Shall we plant a tree?

"Shysha, this ring is very beautiful." Liu Yang praised. He finally finished cleaning the dust off the gold ring.

The true appearance of the ring has been shown.

The gold ring was common and didn't have so many ornaments or anything. When the ring is separated into two, the jewels are separated and some strange designs are shown on the side. The designs can only be seen when the ring is separated.

"Yes. This ring is really beautiful. These drawings seem to represent a couple" Shysha tried to analyze the drawings, but she could see only a few things.

"Shysha, which side do you want?" The two sides of the ring looked almost the same, but some designs appear to be different.

"I choose this side. Let's try it out." Shysha pointed to the ring she wanted. She held up her hand for Liu Yang to put the ring on her ring finger.

"Shysha, I'll put it on" Liu Yang held her delicate fingers and put the ring on slowly.

However, something went wrong.

"Huh ??? Shysha, why can't the ring get into your finger?" Liu Yang tried in every way possible, but the ring would not fit.

"This is very strange. My finger is less fat than the ring circle, it should go in. Liu Yang changed the ring, tested that other one" Shysha thought a little and asked. She wanted to test her theory.

"This one?" Liu Yang looked at the other ring and tested it.

To the couple's surprise, the ring fit without any difficulty.

"Liu Yang, I think I know what this ring is." This scene made her realize what was going on.

"You found out?"

"Yes. Liu Yang, now, it's my turn. I will put the ring on your finger" Shysha took the other ring and put it on Liu Yang's ring finger.

The ring fit without any problem.

"Arg ..." But in the next instant, they both felt a little pain in their fingers. As if a needle had pierced the skin until it reached the bone.

A little blood dripped, but it looks like it was absorbed by the ring.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" This scene shocked Liu Yang, but when he looked at Shysha, she had a solemn face.

"Shysha, do you know what that ring is?" He asked curiously.

"Not. I don't know what this ring is, I just know it's some kind of mystical artifact." She spoke seriously.

"Oh ..."

The duo did not comment further, they just looked at the ring waiting to see what would happen next.

A few seconds later ...

The ring absorbed the pair's blood for a few seconds before stopping.

Zzzzzzz ...

A small glow covered the two rings before a thin line of energy connected the two rings.

"This is ..." Liu Yang felt a strange thing when it happened. He seemed to be feeling that Shysha was closer to him.

"Shysha, that feeling is a little strange" He has never felt anything like this before.

"Liu Yang, it looks like this ring is a ring for lovers. We are really lucky to get something like that." Shysha was impressed to see the true use of the ring.

"A ring for lovers? Shysha, is this one of those rings that allows two lovers to feel each other's presence?" Liu Yang knows what a lover's ring is because, in cultivation novels, this item is very common for couples.

"Yes. That's right. Liu Yang, it looks like you are really a person chosen by fate" Shysha hugged Liu Yang lying on top of him on the bed.

"..." He just took advantage of her warmth and the soft feeling in his chest.

The two held each other for some time before looking at each other with hot looks.

"Shysha ..."

"Liu Yang ..."

They did not resist and kissed passionately. The pair rolled from side to side on the bed.

Some minutes later…

"Shysha, it looks like the ring's connection got stronger" Liu Yang saw that the power line connecting the two rings got a little brighter and stronger after the kiss.

"Yes. Liu Yang, a ring of lovers has the power to see the love between two people. The stronger the love between the couple, the stronger the connection between the two rings. Currently, our love is not considered very deep as two married people, but we have emotions towards each other. That line proves it, the deeper the love, the stronger and brighter that line will be." Shysha was happy to see this.

The line is proof that Liu Yang had emotions for her and her also for him.

"Shysha, it seems like that phrase is really true. A couple does not need much time for there to be love between them. We have only known each other for just over a month, but we already have a line representing love in our hearts" Liu Yang took advantage of Shysha's warmth.

"Yes. Liu Yang, I told you, right? The only man I will ever have in my heart will be you. No one else can enter my heart but you" Shysha spoke in a loving voice.

After that night, when she heard Liu Yang speak that sentence. Shysha decided that he would be the man she would have for life.

The succubus had the habit of having many men when they didn't have a lover that was able to satisfy them. But when they meet a man they fall in love with, that man will be the only one in their lives until the end.

"I am happy to hear that" Liu Yang was very happy to hear those words.

"Is that you? Liu Yang, will I be the only woman in your life? Or are you going to want to be like many male cultivators who like to have a harem?" Shysha asked, but her tone contained a small threat.

"You will be my only wife. Unless you allow me to have another woman." Liu Yang replied playfully. He had no desire to have more than one woman. One is enough for his life.

"Liu Yang, why do you think I will allow you to have another woman? I am not a heroine in a cultivation novel. You know that, right? " Shysha laughed at his answer. But she commented with a tone of dissatisfaction and even pinched his waist.

"Shysha, are we going to plant some trees in the yard?" He changed the subject.

"Liu Yang, do you want to plant trees to improve the energy of nature around you?" She understood what he meant when he planted a tree.

"Yes. Shamans like to have nature around, so I think it would be good to plant one or two trees in the backyard."

"This is a good idea. Liu Yang, if you meditate next to a tree that you planted and cared for, you are more likely to learn some things about nature"

"But what kind of tree should I plant?"

"Liu Yang, you can plant a tree that has fruit to attract some animals. Animals are Shaman guides."

"I see ... So I'm going to plant a fruit tree."