yao Ming.