You look like a sugar baby

The next day…

"Liu Yang, you finally showed up at school after three days. Your night with that foreign older sister must have been very intense. Tell me the truth, is she like in foreign porn movie actress?" Ren Wu jokes. He didn't know what had happened to Liu Yang so he missed the first three days of school.

He was startled when Shysha answered the phone and said that Liu Yang was having some problems after the night at the festival and he commented on a lot of random things. Li Wei was also scared about this.

The two thought that Liu Yang had exaggerated his food and that the mixture of so many different things made him sick. That is the opinion of the two.

"I'd rather not talk about it." Liu Yang avoided answering that.

Although he had already seen Shysha's naked body during the bath the day before. Liu Yang was shocked by that vision of paradise.

"Liu Yang, it looks like some male students are jealous and envious of you. They saw you with a foreign beauty with big boobs on a date. Many of them were burning with envy and jealousy. That was really fun to see" Ren Wu commented. He found the scene very amusing.

"How do you know that?" Liu Yang didn't know how Ren Wu knew about these things.

"A group of idiots came to us showing envy and jealousy, they wanted to know where you were and how an idiot like you managed to find such a beautiful girlfriend" Li Wei replied.

During classes, the previous days, a group of somewhat wealthy young men from the city approached him and Ren Wu to find out how Liu Yang found a foreign beauty to be his girlfriend. Besides, she is a little older than he is due to her slightly more adult appearance.

"I don't think they will be able to look for her. She already left and went back to Shanghai"Liu Yang commented with a little sadness.

Shysha had to go back to university because her vacation was already over and she needed to work things out.

"Is she a college student? Doesn't she seem to be from our country, is she from the exchange?"

"Yes. She came from some country in Europe to study here in China"

"Liu Yang, this is incredible. You look like a sugar baby and she's a rich woman." Ren Wu jokes.

That was true.

To exchange, the person needs a lot of money to pay for lodging, food, and transportation.

Shysha was not a very rich woman, but she was not poor. She and her mother had a considerable amount of wealth far above average. So it was no problem for her to travel to several countries in the world.

"I prefer not to comment on that."

"Liu Yang, how did you find her? Besides, why would a person like her come to the city like this? We are practically inland with few things to visit. If she wanted to visit somewhere, she could stay in Shanghai or any other part of the coast like Hong Kong and Macau." Li Wei did not seem to understand why someone like Shysha traveled so far to this small town.

"I met her at the mall when I was relaxing a little. She came to this city to rest for a while before going back to university." Liu Yang explained vaguely. He would not say that Shysha came to him to steal his bracelet and try to kill him.

"Ohh… Liu Yang, you are really lucky to have managed to attract a beautiful girl like her. Besides, she knows how to speak our language perfectly like a native person" Li Wei commented.

"Yes. I am very lucky. It seems that the old man's words were true. That bracelet really brought me luck" Liu Yang joked.

"Liu Yang, you are really lucky. Also, have you gone so far and bought wedding rings? Isn't that too early?" Ren Wu noticed the golden ring on Liu Yang's finger.

"This is a custom for Westerners. When they are dating, they wear a ring on their fingers to show it."

"But a gold ring? Liu Yang, this ring looks like the ones that old Wang sells in his shop. Did you two buy it there?"

"Yes. I took her to the antique store to buy a gift. She chose a special ring that can be separated into two rings. Each of us has a half"

"I didn't know that this type of ring existed. I think I will go with my girlfriend to buy a ring like that too"

"I will also do this. But does that old man sell something else that can also be divided into two pieces?"

"Yes. There are also bracelets and other things that can be used there, but we opted for a ring"

"Let's put that matter aside. Liu Yang, did you see that the rumors stopped? It seems that things have been resolved." Li Wei changed the subject and asked.

"Yes. I noticed that. I went to look at the blogs yesterday and there was nothing about the rumors. What do you think may have happened?" Liu Yang pretended that he didn't know anything related to what happened on Sunday. And commented on what he saw yesterday.

Things like cultivation and fights with magic should not be talked about to normal people.

"I think the government must have resolved matters about this. The rumor about them sending people into town and investigating has been spread before, right? They must have been able to work things out and it was over" Ren Wu showed his thoughts on the matter.

"This may be true. Or the rumors were just rumors. Just it." Liu Yang commented. He preferred to keep his friends out of this kind of situation because it is very dangerous.

"Ordinary people like us will never know if it was just a lie or something." Li Wei spoke deeply.

That kind of thing was way beyond them, who were normal people.

The duo was chatting happily about various random subjects. They did not realize that a group of young people was walking towards them.

The group was led by a handsome-looking young man, but he had an arrogant aura.

"So you are the person called Liu Yang" The young man in front of the group looked with disdain at the trio, but jealousy and envy cannot be hidden from his face when he looked at Liu Yang.

"You're?" Liu Yang did not know who this group was.

As someone who just went to school to study and talk to friends before leaving, Liu Yang had zero interest in other things.

"Liu Yang, this is one of those idiots I talked about before" Ren Wu quietly commented to Liu Yang.