Lian Jin

"Shysha, what kind of fruit tree do you think is good for attracting small animals? Animals like butterflies, cats, bats, birds, or any other animal." Liu Yang dug a small hole in the backyard area. He didn't know whether his parents would complain about it or not.

Anything, he would just say it was something he did to his girlfriend.

"Liu Yang, each type of tree attracts different types of animals. You don't have to think about what to plant, you just need to plant. I want to plant a peach tree, I like the story of the child who was born from a giant peach. Liu Yang, what do you think?" Shysha had a seed in her hands.

"If you want to plant a peach tree, I don't see any problem with that." Liu Yang agreed with her. He had no idea which fruit to plant.

As Shysha already chose, he accepted her proposal.

But before she put it in the hole. She wetted the seed with her blood.

"Shysha, what are you doing?" Liu Yang saw what she did, but he didn't understand why she did it.

"This is for luck. I hope the tree will grow and be healthy. If we are lucky, in a few years, we can have a child. In the same way that we are planting the tree." Shysha commented. She had an open mind on this subject.

"!!!!" Liu Yang was startled when he heard the part of the two of them having a child. Wasn't that too fast?

"Liu Yang, it's your turn. Cut your finger and place a drop of blood on the seed before planting. It will show that we are doing this together as a couple. Heaven and earth are seeing what we are doing" Shysha placed the seed towards him.

The seed was the size of a fingertip, its brown color mixed with Shysha's blood made the seed look a little mysterious.

"OK." Liu Yang cut his finger and dropped a drop of blood from the seed.

"I hope I can see this tree bearing fruit someday" Shysha murmured before putting the seed into the hole.

"Liu Yang, let's cover the hole together"

"Ok" The two used their hands to throw the earth and cover the hole.

The depth was a little big, Liu Yang dug about half a meter.

When the two were finished, they watered the place together with water.

"Hey Liu Yang, what are you doing? Did you miss class again?" A female voice was heard from the other side.

Looking towards the voice, Liu Yang saw that she was a young woman of sixteen or seventeen years old. Her long, black hair fell down to her back, her slim figure, but curvy, was quite attractive.

The young woman wore a high school student's uniform from some high school in the city. It is possible to see light makeup on her face.

"Lian Jin, I am planting a tree with my girlfriend. I had some health problems a few days ago, but I'm fine already" Liu Yang vaguely answered her question. He lied about the health problem because it was forbidden to talk about cultivation and things like that.

Unless this conversation was about web novels and things like that. Since the government and clans forbid real cultivators to reveal the existence of mythical creatures and superpowers.

"Girlfriend? Liu Yang, when you got a girlfriend ..." Lian Jin was about to finish her sentence, but Shysha's figure appeared.

Despite her clothes, her hands and feet are a little dirty. This did not hide her natural and seductive beauty.

(A foreign beauty!!!!) Lian Jin shouted mentally. She never thought that Liu Yang would be dating a foreign beauty.

But when she looked down, another thought came to her mind.

(Big !!!!! Her breasts are very big !!!!!) Lian Jin has never seen a girl with breasts as big as Shysha's.

(She is really worthy of being called a foreign big breast beauty!!!!) She thought again.

"Liu Yang, do your parents know that you are dating?" Lian Jin asked curiously. She had known Liu Yang for a long time, so it was very strange for her to discover that the introverted young man who just likes to stay indoors playing on the computer is dating.

This was a very strange situation.

"I guess so. Uncle Lian may have said something to them. He saw me a few days ago going out with her to the festival." Liu Yang replied.

The uncle Lian that Liu Yang refers to was the father of Lian Jin.

When the pair left during the night to go to the festival, he had seen Liu Yang and Shysha leaving the house together.

"Ohh… If my dad saw you two, he must have called your parents. Liu Yang, I almost forgot to say that. Congratulations on getting a girlfriend, at least that way, you can get out of your room and see the real world." Lian Jin jokes.

"..." Liu Yang could only scratch his nose at that comment.

"Liu Yang, I am going back to my home. I see you some other day. I apologize for the late presentation, my name is Lian Jin. What's your name?" She introduced herself quickly and casually.

"My name is Shysha. It is a pleasure to meet you" Shysha also introduced herself to Lian Jin.

"It is a pleasure to meet you too. Until some other day. " Lian Jin walked away from Liu Yang's entrance door and crossed the street.

Her house was across the street.

"Liu Yang, is she your childhood friend?" Shysha asked curiously. She noticed some things from the way that Lian Jin spoke to Liu Yang.

The two were very casual with each other.

"I guess so. Shysha, you don't have to worry about her." Liu Yang did not know whether Shysha was jealous or not.

"I am not worried about your childhood friend. We are not living inside a novel to appear as a childhood friend as a heroine. Besides, she smells like some boy on her body. The two must have been holding each other for a long time" Shysha commented casually. She had a sharp nose to smell people.

"I think she was with her boyfriend. I remember that uncle Lian had said something about it. But are we going to put that matter aside and go back? Shysha, we need to take a shower and wash this mess" Liu Yang gestured to her.

"Yes. Let's take a bath. Liu Yang, tonight, I have a surprise for you" Shysha spoke mysteriously.

"Which is?" Liu Yang was curious.

"It is a surprise for you. I guarantee you will like it." Shysha kissed his lips before entering the house.